Fortran translator

I have an old fortran code (its about 3 pages long). I have never worked with fortran so I was wondering if I can use f2c in the aur to convert the code to c.
Does this work well? And do I need to do something with the fortran code to make sure it works?

I will... I am in the process of typing out the code. Its printed on a yellowed sheet with a typewriter :S.
Was just wondering if someone has any experience doing this, since I have never touched fortran.

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    I believe Java uses call-by-value and not call-by-reference, right?
    What are my best options for translating the many call-by-reference subroutines and functions?

    If you insist, then you can wrap objects up in a sort-of container, which can get you PBR-type semantics, but it's clunky. Eg
    class StringRef  {
      private String payload;
      public String toString() { return payload; }
      public void setPayload(String string) { payload = string; }
    public void passMeAString(StringRef string) {
      // do stuff;
    }You can reach into the StringRef object and change it's effective value. But then all code dealing with it, whether it needs PBR semantics or not, is either coupled to this StringRef class, or is peppered with code to lift the actual string in and out of StringRef objects. Or you could deal with single-element arrays everywhere, which isn't really any better.
    Messy, a maintenance nightmare, a haven for bugs. I'd really be looking at solving the problem without using pass-by-reference, if you don't want to have a nervous breakdown.
    Another thing to consider is that simply shoehorning your existing Fortran through a Java compiler means you're also inheriting all the bugs and the convoluted messy code from fixing bugs that you'd probably rather not. I seriously wouldn't try to do this, just infer the requirements from the Fortran code and start again. You might well even find that there already exist Java libraries that can replace some of your code.

  • Fortran library for computation? or should I learn C instead?

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    Second for Numpy.  The concern with looping seems unwarranted.  If anything, you will need much less looping.  Case in point, the 1D Haar transform.  The first inner for loop has been replaced with a pair of list slices, [0::2] and [1::2].  (Those give the even and odd elements, respectively.)
    side note:  All the heavy lifting is done with Blas and Lapack, both very fast C math libs.  It should not be that much slower than straight C.  I really need to do some benchmarking.
    def haar1D(vec):
    "[(-0.5 to 0.5)] -> [(-0.5 to 0.5)]"
    w = len(vec)
    while w > 1:
    s = (vec[0:w:2] + vec[1:w:2]) / 2.0
    d = (vec[0:w:2] - vec[1:w:2]) / 2.0
    vec = n.concatenate((s, d, vec[w:]))
    w = w / 2
    return vec
    Compared to the original C code (from
    void haar1d(float *vec, int n)
    int i=0;
    int w=n;
    float *vecp = new float[n];
    vecp[i] = 0;
    vecp[i] = (vec[2*i] + vec[2*i+1])/sqrt(2.0);
    vecp[i+w] = (vec[2*i] - vec[2*i+1])/sqrt(2.0);
    vec[i] = vecp[i];
    delete [] vecp;
    (I am reasonably certain the whole sqrt(2) thing was a bug.  Have not found it in any other literature.)
    Last edited by keenerd (2010-05-02 13:18:09)

  • How to call Fortran .dll file that using other library files?

    I am trying to do some arkward tasks using LabView, and I am desperately need help....
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    4. Now I am trying more complicated Fortran code (say Test.dll), which calling other library (.lib files) that using typical "call xxx(a,b,c)" line, and my nightmare started....  It seems nothing was excuted when I call Test.dll in LabView.
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    3. Seems there is mismatch btw the data type in Fortran and LabView. For example, LabView's  Signed 8-bit Integer seems different with a integer in Fortran. How can i know the correlation btw data type in different langurage, i.e. LabView vs Fortran?
    4. Are there any good examples that I can take a look?
    I would highly appreicate any suggestions/helps!

    You are aware that Intel Visual Fortran is the successor to Compaq Visual Fortran (I think you made a mistype with the Virtual)? So an upgrade might be at its place.
    Anyhow I'm really not familiar with Fortran at all, but lib files are usually compiled into an EXE or DLL and not loaded dynamically. 1) 
    So there should be no problem with locating those libs. What most likely is a problem are other DLL dependencies such as any Fortran Runtime library or possibly other third party DLLs the more advanced code in your DLL might be using.
    Typically most compilers can be configured to link the runtime library code statically into the DLL, as altenbach reports for the Intel compiler, otherwise you must make sure to install the  redistributable Fortran Runtime Library for your compiler. Besides that you must make sure to find out what other runtime dependencies your code might have and install them.
    1) One exception I know of is LabWindows CVI which allows to also load lib files dynamically. This is supposedly a legacy feature from LabWindows for DOS, which allowed that feature to simulate dynamic module loading in order to swap modules at runtime to work around the 640k memory limitation of DOS.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Translation of Iris script into Darwin

