Format ,write itab to screen

Hi all,
Its embarassing as this is a continuation of something from my previous post.But unfortunately I have to do this as Iam new To ABAP and I have to meet a deadline tommorow.
Have an itab structure as follows(Thanks to marcin)
      matnr TYPE matnr,
      land  TYPE c,
      month(5) TYPE c,
      qua TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
     END OF t_itab.
TYPES: tt_itab TYPE TABLE OF t_itab WITH KEY matnr land month.
The output of the itab is as follows:
100                A  11.09             5,00
100                A  12.09             0,00
100                A  01.10             5,00
100                A  02.10             4,00
100                A  03.10             5,00
100                B  11.09             0,00
100                B  12.09             5,00
100                B  01.10             0,00
100                B  02.10             0,00
100                B  03.10             0,00
100                C  11.09             4,00
100                C  12.09             0,00
100                C  01.10             0,00
100                C  02.10             0,00
100                C  03.10             0,00
I have to write a "header" as follows using "Write" statement(In Bold) and arrange,sum up the values of the itab and show it as below.
The last "Sum" row if possible in bold .
Any thing to make it look better in the screen is welcome.
The idea for me was to get the outputLines into a string(Line) and write the line to screen.Iam working on it but it is a slow process.
MaterialNumber  Land   11.09 12.09 01.10  02.10  03.10   Total
100               A      5     0     5      4      5       19
100               B      0     5     0      0      0        5
100               C      4     0     0      0      0        4
           Sum      9     5     5      4        5        28
Edited by: pazzuzu on Mar 18, 2010 11:51 AM

For this one you need some exercise to do it; please find the code below;
data: begin of it_output occurs 0,
matnr type matnr,
land   type land1,
month1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2, "define 30 to 40 colums as per your requirement
month2 type p decimals 2,
month30  type p decimals 2,
end of it_output,
begin of it_fieldinfo,
end of it_fieldinfo.
field-symbols <fs_amt> type p decimals 2.
data: l_name(20).
sort t_tab by matnr land month.
loop at t_tab.
read table it_fieldinfo with key fval = month.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
   concatenate 'IT_OUTPUT-' it_fieldinfo-fname into l_name.
   assign (l_name) to <fs_amt>.
   if <fs_amt> is assigned.
      <fs_amt> = t_tab-qua.
describe table it_fieldinfo.
add 1 to sy-tfill.
l_name = sy-tfill.
concatenate 'MONTH' l_name into l_name.
shift l_name left deleting leading space.
it_fieldinf0-fname = l_name+0(6).
it_fieldinfo-fval = t_tab-month.
append it_fieldinfo.
concatenate 'IT_OUTPUT-' it_fieldinfo-fname into l_name.
   assign (l_name) to <fs_amt>.
   if <fs_amt> is assigned.
      <fs_amt> = t_tab-qua.
it_output-matnr = t_tab-matnr.
it_output-land  = t_tab-land.
append it_output.
clear: it_output,
***write header of the output
write: /2 'Material Number',
          25 'Land'.
data: l_val type i,
        l_no type i.
l_val = 25.
loop at it_fieldinfo.
add 10 to l_Val.
write at pos(10) it_fieldinfo-fval.
clear it_fieldinfo.
***write the details
*describe table it_fieldinfo lines l_no.
loop at it_output.
write: /2 it_output-matnr,
          25 it_output-land,
         35 it_output-month1,
       255 it_output-month30.
at last.
write: / 35 it_output-month1,
       255 it_output-month30.
clear it_output.
I hope it will solve issue. Do some logic building to stop the printing month values at exact no.of months exists in the it_fieldinfo.

