Fotos sumiram no iphotos

Eu importei minhas fotos para o iphotos, mas as fotos sumiram. Quando clico em Eventos, aparecem as pastas, porem vazias. O que pode ter acontecido?

googl translation
the pictures are gone iPhotos
I imported my photos to iPhotos, but the pictures are gone. When I click on Events, folders appear, however empty. What could have happened?
What version of iPhtoo and of the OS? What has recemtly changed?
Tey to Back up your iPhoto library, Depress and hold the option (alt) and command keys and launch iPhoto - rebuild your database

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    Tras actualizar iPhoto con Mavericks he dejado de ver muchísimas fotos de mi iPhoto, me salen en gris y no puedo acceder a éstas. He probado con las opciones que surgen con alt+cmd y después de probar todas sigo sin poder acceder a ellas. Antes de actualizar hice una copia de seguridad y tampoco puedo acceder a las fotos. Ayuda por favor!

    Google translation:
    After upgrading to iPhoto Mavericks I've stopped seeing lots of pictures of my iPhoto, I get gray and I can not access them. I tried with the options that come with alt cmd and after trying all still can not access them. Before upgrading I backed up and I can not access the photos. Help please!
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button,                         
    and select the library you want to add from those in the selection window.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note 1: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments. However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost.
    Note 2:  Your current library will be left untouched for further attempts at a fix if so desired.

  • Eliminar fotos duplicadas en iphoto, eliminar fotos duplicadas en iphoto

    Hola quisiera saber como eliminar las fotos duplicadas en iphoto.

    Google translation:
    Hi I would like to know how to delete duplicate photos in iphoto.
    Thank you!
    Try either  iPhoto Duplicate Cleaner or  iPhoto Library Manager to detect and identify the duplicates.  Actually deleting them is left to you for obvious reasons.

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  • How to change the location of all fotos in the iPhoto library?

    my iPhoto 11 library is stored locally on my macbook.
    however, my fotos (the actualy bits) are stored externally on a NAS box.
    (or in other words: option "Importing: [ ] Copy items to the iPhoto Library" is not checked)
    recently i purchased a timecapsule and i now want to move all fotos from the NAS box to the timecapsule.
    i am looking for a way to batch-change the location of all fotos from let's say "/Volumes/MyNas/..." to "/Volumes/MyTimecapsule/...".
    can this be done? any ideas?
    thank you.
    ps: i know how to deal with xml and .db/.apdb files. so don't be gentle on me ;-)

    Not really unless you search the forums and find the older post describing how to hack the SQLite database to accomplish this
    Or use Aperture which can do this easily
    However if you are using your Time Capsule as a Time Machine bakcup volume it is not a good place to put your photos - if you do you have no backup of them which means that sooner of later you will lsoe them - and sooner or later TM will fill the volume and make it impossible to add photos

  • How to make Finder to focus on the last used foto in the iPhoto folder?

    Hello! I have a 1200-fotos iPhoto folder containing fotos of my last voyage. Im trying to upload some of them them to the account of one of the social networks.
    I scroll through them in iPhoto to chose the best then in Safari press "Upload from file" button on the website.
    But every time I press "Upload from file" button and finder window openeswith the focus on the very first foto in folder! And every time I have to scrooll through all the fotos searhing for the needed foto or have to press Command+f and search by name.
    In windows by default  I have a focus on the file being used the last.
    Any ideas how to manage files in this case not having to scroll all the previous files from hte very start?

    I have a 1200-fotos iPhoto folder containing fotos of my last voyage. Im trying to upload some of them them to the account of one of the social networks.
    What kind of folder? A folder with albums in iPhoto, or a folder in the Finder? If the Finder, how are you scrolling in iPhoto to browse a folder in the Finder?  Are you using iPhoto in a referenced mode and accessing the originals using the Finder?
    If yes, there is no connection between your browsing position in iPhoto and the browsing of original files in the Finder.
    If you want to upload a photo you have just seen in iPhoto, the simplest way would be to drag it from the iPhoto window to a folder on your desktop (that will export a jpeg version of the photo) and then to upload it from there. That would save you a lot of scrolling.

  • As Fotos Sumiram

    Bom dia pessoal.. ALGUEM PODE ME AJUDAR?
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    Ja procurei pelo arquivo Lrcat no windows e nada... Aguem pode ajudar...??

    google translation
    All my pictures are gone from iPhoto, how do I get them back
    All pictures are gone from iPhoto minahs 
    Unless you share some actually information the only answer is to fix your problem
    We need to know what version of iPhoto do you have? Is OS X 10.7.5 as your report correct for your OS? What has recently changed? Why do you say "your photos are gone"? What exactly do you see when you launch iPhoto

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    Iemand dit ook al eens meegemaakt en weet iemand een oplossing??

    For a minute, I wondered why Demo's answer ("No, you cannot do it") differed from my answer ("Sure, just sync the photos.")
    I believe the reason we gave you two different answers is I assumed you would place the photos on your iPad, and Demo thought that since you said your iPad was pretty full, you would not choose to do that.

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    What is your iPhoto version, hallopaul?
    Generally, in any iPhoto version: To create a calendar from 40 photos in an album, open the album in the library source list and select all 40 photos at once. Only then create the calendar with "File > New > Calendar".
    Then you will only see these 40 photos in the "Photos" tab of the Calendar view.
    In iPhoto '11 you can shorten your source list in the Library inspector by hiding sections of the source list. There are hidden "Show/Hide" buttons to the right of the section headings.
    And if your list of albums is too long, group them by puuting them in folders and only open the folder with the albums that you currently need.

  • Perché non si può creare un foto libro da iPhoto su iPad o iPhone ?

