Forward button bypasses delay in photo album

I am a novice with Flash Pro but took on the challenge of creating a slideshow for a website. I used Flash Pro CS5 and the Advanced Photo Album template. I fought it out for a while and searched around for information before eventually getting it to load the images and work as coded.
All went well and I published the .SWF and all the images to the site's root folder but whenever I click the 'forward' button it skips an image. The delay is set to 5 seconds but it would appear that the forward button bypasses the delay i.e. if I leave an image up for 3 seconds and then press the forward button, the next image will only display for 2 seconds before siwtching to the following one, despite the delay being set to 5. If I let it run automatically all the images follow the delay rule. I have included the code below. The only thing I have altered is the duration of the 'fade' transition from 0.25 to 1.
Note: I have had to embed the HTML not the .SWF as when embedding the .SWF on the site it brought up the flash element but none of the images. Not sure if this is having an effect on the coding.
Many thanks for any assistance
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.controls.*;
var secondsDelay:Number = 5;
var autoStart:Boolean = true;
var transitionOn:Boolean = true; // true, false
var transitionType:String = "Fade"; // Blinds, Fade, Fly, Iris, Photo, PixelDissolve, Rotate, Squeeze, Wipe, Zoom, Random
var hardcodedXML:String="<photos><image title='Rank Badges'>image1.png</image><image title='How It Works'>image2.png</image><image title='First Steps'>image3.png</image><image title='Brain Crank'>image4.png</image><image title='Natural Friendship'>image5.png</image><image title='Fire Hazard'>image6.png</image><image title='I Got This'>image7.png</image><image title='Magic Act'>image8.png</image><image title='Replay'>image9.png</image><image title='Samaritan'>image10.png</image><image title='No Tag Backs'>image11.png</image></photos>";
var imageList:XML = new XML();
var currentImageID:Number = 0;
var imageDP:DataProvider = new DataProvider();
var slideshowTimer:Timer = new Timer((secondsDelay*1000), 0);
imageList = XML(hardcodedXML);
// EVENTS =====
imageTiles.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, fl_tileClickHandler);
function fl_tileClickHandler(evt:ListEvent):void
    imageHolder.imageLoader.source = evt.item.source;
    currentImageID = evt.item.imgID;
playPauseToggle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_togglePlayPause);
function fl_togglePlayPause(evt:MouseEvent):void
    if(playPauseToggle_mc.currentLabel == "play")
    else if(playPauseToggle_mc.currentLabel == "pause")
next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_nextButtonClick);
prev_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_prevButtonClick);
function fl_nextButtonClick(evt:MouseEvent):void
function fl_prevButtonClick(evt:MouseEvent):void
slideshowTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fl_slideShowNext);
function fl_slideShowNext(evt:TimerEvent):void
function fl_parseImageXML(imageXML:XML):void
    var imagesNodes:XMLList = imageXML.children();
    for(var i in imagesNodes)
        var imgURL:String = imagesNodes[i];
        var imgTitle:String = imagesNodes[i].attribute("title");
        imageDP.addItem({label:imgTitle, source:imgURL, imgID:i});
    imageTiles.dataProvider = imageDP;
    imageHolder.imageLoader.source = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).source;
    title_txt.text = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).label;
function fl_startSlideShow():void
function fl_pauseSlideShow():void
function fl_nextSlide():void
    if(currentImageID >= imageDP.length)
        currentImageID = 0;
    if(transitionOn == true)
    imageHolder.imageLoader.source = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).source;
    title_txt.text = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).label;
function fl_prevSlide():void
    if(currentImageID < 0)
        currentImageID = imageDP.length-1;
    if(transitionOn == true)
    imageHolder.imageLoader.source = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).source;
    title_txt.text = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).label;
function fl_doTransition():void
    if(transitionType == "Blinds")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Blinds, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "Fade")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration:1});
    } else if (transitionType == "Fly")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Fly, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "Iris")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Iris, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "Photo")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Photo, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "PixelDissolve")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:PixelDissolve, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "Rotate")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Rotate, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "Squeeze")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Squeeze, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "Wipe")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Wipe, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "Zoom")
        TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Zoom, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else if (transitionType == "Random")
        var randomNumber:Number = Math.round(Math.random()*9) + 1;
        switch (randomNumber) {
            case 1:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Blinds, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
            case 2:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration:1});
            case 3:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Fly, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
            case 4:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Iris, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
            case 5:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Photo, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
            case 6:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:PixelDissolve, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
            case 7:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Rotate, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
            case 8:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Squeeze, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
            case 9:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Wipe, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
            case 10:
                TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type:Zoom, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.25});
    } else
        trace("error - transitionType not recognized");
if(autoStart == true)

