Formatted Search in Row

i have a UDF in the PDN1. so i want that, when i change the value of this field i want to change the warehouse of this row, according to the value of the udf.
how can i access one field of the same row?

I am doing a similar thing but it involves 2 user-defined fields on a sales order row.
First I created the query that will be used as the formatted search as
"SELECT $[rdr1.U_XXDENDUS]"   Note there is no "FROM" clause.  This will return the value in the UDF field on the matrix row being maintained by the user.
Then I assign this formatted search to my other UDF (for you it will be the warehouse) by presssing Alt-Shift-F2.  Click search by saved query, then give it the name of the FS, or double click on the line for it to select from the list.
Then click auto-refresh and also chose "when exiting altered column"  from the first combobox and then select your UDF from the second combo box.  This CB will display a list of the field descriptions, so don't be looking for "U_".  I also check the "Refresh Regularly" radio button.
Whenever the user enters a value in my first UDF (xxdendus) and tabs out of it, my second UDF (the one with the FS assigned to it) is automatically updated.

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    Dear All,
    I have a field udf field in the row of marketing document named u_itemgroupcode. I want that when an item is selected in any marketing document in the above udf automatically the Item Group code should come from the corresponding item OITB table.
    How to achive this through auto refresh formatted search.
    please help....!

    Hi Kamlesh,
    ItemGroup code is available in OITM table itself. You could define the formatted search on the udf field
    with this query and define auto refresh with Item No.
    SELECT T0.[ItmsGrpCod] FROM OITM T0 WHERE T0.[ItemCode] =$ $38.1
    Vijay Kumar
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • Formatted Search on Rows

    Hey guys,
    From all of my experience in the past, there is no way to write a query that will check all of the rows of a document for a specific case and then return a true if any of the rows hits that case.
    For example, if I want to make a document go into approval when a UDF is blank on ANY row, this has never been something I could do.  Has anyone discovered a way to do this or is this confirmed as impossible?

    I have answered quite a few posts on this Forum about this Stored Procedure.  You can search the forum for all possibilities of using the procedure.  But for the time being,
    You could look at this sample code where I have shown the usage on the Sales Order Rows.  You may change the ObjectType according to your documents object number and also change the document rows table and use your user field name.
    IF @transaction_type IN ('A','U') AND @object_type = '17'
    IF EXISTS(SELECT T0.ITEMCODE FROM [DBO\].[RDR1\] T0 WHERE T0.DOCENTRY = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del AND (T0.U_UserField IS NULL OR T0.U_UserField = ' ')
    SELECT @Error = 1, @error_message = 'User Field cannot be left blank'
    You can access this Stored Procedure from SQL Server Management Studio......Click on Databases...Select your database...Programmability.....Stored Procedure dbo.SBO_SP_TransactionNotification...Right Modify
    Copy the above code in the body ...You would probably see some thing like ADD YOUR CODE HERE....
    Once you copied this code. Click the Execute button and you see should get the message
    Command(s) completed successfully.
    Close SQL Server and you should be good to go...

  • How to Fetch the Row value in SBO Formatted search

    Hi Experts,
    I have created a Sales order, in which i  have 4 UDF Fields(A,B,C,D) in the following:
    Example values:
    A  B  C  D 
    2   2   4  4
    3   2   6  10
    D=1st value of D + 2nd col value of C
    i have written query for C, but how to write the Formatted search Query for generation of D values. plz reply as soon as possible.

    I quite understand what you are trying to do.   If you look at the example below I added a third row to show how you want the D to be a running total of column C. RIGHT !!
    A B C D
    2 2 4 4
    3 2 6 10
    <b>4 2 8 18</b>
    Honestly, it is not going to be simple as you do not have a way in SBO to access a particular column from a row.  When you say $[$38.U_C] it refers to the context row OR the row which has the highlight OR the row which has the curson on it.
    It is not possible to say $[$38.U_C from row 2]  JUST  NOT POSSIBLE ...
    You have to write a tricky code by using a temp table referencing the value of column C.  Also you have to keep track if Rows gets deleted and a new row added. 
    I will test a sample code and will come back.