    I am trying to install a utility called EGS_Windows in Darwin and it comes with an installation script for the old Iris system. This utility is normally installed in Linux, and I have the linux installer script as well. Anyhowm I try to run the script by:
    make -f Makefile.iris
    make -f Makefile.Linux
    Both of these return a long error message that I have attached to see if any can give me any word of advice on how do I start translating the iris script into something Darwin can understand in order to install the utility.
    Thanks a lot
    _Here is the MAKEFILE.IRIS script_:
    # This is /usr/people/egsnrc/EGS_Windows/RCS/Makefile.iris,v
    # Revision 1.1 last edited 2001-02-02 15:14:51-05
    # Last changed by bwalters and currently locked by
    # Makefile for EGS graphics software.
    # See the Makefile for Linux for a description of the variables
    CC= cc
    F77= f77
    INCLUDES= -I./ -I/usr/include/GL -I/usr/local/include
    LIBS= -lforms -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lXmu -lXext -lX11 -lm -ltiff
    LDFLAGS= -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib
    EGSSOURCE= egs_main.c \
    palette.c \
    egs_input.c \
    egs_graphics.c \
    egs_labels.c \
    egs_printer.c \
    egs_history.c \
    egs_prefs.c \
    EGSOBJS= \
    egs_main.o \
    egs_graphics.o \
    palette.o \
    egs_input.o \
    egs_labels.o \
    egs_printer.o \
    egs_history.o \
    egs_prefs.o \
    *.c examples *.h *.f \
    *.help *.map Makefile README Announcement CHANGES
    EGSWindows4.0.sgi.exe: $(EGSOBJS)
    $(F77) $(EGSOBJS) ${INCLUDES} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBS} -g -o EGSWindows4.0.iris.exe
    egs_main.o: egs_main.c egs_guis.c egs_prefs.h
    ${CC} egs_main.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_main.o
    palette.o: palette.c
    ${CC} palette.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o palette.o
    egs_graphics.o: egs_graphics.c egs_guis.c egsgfxglobals.h
    $(CC) egs_graphics.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -DMACHINETYPE=sgi -g -c -o egs_graphics.o
    egs_labels.o: egs_labels.c egs_guis.c egs_guis.h
    $(CC) egs_labels.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_labels.o
    egs_printer.o: egs_printer.c egs_guis.c egs_guis.h
    $(CC) egs_printer.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_printer.o
    egs_history.o: egs_history.c egs_guis.c egsgfxglobals.h
    $(CC) egs_history.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_history.o
    egs_prefs.o: egs_prefs.c egs_prefs.h
    $(CC) egs_prefs.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_prefs.o
    egs_prefacts.o: egs_prefacts.c egs_prefs.h egsgfxglobals.h
    $(CC) egs_prefacts.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_prefacts.o
    egs_input.o: egs_input.c
    $(CC) egs_input.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_input.o
    touch $(EGSSOURCE)
    rm *.o
    tar -cvf EGSWindows4.0.tar $(TARFILES)
    gzip *.tar
    _And here is the MAKEFILE.LINUX script_:
    # This is /usr/people/egsnrc/EGS_Windows/RCS/Makefile.Linux,v
    # Revision 1.3 last edited 2002-12-29 08:12:45-05
    # Last changed by dave and currently locked by
    # Makefile for EGS graphics software.
    # Change the cc, g77 to what you use to compile C and FORTRAN.
    CC= cc
    F77= g77
    # The following lines tell us where to find the vaious include files
    # needed by the code. Specifically EGS_Windows needs to know where to
    # find the files
    # 1) egs_guis.h, egs_prefs.h, egsgfxglobals.h, banner.xbm,
    # canflag.xpm, which are in ./
    # 2) math.h, stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, X11/StringDefs.h,
    # X11/keysym.h, X11/cursorfont.h, X11/extensions/XShm.h, X11/Xlib.h,
    # which at NRC are in /usr/include
    # 3) gl.h, glx.h, glu.h, glut.h, which at NRC are in /usr/local/include/GL
    # 4) forms.h, tiffio.h which at NRC are in /usr/local/include. The make
    # utility has this path on its default directory search so it needn't be
    # specified.
    INCLUDES= -I./ -I/usr/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/GL -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11
    # The following are the libraries that EGS_Windows requires to link in
    # at the final compilation stage.
    LIBS= -lforms -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lXmu -lXext -lX11 -lm -ltiff
    #in one installation, one needed to add -lXi to the above(Henning Kiel)
    # The following are the directory search paths of the above listed
    # libraries. All of the above libraries can be found in these
    # directories at NRC; they should be changed or added to depending on
    # where they live on your directory tree.
    LDFLAGS= -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib
    EGSSOURCE= egs_main.c \
    palette.c \
    egs_input.c \
    egs_graphics.c \
    egs_labels.c \
    egs_printer.c \
    egs_history.c \
    egs_prefs.c \
    EGSOBJS= \
    egs_main.o \
    egs_graphics.o \
    palette.o \
    egs_input.o \
    egs_labels.o \
    egs_printer.o \
    egs_history.o \
    egs_prefs.o \
    *.c examples *.h *.f \
    *.help *.map Makefile README Announcement CHANGES
    EGSWindows4.0.Linux.exe: $(EGSOBJS)
    $(F77) $(EGSOBJS) ${INCLUDES} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBS} -g -gldebug -o EGSWindows4.0.Linux.exe
    egs_main.o: egs_main.c egs_guis.c egs_prefs.h
    ${CC} egs_main.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_main.o
    palette.o: palette.c
    ${CC} palette.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o palette.o
    egs_graphics.o: egs_graphics.c egs_guis.c egsgfxglobals.h
    $(CC) egs_graphics.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -DMACHINETYPE=linux -g -c -o egs_graphics.o
    egs_labels.o: egs_labels.c egs_guis.c egs_guis.h
    $(CC) egs_labels.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_labels.o
    egs_printer.o: egs_printer.c egs_guis.c egs_guis.h
    $(CC) egs_printer.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_printer.o
    egs_history.o: egs_history.c egs_guis.c egsgfxglobals.h
    $(CC) egs_history.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_history.o
    egs_prefs.o: egs_prefs.c egs_prefs.h
    $(CC) egs_prefs.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_prefs.o
    egs_prefacts.o: egs_prefacts.c egs_prefs.h egsgfxglobals.h
    $(CC) egs_prefacts.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_prefacts.o
    egs_input.o: egs_input.c
    $(CC) egs_input.c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -g -c -o egs_input.o
    touch $(EGSSOURCE)
    rm *.o
    tar -cvf EGSWindows4.0.tar $(TARFILES)
    gzip *.tar