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    the following works for me..
    *& Report  ZPMONAT                                                     *
    report  zpmonat                                 .
    tables: s031.
    selection-screen begin of block abc.
    select-options:  sl_spmon for s031-spmon.
    selection-screen end of block abc.
    at selection-screen on value-request for sl_spmon-low.
      perform monat_f4.
    at selection-screen on value-request for sl_spmon-high.
      perform monat_f4.
    *&      Form  monat_f4
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    form monat_f4 .
      data: begin of mf_dynpfields occurs 1.
              include structure dynpread.
      data: end   of mf_dynpfields.
      data: mf_returncode   like sy-subrc,
            mf_monat        like isellist-month,
            mf_hlp_repid    like sy-repid.
      field-symbols: <mf_feld>.
    * Wert von Dynpro lesen
      get cursor field mf_dynpfields-fieldname.
      append mf_dynpfields.
      mf_hlp_repid = sy-repid.
      do 2 times.
        call function 'DYNP_VALUES_READ'
            dyname               = mf_hlp_repid
            dynumb               = sy-dynnr
            dynpfields           = mf_dynpfields
            invalid_abapworkarea = 01
            invalid_dynprofield  = 02
            invalid_dynproname   = 03
            invalid_dynpronummer = 04
            invalid_request      = 05
            no_fielddescription  = 06
            undefind_error       = 07.
        if sy-subrc = 3.
    *     Aktuelles Dynpro ist Wertemengenbild
          mf_hlp_repid = 'SAPLALDB'.
          read table mf_dynpfields index 1.
    *     Unterstriche durch Blanks ersetzen
          translate mf_dynpfields-fieldvalue using '_ '.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
    *   Konvertierung ins interne Format
        call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_PERI_INPUT'
            input         = mf_dynpfields-fieldvalue
            output        = mf_monat
            error_message = 1.
        if mf_monat is initial.
    *     Monat ist initial => Vorschlagswert aus akt. Datum ableiten
          mf_monat = sy-datlo(6).
        call function 'POPUP_TO_SELECT_MONTH'
            actual_month               = mf_monat
            selected_month             = mf_monat
            return_code                = mf_returncode
            factory_calendar_not_found = 01
            holiday_calendar_not_found = 02
            month_not_found            = 03.
        if sy-subrc = 0 and mf_returncode = 0.
    *     ASSIGN (MF_DYNPFIELDS-FIELDNAME) TO <MF_FELD>. " ==>> note 148804
    *     <MF_FELD> = MF_MONAT.
          call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_PERI_OUTPUT'
              input  = mf_monat
              output = mf_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
          collect mf_dynpfields.
          call function 'DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE'
              dyname               = mf_hlp_repid
              dynumb               = sy-dynnr
              dynpfields           = mf_dynpfields
              invalid_abapworkarea = 01
              invalid_dynprofield  = 02
              invalid_dynproname   = 03
              invalid_dynpronummer = 04
              invalid_request      = 05
              no_fielddescription  = 06
              undefind_error       = 07.           "<<== note 148804
    endform.                                                    " monat_f4
    Suresh Datti

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  • Internal Table output in customer format ; write statement

    Hello All,
    I need help in printing the O/P.
    Currently the program is displaying ALV.
    However I need the O/P to be displayed like.
    Code is below - Dynamically it will show the table contents
    according to the tabel name.
    p_tname TYPE tabname16 OBLIGATORY, " DEFAULT 'MARA' ,
    p_rows(5) TYPE c DEFAULT '200'.
    CLASS lcl_dynamic DEFINITION
    EXCEPTIONS invalid_table,
    EXCEPTIONS no_data_found,
    TYPE-POOLS: abap.
    CLASS-DATA: tab TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
    wa_tab TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
    comp_tab TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
    i_tab TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr,
    i_table TYPE REF TO data.
    ENDCLASS. "lcl_dynamic DEFINITION
    METHOD check_selection.
    FROM dd02l
    WHERE tabname = p_tname
    AND as4local = 'A'
    AND tabclass = 'TRANSP'.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    RAISE invalid_table.
    ENDMETHOD. "check_selection
    METHOD main.
    tab ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( p_tname ).
    comp_tab = tab->get_components( ).
    wa_tab = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( comp_tab ).
    i_tab = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create( wa_tab ).
    CREATE DATA i_table TYPE HANDLE i_tab.
    ASSIGN i_table->* TO <f_tab1>.
    IF p_rows IS INITIAL.
    p_rows = '50000'.
    *Get data
    SELECT * FROM (p_tname)
    INTO TABLE <f_tab1>
    UP TO p_rows ROWS.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    RAISE no_data_found.
    ENDMETHOD. "main
    METHOD display.
    SET TITLEBAR sy-title
    OF PROGRAM sy-cprog
    WITH 'Display table:' p_tname.
    l_gr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
    l_gr_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions.
    CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
    r_salv_table = l_gr_alv
    t_table = <f_tab1>.
    CATCH cx_salv_msg . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    l_gr_functions = l_gr_alv->get_functions( ).
    l_gr_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
    l_gr_alv->display( ).
    ENDMETHOD. "display
    CALL METHOD lcl_dynamic=>check_selection
    invalid_table = 1.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    MESSAGE e001(00) WITH
    p_tname ' is not a Transparant Table'.
    CALL METHOD lcl_dynamic=>main
    no_data_found = 1.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    MESSAGE i001(00) WITH 'No data found'.
    CALL METHOD lcl_dynamic=>display.