    Sarebbe bello se anche da iPhone o da iPad si potesse creare un fotolibro da iPhoto. Cosa ha il Mac in più dell'iPhone o dell'iPad?

    The iPhoto for iOS forum is here

  • Es wurden 6 Fotos in der iPhoto-Mediathek gefunden, die nicht importiert wurden.

    Diese Meldung erscheit immerwieder obwohl ich nichts zum importieren habe.
    Grüsse Peter

    Go to your Pictures Folder and find the iPhoto Library there. Right (or Control-) Click on the icon and select 'Show Package Contents'. A finder window will open with the Library exposed.
    Look there for a Folder called 'Import' or 'Importing'.
    Drag it to the Desktop. *Make no other changes*.
    Start iPhoto. Does that help?
    If it does then look inside that folder on your desktop. Does it contain anything you want? If not you can trash the folder.

  • How to deletephotos in  Iphoto 9.5.1

    Hi folks ! Can anyone Help ?
    MBP 13" udated to OSX Maverick 10.9.4
    I have fotos in Iphoto 9.5.1 Library.
    These fotos are appearing as images but do not have the original archives anymore
    The original fotos had been deleted after having downloaded to the iphoto library.
    But later had discovered after having deleted the original fotos from the SD Card
    Thereafter, whenever I try to delete these fotos .from the iphoto..-..the application does not allow the delete label to be avaiable for deletion
    Instead a message apears < To Find Foto.> and then <Cancel > or  <Search>  and this operation continues without any results..
    and one can go on playing with the buttons but without any results.
    If anybody knows how to resolve this problem,
    Would highly appreciate.
    Thanks in advance.

    Deleting Photos from an iPhoto Library
    1 - from an Event or the Photos mode: select the photo(s) and use the Delete key to move the photos to the trash bin. Then empty the iPhoto Trash bin as follows:
    2 - from an album, smart album, book, slideshow, card, etc.: select the photo(s) and use the key combination of Command+Option+Delete to move the photos to the trash bin.  Then empty the trash bin as above.
    NOTE: deleting a photo from an album, slideshow, book, etc., with only the Delete key only deletes that photo from that item. Deleting a photo from an Event deletes ALL occurences of that photo in the library.

  • Synching w/ iphoto library results in many extra photos

    I just bought an iPod video and was synching it via itunes 7 w/ my 'iphoto library' on an external hard disk. I wasn't sure what would happen, since there are many thumbnails and misc files in that folder, but I hoped that iTunes would locate the original fotos and copy those only onto the iPod. Instead, I ended up with basically double my number of photos (since the thumbs are also there, and I'm not sure what other files may be there).
    How do I steer around this problem and get iTunes to synch my iPod with my actual fotos only in the iPhoto library? I would hope that I don't have to individually select each dated folder with fotos in it, and then have to add new folders to the select list every time I copy new fotos into the iPhoto library.

    Sorry it took so long for me to respond - sometimes apple notifies me by e-mail that there has been a response, sometimes it doesn't.
    I think your answer helped me. I see that when I synched the photos (several weeks ago now), I selected "choose folder" in the drop-down window - the reason being that I use 2 different libraries for iPhoto and wanted to make sure it synched with my main library on the external HD rather than the default iPhoto library. But when I selected "iPhoto" in the drop-down menu instead, the iPod started synching with 1356 phots, which is the same number as appears in iPhoto when I open the library I want to synch with.

  • IPhoto sync with iOS Devices does not work

    I have an 2007 iMac with OS X 10.9.1, iTunes 11.1.3 and iPhoto 9.5.1.
    I have an iPad 2 with iOS 7.0.4 and iPhone 4 with iOS 7.0.4.
    Around the update to OS X 10.9 I have the problem that I can't sync my iPhoto pictures with my iOS devices anymore.
    Beforehand I had no problem. But I can't tell exactly when this problem pop up the first time. (iOS 7, OSX 10.9, iTunes or iPhoto update???)
    The problem is: I can sync all my content with my iOS devices per iTunes without any problemsbut not the fotos from the iPhoto library.
    If I go to the Foto sync page in iTunes I see all my iPhoto Albums, Events, ... I can select and desect all these items. But if I sync this items I see that in the used memory bar no pictures are shown, the foto count do not show any number and on the iOS device all pictures are removed.
    To fix this problem I have tried some options.
    I have disabled the foto sync in iTunes, close iTunes, close iPhoto, remove the iPod cache from the iPhoto library, recreated the iPhoto database, obened iPhot and iTunes again, connectd the iOS device and try to sync some albums from the iPhoto libray again. But no pictuers are synced.
    I have created a new iPhoto library and added some fotos to the new library, created some albums. Then I tried to sync the iOS device with this library. The first sync wored. :-). But then I disconnected the iOS device and later I connected it again and synced another time and all fotos are gone again.
    The only way I can sync my fotos is to switch to folder sync instead of iPhoto library sync. This work, but this is a very bad option!
    What can I do to fix this problem?

    Open the iPhoto Libraray with the Finder as shown in this screenshot
    and locate the folder titled iPod Photo Cache and move it to the Desktop. 
    Close iPhoto, lanuch and try again.

  • IPhoto 11 duplicates photo when modify it with photoshop

    Hi friends! I have a problem: now with iphoto 11 when I modify a photo with photoshop a new foto appears in iphoto library ( with iphoto 9 the original photo was updated and not duplicated! ). This is a problem for me !
    Can I change this setting/ error ?
    tnks !!!

    I agree that it's a bad idea feature if it were intended.  Now you have another 2-5 Mb photo and it's not easy to tell which is which.  AND if you open it a second and third time to continue editing you get a second and third copy with NO way at all (not even date/time info window) to distinguish them!). 
    Apple, fix this please!

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