    macarabe wrote:
    Both of these return a long error message that I have attached to see if any can give me any word of advice on how do I start translating the iris script into something Darwin can understand in order to install the utility.
    You didn't include the error message. Porting a makefile from Linux shouldn't be too difficult. The only unusual thing I see is FORTRAN. You'll probably need a FORTRAN compiler to proceed.

  • Java Or Fortran ?

    Hello all master...i have one question. I need to build an application and it is about modeling for landslide. So i need some advice from you all. Which one between java or fortran is suitable as programming language for my project. For example software is [CHASM Software|] . Is java suitable as my project programming language ? This is because, i never learn about fortran before this and i also has some experience using java. For second question why scientist always use fortran ? Which is power between both of them ?
    Thanks. I hope someone will help me.

    I guess I'd be thinking FORTRAN for the engineering stuff, and Java for all the "application stuff".
    * Yes, you can produce .dll/.so's in Fortran and call them from Java via RMI. So you get the best of both worlds... speed/ease of calcs; and ease of "app development".
    * Hard core engineers still totally dig fortran, as they should. It's a specialised language which was designed to suit them to a tee. There's a massive existing investment in how to do "heaving lifting" in fortran... much of which doesn't translate. Lots of Holywood's CGI tools are still written in fortran... Hmmm... I wonder why?... Could It Be Because It Works?
    * Java is streets ahead in the "applications" space.... Swing, Servlets, JSP, WebServices... even underlying stuff like JDBC and LDAP/ActiveDirectories... and there's plenty of smart folks out there on the employment lines (more every day ;-( ) with experience in the java space.
    * I hate to admit it but C# is still way out in front for fat graphical clients.
    * The downside is that programmers who are competent in both Fortran, Java and C# are as rare as chickens lips... You'll probably be looking at a tripolar development team (who hate each other with religious passion)... trick is to find a team-leader with a bit of knowledge of all worlds, but not too much... and equip him a BIG stick, and an endless box of jelly donuts ;-)
    Cheers. Keith.

  • Using Fortran Funcrions in Java

    In my project I need to call some subroutine, made in fortran, into my java program but I don't know how to do it...
    My fortran subroutine is called: SUBROUTINE LETQUE(BUF,QUE,SIZE,BYPASS)
    What should i do to include in my java???