    hi varun,
    amandep is correct ...use REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY .If still you have problem in formatting then go through this code used for ALV display.
    *& Report  ZYOGALVEX1
    type-pools: slis.
    tables: zyogstudent,t001.
    data: itab like zyogstudent occurs 0 with header line.
    data: begin of jtab occurs 0,
          bukrs like t001-bukrs,
          butxt like t001-butxt,
          ort01 like t001-ort01,
          stceg like t001-stceg,
          end of jtab.
    data: field_cat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          xlayout type slis_layout_alv,
          i_sort type slis_t_sortinfo_alv.
      perform get_data.
      perform dis_lay.
      perform dis_sort.
      perform display.
    *&      Form  get_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form get_data .
      select * from zyogstudent into table itab.
      select bukrs ort01 stceg butxt  from t001 into corresponding fields of table jtab.
           perform field_init using field_cat.
    endform.                    " get_data
    *&      Form  dis_lay
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form dis_lay .
      xlayout-zebra = 'X'.
      xlayout-no_keyfix = 'X'.
      xlayout-flexible_key = 'X'.
      xlayout-colwidth_optimize = 'skip'.
      xlayout-header_text = 'this is using header text'.
    endform.                    " dis_lay
    *&      Form  dis_sort
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form dis_sort .
      data l_sort type slis_sortinfo_alv.
        l_sort-fieldname = 'ZNAME'.
        l_sort-tabname = 'ZYOGSTUDENT'.
        l_sort-spos = 1.
        l_sort-up = 'X'.
        append l_sort to i_sort.
    endform.                    " dis_sort
    *&      Form  field_init
         -->P_FIELD_CAT  text
    form field_init  using    p_field_cat.
      data wa_cat type slis_fieldcat_alv.
           wa_cat-fieldname = 'ZNAME'.
           wa_cat-tabname = 'zyogstudent'.
           wa_cat-outputlen = 25.
           wa_cat-seltext_m = 'ZNAME'.
           wa_cat-just = 'L'.
           append wa_cat to field_cat.
           wa_cat-fieldname = 'ZCLASS'.
           wa_cat-tabname = 'zyogstudent'.
           wa_cat-outputlen = 25.
           wa_cat-seltext_m = 'ZCLASS'.
           wa_cat-just = 'C'.
           append wa_cat to field_cat.
            wa_cat-fieldname = 'ZFEES'.
           wa_cat-tabname = 'zyogstudent'.
           wa_cat-outputlen = 25.
           wa_cat-seltext_m = 'ZFEES'.
           wa_cat-just = 'C'.
           append wa_cat to field_cat.
           wa_cat-fieldname = 'ZADD'.
           wa_cat-tabname = 'zyogstudent'.
           wa_cat-outputlen = 25.
           wa_cat-seltext_m = 'ZADD'.
           wa_cat-just = 'R'.
           append wa_cat to field_cat.
    endform.                    " field_init
    *&      Form  display
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form display .
       I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM                = 'sy-repid'
      I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET          = ' '
      I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND           = ' '
      I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE            = ' '
      I_STRUCTURE_NAME                  = itab
       I_GRID_TITLE                      = 'This is grid title'
       IS_LAYOUT                         = xlayout
       IT_FIELDCAT                       = FIELD_CAT
       IT_SORT                           = i_sort
       I_DEFAULT                         = 'X'
      I_SAVE                            = ' '
      IT_EVENTS                         =
        t_outtab                          = itab.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    endform.                    " display

  • How to write in selection screen after the select option field?

