Form will not save

We created several forms in LiveCycle and enabled them to be filled and saved in Adobe Reader.  When you open the form in Adobe Reader, it says you can save the information, but when you save as or save the form returns to blank, except for the very last signature section.  Help

Are you absolutely sure the fields are blank?
Does this happen for all forms form all computers?
Some forms?
Are any Apple computers involved?
There is a well known issue with Apple's Preview application corrupting PDF forms and other features of PDFs.

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    As an admin I cannot save. If I use the SmartView connection I am able to populate the database.
    I know this is either something security related
    Edited by: jts on Jul 7, 2010 10:25 AM

    Thanks all it was a combo of both. I remember now the implied sharing.
    The dimension did only have one child to one parent but the form was the problem. We had idescendants on it and store on the parent and it was wiping out the data each time.
    For now since it is a very unused member the parent is still at store as I check our allocation scripts but the form was switch to use the direct child.
    all is good

  • Oracle Form will not load in browser

    Oracle Database
    Oracle Forms
    OS XP SP2
    This is for testing so this is all local, no application server in use
    I have setup a very simple form using only one canvas with two fields.
    Login to Forms Dev->Start OC4J->Connect to DB->Compile->Run Form
    When opening in;
    Explorer 7 -
    "Do you want to open or save file" therefore I adjusted the security settings, it will automatically open the file but it will only display the Oracle Forms header in the page, this is all. If I open the file in notepad I see the form I have run being called but it will not display
    Foxfire -
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    Anyone have an idea

    thank you for the reply,
    the form will not even load, to be more clear (sorry) I will speak of Internet Explorer since other threads in this forum state issues w/ Firefox and Java
    Run the Form->'Oracle Forms.' will display in the browser (not the actual form though)-> you hear the sound indicating something has been blocked->allow-> Error - Internet Explorere has encountered a problem and needs to close.
    When selecting more
    Error signature
    AppName: iexplore.exe
    AppVer: 7.0.6000.16473
    ModName: jvm.dll
    Offset 0004ed44
    This is the HTML that is in the file being loaded;
    <html> <head> ORACLE FORMS.</head>
    <body onload="document.pform.submit();" >
    <form name="pform" action="http://MIS87129:8889/forms90/f90servlet" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="form" value="C:\oracle\Forms_FMB\BLOB_TEST.fmx">
    <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="SYSTEM/SYSTEM@test1">
    <input type="hidden" name="obr" value="yes">
    <input type="hidden" name="array" value="YES">
    </form> </body></html>
    There is a further detailed report attached to that but the size of it is much like a trace file in Oracle DB =), I don't know if you can assist with the info provided.
    Message was edited by:

  • Adobe Reader will not save or show the Save dialog

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated by both my boss and myself!

    You mention IE, so I assume that you are on Windows.
    How are you trying to save that PDF, using the IE menu bar File Save as, or the floating toolbar in the Adobe Reader plugin?

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    I am having the same problem with signatures.  I am including a form in a pdf portfolio to collect signatures from different users who have Reader.  I make sure that features have been extended for reader. Most of the time they are okay.  But every once in a while (at least one every two weeks) I get a user telling me they can't sign.  No message or error of any kind, just a quick blink but no signature.  As a work-around I've had to save a copy and re-extend features.  This can be time consuming when there are a few documents I need to circulate.  Please advise.

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    Any idea what the issue is?

    I have had this problem as well and this is my take on it. It can open the files being that it's .ai format but it can't just save them again being that the previous save format was 32bit and now the save format is 64bit and when you ask it to save a 32bit file it wants to save it as 32bit again but illustrator can't do that from a 64bit system. The bit size does make a difference but if you go to save as instead of save it will save it and you can write over it. What your doing then is saving a new 64bit file over the old 32bit file.

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    I have what seems to be a similar issue. Are you having other issues like mine?
    Macbook air      11-inch, Late 2010
                            4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    Software           Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53)
    I have updated the latest combi update from the apple site and still have the same issue.
    No matter what I try every time I restart my Mac all my preferences and applications reset. (Also preferences don't save when exiting the preference folder)
    For example when in >system preferences>general -untick the 'restore windows when quitting and re-open apps' I exit preferences and then go back in to check it has automatically reticked the box.
    I have deleted 2 applications several times (including removing the icon from the dock) and each time after restarting it shows a question mark on the dock where I had deleted it from.
    On restart I loose downloads and history in safai.
    On restart it re opens documents and applications I have quite even after unticking the restore applications on restart box (the one that comes up when shutting down or restarting)
    I have been trying to solve this for a month now and it really is frustrating the **** out of me.
    helpppp pleaseee...

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    Heres a patch for missing scanned images
    Heres the link for the full feature software download
    and use this document for ink related issues
    Hope this helps..
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    *Say thanks by clicking the "Kudos! Star" which is on the left*
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer with "Accept as Solution" if it solves your issue.

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    Is there any way to fix this? This is something I use every day.
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    Thank you

    My Photos app works the same on iOS 5 as it did on iOS 4 i.e. I can have a different track for each album. When I select a track for a photo album I then start the slideshow so that it shows the first couple of photos with the track playing - I'm not sure it's necessary to start the slideshow but I always do and it remembers that track for that album.

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    After you insert the CD but before you import it into iTunes, select all tracks and set the disc number to 1, 2, 3 ... as appropriate.



    Well, not sure if having the disk in a firewire case or over a network would have made a difference.
    The solution of making a disk image as in article was what worked for me.
    After, mounting the disk image the Migration Assistant completed without errors. So far everything seems to be working like it did on 10.4.11.

