Formulaires enregistrables et protection par certificat

Mon contexte : Des documents sont mis à disposition sur le réseau et son  protégés par certificat : on ne peut les ouvrir que si le certificat  est installé sur le PC. Or, parmi ces fichiers, il y a des formulaires  qui doivent être protégés mais qui doivent aussi pouvoir être  enregistrables.
Je me doute un petit peu de la réponse, mais est-il possible de protéger des formulaires enregistrables (c'est à dire que l'on peut enregistrer le formulaire modifié sous Reader) par certificat tout en conservant la sécurité sur le formulaire enregistré ?
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse.

Merci pour ces informations!
En voulant tout de même explorer toutes les possibilités, j'ai contacté le service client pour Adobe LiveCycle...
Cette protection coûte quelques milliers d'euros par document.
Je me suis donc tourné vers LockLizard, et je retrouve là aussi des prix faramineux (à mon humble avis).
Puis en recherchant un DRM gratuit, je suis tombé sur une multitude de sites proposants divers moyens et logiciels pour cracker les DRM.
Je me demande donc si cela vaut le coup, même pour les entreprises fortunées, de souscrire à un abonnement pour avoir une protection qui ne me semble pas si fiable.
Pour en revenir à la méthode JavaScript, étant quelque peu débutant, j'ai presque entièrement recopié le code de niveau document.
Ne sachant pas où implémenter le "designe code", j'ai ajouté manuellement un filigrane opaque avec un message demandant d'activer JavaScript.
Pour ce qui est du champ date, ne trouvant pas comment le créer, j'ai laissé une date en dur en attendant de trouver.
J'ai fait deux ou trois petits changements (le texte d'alerte, et j'ai essayé d'ajouter la fonction deletePages()).
Et après avoir chiffré le document par la méthode de certificat, à l'ouverture du document, une fois sur deux, le filigrane apparaît alors qu'il ne devrait pas.
j'ai donc implémenté ce code au niveau de la première page, et là, plus de problèmes de filigrane jusqu'à ce que je change de page.
Je pourrai écrire le code pour chaque page, mais ce serait du travail d'âne.
Je suis donc ouvert à vos propositions.
Je voulais aussi savoir s'il etait facil de cracker une protection comme celle-ci

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    Hello Franck
    Un grand merci, ça marche très bien.
    Hum, hum, j'aurais pu le trouver toute seule.
    Comme tu dis, il suffisait de lire l'info bulle
    J'ai juste encore unepetite question à ce sujet.
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    Je me trompe ?
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    Bon week end à tous
    Merci encore de toute ton aide sur ce forum
    Ce message a été modifié par: Franck histoire de pas vous faire spammer :)

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    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

    le moyen le plus facile - à mon avis - pour protéger le site (s) recommandée avec un mot de passe est de demander à votre fournisseur pour cette possibilité. Je peux vous montrer ici le menu de mon fournisseur allemand (Passwortschutz> Protection par mot de passe):
    Voici un exemple de l'un de mes sites, où je ai utilisé le service de mon fournisseur. Vous pouvez voir ce qui se passe si vous ne connaissez pas les détails nécessaires: Il ne ces utilisateurs qui connaissent les mots de passe peut accéder à ce site.
    Comme vous pouvez le voir, je ne ai pas du mal à écrire le fichier ".htaccess" de moi-même, je ai utilisé (ISP) le service du fournisseur. L'avantage, ce est que les deux fichiers (.htaccess et .htpasswd) sont créés simultanément et systemconform. Vous trouverez cette offre, je en suis sûr, sur le site Web de votre fournisseur.
    Bonne chance!

