Forms 9i variable assignment BUG

Hello All,
I've been working with Forms 9i for a while now and on my current form and I am experiencing very weird bugs.
All bugs seem to have the same nature of an Assignment taking place where the bug will occur.
My form is a block to block form , not Master-detail relationship. On my first screen, I have 1 block (with a few fields on the last screen). That belongs to one table. I then have another block, a child to the first block. Then I have a third block for yet a child of the child of the first block. Then I have a last screen with the few fields of the first block. So I have 4 screens and 3 blocks, with a Dummy block for some side processing. Each screen is connected with a BACK and NEXT button and I have various other buttons on the first like BROWSE, QUERY, CANCEL, NEXT, PREVIOUS etc. With SAVE, DELETE, SAVE AND EXIT. Etc
Example #1:
I started noticed weird activity when I was getting an Exception of some type occuring on the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger of any button where in the trigger code there was an ASSIGNMENT. ex. :dummy.text := 'Normal';
My Solution: Was to avoid having forms compile your module for you on the fly when you run the form. I compile mine manually after each change I make to it. I no longer encountered this problem.
Example #2:
Text 'Normal Mode' were appearing in a few of my fields, different fields at different times this bug occurred. This text is familiar to my form and I use it in a non-editable field on the form to show the user they are in normal mode. But when I then run the form in debug mode to see the form repeat this act of placing that text into the inappropriate field (when there is no code present in the form where I have access to, that would accomplish this) the bug doesn't occur and the form seems to then work fine (with help in compiling the trigger where the bug was occurring).???
No solution, accept to run in debug mode and it goes away.. magicallly..?
Example #3:
Same deal as the second one, but this time the result of the text being placed in an inappropriate field ends up saved into the database and that is just not GOOD,haha.
I located where the bug was occurring in my form. All of a sudden when I used any of my Save and Exit buttons to save and leave the form , the form then asks me to save changes which none were made, but(as I later found out) there were changes being made. The text '5' would appear in a phone number field, when it last had a phone number. And this would then get saved into the database by pressing yes to save changes in the form. Then in the database it would be '5' saved in the phone number. And when I next drew up the record from the database in the form, it would display a '5' there. In the Save and Exit buttons is a When-Button-Pressed trigger that has a few lines of code. First I set the :system.message_level := '5' then to '0' AFTER my COMMIT;
I noticed both values appear either in the form or in the database (in the phone number fields) either 5 or a 0.
I came to the conclusion that the bug is that it places the text of 5 from my lines of code into the phone number and I have no idea why. Maybe there is a problem with the addressing of fields in the form? Maybe its corrupted? Maybe its a bug of oracle?
But it always has to do with assignments in triggers. I ran it in debug to see if it repeats, and it didn't. It fixed itself AGAIN.
I just wanted to write this long drawn out message of my experiences with the Buggy Forms 9i Designer Tool.
Would really appreciate any feedback if anyone ever expereiences any of this.
Thank you!

Ken, its impossible to be define about your problem without looking at a simple test case but a couple of observations that I can make which may help you.
If seems to "extreme" and "random" a bug to be something which is fundemental in Forms. I assume you are not able to reproduce on a simple EMP test case...
What I think the problem is, given the symptoms and the workarounds, is that you are making chages to Forms/libraries and you are running against "old" copies of FMB or PLLs.
For example, I often see situations where the user makes a change to a PLL and does not recompile a form which uses that PLL (or infact picks up and old version of the pll or fmb). Forms then tends to give erroneous assignments and doing things like running in debug forces recompilation of the correct files and hence it goes away.
As I mentioned, its difficult to get to the bottom of this without a stand alone test case but I think that by trying to reproduce on a simple test case you will infact narrow down the problem to one that is more likely to be a set up issue specific to your application rather than a bug in forms in general.
Hope that helps
Grant Ronald
Forms Product Management