    You may be able to access FORTRAN functions from Java using the Java Native Interface (JNI). Here's the JNI tutorial, which only has examples in C:
    You'll probably want the trail "Writing Java Programs with Native Methods". Your biggest challenge will be marshalling and unmarshalling the input parameters and return values of your FORTRAN fucntions--that is, converting the data back and forth between Java and FORTRAN data formats. You are probably going to have to do some experimenting to get each data type to translate between languages, and should be very familiar with the format of your FORTRAN function's parameters, down to the byte level. You will also need to find out how to create a shared library (on Unix) or a DLL (on Windows) from a FORTRAN source file.
    Try searching the forums for "fotran". I see a lot of people are creating intermediate C-language wrappers for their FORTRAN routines, and calling the C from JNI. That might be an easier path.
    Another possibility, if you're processing large amounts of data in batches, would be to use text files to exchange data between a stand-alone Java application and a stand-alone FORTRAN program.
    Good luck!

  • Fortran on archlinux

    fortran? what is this?:
    fortune -m FORTRAN wrote:
    FORTRAN is a good example of a language which is easier to parse
    using ad hoc techniques.
                    -- D. Gries
    FORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies.
    FORTRAN is not a flower but a weed -- it is hardy, occasionally blooms,
    and grows in every computer.
                    -- A.J. Perlis           [What's good about it?  Ed.]
    FORTRAN is the language of Powerful Computers.
                    -- Steven Feiner
    It's multiple choice time...
            What is FORTRAN?
            a: Between thre and fiv tran.
            b: What two computers engage in before they interface.
            c: Ridiculous.
    You can measure a programmer's perspective by noting his attitude on
    the continuing viability of FORTRAN.
                    -- Alan Perlis
    FORTRAN?  The syntactically incorrect statement "DO 10 I = 1.10" will parse and
    generate code creating a variable, DO10I, as follows: "DO10I = 1.10"  If that
    doesn't terrify you, it should.
    ok, and now serious:
    we need a fortran compiler in archlinux ... at least to be able to compile some scientific apps ... that are often used by students (the people that invented linux )
    ok: to be a little bit precise:
    what is not in archlinux, and should be is:
    f2c (a fortran to C translator)
    g77 (GNU F77 compiler ...  part of gcc ... no idea how or where to download) is the only link i found with gg
    and maybe the intel fortran compiler: … noncom.htm
    it's free for noncomertial use
    and for the future, what about the f compiler?
    i dont have time right now to get into how to install any of them on a linux, to built a package, but it would be great having at least f2c and g77

    I just dug through the gcc site and found the following :
    and if one compares to
    one does see the big all-in-one package and the individual parts.
    It appears that AL requires the full package, so enabling fortran with
    (which I found on )
    should just get you g77  !
    And finally, the latest and greatest details are on
    all right, back to work :-) ... and eventually, I will actually DO something about Fortran packages instead of just posting info :-) But while I am at it, I throw more URL's at you ...

  • Currency Translation on Key Date for AR Aging

    Need your valuable advice!
    I have created an AR Aging query including both Open and Cleared Items based on 0FIAR_C03_Q0005 standard query. However the requirement is to do currency translation to Group Currency (USD) on Key Date. This Key date is defaulted to today but the user can change this to go back in time and pull all the ARs as of that back dated key date.
    I was planning to create a currency translation type on M rate based on the Key Date Variable in RSCUR. However I am confused on which variable to base this currency translation. I have several key date variables in my query such as 0P_KEYD2 (based on Posting Date), 0P_KEYDT (based on Net Due Date) and 0P_KEYD3 (based on Clearing Date).
    Which Key Date Variable should I use in 'Time Reference from Variable' field in RSCUR? Would it be one of the 3 mentioned above or something else and why?
    Appreciate your valuable advice.

    Yes I do want to use the Key date from the variable screen and I am using the standard 0FIAR_C03_Q005 with slight modification including currency translation.
    As I mentioned in my original post I have several key date variables in this query such as 0P_KEYD2 (based on Posting Date), 0P_KEYDT (based on Net Due Date) and 0P_KEYD3 (based on Clearing Date). My question is which one should I use if I want to base it on the specific key date variable from the variable screen? I need the specific Key Date variable technical name.