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    >>Detailed Problem Description:>>In the process of updating my firmware on my>>Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra to 2.0.03, the firmware>>update failed and the device was no longer>>recognized by Windows. When the Zen rebooted,>>it showed "Firmware Problem" and booted to a>>recovery mode. After trying to reload the>>firmware from recovery mode, the device rebooted>>again several times, and now will not power on>>at all. I have tried resetting the device via>>the reset button on the side and still will not>>power up. Thanks>>>>=======================
    <FONT color=#ff3300>That was my initial email to customer support...and they respond with:
    >>Dear JAy>>>>Thank you for contacting Creative Labs technical support department.>>>>Creative Labs is a leader in sound systems, portable devices, Mp3>>players, and audio performance. <FONT color=#ff6600>(Nice blab of adversting :smileyindifferent: )> >>>If you would like to view any of our products, or view our knowledge>>base system with helpful troubleshooting tips and driver downloads,>>please visit>>>>We want to fully assist you in the best way possible, so please bear>>with us as we help you solve any technical issues.>>>>I understand you are having problems with your zen.>>>>It is recommended that you download and install the latest driver as>>well as the firmware update, and then format your player or resetyour>>player by booting the player into its unique Recovery Mode, if you>>experience one or more of the following symptoms:>>>>Your player is not detected in Creative MediaSource or Windows Media>>Player>>The battery does not last as expected>>Your computer stops responding during file transfers>>There is a power outage during file transfers>>There is an error about firmware>>>>. Detach the Zen player from your PC , and ensure that it is turned>>off.>>2. Connect the power supply to the player.>>3. Hold down the Play/Pause button while inserting a paper clip into<!--
    D(["mb","> the<br >> > Reset hole on your player.<br >> > 4. Wait for 4 seconds or so, and then remove the paper clip.<br >> > 5. Keep on holding the Play/Pause button till the Rescue Mode screen<br >> > appears.<br >> > 6. After the recovery mode has started, release the Play/Pause<br >button.<br >> ><br >> > The player will display the following options:<br >> ><br >> > Clean Up (Performs a disk scan on the players hard disk, it will<br >> remove<br >> > links that are no longer present, and it will not affect the<br >physical<br >> > files)<br >> > Format All (Formats the players hard disk - Note: all contents will<br >be<br >> > lost)<br >> > Reload OS or Reload Firmware (Reloads the Operating System on the<br >> > player. )<br >> > Reboot (Reboots the device).<br >> ><br >> > Once you enter Rescue Mode we recommend you choose the Clean Up<br >Option<br >> > first; if you continue to have problems, then choose Format All.<br >> > WARNING: choosing the Format All Option will delete the entire<br >> contents<br >> > of your Zen<br >> ><br >> > Step : Clean Up<br >> > Selecting Clean Up option, allows the player to re-organize the<br >files<br >> on<br >> > the hard dri've, and fix any file problems that may have developed.<br >> > After a clean-up, if you reboot, a symbol with the message<br >"Rebuilding<br >> > Library" shows up before normal functioning (depending on the amount<br >> of<br >> > songs on your Zen, it might take a few minutes to rebuild the<br >> library).<br >> ><br >> > Step 2: Format All<br >> > This Formats the Hard Disk and removes all contents of your Zen hard<br >> > disk.<br >> ><br >> > From Rescue Mode choose option 2.<br >> > The Message box "All data will be gone, Format all?" appears<br >> > Choose the correct icon (yes).<br >",]
    // -->>the>>Reset hole on your player.>>4. Wait for 4 seconds or so, and then remove the paper clip.>>5. Keep on holding the Play/Pause button till the Rescue Mode screen>>appears.>>6. After the recovery mode has started, release the Play/Pausebutton.>>
    <They continue to talk about going through the recovery mode...So after stating I cant turn the power on in my problem description that is what I got...Do they actually even READ your emails? Now my turn to respond...
    >Ok - I have tried your recommendation --->>*". Detach the Zen player from your PC , and ensure that it is turned>off.>2. Connect the power supply to the player.>3. Hold down the Play/Pause button while inserting a paper clip intothe>Reset hole on your player.>4. Wait for 4 seconds or so, and then remove the paper clip.>5. Keep on holding the Play/Pause button till the Rescue Mode screen>appears.>6. After the recovery mode has started, release the Play/Pausebutton."*><EM>>And like I stated in my problem description, I have tried severaltimes>to>reset the player, including holding the play/pause button and pressing>the>reset button and the unit no longer powers up at all.</EM>
    <Makes sense right? The unit no longer powers nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero... Their response...
    Dear Jay,>>Hi, Sorry you are having trouble with your creative product! Regarding>your last email. Looks like you may have a defecti've Creative Labs>product and I would suggest taking back to place of purchase for a>speedy replacement. If you are not able to do this and you have aretail>version and a receipt showing date of purchase then you can send the>product into Creative Labs as long as its still under warranty for an>Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).>In this case, an RMA service request would be necessary. Please note>that if the product has exceeded its warranty period or there is any>User damage, an out-of-warranty RMA will need to be issued. Thiswould>require the cost of the repairs to be sent with the product when
    <They go on explaining the out of warranty and RMA procedures and also have info for me to fill out regarding the getting an RMA....So looks like I may be getting somewhere, at least send my unit back to get fixed right? I respond with the info they request regarding model number purchase date, etc but then follow up with another problem description...