    Please help me with this...
    i need to write format of date after the select option field in the selection screen.
    its like..
    date ___________  to ___________     <b>yyyymmdd</b>
    points will be awarded..

    Use  selection-screen comment 1(31) text-005 -> this will give you format option.
    See the below sysntax ,you have to use like this
    Selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    selection-screen comment 1(31) text-004.
    parameter:        r_1   radiobutton group rad1.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    Aging  Report
    selection-screen comment 1(31) text-005.
    parameter:        r_2   radiobutton group rad1.
    selection-screen comment 40(30) text-003.
    parameter: p_expir as checkbox.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen begin of line.
    Materials with no Expiry Date
    selection-screen comment 1(31) text-006.
    parameter:        r_3   radiobutton group rad1.
    selection-screen comment 40(30) text-007.
    parameter : p_bin as checkbox ."default 'X'.
    selection-screen end of line.
    selection-screen end of block b2.
    selection-screen end of block b0.

  • Formatting the itab

    Hi all,Below is a running code:
    TYPES:BEGIN OF t_itab,
         matnr TYPE matnr,
         land  TYPE c,
         month(5) TYPE c,
         qua TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
        END OF t_itab.
    TYPES: tt_itab TYPE TABLE OF t_itab WITH KEY matnr land month.
    DATA: itab TYPE tt_itab WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: itab_fill TYPE tt_itab WITH HEADER LINE.
    itab-matnr = '100'.
    itab-land = 'A'.
    itab-month = '01.10'.
    itab-qua = 5.
    APPEND itab.
    itab-matnr = '100'.
    itab-land = 'A'.
    itab-month = '02.10'.
    itab-qua = 4.
    APPEND itab.
    itab-matnr = '100'.
    itab-land = 'A'.
    itab-month = '03.10'.
    itab-qua = 5.
    APPEND itab.
    itab-matnr = '100'.
    itab-land = 'A'.
    itab-month = '11.09'.
    itab-qua = 5.
    APPEND itab.
    itab-matnr = '100'.
    itab-land = 'B'.
    itab-month = '12.09'.
    itab-qua = 5.
    APPEND itab.
    itab-matnr = '100'.
    itab-land = 'C'.
    itab-month = '11.09'.
    itab-qua = 4.
    APPEND itab.
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_monthcalc OCCURS 0,
              month TYPE  c LENGTH 30,
            END OF gt_monthcalc.
    gt_monthcalc-month = '11.09'.
    APPEND gt_monthcalc.
    gt_monthcalc-month = '12.09'.
    APPEND gt_monthcalc.
    gt_monthcalc-month = '01.10'.
    APPEND gt_monthcalc.
    gt_monthcalc-month = '02.10'.
    APPEND gt_monthcalc.
    gt_monthcalc-month = '03.10'.
    APPEND gt_monthcalc.
    SORT itab BY matnr land month.
    DATA itab1 TYPE tt_itab WITH HEADER LINE.
    itab1[] = itab[].
    LOOP AT gt_monthcalc.
      LOOP AT itab1.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itab1 TO itab_fill.
        itab_fill-month = gt_monthcalc-month.
        CLEAR itab_fill-qua.
        APPEND itab_fill.
    SORT itab_fill BY matnr land month.
    LOOP AT itab_fill.
      matnr = itab_fill-matnr
      land  = itab_fill-land
      month = itab_fill-month BINARY SEARCH.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        itab_fill-qua = itab-qua.
        MODIFY itab_fill.
    SORT itab_fill BY matnr land month+3(2) month(2).
    LOOP AT itab_fill.
      WRITE: / itab_fill-matnr, itab_fill-land,
               itab_fill-month, itab_fill-qua.
    From the  itab_fill,I have to write something to the screen using "write" statement which should look like
    what is there in  the following post....
    Edited by: pazzuzu on Mar 18, 2010 6:20 PM
    Edited by: pazzuzu on Mar 18, 2010 6:22 PM
    Edited by: pazzuzu on Mar 18, 2010 6:22 PM