Yes, declared the var transition:Class
The error it gives now is:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
          at flash_rank_fla::MainTimeline/fl_parseImageXML()
          at flash_rank_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
The template is in Flash Professional CS5. New/Templates/Media Playback/Advanced Photo Album.
I will admit this is all alien to me but I suppose this is the par for the course - trial and error.
I am tempted to abandon this and go with something simpler but I was looking for the ability to pause the slide show and move froward/backward between images independant of the timer.
This is the code as it stands
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.utils.Timer;
var secondsDelay:Number = 5;
var autoStart:Boolean = true;
var transitionOn:Boolean = true; // true, false
var transitionsList:Object = {Blinds: Blinds, Fade: Fade, Fly: Fly, Iris: Iris, Photo: Photo, PixelDissolve: PixelDissolve, Rotate: Rotate, Rotate: Rotate, Squeeze: Squeeze, Wipe: Wipe, Zoom: Zoom};
var randomTransitions:Array = [Blinds, Fade, Fly, Iris, Photo, PixelDissolve, Rotate, Squeeze, Wipe, Zoom];
var transitionType:String = "Fade"; // Blinds, Fade, Fly, Iris, Photo, PixelDissolve, Rotate, Squeeze, Wipe, Zoom, Random
var imageList:XML = new XML(<photos><image title='Rank Badges'>image1.png</image><image title='How It Works'>image2.png</image><image title='First Steps'>image3.png</image><image title='Brain Crank'>image4.png</image><image title='Natural Friendship'>image5.png</image><image title='Fire Hazard'>image6.png</image><image title='I Got This'>image7.png</image><image title='Magic Act'>image8.png</image><image title='Replay'>image9.png</image><image title='Samaritan'>image10.png</image><image title='No Tag Backs'>image11.png</image></photos>);
var _currentImageID:Number = 0;
var imageDP:DataProvider = new DataProvider();
var slideshowTimer:Timer = new Timer((secondsDelay * 1000));
slideshowTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fl_slideShowNext);
// EVENTS =====
imageTiles.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, fl_tileClickHandler);
next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_nextButtonClick);
prev_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_prevButtonClick);
playPauseToggle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_togglePlayPause);
function fl_tileClickHandler(e:ListEvent):void
    imageHolder.imageLoader.source = e.item.source;
    currentImageID = e.item.imgID;
function fl_togglePlayPause(e:MouseEvent):void
    if (playPauseToggle_mc.currentLabel == "play")
    else if (playPauseToggle_mc.currentLabel == "pause")
function fl_nextButtonClick(e:MouseEvent):void
function fl_prevButtonClick(e:MouseEvent):void
function fl_slideShowNext(e:TimerEvent):void
function fl_parseImageXML(imageXML:XML):void
    var imagesNodes:XMLList = imageXML.children();
    for (var i:String in imagesNodes)
        imageDP.addItem({label: imagesNodes[i].@title, source: imagesNodes[i], imgID: int(i)});
    imageTiles.dataProvider = imageDP;
    imageHolder.imageLoader.source = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).source;
    title_txt.text = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).label;
function fl_startSlideShow():void
function fl_pauseSlideShow():void
function fl_nextSlide():void
function fl_prevSlide():void
function get currentImageID():Number
    return _currentImageID;
function set currentImageID(value:Number):void
    _currentImageID = value < 0 ? imageDP.length - 1 : value;
    _currentImageID = value >= imageDP.length ? 0 : value;
    imageHolder.imageLoader.source = imageDP.getItemAt(_currentImageID).source;
    title_txt.text = imageDP.getItemAt(_currentImageID).label;
    if (transitionOn)
function fl_doTransition():void
    var transition:Class;
    var duration:Number = .25;
    if (transitionType == "Random")
        transition = randomTransitions[int(randomTransitions.length * Math.random())] as Class;
        duration = transition == Fade ? 1 : duration;
        transition = transitionsList[transitionType] as Class;
        if (!transition)
    TransitionManager.start(imageHolder, {type: transition, direction: Transition.IN, duration: duration});
if (autoStart)