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    I want the email address to be the hidden variable in the form below - variable higlighted in Red. What would I put for "$to ="?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    if (array_key_exists('send' , $_POST)) {
              // mail processing script
              // remove escape characters from POST array
    if (PHP_VERSION < 6 && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
      function stripslashes_deep($value) {
        $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value);
        return $value;
      $_POST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_POST);
    $to = '';
              $subject = '';
              //list expected fields
              $expected = array('name', 'email', 'comments');
              //set required fields
              $required = array('name', 'comments');
              //create empty array for any missing fields
              $missing = array();
              // assume that there is nothing suspect
              $suspect = false;
              // create a pattern to locate suspect phrases
              $pattern = '/Content-Type:|Bcc:|Cc:/i';
                // function to check for suspect phrases
      function isSuspect($val, $pattern, &$suspect) {
        // if the variable is an array, loop through each element
              // and pass it recursively back to the same function
              if (is_array($val)) {
          foreach ($val as $item) {
                  isSuspect($item, $pattern, $suspect);
                } else {
          // if one of the suspect phrases is found, set Boolean to true
                if (preg_match($pattern, $val)) {
            $suspect = true;
              // check  the $_POST array and any subarrays for suspect content
              isSuspect($_POST, $pattern, $suspect);
              if ($suspect) {
                        $mailSent = false;
              } else {
              //proces the $_POST Variables
              foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                        //assign temporary variable and strip whitespace if not an array
                        $temp = is_array($value) ? $value: trim($value);
                        //if empty and required, add to $missing array
                        if (empty($temp) && in_array($key, $required)) {
                                  array_push($missing, $key);
                        } elseif (in_array($key, $expected)) {
                                  //otherwise, assign to a variable of the same name as $key
                                  ${$key} = $temp;
              // validate the email address
      if (!empty($email)) {
        // regex to identify illegal characters in email address
        $checkEmail = '/^[^@]+@[^\s\r\n\'";,@%]+$/';
              // reject the email address if it doesn't match
        if (!preg_match($checkEmail, $email)) {
          $suspect = true;
          $mailSent = false;
              //go ahead ONLY if not suspect and all required fields OK
              if (!$suspect && empty($missing)) {
              // build the message
              $message = "Name: $name\r\n\r\n";
              $message .= "Email: $email\r\n\r\n";
              $message .= "Message: $comments\r\n\r\n";
              //limit line length to 70 characters
              $message = wordwrap($message, 70);
              //Create aditional headers
              $headers = "From: Website Enquiry\r\n";
              $headers .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8';
              if (!empty($email)) {
              $headers .= "\r\nReply-To: $email";
              //send it
              $mailSent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
              if ($mailSent) {
                        //$missing is no longer needed if the email is sent, so unset it
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    if ($_POST && $mailSent) { ?>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5;URL=index.php">
    <?php } ?>
    <meta name="description" content="" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="" />
    <link href="style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var _gaq = _gaq || [];
      _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-11804201-5']);
      (function() {
        var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
        ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
        var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
    <body<?php if ($_POST && $mailSent){ ?> onLoad="redirect()"<?php } ?>>
    <img src="images/photography/background.jpg" alt="Jack Wilesmith Furniture Design" class="bg" id="bg" />
    <div id="container">
      <div id="Header">
      <div id="content">
    if ($_POST && isset($missing) && !empty($missing)) {
        <p class="warning"><strong>Please complete the missing item(s) indicated.</strong></p><br />
    } elseif ($_POST && !$mailSent) {
        <p class="warning"><strong>Sorry, there was a problem sending your message, please try again later. </strong></p><br />
    } elseif ($_POST && $mailSent) {
        <p><strong>Your Message has been sent succesfully - <strong>You will be redirected in 5 seconds</strong></strong></p><br />
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
    function redirect () { setTimeout("go_now()",5000); }
    function go_now ()   { window.location.href = "index.php"; }
        <?php } ?>
        <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
          <label for="name">Name:</label><br />
          <input name="name" type="text" class="textInput" id="name"
          <?php if (isset($missing)) {
    echo 'value="' . htmlentities($_POST['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"';
          /> <?php
                if (isset($missing) && in_array('name', $missing)) {?> <span class="warning">Please enter your name</span><?php } ?>
        </p><br />
          <label for="email">Email:</label><br />
          <span id="sprytextfield1">
          <input name="email" type="text" class="textInput" id="email"
          <?php if (isset($missing)) {
    echo 'value="' . htmlentities($_POST['email'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"';
    <span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span>
                if (isset($missing) && in_array('email', $missing)) {?> <span class="warning">Please enter your Email Address</span><?php } ?>
        </p><br />
          <label for="comments">Message:</label><br />
          <textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="45" rows="5"><?php if (isset($missing)) {
                        echo htmlentities($_POST['comments'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
                } ?></textarea><?php
                if (isset($missing) && in_array('comments', $missing)) {?> <span class="warning">Please enter a Message</span><?php } ?>
        </p><br />
        <p class="clearIt">
          <input name="send" type="submit" id="send" value="Send message" />
         <input name="email" type="hidden" id="email" value="[email protected]" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1", "email", {isRequired:false, hint:"[email protected]"});

    Lovely, simple but beautiful!
    Thanks for that.