    The header line I have already stored in a string.So I can that write it out.
    MaterialNumber  Land   11.09 12.09 01.10  02.10  03.10   Total
    100               A      5     0     5      4      5       19
    100               B      0     5     0      0      0        5
    100               C      4     0     0      0      0        4
               Sum      9     5     5      4        5       28
    Would appreciate it if some one could change the posted code meeting the needs.

  • Export Book as SWF - formatting (single page on screen at start)

    Was this book created in InDesign?
    I am currently working on an annual report and when finished want to save it in various formats, one being export to SWF with page turns. I successfully tested this earlier. The cover and subsequent pages of the report are all A4 size, however when exported as SWF it shows on the screen in my browser as landscape with a white A4 page next to the cover (to the left) and at the end next to the back cover (to the right). Why is this?
    Is there any way of exporting it so that as per the link above it starts of as a single page of just the cover and then goes into side by side pages when you turn the cover over and start reading?
    Also, different to saving an INDD as a print quality pdf, when I export to SWF the quality seems reduced, especially with the images (I used original tiff images as it will also be printed and saved as press quality pdf). Is there any way of keeping it as sharp as if it were being saved as press quality pdf?
    Finally, like the link above, can we add sound in InDesign to the swf page turns?

    That example you linked has most certainly been done from PDF file by using some commercial service which converts PDF file to digital magazine. You can do similar publications from InDesign CS4 or CS5 too. Check out ....
    If you want to get rid of that white area next to cover/backcover, simply draw a rectangle that overlaps a little with cover/backcover page, and color it gray. Just make sure it´s little bit bigger than your page size. InDesign exports it along SWF and if you use exactly same grey that has been used in background of html, nobody can see that empty area any more... here´s a sample:
    Color values for that grey box are (in CS5) R153 G153 B153 (see images)
    If you have InDesign CS5 in use, you can add sound files to you indd. I have never used a page turn sound, but in theory it should work if you put a sound effect to every page and make it play automatically when page is opened... is it fast enough or is there some lag caused by loading..? I don´t know but if you have a sound file in right format, it´s easy to test.... and remember to test it also from server, not just locally...

  • How do i change the format of the login screen clock to analog or remove it all together?

    Hi all,
    I live a lifestyle in which i only want to see what time it is when i choose to as opposed to having it display somewhere all of the time.  (i wear a watch that you have to iPhone swipe in order to display the time, otherwise it's just a blank screen).  The login clock on mountain lion disrupts this for me, letting me know what time it is much more often than i want to.
    I've seen threads on this community that deal with locale of the login clock to change it from 12 to 24 hour format, but i haven't seen anyone talk about how to make that clock into its analog version (thus obscuring the time) or have it removed all together.  is this possible?

    how analog. 
    neat idea, but i need to see that part of the screen after login on a fairly regular basis, otherwise i might seriously do this.

  • How to get iPhone Safari to format text for its screen

    My wife loves her iPhone, but there's one thing that's very frustrating: Safari likes to format pages so that only a small portion fits on the screen, and you have to scroll left and right to read the text. If you use a "pinch" to shrink the window, the font size also shrinks so that the text becomes unreadable.
    I've tested this with a few very simple HTML pages that I've created, just text with a few andtags, and nothing with a width= or size= attribute. We still have the same problem. Safari doesn't seem to want to wrap the text at all; it either displays a page at a tiny font or in a readable font with most of the text off the screen.
    I've also tested these pages with assorted other browsers, including Safari and the other dozen browsers I've installed on this Macbook Pro. All of them automatically wrap the text to fit whatever size window I use, including some very tiny windows. Also, the browser on my G1 "google" phone handles the pages just fine, using my default font and reformatting automatically when I rotate the phone to landscape format so that the text fits within the window.
    The only browser I've seen this problem with is on the iPhone. found the Settings screen, looked through the Safari settings and didn't see anything relevant.
    Any ideas what's wrong here? Or is the iPhone's Safari just flakey for simple text?