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    jwood_its wrote:
    Oops, here it is!
    var autoStart:Boolean = false; //true, false
    var secondsDelay:Number = 2; // 1-60
    // EVENTS =====
    playPauseToggle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_togglePlayPause);
    function fl_togglePlayPause(evt:MouseEvent):void
    if(playPauseToggle_mc.currentLabel == "play")
    else if(playPauseToggle_mc.currentLabel == "pause")
    next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_nextButtonClick);
    prev_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_prevButtonClick);
    function fl_nextButtonClick(evt:MouseEvent):void
    function fl_prevButtonClick(evt:MouseEvent):void
    var currentImageID:Number;
    var slideshowTimer:Timer;
    var appInit:Boolean;
    function fl_slideShowNext(evt:TimerEvent):void
    function fl_pauseSlideShow():void
    function fl_startSlideShow():void
    function fl_nextSlide():void
    if(currentImageID >= totalFrames)
      currentImageID = 0;
    function fl_prevSlide():void
    if(currentImageID < 0)
      currentImageID = totalFrames+1;
    if(autoStart == true)
    } else {
    function initApp(){
    currentImageID = 0;
    slideshowTimer = new Timer((secondsDelay*1000), 0);
    slideshowTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fl_slideShowNext);
    if(appInit != true){
    appInit = true;

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    Code for updating the title is missing. Add following line of code inside function fl_tileClickHandler()
    title_txt.text = imageDP.getItemAt(currentImageID).label;

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    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.
    If images are missing then check that you aren't blocking images from some domains.
    *Check the permissions for the domain in the current tab in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions"
    *Check that images are enabled: Tools > Options > Content: [X] Load images automatically
    *Check the exceptions in "Tools > Options > Content: Load Images > Exceptions"
    *Check the "Tools > Page Info > Media" tab for blocked images (scroll through all the images with the cursor Down key).
    If an image in the list is grayed and there is a check-mark in the box "<i>Block Images from...</i>" then remove that mark to unblock the images from that domain.
    Make sure that you do not block third-party images, the permissions.default.image pref should be 1.
    There are also extensions like Adblock Plus (Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) and security software (firewall, anti-virus) that can block images and other content.

  • How to improve performance of photo albums and navigation?

    I just uploaded the latest version of my new website ( last night. I've made a lot of changes in an effort to make it load faster and work more smoothly. There is some improvement but on my Mac, with dialup, there are still some issues.
    One big issue is photo albums. I don't understand why they load so slowly, when it's only loading thumbnail images. The thumbnails are too small to account for the excessive load time. Often there are several that don't load up all until sometime after I click the browser's Stop button.
    Which is another issue: Why does it keep loading stuff after I've clicked Stop?
    I've stripped my albums down to just 15 images per album, so the number of images shouldn't be a problem.
    BTW, I gave up on using the "My Albums" template, which was impossibly slow. Instead I just have a page with a list of links to each album.
    I'm wondering if having everything all in one site might be causing some of the speed problems. Would I be better off moving my photo album pages to a separate site and just link to them from the main site?
    One more question: Many of my hypertext links are not displaying correctly. They are supposed to all be underlined and in a different color from the plain text. Some of them do show up this way, but some look like plain text until you move the cursor over them. (And yes, I have used the Inspector to set the format for all the links.)
    Also, if anyone would like to browse my site and suggest other ways to improve or streamline it, I would appreciate it.
    Thanks in advance for any help or comments you can provide.
    I'm running OS X 10.4.10, Safari 2.0.4, and iWeb 2.0.3