  • PDF forms - underlined variable text

    Hello Everyone,
    I am trying to create a PDF form with variable text fields in Acrobat 9 Pro and I see there are very limited possibilities in the text formatting. I can specify font, size, color, border, but there is missing any option how to switch on the underlining of the text. Is there any way how to achieve this?
    Thanks in advance for any hint.

    You can add some JavaScript to your script that imports the data from the database and format the inserted text by using the span object to apply the underline property. The following ecample is from the Acrobat JavaScript API Reference.
    Write rich text to a rich text field using various properties. See the Field object  
    richValue property for more details and examples.
    var f = this.getField("myRichField");
    // Create an array to hold the Span objects
    var spans = new Array();
    // Each Span object is an object, so we must create one
    spans[0] = new Object();
    spans[0].alignment = "center";
    spans[0].text = "The answer is x";
    spans[1] = new Object();
    spans[1].text = "2/3";
    spans[1].superscript = true;
    spans[2] = new Object();
    spans[2].superscript = false;
    spans[2].text = ". ";
    spans[3] = new Object();
    spans[3].underline = true;
    spans[3].text = "Did you get it right?";
    spans[3].fontStyle = "italic";
    spans[3].textColor =;
    // Now assign our array of Span objects to the field using // field.richValue
    f.richValue = spans;

  • Attributes / Variable assignment in Excel

    How do you create a variable assignment in Excel that passes the "test script coverage" report?
    We thought we were being clever when we put a list of our variable assignments in Excel. This allowed us to sort the assignments (something we could not do in Word.)
    Our process in Excel:
    We put an empty cell in the top row with the "OPM - Condition Heading" style.
    In the rows underneath that, we put our attributes with the "OPM - Conclusion Heading" style.
    To the right of the attributes, we put the assigned values with the "OPM - Conclusion" style.
    We had our nicely sortable list of variables and assignments. It looks cool and works quite well.
    However, test coverage analysis reports conclude that we have not tested the attributes since we didn't test for the "uncertain" path. Of course, our variables can never be "uncertain"! To some degree, the test coverage report is wrong, but I understand that the generated rule is an if-then-else rule and not a straight assignment...
    Thoughts? Is there a better way to do the variable assignment in Excel? Should we just live with it? Should we create a mock test with all our variables overridden to be "uncertain" or should we do something else?

    Sorry for the very late reply here, but I'm afraid the structure you have created is just not well handled by the coverage analysis because it compiles into a rule with an unreachable condition. This is normally harmless but the coverage analysis isn't smart enough to ignore it. I've raised a bug (OPAD-7096) to track this in our internal system.

  • Template declaration error when variable assigned is the same as variable declared

    Hi Fedor,
    In comm-central repository, when compiling mozilla/mfbt/Compression.cpp using -std=c++11, it results in an error as follows:
    "../dist/include/mozilla/CheckedInt.h", line 400: Error: Unexpected type name "T" encountered.
    "../dist/include/mozilla/CheckedInt.h", line 400: Error: value is not defined.
    "../dist/include/mozilla/CheckedInt.h", line 400: Error: No direct declarator preceding ">".
    "../dist/include/mozilla/CheckedInt.h", line 400: Error: A declaration does not specify a tag or an identifier.
    "../dist/include/mozilla/CheckedInt.h", line 400: Error: Default template argument cannot be specified on the definition of a class template member that appears outside of its class.
    "../dist/include/mozilla/CheckedInt.h", line 400: Error: Templates can only declare classes or functions.
    "../dist/include/mozilla/CheckedInt.h", line 413: Error: No primary specialization for partial specialization NegateImpl<T, 0>.
    "../dist/include/mozilla/CheckedInt.h", line 416: Error: Too many arguments for template mozilla::detail::NegateImpl<T>.
    8 Error(s) detected.
    After a check on the file CheckedInt.h, it was narrowed down to the following code that resulted in the failure (the variable assigned, isSigned is the same as variable being declared) :
    template<typename T, bool IsSigned = IsSigned<T>::value>
    struct NegateImpl;
    This code, however compiles without problems in gcc-4.8.
    A workaround was to use a different variable declared in the template (e.g. bool IsTSigned = IsSigned<T>). But I just wanted to be sure whether is this a bug in 12.4 Beta or whether coding rules in templates do allow this kind of declaration? Kindly advise. Thanks.