  • XML Publisher report - Number translation in Italian

    While i am Doing an XMl publisher report in english and Italian Languages i am facing an issue with the Dot translation.
    For eg: 4.5 is translated to 4,5 in Italian.This creates a problem for me when i am doing summary on this column.So how should i handle in case italian.

    better to ask this question in the BI (XML) Publisher Forum: BI Publisher

  • No Unicode Translation Error

    Hi All,
    I am getting the following error while running a report in Answers tool.
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 46115] No Unicode translation is available for some of the input characters for MultiByteWideChar(). (HY000)
    I am seeing this error on my local windows desktop. The database is oracle 10g.
    The error is not very consistent. Sometime it works and then it fails because of the above error. Not sure what is causing it.
    Edited by: bejoy.nair on Sep 1, 2009 9:00 AM

    I am also receiving the same error, but from within Answers. It occurs occasionally, depending on what fields I select. I am trying to narrow it down to a field and field type. I am using OBIEE and Oracle 11g.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Media Encoder CC 2014.0.1 error on install: I can't unpack the downloaded files (translation).

    I have troubles with the latest update of Media Encoder CC (2014). I get an error which says: I can't unpack the downloaded files (translated from Dutch). Please try again. I try again, but it don't help. I have a MacPro early 2008 with Mavericks.
    Moderator moved thread from Premiere Pro forum to AME, and trimmed the title.

    Looks like one component in Media Encoder is either missing or corrupted somehow.
    Could you uninstall Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014 and please make sure all files are deleted after uninstall?  Then, please try re-installing it.

  • Sapscript translated in non-english language - Garbled output as Email

    Hi Experts,
    I've translated a SAPscript  to Chinese and Thai language.
    As per my requirement, the output can either be printed, emailed or faxed.
    I'm using the standard include  RVADOPFO for Open form.
    For the english version, I'm able to recieve the properly formatted e-mail output.
    However in case of thai and chinese, the Thai and Chinese characters do not appear. Most of them are substituted with blank spaces and some are substituted with boxes and unknown characters. However, the numbers and english characters appear.
    Please help in getting the correct output.

    SAP 141343. PDF Conversion: Latin-2.
    SAP 141901. Customer-specific fonts for PDF conversion.
    SAP 163266. PDF conversion: character set for softfonts.
    SAP 171698. SAPconnect: Formats, conversion, device type.
    SAP 317851. Creating PDF format via spooler in 4.6C/4.6B/4.5B.
    SAP 322998. PDF conversion: Cyrillic support.
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    SAP 504952. Composite note spool and print.
    Find these notes, there You'll find some answers.

  • Translations into a transport request

    Hi all,
    The question has been asked before here at this forum, but I haven't found a satisfacory answer yet.
    I have to change the translations of some smartform texts using se63. After having made the changes, I am not forced to add the changes into a change request.
    How do I move these changes into a change reuest? We are on 4.6C and the report RS_LXE_RECORD_TORDER or transaction SLXT are unknown. I did not change the smartform, only the translations.

    Hi Bertus,
    Use sa38 and execute the function RS_LXE_RECORD_TORDER.
    Choose the Target Language (you will need one for each language)
    Choose Workbench Request (it will create automaticaly)
    in Filter Tab
    Object Type : SFF
    Object Processor: <your username>
    and Execute (F8)
    Select from the list what you need to put in the Order.

  • Syntax highlighting not working with label on if statement in fortran in Visual studio 2010

    I am having a difficult time in figuring out the syntax highlighting in Visual studio. I am using fortran code and there are labels in if statements as follows: 
                if_2003: IF (FRAC_PBED(NNSED,L).LT.0.0.AND.
         +                   FRAC_PBED(NNSED,L).GT.SMALL_NEG_NO) THEN
                  FRAC_PBED(NNSED,L) = 0.0
           TSED_PBED(1,NNSED,L) = 0.0
         END IF if_2003
    So the problem I am having is when I click on the `if` next to label `if_2003`, then I cannot use `CTRL + ]` to move to the ending `if`. If there is no label before `if`, then the shortcut is working fine. I don't know what I could do so that it would start
    behaving as it is supposed to. 
    In the contrary, when I have do loop as follows: 
        do_410: DO NNSED=1,NSTD
             D50AVG(L) = D50AVG(L) + 
             +                 FRAC_ALAY_SURF(NNSED,L)*D50(NNSED)/10000.  ! BASED ON BED COMPOSITION
                  END DO do_410
    I can move to the end/start of `do` loop using the keyboard shortcut `CTRL + ]`. Any suggestions is appreciated.  
    Regards, Jdbaba

    Hello Jdbaba,
    Based on my research, your post is related to use fortran in Visual Studio: This
    technology is provided by Intel. So the question should be consulted on Intel fortran related forum. Not Visual Studio Setup forum, setup forum is about install/uninstall Visual Studio.
    Best regards,  
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