    Ray Dunakin wrote:
    Hi Ray,
    One big issue is photo albums. I don't understand why they load so slowly, when it's only loading thumbnail images. The thumbnails are too small to account for the excessive load time.
    To me it's not taking all that much time... It's quite normal if you're publishing to .Mac... The .Mac server is quite slow, that's a known issue... Partially it may also be due to the template used but I don't think so... There aren't a lot of graphics on that one...
    Often there are several that don't load up all until sometime after I click the browser's Stop button.
    Which is another issue: Why does it keep loading stuff after I've clicked Stop?
    I didn't came across any that didn't load and when I hit stop it stops.
    I'm wondering if having everything all in one site might be causing some of the speed problems. Would I be better off moving my photo album pages to a separate site and just link to them from the main site?
    No that's not the issue. The site size doesn't matter as when you look at a page the browser only retrieves the information about that very page and doesn't even see all the other pages as it follows the links to retrieve the parts of that very page and that's it. What matters is the page size but it isn't heavy at all in your case...
    One more question: Many of my hypertext links are not displaying correctly. They are supposed to all be underlined and in a different color from the plain text. Some of them do show up this way, but some look like plain text until you move the cursor over them. (And yes, I have used the Inspector to set the format for all the links.)
    You may try a "Publish all" from the File menu for that... Or empty the cache of your browser...
    Also, if anyone would like to browse my site and suggest other ways to improve or streamline it, I would appreciate it.
    I like it it's very clean and easy to navigate.
    One other problem with the photo albums that I forgot to mention... When clicking on a thumbnail to view the larger image, while the image loads it looks like nothing is happening. There's no evidence that the image is loading or anything. So by the time the larger image appears, I've already attempted to move on. Is there anything that can be done about this?
    It takes a second to load but in the end it does load... To me it's the server's slowness even if not publishing to .mac...

  • I'm using 3gs, after updating the OS with 6.1.3 version lost all my photo albums unable to retrieve through Itunes kindly help me in this regard.

    Hi There,
    A month ago I had 3gs with 4.1 OS version and I synced all my photo albums from my old laptop as I have planned to sell it off.
    I sold my old laptop and accidentally kids at my home have pressed reset button and my phone got locked, now I got my phone permanently unlocked with a vendor and updated my OS to 6.1.3 version, thinking that my photo can synced again when I connect to Itunes, I bought my new laptop installed Itunes authorised it, it was able to restore my camera roll pics but not my album.
    Please help me in restoring my lost album.
    Thanking in Advance.

    I'm sorry, but unless you hace a backup of your pics somewhere, they are gone. Photos synced to your phone are not part of an iPhone backup, & the photo sync is one-way: Computer to Phone. When you synced to a different computer, these photos were erased from your design, iPhone syncs iTunes content with one computer at a time.
    Sorry, there is no way to recover this data.

  • How can I delete a photo album from my IPad?

    How can I delete a photo album from my I Pad?

    You can turn off photo stream via Settings > iCloud > Photo Stream 'off' , I don't think that it is possible to remove individual photo stream photos. From :
    Individual photos cannot be deleted from your Photo Stream. You can, however, delete all the photos in your Photo Stream by clicking the Reset Photo Stream button in your account at The Reset Photo Stream button will instantly delete all Photo Stream photos stored in iCloud, but it will not remove any Photo Stream photos that have already been pushed to your devices.
    After deleting the photos from your Photo Stream in iCloud, you can remove the Photo Stream photos from your devices as follows:
    On your iOS devices, go to Settings > iCloud > Photo Stream and turn Photo Stream off. This will delete all the photos from your Photo Stream album. If there are any photos you want to keep on your device, make sure to add them to an album or save them to your Camera Roll first.