    Hi Steve,
    The declaration made below is not valid when -std=c++11 is not used (it causes the same compile-time errors when using July Refresh):
    template<typename U> class IsSigned;
    template<typename T, bool IsSigned = IsSigned<T>::value>
    struct NegateImpl;
    So far, the workaround was to use a different variable declared in the template (e.g. bool IsTSigned = IsSigned<T>).

  • Form Level Variable

    I want to declare a form level variable and want to assign a value at WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger and i want to use the same value in Program units as well as other form level and block level triggers. How to achieve this? Do i need to refer the variable with :Symbol? Thanks!

    There are a couple of ways to do this. As Ammad suggested, you can use a Global variable, but as you point out - Globals are visible to your Forms session unless you destroy the global. You can also use a Parameter as you have done or you can use a Control Block with a block item that will accept the type of data that will be stored in the variable. There are limitations with each of these options however.
    With Globals, all variables are of CHAR datatype and are limited to 4000 bytes in Forms 10g and higher and 255 in Form 9i and lower. Any non-character value stored in a global must be converted back to it's native datatype when you read the value to ensure it is evaluated correctly. When globals are declared, they always reserve the max amount of memory needed to support the 255 or 4000 characters. If you use Globals, it is a good habit to use the Erase() built-in to destroy the Global when you are finished with it. Also with Globals it is possible to get a Runtime error if the Global has not been initialized before you reference it, but will NOT produce a compile time error.
    Parameters and Control Block items are a little more flexible in that you can define the parameter's datatype as CHAR, DATE or NUMBER (check Forms Help for the max datatype values they can store). Parameters and Control block items also have properties which means they take up more memory resources because the properties of these items have to be loaded into memory in addition to the data.
    I would recommend using Parameters over Globals for Forms specific variables because you have greater flexibility with the data types supported, however, I personally prefer to use a Forms Package Specification with Package Variables declared as this more flexible and only allocates the amount of memory needed to support the variable. When I have a situation that requires a variable be visible to the entire form, but doesn't need to be Global to the session, I will create a Package Spec called FORM_VARS in the Program Units node of the Object Navigator and declare the variables I need. I do not create a Package Body. For example:
       n_User_ID      NUMBER;
       v_User_Name  VARCHAR2(25);
    END;You then reference the variables the same as you would for any Forms program unit.
       Forms_Vars.n_User_ID := 1234546;
       Forms_Vars.v_User_Name := 'John Doe';
    END;Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.
    Edited by: CraigB on Jun 28, 2010 11:17 AM

  • Issue with the variable assignment in th Bex broadcaster

    hi ,
    i am working on Bex broadcaster . while creating a setting for a report, in the variable assignment under the General precalculation tab, the value given is not getting transferred.
    i tried it in development portal its working fine.
    do anyone have any ideas abt this.

    Hi Apurva,
    Find any solution for your problem? We are experiencing a similar issue too.

  • Variable Assignment in General Precalculation tab of BI 7.0 broadcaster

      In the broadcast setting, under General precalculation tab variable values can be set up. When we are clicking create variable values, screen with all the variables of the query were coming.
    After entering data in the variables and clicking OK, values are not being transferred to the Broadcast setting. The variable page remains like that with out transferring to the Pre Calculation tab.
    We are on SAPKW70020.Distribution type used is Broadcast email, output fornat is MHTML. I tried with other output types, but same result.
    We are using query as the object type for creating Bex Broadcaster.
    Has anyone ran into this issue before?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Mohan,
    You have opened up an old post, so many responses might be to answer the initial question.
    However, to answer your question, when you click 'Create' next to the 'VAR01 in Variable assignment, what you see is a popup window with the 'Ready for Input' variable present in your query/ workbook/ template, which is the same variable screen which you get when you execute the same query/ workbook/ template independently. You can then enter values for those variables and click OK, to save it and to be passed to the broadcasting setting. The broadcast would then happen for the same variable values.
    However, if you face the issue mentioned by Pradeep, then after clicking OK, you can cancel the popup window. The values of the variables would still be passed.
    After the popup window closes, you can see the 'Create', you initially saw, replaced with 'Change'. This means the values are saved.
    Hope it helps.