    Brief Problem description: In the process of updating my firmware on my<!--
    D(["mb","Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra to 2.0.03, the firmware update failed and the<br >device<br >was no longer recognized by Windows. When the Zen rebooted, it showed<br >"Firmware Problem" and booted to a recovery mode. After trying to<br >reload<br >the firmware from recovery mode, the device rebooted again several<br >times,<br >and now will not power on<br >at all. I have tried resetting the device via the reset button on the<br >side<br >and still will not power up, and also tried getting back into recovery<br >mode<br >by holding down play/pause and pressing reset and still no powering up.<br >Thanks<br ><br ><br >On 6/23/06, Creative Americas Customer Support <<br ><a onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"mailto:[email protected]\]<wbr >[/url]> wrote:<br >><br >> Dear Jay,<br >><br >> Hi, Sorry you are having trouble with your creative product! Regarding<br >> your last email. Looks like you may have a defecti've Creative Labs<br >> product and I would suggest taking back to place of purchase for a<br >> speedy replacement. If you are not able to do this and you have a<br >retail<br >> version and a receipt showing date of purchase then you can send the<br >> product into Creative Labs as long as its still under warranty for an<br >> Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).<br >> In this case, an RMA service request would be necessary. Please note<br >> that if the product has exceeded its warranty period or there is any<br >> User damage, an out-of-warranty RMA will need to be issued. This<br >would<br >> require the cost of the repairs to be sent with the product when<br >> shipping to Creative labs for an RMA.<br >> For Creative products that have 90 day labor/2 month parts warranty.<br >> An RMA date that is within the 90 days from purchase date requires no<br >> repair/replacement cost. If date RMA purchase is past 90 days but<br >",]
    // -->Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra to 2.0.03, the firmware update failed and thedevicewas no longer recognized by Windows. When the Zen rebooted, it showed"Firmware Problem" and booted to a recovery mode. After trying toreloadthe firmware from recovery mode, the device rebooted again severaltimes,and now will not power onat all. I have tried resetting the device via the reset button on thesideand still will not power up, and also tried getting back into recoverymodeby holding down play/pause and pressing reset and still no powering up. Thanks
    <After I sent that email, this is what I get back to my surprise ----
    Dear Jay,Thank you for contacting Creative Technical Support.With regards to the issue, before we proceed with the RMA. I would liketo inform you that as the player has exceed its warranty period, it willnot be covered by warranty. Therefore if the player is deemed out of warranty of the RMA department,the estimated cost of service is around $43.00 - $88.00May I know if you are still willing to send the player to us for<!--
    D(["mb","service? If you wish to do so, kindly reply back to us with your<br >descision and on receving your reply we would process the RMA.<br ><br >In case if you need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact<br >us. Thank you.<br ><br >If you still require assistance, please reply to this email with any<br >previous correspondence to ensure the quickest and most accurate<br >service.<br ><br >Best Regards<br >,<br ><br >Glenden<br >Technical Support<br >Creative Labs Americas<br ><br ><br ><br >To provide feedback on your "Creative Experience" please click on the<br >following link:<br ><br ><a onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"http://www.**bleep**.com/support/contact/welcome.asp?r\u003dCLI&d\u003dTS\" target\u003d_blank target=_blank>http://www.**bleep**.com<wbr >/support/contact/welcome.asp?r<wbr >\u003dCLI&d\u003dTS[/url]<br ><br >This link is provided so that you may provide feedback on your "Creative<br >Experience". If you require further troubleshooting or have additional<br >questions simply reply to the original mail and we will be glad to<br >assist you.<br ><br >Original Message Follows:<br >------------------------<br >Name: Jay Garcia<br ><br >Address (Sorry, no PO Boxes): 403 Keen Lake Ct<br ><br >City, State, ZIP : Lutz, FL 33549<br ><br >Phone number - Day : 83-74-5603<br ><br >Phone number - Eve : 83-74-5603<br ><br >Email Address: <a onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"mailto:[email protected]\][email protected][/url]<br ><br >Model number: DAP-HD00<br ><br >Product Color (e.g. blue/silver): silver & white<br ><br >Product Hard Dri've Size or Amount of Memory (e.g. 30GB/256MB): 40GB<br ><br >Serial number (Usually, located inside the battery compartment):<br >MPF0500469000725D<br ><br >Creative Care Protection Plan Certificate Number:<br >Date of purchase : 09/0/04 ?<br ><br >Place of purchase : Best Buy<br ><br >Brief Problem description: In the process of updating my firmware on my<br >",]
    // -->service? If you wish to do so, kindly reply back to us with yourdescision and on receving your reply we would process the RMA. In case if you need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contactus. Thank you. If you still require assistance, please reply to this email with anyprevious correspondence to ensure the quickest and most accurateservice.