  • Photo album questions

    Hi, I have put several hours into trying to solve these
    problems myself, but I am stuck. The page in question is:
    1. Detailregion area does not display when page opens. It's
    just a skinny gray box on the right. Once you click a thumbnail,
    however, it displays fine, and will display all the images as you
    click on them. Thinking maybe the non-working slide show buttons
    were the problem, I tried replacing the <div id="controls">
    area with the identical one from another page I have that works
    just fine:
    Why does THIS work:
    I've made several pages like hydeliinvquicktest.html that all
    function properly, so I'm baffled.
    2. How do I get a simple slide show going?
    The Spry Photo Album Demo shows how powerful Spry can be, but
    I don't need all that complexity, and I'm having trouble narrowing
    it down to what I need -- no multiple databases, no growing and
    shrinking thumbnails. All I want is to be able to put a bunch of
    images and one XML dataset in a folder and have the ability to have
    people click on "Previous," "Next," or "Play/Pause" in addition to
    being able to click on a specific image.
    One of the problems with the demo for me is the dataset names
    used in the demo get confusing -- I'm having trouble following the
    distinction between and relationship between when you use
    dsGallery, dsGalleries, dsPhotos, and photo, not to mention, why it
    is ultimately unnecessary to make any reference to "china" and and
    the other folder names. And since I know next to nothing about
    Javascript, I can't figure out what substitutions to make to the
    gallery.js code, which is designed to work with these multiple
    databases, and also can't figure out which pieces I need and
    whether the pieces I don't need would get in the way if I left them
    in the js doc or if everything extraneous has to be eliminated.
    3. One of the problems with implementing more Spry pages is
    the tedious work involved to make a little thumbnail for every
    single image in a set, and then make sure they're all exactly the
    same size, which is what I've done so far. I have figured out what
    to do when the main image size varies, and Spry handles that well.
    But here are my problems:
    a. What if the thumbnails vary in size? For instance, this
    hydeliinv.html page has four maps that are part of a set, but are
    all different proportions, and four details I'd like to show that
    represent what they look like close up, all of which are in
    different proportions as well.
    b. And can I have Spry call on the same image file and
    display that full size for the main image, and reduced for the
    You'll see right now in
    I've set the height and width in the spry: repeat tag for the
    thumbnails to 100px. I tried just setting the height to that, and
    width to auto; I tried just setting the height to that, and
    omitting the width. In both cases, no thumbnails display at all. I
    see in the Spry Photo Album Demo the use of "path" designations in
    photos.xml. Could I do something with an XML doc that looks like
    this to address both (a) and (b)?:
    <inv_item id="1">
    <title>First Map</title>
    <dimensions1>36.5 x 34 inches</dimensions1>
    <dimensions2>37.5 x 36.25 inches</dimensions2>
    path="hydeli1.jpg" width="390" height="400"
    thumbpath="hydeli1.jpg" thumbwidth="98"
    <inv_item id="2">
    <title>Second Map</title>
    <dimensions1>36.5 x 34 inches</dimensions1>
    <dimensions2>37.5 x 36.25 inches</dimensions2>
    path="hydeli2.jpg" width="379" height="400"
    thumbpath="hydeli2.jpg" thumbwidth="95"
    I tried to figure this out, too, but to no avail.
    Thanks for any help you can give me!

    I understand the challenge and worked out some answers that
    support our photo gallery for the ski club. I wanted something
    simple that would support a gallery of up to 100 pictures reliably.
    Also, I wanted it to extract information from the image metadata
    such as names or descriptions.
    The image processing is done using photoshop macros which
    create the appropriate sized image and thumbnail.
    After trial and error I realized current CSS technology is
    NOT capable of vast quantities of demands from more than 20
    thumbnails. That's when I settled on hard formatting the thumbnails
    png files with a nice black border. The thumbnails load up quite
    nicely with NO style formatting. I used PNG files for the
    transparency support.
    The XML data is created using a program I wrote to parse the
    metadata from the image files. Now that all the photoshop macros
    and the XML parser is written, I can load up a large gallery in
    less than thirty minutes. (Not including photo editing.)
    Hope this helps.
    You can see examples at

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