  • Is it possible to make a fillable form have variable fields - so if you select a radio button it triggers a different form field to be seen depending on which radio button is selected??

    Is it possible to make a fillable form have variable fields - so if you select a radio button it triggers a different form field to be seen depending on which radio button is selected??

    Yes, one needs to use some custom JavaScript code to control the other fields' properties.
    Disabling (graying-out) Form Fields by Thom Parker

  • SQL*Plus variable assignment works for 8i but not 9i

    We have scripts that connect to each database on the box and perform database tasks nightly. The scripts first set the environment then connects to each database with SQL*Plus. This works for 8i but fails in the recently created 9i environment. (Unix Solaris environment)
    Because the SQL*Plus connection appears in many areas in the scripts, we assign the following connection string to a variable:
    SQLPLUS="/usr/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin/sqlplus -s 'xxx/xxxxxx@xxxx as sysdba'"
    Export SQLPLUS
    echo "$SQLPLUS"
    (This echo out correctly: /usr/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin/sqlplus -s 'xxx/xxxxxx@xxxx as sysdba')
    It fails when the script calls the assigned variable:
    with the following error:
    Usage: SQLPLUS [ [<option>] [<logon>] [<start>] ]
    where <option> ::= -H | -V | [ [-L] [-M <o>] [-R <n>] [-S] ]
    <logon> ::= <username>[<password>][@<connect_string>] | / | /NOLOG
    <start> ::= @<URI>|<filename>[.<ext>] [<parameter> ...]
    "-H" displays the SQL*Plus version banner and usage syntax
    "-V" displays the SQL*Plus version banner
    "-L" attempts log on just once
    "-M <o>" uses HTML markup options <o>
    "-R <n>" uses restricted mode <n>
    "-S" uses silent mode
    However, if I remove the SQLPLUS variable assignment and changed all occurrence of
    $SQLPLUS <<-EOF to
    /usr/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin/sqlplus -s 'xxx/xxxxxx@xxxx as sysdba' <<-EOF
    Then the script runs successfully. But this solution is cumbersome.
    Any ideas as to how to have the script work with assigning the SQLPLUS variable????
    Any help is appreciated.

    I has an immediate suspicion it might be related to the issue
    mentioned in
    but this proved wrong: the SP2-306 still occurs in the latest
    I wonder what version of 8i you had working? With an old SQL*Plus my connection failed the same as in 9.2 and 10i.
    My solution was to do:
      SQLPLUS='sqlplus -s'
      UNPW='/ as sysdba'
      $SQLPLUS "$UNPW" &lt;&lt;EOF
      EOFThis worked in, and
    One common security risk on UNIX remains: putting the username and
    password on the command line. On some systems a "ps" command will
    show the password to any user. If OS authentication cannot be used
    for connection, perhaps putting the username/password in the SQL
    script may be more secure?
    A final note is that in SQL*Plus 10g, no quotes are needed around
    AS SYSDBA, i.e.
      sqlplus / as sysdba works from the OS prompt, whereas in 9.2 you need to do
      sqlplus "/ as sysdba"This makes a solution easy:
      SQLPLUS="/usr/oracle/product/10.1.0/bin/sqlplus -s xxx/xxxxxx@xxxx as sysdba"-- CJ

  • Broadcasting and Variable Assignment

    Dear Experts,
      I want to assign variable in broadcasting dynamically. For example, this variable will be changed every month. I tried to set the variant on BEx Analyzer, and looked into the table TVARV, but I couldn't find my variant in that table. Is there any way to assign variable dynamically?

    Hi CSM Reddy,
    1. while creating your Broadcasting Settings ... you can use your Variable for OLAP Cache.
        Question1. How and where can I use variable for OLAP Cache in broadcasting. What I just see is variable assignment in the General Precalculation tab
        Question2. Variable for OLAP Cache you said is the same as the variable created in Query Designer, right?
    2. then you make sure the variable in Bex is setup with "Ready for input" unchecked
        Question1. I have to allow users to input month to see the report in the month they want, so I think I can't default the value for this variable.
        Question2. What do you mean 't Type variable'?