    <WHOA ---- $88 bucks?!?! I can buy a "new" refurbed unit online for cheaper than that...AND I would get a warranty!! Since they said if I needed clarification or assitance, reply, to which I did:
    Let me make sure I understand this... I tried updating my player withyourlatest firmware, and it fried my mp3 player, and now I have to pay up to$88 to fix a problem cause by your software? I just want to make sureIunderstand this issue. Thanks
    <Now for the kicker!!! Here is what they say:
    Dear JayThank you for contacting Creative Labs technical support department.Creative Labs is a leader in sound systems, portable devices, Mp3players, and audio performance. If you would like to view any of our products, or view our knowledgebase system with helpful troubleshooting tips and driver downloads,please visit want to fully assist you in the best way possible, so please bearwith us as we help you solve any technical issues. I understand you are having problems with your zen. It is recommended that you download and install the latest driver aswell as the firmware update, and then format your player or reset yourplayer by booting the player into its unique Recovery Mode, if youexperience one or more of the following symptoms:Your player is not detected in Creative MediaSource or Windows MediaPlayerThe battery does not last as expectedYour computer stops responding during file transfersThere is a power outage during file transfersThere is an error about firmware. Detach the Zen player from your PC , and ensure that it is turnedoff.2. Connect the power supply to the player.3. Hold down the Play/Pause button while inserting a paper clip into theReset hole on your player.4. Wait for 4 seconds or so, and then remove the paper clip.5. Keep on holding the Play/Pause button till the Rescue Mode screenappears.6. After the recovery mode has started, release the Play/Pause button.<IT'S THE EXACT SAME EMAIL AS THE FIRST EMAIL THEY SENT BACK!!!!! I responded to that email just a little while ago requesting that a supervisor or manager please contact me... Their support is absolutely HORRENDOUS! I am wondering if these people in "tech support" are technically or are just flowing a flow chart for procedures.
    I have been the IT field for 8+ years, I deal with customers on a daily basis. I have never in my life seen this kind of business practice, of A) a company not standing behind their products & work and B) supporting the customers issues after the fact. I understand I am a lowly MP3 owner, but I have always purchased creative products, I've got 2 sound cards running in my pc's here at home. I've purchased speakers, this mp3 player, referred my father in law to purchase a similar mp3 player from creative, bought my brother the same mp3 player. This whole exprience has put a bad taste in my mouth and to see that there are quite a few others are having the same issue makes me sick...
    P.S. sorry for being so long winded in this, I know its alot to read, I tried to cut out the non-essential stuff in the emails I posted but I still can't believe my player is junk now after a failed firmware update.

    harryhibbs wrote:
    A quick question: When you try to reset the unit, is it connected to the charger? If yes, OK you say it's dead, so no screen display, BUT, can you hear if the hard dri've is spinning? I think it's very unlikely that a firmware upgrade process would have any chance of physically killing a unit altogether.
    Another thing to check - is the battery firmly located in place? You can remove the front cover to access the battery compartment.
    Yes - that is correct, I have been trying to reset the unit with it connected to AC power via the charger...No you cannot hear the harddri've spinning. Yes the firmware can kill the unit, not "physically" but it has logically shut down the unit to where it will not power up. The battery is firmly seated...Just as a side note, when I tried the original firmware upgrade the unit was plugged into the charger as well, so I know there were no power outages etc during the attempted upgrade.

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    Is there an HP scan utility / download that I am missing? Perhaps something else?
    1) I installed OS X 10.6.4 via installation disk.