  • Addition of two rows values in table  using formatted search

    hi all,
            i have created one UDF field in market document rows, now in AR invoice i need to add the values in the UDF fields of two rows, want to show it in anather outside UDF in title. kindly suggest me some query to track that.
    Ex:- i had entered two items in rows and
    for first UDF row i have given 20
    for second UDF row i have given 30.
    now i need to show sum of the two UDF in two rows in title UDF.
    kindly give me some query used for formatted search to do this task.

    To the best of myknowledge When you try to take the row value to the header the results of the Formatted Search are not consistent.
    but for your interest, I am giving below the logic to work this out.
    You need two Header level user fields.  One to copy the row user fields value and the other to store the sum.
    You can create a simple SQL "SELECT $[$38.U_UserFieldName] (substitute with row level user field name) and attach it to the first header level user field and make it Auto refresh on doc total.
    Then Attached SQL  "SELECT $[ORDR.U_HeaderUserField1] + $[ORDR.U_HeaderUserField2]"
    The results could be flaky because the header user field takes the value of the active row and sometime it only considers the first row active though you might be entering the second row of data.
    My recommendation would be to Use The Transaction Notification Stored Procedure for this by which you can be absolutely sure that the Header User field will have the sum.
    Let me know if you need directions for this.

  • Formatted search to update Batch attribute to match row project code

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    Is it possible to create a formatted search in the "Batch Setup " window to update this UDF with the project code from the corresponding row of the purchase order? Keep in mind not all rows on the purchase order may be tracked by batches.

    Formatted search can only get value from database or current form. There is no access to other open forms.

  • Formatted Search on A/R Invoice Row level

    Hi All,
    I need your help to do some arithmetical functions on UDFs.
    I have three UDFs at row level of A/R Invoices.
    U_MRP, U_AssValue (Unit & Totals -> Amount)
    U_abtment (Unit & Totals -> Rate)
    I want to do below process, but it gives me error.
    Select ($($38.U_MRP) - ($($38.U_MRP)* $($38.u_abtment))/100) * $($38.11.0)
    but it gives me error. Can any body help me to correct this query to set on U_AssValue as formatted search.
    Its very urgent & Important for me.
    Best Regards,
    Chintesh Soni

    I tried by creating UDF as u mentioned. For me its working perfectly.
    i will tell u how i created UDF created.
    MRP --> Units & Total --> Amounts
    AssValue --> Units & Total --> Amounts
    abtment --> Units & Total --> Rate.
    Save the query as A/r in query generated.
    Select ($[$38.U_MRP.number] - ($[$38.U_MRP.number] * $[$38.U_abtment.number]) / 100) * $[$38.11.number]
    Called this query in the AssValue, Qty --> 2, MRP --> 123, abtment --> 123 final output --> -58.
    Please remove http:// and add set bracket over there.
    Above query is working fine.

  • Get matrix row data and put it into header field with formatted search ???

    Hi All,
    I ask your help concerning the following:
    On an invoice matrix I want to check all Itemgroup Codes of all items in the rows, if there are some rows' items with ItemGroupcode 101 and some others with anything else, then header field should be Y, otherwise N.
    My main problem is: how do I put a matrix row data to a header data with checking all rows in the matrix?
    A minor problem is that I can't get the formatted search to work on all rows when the formatted search is assigned to the user field in header.
    If I put the formatted search to a row field then the row field is filled with the proper value, but the same query assigned to the user field in header works only on the first row.
    What am I doing wrong?
    SELECT USEDPROD= CASE T0.ItmsGrpCod  WHEN 101 THEN Y ELSE N END FROM .[OITM] T0 WHERE T0.ItemCode = $[$38.1.0]
    (SBO 7.6)
    Any suggestions are welcome.

    Dear Adele,
    Thanks for the answer. The major one cannot be solved. OK, I'll try to get a workaround.
    However I still do not understand why my query does not work in all selected rows, just in the first row, i.e. if I assign the query to a header field and I'm positioned in the first row it's OK, but when I add a new item to the second row or any of the next rows, the header field is not updated at all.
    Why is that so? Do you have any idea?