    The pinching gesture is used to zoom in and out on a page. It's not resizing the window.
    OK; I obviously don't know the right jargon. That's why I posted on a general discussion "support" forum rather than looking for a more technical one; I was hoping that my incorrect n00b terminology could be tolerated enough for people to try to understand the problem and point at some clues.
    To try to explain it in different (and probably still not correct) terminology, Safari on the iPhone acts like it's formatting the text of even my simple HTML text pages for a large physical "page", and giving me a choice of how I want to view it. I can zoom out and see the whole piece of text, but the font is so tiny that it's unreadable (even with a magnifying glass . Or I can zoom in, in which case the screen becomes a small window that shows only a small portion of the text, and I have to pan left and right to read it, because the "page" width is now several times the screen width. Both choices make for slow, difficult reading.
    I don't see this behavior in any other of the couple dozen browsers on 4 or 5 machines. What they do is respond to a change in the "window" size by reformatting the text so it fits within the window's width, scrolling off the bottom if there's too much text. This is easy to read, because vertical scrolling works well on all of them, and there's no need to pan left and right while reading a line of text.
    This was pretty much how HTML and browsers were originally intended to work, with the browser doing line wrapping as needed to fit the available screen width. The screen as a window into a much larger page is seen much less often. When it is seen, it's mostly because the web designers included lots of "width=" attributes to force the page to be some minimum width, typically much wider that any smartphone's screen. But my test pages don't do this, and all other browsers successfully format them to be readable even in very narrow windows. Our iPhone's Safari doesn't seem to do this formatting; it formats the text for a width wider than the screen even when there's no formatting information in the HTML.
    The obvious question is: Can the iPhone's Safari be persuaded to use more common scheme of doing line-wrapping to make the text fit into the visible screen?
    The G1's browser has an especially impressive demo of how it could be done. If I rotate that gadget, it reformats between portrait and landscape mode on the fly, and the text is always line-wrapped to fit the current screen width. So a paragraph that takes, say, 7 lines in portrait mode will switch to 4 lines as I rotate it to landscape mode, with the same font size. The iPhone has the same sort of switching, of course, but it "reformats" the text by changing the zoom factor, which isn't nearly the same thing. And for some of my test pages, the text runs off the right margin in both portrait and landscape mode. I have no clue why it chooses a "page" width that's so much wider than the screen, sometimes 4 or 5 times the screen width, but that's what it does, and it's very hard to read.
    So is there a way to tell it to stop doing this, and use line wrapping like other browsers do to fit the text into the visible screen width?

  • Formatting write error every time when trying to burn a DVD

    DVD Studio has worked for me in the past, but now every time I try to burn a DVD project, I get this: "Formatting failed - The recording device reported the media error: Write error (0x0C, 0x00)"
    As far as I can tell, I cleared the prefs for DVD Studio, but that didn't help. Does anyone have an idea of what I can do to fix this problem? Thx.

    Wellcome to the forum !
    Probably DVDSP and/or your drive don't like your media. No matter that, me and other found that DVDSP is one of the worst way to burn DVDs.
    Try * Creating Disc Image in DVDSP * and burn it using Disk Utility and/or Toast.
    About your media, you can * USE THIS SITE * as reference.
    Hope that helps !

  • Formatted search based on screen entry

    I need help to create a formatted search based on a field that the user entered on the screen. For example, I want a formatted search on the Purchase Order screen where the item search will only show the items where the vendor entered in the Default Vendor field of the master record is the same as the vendor specified in the Vendor field of the purchase order.  Please advise on the correct sql statement.