    2) When I installed it, I chose NOT to install the printer drivers and NOT to install printer drivers for printers close to me. At the time of install I did not have a printer connected to the machine.
    3) After OS X 10.6.4 install, still with no printer attached, I did the Software Update to OS X 10.6.5.
    4) Then I attached my HP Deskjet F4400 series All-In-One to the MBP via USB.
    5) Via Software Update, I installed The HP Driver Version is 2.3.1 (latest via Mac Software Update). Apple states: HP Deskjet F4400 series: 2.3.1 is able to Print and Scan (
    6) I am able to print and can scan using Mac's Print & Fax, and can scan via Mac's Print & Fax, Image Capture, and Preview.
    7) So, what is the problem?
    The scan feature, using Mac's Print & Fax, Image Capture, and Preview is rather "cumbersome" (see below) to configure to get a scan and I am wondering if this is a) just the nature of the OS X 10.6.5 scan, b) just the nature of the HP Deskjet F4400 series, c) just the nature of the driver, d) some combination of a, b c, or something I am not considering.
    To explain the idea of "cumbersome" I will describe a common scan task that I would like to accomplish:
    1) Load the document on the flatbed scanner (correctly aligned on the flatbed) - in this example I am trying to scan my AppleCare Protection Plan Certificate. I think it is a good example since it is on 8.5 x 11 paper, it has title case, letter format, with name, address, part number, a bar code, a table, and text, url, etc.
    2) From System Preferences, open Print & Fax, the HP Deskjet F4400 is listed, choose the Scan button, click Open Scanner. This takes me to the same scan window that I could also get to if using Image Capture, and Preview. The scanner 'warms up" and displays the AppleCare Protection Plan Certificate that I would like to scan (I am on the details page).
    3) This is where it is cumbersome. Now, despite altering the "Kind", "Resolution", or "Detect Separate Items" the scan will automatically pick out the table in the document and the size will auto-adjust to 6.75 x 0.55 inches (the size of the table that is automatically selected - but I don't want to scan the table, I want to scan the entire document).
    4) The only way I have found to capture / scan the entire document is to:
    a) Insert 8.5 x 11.0 in the size boxes (on the details page). This has the effect of selecting more of the document, but the document is cropped at the bottom - it is not selecting the entire 11.0" of the 8.5 x 11.0 of the actual document. If I attempt to put in 12 to replace the 11 (in hopes of capturing the entire document), then I get the message drop-down "The value ”12” is too big (Maximum value is 11.69333)." I discard the change and it is now back at 11.0.
    b) However, when I drag the bottom of the selected cropped image to the bottom of the document, the 11.0 now changes to 12.57 in the size box (- recall I could not just type anything greeter than 11.69333 as mentioned in the previous step - but now with the selection, it goes to the 12.57 - that just does not seem right).
    c) Now, I can click Scan and the image / document will get scanned (in this example - to ScanTest01.pdf in Documents).
    If I try to manipulate the above method in any other way (and I have tried many, many different approaches, toying around with the different options on the details page) then I will either get several scans (it will scan each "Detect Separate Items" and scan it to its own pdf - i.e. a pdf with just the table and a pdf with table and text) or a cropped scan. In the case of getting several scans, I really don't think I should be burdened with the "overhead" of going into Documents and deciding which one it is that I actually want and then deleting the others.
    In my opinion, it does not seem like I should have to tweak the scan settings so much just to get a "simple" document scan of a 8.5 x 11.0 document. I might be more appeased if I could set the size or other scan settings somewhere (i.e. if I need to keep it at 8.5 x 12.57 - select the entire page - something), but I have not been able to do that. I need to go through the entire - choose 8.5 x 11.0, drag the 11 to 12.57, scan - not ideal for one document - terrible if many documents need to be scanned.
    I noticed in other posts that some people refer to an HP Printer folder or an HP Scan utility. Apparently, I do not have one. I am wondering if I might get one if I download the entire HP Printer Drivers v.2.5.2 for Mac OS X v10.6 ( and if this would "fix" the issues I am having. Normally, I would just give it a try, but really don't want to install a bunch of of drivers that I may not need, or may inadvertently add to the confusion of the issue at hand (that driver package contains the HP Driver Version is 2.3.1 that I have installed)
    I have also reset my printing system, emptied cache files, and re-added the printer / scanner, deleted it, added it, etc any number of times, with each trial of the scan, but does not seem to change anything as related above.