  • Auto-refresh formatted search is not working properly...

    I have created a User Defined Field in Item Master named: FLD1 (Alphanumeric 30)
    Then I have created a User Defined Field in Marketing Documents Row: FLD1 (Alphanumeric 30)
    Now I want as follows u2013
    In Marketing Documents if I select any Item, the value saved in FLD1 in the Item Master will come automatically in the Field FLD1 of the Marketing Document.
    I did as follows u2013
    I have created a formatted search for the above marketing document (in Sales Quotation) for the field FLD1 as follows u2013
    Option: Search in Existing User-Defined Values according to Saved Query
    Query: GetItemFLD1 (SELECT $[OITM.U_FLD1] )
    Option: Auto Refresh  -
    When Exiting Altered Column
    Field: Item Description
    Option: Display Saved User-Defined Values
    But the above is not working automatically --- after saving the document if I click on the Formatted Search Marker then the value comes otherwise not.
    Can any one please explain the reason behind?
    for SAP B1 2007 B SP0 PL7
    Edited by: Narottam Das on May 5, 2009 1:53 PM

    Check this thread for explanation of Syntax of FMS:
    [Refer to Sales Order From Payment Means;
    Refer Suda Sampath  reply that explains clearly

  • Problem With Formatted Search.

    Hi to all,
    I have linked a formatted search to a UDF that lies at row level in AP Invoice. This field is used to display the Sales  Order Price. The requirement is that from SO we create a purchase order and subsequently create a goods receipt and AP invoice.. Now in invoice it is showin perfectly fine whether it is copied from goods receipt or purchase order.. But in the purchase order and goods receipt screen this query will not work. And the same query used in AP invoice is being linked to these documents. Is there any work around for this?? Is it possible to run queries based on the form numbers?? If so ho do i pull the form number in the formatted search query??
    Please Help!!!!

    I recommend creating separate queries for each document.
    1 formatted search to lookup price on sales order from AP Invoice
    1 formatted search to lookup price on sales order from GRPO
    1 formatted search to lookup price on sales order from PO
    then change the lookup to pull fields from the document that you are using as a reference.
    when you are building the formatted searhes start by returning the values that are you are using as a reference. That way you are sure that you are pulling the correct information.
    Then layer in the lookup to the sales order.
    If you get stuck I recommend that you copy and paste the formatted search in SQL Server management studio and replace the variables refereces with real values.
    In my experience troubleshooting queries is more effective when using SQL Server management studio. (the error reporting is better).

  • SQL Query -How2bring multiple results into one field using Formatted Search

    Hi Everyone
    i am trying to bring in the results of the field dbo.Lot_ITEM.LOT using a formatted search into a row level using the following query:
    FROM       dbo.DLN1 INNER JOIN dbo.LOT_ITEM ON dbo.DLN1.ItemCode = dbo.LOT_ITEM.ITEM
    WHERE     dbo.LOT_ITEM.ITEM=$[DLN1.ItemCode]
    however the result of the dbo.Lot_ITEM.LOT field could be more then one value depending on how many lots are assigned for that item
    (for example this query would be similar to assigning batch/serial numbers to an item being despatched - as you can choose multiple batches/serials depending on the quantities available and required and then move from the left to the right side of the selection window) if that makes sense!
    is it possible to bring in the multiple results into one field? and how can i amend the above query to include this?
    Thankyou in advance :o)
    Edited by: Asma Bi on Apr 23, 2008 7:22 PM
    Edited by: Asma Bi on Apr 23, 2008 7:24 PM