    Hi Experts,
    Iam working on 3.1 system, When i tried to execute a Query. I got the following error.
    should i apply any SAP notes for this?
    How to correct this? any ideas.

    Apply OSS Notes: 885886 and 858458

  • System error in program CL_RSR_REQUEST and Form TEXT_ELEMENTS_GET:Variabl

    Does anyone have any ideas or experiences for resolving "System error in program CL_RSR_REQUEST and Form TEXT_ELEMENTS_GET:Variabl"
    Your input is appreciated

    hi Arun,
    sap oss note 858458 may relevant for you, take a look, may need support package.
    When you execute a query for which the user does not have authorization, a system error occurs: CL_RSR_REQUEST; Form TEXT_ELEMENTS_GET:VARIABLE.
    Reason and Prerequisites
    This is caused by a program error.
    BW 3.0B
               Import Support Package 28 for 3.0B (BW3.0B Patch28 or SAPKW30B28) into your BW system. The Support Package is available when Note 0783170 "SAPBWNews BW3.0B Support Package 28", which describes this Support Package in more detail, is released for customers.
    BW 3.10 Content
               Import Support Package 22 for 3.10 (BW3.10 Patch22 or SAPKW31022) into your BW system. The Support Package is available when Note 0783252 "SAPBWNews BW3.1 Content Support Package 22", which describes this Support Package in more detail, is released for customers.
    BW 3.50
               Import Support Package 14 for 3.5 (BW3.50 Patch14 or SAPKW35014) into your BW system. The Support Package is available when Note 0836439 "SAPBWNews BW Support Package 14 NetWeaver'04 stack 14" ", which describes this Support Package in more detail, is released for customers.
    In urgent cases you can implement the correction instructions.
    To make information available in advance, the notes mentioned may already be available before the Support Package is released. However, in this case the short text still contains the words "preliminary version".

  • Broadcasting - General Precalculation Variable Assignment

    Hi All,
    Just have a query regarding Broadcast settings for a bex Query with variables.
    After creating the broadcast settings under the "General Precalculation"
    Variable Assignment
    > Determine from Variants options
    Can anyone tell me where do we have to create these variants so as to select them from the Broadcast settings window and map it to the query varaibles??

    Hi Rao,
    You just need to execute ur query ( either in Bex Analyser or Web analyser ). In the selection screen you can enter the values for ur variable & save as a variant ( ex: VARIANT1 ).
    In broadcasting now click now variant tab there u can see the VARIANT1 which was created during query execution.
    Hope this helps.

  • Variable Assignment : Workbook broadcast

    Hi gurus,
    We have been broadcasting 31 Inventory workbooks on a weekly basis for the past couple of months. The workbook is based on 1 inventory query which has a Cal Month and Store Location as mandatory variables. Obviously, while broadcasting the same, we should be able to set these variables in the Variable Assignment of the Workbook Precalculation Tab.
    Earlier I was able to see them in the variable assignment assignment for this workbook. We havn't changed the query, no changes in the system, No changes at all. But now I am not able to see a single variable in the variable assignment except for this variable that says Tech.Cont.: Time Frame for which Data is Selected.
    I am not sure where can I see the variants for this workbook. Anyways, we havn't mentioned any variants in the workbook precalculation tab. Please help me with this issue.
    I executed the query and tried broadcasting the corresponding query, Here I am able to see the variable assignment. But not for the corresponding workbook. Creating all the settings right from the scratch for changing from workbook broadcast to query result broadcast would be a very tedious task which I don't want to undertake right now.
    Can anyone please help me with this problem.
    Thanks & rgds,

    Hi Murali,
    Thanks for your answer and sorry wasn't able to respond early.
    As I had mentioned, this problem didn't exist earlier. However, all of a sudden, we have started to face this issue. Global variants were never created because we are not using the option of VARIANTS, instead we use Variable Assignments. This has been the practice for the past many months, but all of sudden since last month, we started having this strange issue where we could'nt determine the variable assignment.
    When know I click on the variable assignment create link, there is only one variable that appears in the screen "Tech.Cont.: Time Frame for which Data is Selected", I donot see any other variables. Earlier though, i was able to see all the other variables (Plant, division, etc).
    Please let me know if you have any answer for this issue.
    Thnks & rgds,

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