  • Pages 5.0 will not save documents created in Pages 09

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    1. Is it possible you installed from a demo installer and your 30 day trial period is up, when it goes into Read Only mode?
    2. Where and what was your purchased disk?
    3. Where are you saving to?
    4. Have you tried saving somewhere else eg an external hard drive and see what happens then?
    5. The auto-saving issue with Pages 5.2.2 could be problems with iCloud and online access.

  • Photoshop CS6 - Batch function will not save files

    OK, I have used the "Automate/Batch" function well over a hundred times, so this situation (first time using it in CS6) is VERY frustrating!
    Running Adobe CS6 extended v. 13.0.1 x32 on a Win XP sp3 OS.
    I have a slew of photos that need nothing done except to resize from the native file size to 6 in x 4 in @ 150 ppi and save into a new folder (to not override the original).  I have recorded the action multiple times now and each time I run the action, the files do not save! Here are the various parameters I've used:
    Attempt #1:
         Action Steps Recorded -
    Save for web (set size parameters here)
          Batch settings -
    Play Set: correct folder selected; Action: correct action selected
    Source: folder - selected folder where native files are located (on desktop)
    NO checkmarks next to any options
    Destination: folder - selected folder where small files should be saved (on desktop)
    NO checkmark on override action
    Did not change file naming parameters
    Result #1 - DID NOT SAVE FILES
    Attempt #2:
         Action Steps Recorded -
    Save for web (set size parameters here)
         Batch settings -
    Play Set: correct folder selected; Action: correct action selected
    Source: folder - selected folder where native files are located (on desktop)
    Cehckmark override Action "Open" commands
    Destination: folder - selected folder where small files should be saved (on desktop)
    NO checkmark on override action
    Did not change file naming parameters
    Result #2 - DID NOT SAVE FILES
    Attempt #3:
         Action Steps Recorded -
    Save for web (set size parameters here)
          Batch settings -
    Play Set: correct folder selected; Action: correct action selected
    Source: folder - selected folder where native files are located (on desktop)
    Checkmark override action "Open" commands
    Destination: folder - selected folder where small files should be saved (on desktop) 
    Checkmark override action "Save As" commands
    Did not change file naming parameters
    Result #3- DID NOT SAVE FILES
    Attempt #4:
         Action Steps Recorded -
    Image Size (set parameters here)
    Save as (set folder location here)
         Batch settings -
    Play Set: correct folder selected; Action: correct action selected
    Source: folder - selected folder where native files are located (on desktop)
    Checkmark override Action "Open" commands
    Destination: folder - selected folder where small files should be saved (on desktop) 
    NO checkmark on override action
    Did not change file naming parameters
    Result #4- DID NOT SAVE FILES
    Attempt #5:
         Action Steps Recorded -
    Image Size (set parameters here)
    Save as (set folder location here)
           Batch settings - 
    Play Set: correct folder selected; Action: correct action selected
    Source: folder - selected folder where native files are located (on desktop)
    Checkmark override action "Open" commands
    Destination: folder - selected folder where small files should be saved (on desktop) 
    Checkmark override action "Save As" commands
    Did not change file naming parameters
    Result #5- DID NOT SAVE FILES
    Please help!  This has never been a problem before CS6 and I truly am at my wits end trying to figure out why the files will not save.  I have several hundred files that I need to run this on, so doing it individually is not an option.
    Thanks in advance for any and all insights!

    I'm having a problem with Automating > Batch as well. Strange enough, I did a batch of other photos and it worked fine. Selecting a new set of folders is not working at all; the files simply pop open and then close but the destination folder remains empty. It also doesn't appear the actions are occuring since I don't see them highlighting as the automation runs. I have no idea why it would work then not. BTW, "Override Action "Save As" is unchecked.
    UPDATE: I put a "save as" command at the beginning of the action, then checked the "Override Action "Save As" box and it somehow works now, but not before stalling on an image (normally the last in the folder) and complaining that the image was being used in another program. The only other program opened was Bridge so I'm unsure why it had a problem. I closed both programs and ran the automation with nothing else opened and it worked ... ?? Confused, but not complaining (for now).

  • Firefox will not save Site Certificate Exceptions even when checked to do so.

    I have a publicly free Wifi Access point near by that I use daily. When logging on to this site I get a Warning about the Sites Certificate and do I want to proceed, I choose YES and then are asked if I want to make this exception permanent and I put a check mark in the box for yes and press accept. This is suppose to permanently accept this websites certificate in the future. It does not.. It will not save the exception from one session to the next.
    IN SHORT: Firefox failure to permanently store website Certificate exceptions.

    Make sure that you do not run Firefox in (permanent) Private Browsing mode.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.
    See also:
    *Tools > Options > Security: Passwords: "Remember passwords for sites"

  • My Mac Acrobat XI 11.0.7 will not save as WORD/ PowerPoint / etc.

    My Mac Acrobat XI 11.0.7 will not save as WORD/ PowerPoint / etc.
    Is there anything I should check out or turn on so I can save PDFs at PowerPoint?

    Whenever I try to save a pdf to WORD, POWERPOINT OR HTML page I get this error --- Save As failed to process this document. No file was created.
    Problem occured when I upgraded to XI. I am using a Mac OS X 10.9.4 and Mac Office 2008.
    I have been on chats with Adobe online and on the phone several times and they can resolve the problem.
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled Acrobat XI but still have problem

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