    I have been to the HP site, "How to Scan in Mac OS X 10.6 without Using HP Software" ( &product=3837411#N202), which basically tells one to use the Print & Fax method.
    I have also read the HP Support document ( Id=115&prodSeriesId=3742084&prodTypeId=18972&prodSeriesId=3742084&objectID=c0184 6935) which clearly states:
    New with Snow Leopard, the Scanning interface to these HP Inkjet All-in-One devices is now built into Snow Leopard and supported with the Apple Image Capture application. There are three ways to perform scanning from your HP All-in-One:
    * Preview program
    * Image Capture program
    * System Preferences > Print & Fax
    HP Utility
    The latest HP Utility is included in Mac OS X 10.6.
    So it seems like I should be fully setup for scanning - but if that is the case, then the scanning is not really ideal.
    Does anyone have any feedback on if this is all working as it is supposed to and I should expect it to be "cumbersome" or if there is something that I mentioned or am totally missing that I need to do or tweak to get past the "cumbersome" aspect of the process? Does anyone have better results with another printer? Thanks for any feedback.
    * Maybe in another post, but also related, I eventually got the ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac. I was hoping this install (I need the searchable / have selectable text anyway) - installed after the above issues (which still remains) might bypass the cumbersome aspect. ABBYY FineReader will take the scanned files (pdfs) and make them searchable / have selectable text. However, it currently will not find my HP Deskjet F4400 as a source to scan from, so have to select the file after it is scanned from the above method. So far very pleased without their product, I have a support tick in with them to see what might be the case with that issue.

    Thanks Dale,
    I did review your post previously (did not mention it in the above manifesto ) but did not try it because when going through the process via the HP Support & Drivers site (, the only download available for the HP Deskjet F4400 was the "HP Deskjet Full Feature Software and Drivers - Mac OS X v10.4, v10.5, and v10.6", which, at the time, seemed a bit much just to get the HP Deskjet F4400 scanning to work well on OS X 10.6.5 and HP also says not to use it (see below).
    But now, thought it might be worth a try and did the following (first on a bootable clone):
    1) Reset the printing system
    2) Deleted the files under printers folder
    3) Deleted the hp plist file under preferences
    4) Downloaded and installed the "HP Deskjet Full Feature Software and Drivers - Mac OS X v10.4, v10.5, and v10.6" from the hp site
    5) Added back the printer
    6) At this point, if I went to Print & Fax, and tried to open the scanner, it would show "Trying to open scanner session" and then "Failed to open a session on this device"
    7) Did Software Update, which offered up the HP 2.5.2 drivers for the device, and installed these
    8) Then everything "worked"
    -- The Print & Fax scan still operates as above (rather poorly)
    -- The HP Scan works well (found under the newly installed HP folder under apps)
    -- The HP Deskjet F4400 shows up in the ABBYY FineReader (seems to offer better OCR than the IRIS software that HP uses)
    Yea! - So, apparently if you throw "everything" into the mix, it seems to work. It just seems odd that HP would state ( Id=115&prodSeriesId=3742084&prodTypeId=18972&prodSeriesId=3742084&objectID=c0184 6935):
    New with Snow Leopard, the Scanning interface to these HP Inkjet All-in-One devices is now built into Snow Leopard and supported with the Apple Image Capture application. There are three ways to perform scanning from your HP All-in-One:
    * Preview program
    * Image Capture program
    * System Preferences > Print & Fax
    And then give a big warning that says:
    Important: Please do not reinstall software from original HP Photosmart, Officejet, Deskjet CDs, or HP web downloads from previous Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4, or 10.5. Older software is not compatible with Snow Leopard. The latest Snow Leopard compatible software is included in Mac OS X 10.6, and you will experience the best performance and functionality if you use the latest HP software.
    Oddly enough, HP does have a link on the above page to get the the HP Scan application (despite their warning), but it resolves to a "We're very sorry! The page you requested can not be found."
    Well they should be sorry, even though things got to working, I went ahead and ordered a Canon PIXMA MX870 Wireless Office All-in-One Printer (sure it will have its own set of frustrations, just that after I got to looking at it, seamed nice and good time for new printer - will still keep the HP around)
    Now only if Airport Base Station would allow the ability to scan .

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