    Hi Suda
    Thanks for replying :o) but im not sure about the query?
    just to simplify it (as the query im working with is to do with 3rd party addons) i have used the serial/batchs field instead and used standard demo database fields from SBO 2005 sp01:
    SELECT     dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_IntrSerial
    FROM       dbo.DLN1 INNER JOIN
                    dbo.ixvSerialNoFact ON dbo.DLN1.DocEntry = dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_BaseEntry
    WHERE     dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.ItemCode='g1000' and dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_BaseEntry = '193'
    The above brings me the relevant results but when i change it to be used in a formatted search:
    SELECT     dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_IntrSerial
    FROM       dbo.DLN1 INNER JOIN
                    dbo.ixvSerialNoFact ON dbo.DLN1.DocEntry = dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_BaseEntry
    WHERE     dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.ItemCode=$[dln1.itemcode] and dbo.ixvSerialNoFact.SRI1_BaseEntry = $[dln1.DocEntry]
    i cant seem to get it to work - now this may be because the serial number is not allocated until teh record is added to the system, however when this happens i am unable to go back in and manually trigger the query as the delivery note rows cannot be selected!
    i  think as what im originally wanting an answer for is same as this example, im wanting to know if this is even possible?
    Edited by: Asma Bi on Apr 24, 2008 3:53 PM
    Edited by: Asma Bi on Apr 24, 2008 3:55 PM

  • How can I reference value of a field from a diffrent line in formatted search

    I want to use a formatted search for this
    I want to set a field value based on a value from a previous row. ( is this possible at all ?)
    I have a udf called Test at Line Level on AR Order
    The user enters a value for test on line 1
    he will have a lot more lines then after that. all I want is to copy the value in test ( on row 1) to row2 as the user edits say the Item code on that row.

    Unfortunately formatted search is for current line only , you can't reference the previous or next line .
    You can do achieve this with SDK but with FMS not possible .

  • Query - Formatted Search in a User Defined Field

    I am having some problems with a very simple query but it doesn't seem to work. I insert this formatted search in to my UDF I made called Cost. The query I am using is:
    SELECT  $[$34.0.0] - (I had to use variable number because this Unit Price field in the Item master data does not have a field name associated)
    It is supposed to grab the unit price from the screen, however it is always displaying zero when I query it, and when I put it in the UDF as a formatted search, it give me the internal error.
    I would greatly appreciate your help.

    Question 1: Where is this Cost UDF defined.  Is it at the Marketing document Header or row level?
    The field reference for the Unit Price column is incorrect.  When you mouse over the Unit Price column you should see the values for Item=xx  Colunm=xx
    The syntax is $\[$Item.Column.Type].  Therefore for your case it should be $\[$38.14.Number]
    The type prefix can be 0 if you are accessing a Alphanumeric column.
    If you user field is at the Header level the Formatted Search Query might not work unless you highlight that whole row and then click on the header level UDF and press Shift+F2
    How have you set the refresh options?

  • Using Second Column of Formatted Search

    Hi All,
    i have a query for formatted Search, which goes like This
    "Select ItemName, ItemCode from oitm"
    When i press Tab on the field 'Product No.' in 'Production order',
    i get the CFL of ItemName and ItemCode.
    when i select one row from this, i need to capture the ItemCode
    in the field 'Product No.' (By Default it captures the first Column i.e ItemName)
    Any suggestion are most welcome

    By default it will fetch the first column only. one workaround what you may not like to use is, to define a user defined field in production order form and give an FMS there. ther you show the itemname first as you have written, and give an Auto refresh FMS on production order field where you change it to itemcode when item name is selected.

  • Formatted Search in Matrix

    How to create a query for formatted search if my variable is in the matrix(some column and some row).
    I would like the SAP user get a list of all Workorders for a Job, and Job is a cell in matrix.
    Workorder value should be shown in another cell in the same row.
    Thanks a lot,

    Hi Pavel,
    The document 'How to Define and Use Formatted Search' on the Service Market Place goes through defining and using formatted searches with queries. It also explains how to use fields in an active form in a formatted search, look at the section called 'Search by Saved Query' in the document.
    To find this document go to -> Channel Partner Portal -> Solutions - SAP Business One -> Support -> Additional Information - Documentation Resource Centre -> SAP Business One 2005 A SP 01 -> How to guides -> 'How to Define and Use Formatted Search'
    This document also gives some examples of the types of queries which are used in formatted searches.
    Hope this helps

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