    Thanks Sudah! That worked!
    However, I do not understand the syntax.  What does [dbo] mean?
    I am trying to duplicate the query for the following scenario.
    I have a user defined field U_Freight in the Business Partner Master Data (OCRD) and also in the sales order screen. I want to create a formatted search for the freight field in the sales order to automatically find the freight from the business partner master data screen based on the customer entered in the sales order.
    I have tried the following as a formatted search on the sales order screen, but it does NOT work.
    WHERE T0.CardCode = $[$4.0.0]
    Please advise.

  • Libre-Writer weird opening screen [SOLVED]

    Just completed a fresh Arch_X86-64/KDE installation and fully updated it.
    Afterwards, I've installed the libreoffice and libreoffice-he packages.
    Once I open Libre Writer (Haven't yet tried other office components), I get a weird screen as seen in this screen capture:
    Please advise (for all components) how to configure the suit to get a standard opening screen, with English menus and Hebrew support?
    Last edited by mibadt (2012-07-25 08:47:52)

    A wild guess: have you used your /home partition before with some other OOo/LibO version?
    try to rm -rf ~/.config/libreoffice/
    Maybe additionally install libreoffice-en_US, make sure you have required optional deps like libmythes, hunspell,...
    You will also need some *.ttf font pkg.
    Last edited by AndyRTR (2012-07-24 14:06:44)

  • Icon in itab in screen painter

    I made a screen and in this screen i  made an itab.I want a field of this itab to be icon . Can i do it ???
    Points will be rewarded ....

    In the itab create a field icon_id of type icon-icon_id.
    Also, add this field to the structure in the screen.
    Now, in the PBO populate the work area wa-icon_id field as
    SELECT SINGLE id INTO wa-icon_id
        FROM icon WHERE name = <<ICON_NAME>>.
    Transfer the work area contents to the screen structure.

  • Device Error - Sence Code(5 30 05) - can not write medium - Incompatible Format - Write (OS error 33

    Running Encore DVD 1.5 and get this error message. I use these same blank DVD's in my stand alone recorder with no problem. I have just started trying to use the Encore program and not sure what this message is telling me (is there a problem in the Drive, with the disk or the system?)
    Any help someone can give is greatly appreciated....

    Something you could try to see whether or not your burner will work with your discs:
    Let Encore write a
    disc image file. Then use
    to burn a DVD from the image file.

  • Wrong date format when using selection screen query

    Hi all,
    I have a problem in a report when usign the selection screen of the query.
    the system has been upgraded recently from a 3.5 to 7.0. when a query is run in the bex web the user can put in the selection date needer to run the query.
    currently if u select a month using the selection screen next to the input form, the month will show up in the input field
    as 006 09 (006space09) instead of 06.2009 for the selection of june. 
    does anyone know how to fix this? it was working good using the 3.5 version of the bex web.
    Any help apriciated

    Using the list cube transaction and using the selection sceen and selecting the month it does put the right selection in the input field. ive also just tested it using de bx excel plugin and using the selection screen the correct value is set in the input field.  so i think it more of a bex we b problem but i dont know where to start the search for the solution.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Recovery of photos after reformatting

    Hi, I had to reformat and reinstall Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.8 after a hard drive problem. Unfortunately I have not backed up my photos and videos as I was using the mac rarely so I thought nothing can go wrong. Now I know better! I would like to know

  • The scenario about integration on sap and pos equipment

    hi~everyone.     the scenario following:      (1)the  external system will create sale order ,i plan to come true it by RFC      (2)without middleware ,i want to incept the idoc file from external          system ,the idoc possible is a sale invoice

  • Need help! Nokia E5-00

    My nokia E5 is getting restated the moment when i connect it to my PC. After restarting, if i diconnect the device and reconnect,  it works fine. Is it a virus? Please help me.

  • How do we create a CURSOR that consists of two TABLES

    I would like to access a cursor that has columns from two tables.

  • Help on Chinese insert into mysql (urgent)

    Dear Friends, we are running an coldfusion mx application on window, perfect, the database is mysql, utf-8 encoding. But when we moved to redhat linux +mysql, the chinese in the database displayed as ?????. when we insert into database, the chinese i