FR report is splitting into pages with @IDescendants( Member Name )..

We are having FR report with a row as @IDescendants(<Member Name>)....expected output is all descendants should be in continous rows...but the pdf out put breaks rows after certain member and rest of the report starts from next page...what could be the reason...

Thanks Neeraj
We have already applied those setting but still issue there...atatching issue in image...its page break after a member and there are still more members that flows on next page..

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    You cannot publish to MobileMe as the service was terminated on 1 July and its entire contents have been deleted. If you had a website with a address it is no longer available.
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    Sections are what they say they are natural breaks in the document.
    Each section usually having headers footers and other basic content in common.
    Effectively just like chapters in a book or specifically designed pages in a magazine or report.
    If your text naturally flows from one page to the next then they should stick together.
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    2. You can make a short cut to do this from the keyboard
    3. You can copy a section break and paste it at the end of each preceding page.
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    This tutorial should help you:
    It shows how to do it using two pages, but putting both reports on one page is pretty much the same.

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    <cflocation url="/users/listings/EditListing-2.cfm" addtoken="no" statuscode="301">               
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    Old Tony

    Thanks for the suggestions Adam.
    If you're the same AC I think you are, I've been developing in CF for about
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    You probably already know that Acrobat can duplicate the field across pages (right click on the field and select Duplicate across pages). That does not accomplish a part of what you want to get - unique names.
    Take a look at

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    thanks ,

    The only way it could work is using iframes. Now OBIEE 11g would not allow iframes inside it's dashboard. It offers a dashboard object called "Embedded content" which is a restricted iframe kinda thing but unless you get this object's id from generated HTML you can change it's content dynamically. Besides, such an implementation may break with next patch. So here is an idea.
    Create a HTML page with two iframes, left one will hold all the reports with links (you can always generate a list of reports through catalog manager, open it in excel and make HTML links from it) that open report urls (in the format of ./saw.dll?GO&Path=....) in right iframe (using javascript open.window method). Once that page is working, call this page from dashboard using an action link. This is slightly twisted approach but at least it would give you what you asked for.
    About making the report list dynamic, I am afraid there are no easy answers. OBIEE provides web service that will allow the users to query catalog to get a list of reports. You can try some basic JSP to access the web service and generate the list dynamically. But that is not something I can provide here.

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    We have more than 40 of PDF documents each document contain multiple pages. Using Acrobat Professional 7.0 and 8.0 with MAC platform. We have the script to extract the pages and to suffix running numbers with the document name, please find the script below. For example CH01.pdf document total number of pages is 10, but the actual page number starts with 11. So We have to extract each pages as individual documents and the page number will followed by document name with "_" separation, (Eg: CH01_11.pdf). I have tried so many ways to include the page numbers with the document name but i can't.
    /*Split pdf pages with pNum suffixed*/
    var rename = /.*\/|\.pdf$/ig;
    var startName = this.path.replace(rename,"");
    for (var i = 1, j = 0; j < numPages; i += 1, j += 1) {
    extractPages ({
    nStart : j,
    nEnd : j == numPages - 1 ? j : j + 0,
    cPath : "/Macintosh HD/Users/Beaconpmg/Desktop/ExtractFolder/"+startName+"_"+i+".pdf"
    So please can anyone look into this and help for me.
    Thanks in advance.

    First of all, replace numPages with this.numPages
    Also, this doesn't make any sense:
    nEnd : i == numPages - 1
    I have tried what you have said above, but it is not working. Its showing the same error (missing ; before statement)in 4th line of the script.
    Please find the complete code below;
    // see if we need to define a global offset first file
    if(global.fPageOffset == undefined) {
    var global.fPageOffset = 10; // start at 10
    /*Split pdf pages with pNum suffixed*/
    var rename = /.*\/|\.pdf$/ig;
    var startName = this.path.replace(rename,"");
    for (var i = 0; i < this.numPages; i++) { this.extractPages ({ nStart : i, nEnd : i == this.numPages - 1 , cPath : "/Macintosh HD/Users/Beaconpmg/Desktop/ExtractFolder/" + startName + "_" + (i + global.PageOffset) + ".pdf" }); }
    // add finished file's number of pages to global page offest
    global.fPageOffest += this.numPages;

  • How can I paste a pdf of a Publisher document into Pages so I can edit?

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    Can anyone explain these things to a beginner, please?

    There are several ways we can go about this.
    *1. In Adobe Illustrator* you can open the pdf file directly and chop out the bits you don't want and resave them individually. There maybe problems with fonts not being embedded as it comes from a PC where such things are mostly verbotten.
    *2. In Acrobat* you can do some editing and avoid the fonts issue. But the procedure is a bit more involved.
    If it helps, you need 2 things:
    +Menu > Tools > Advanced Editing > Select Object Tool+ and
    +Menu > Split Document… / Crop Pages…+
    Using this you can unpick the pdf file removing the parts you don't want. Not as simple as it sounds because you need to understand why some objects select with others and why some are unselectable which has to do with grouping, masking and compounding.
    *3. In Preview* cut apart the multiple pages and parts of each page. To split the multiple pages you will have to open the set and then delete the pages you don't want and save the remaining page with a new name.
    To delete a page click on it in the sidebar and hit delete.
    To crop a page use the +Select Tool+ in the top of the window and drag around the part of the page you want then +Menu > Tools > Crop+ and resave with a new name. Be aware this does not actually get rid of anything outside the select it just crops the view of it.
    *4. Which brings us to Pages*. Having divided the pdf into individual page files you can then drag them into Shapes on your page the size of the parts you want to show.
    When you click on the shape with page in it a little bar shows up underneath with +Edit Mask+. Click on the +Edit Mask+. You will see the shape, which is the mask, gets a grey dotted outline with white resizing boxes on the corners and mid points. If you need to adjust the crop or size of the shape drag on these.
    Behind the shape outline is the image with the cropped parts outside shown greyed out. The greyed out part is the hidden part. If you click outside the shape but on the greyed out part of the image you select the image itself and can pull at its corners or sides to change its shape. Or if you just click on the greyed part of the image you can move it around so that it moves relative to the shape cropping it.
    If you have several sections to be shown in each shape, you can move them one at a time to show each one. Say you have 4: 2 top and 2 bottom, option drag the shape with the picture in it to make 4 copies. Then in each one pull the image to reveal in turn top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right.
    Do this till you have all the parts separated and rearrange them where you want.
    *A bonus tip:* Cut out a step by opening Preview, next to Pages, with the multiple pages showing in the sidebar. You can drag the pages from the sidebar directly into the shape in Pages, without having to divide the .pdf.
    Any further questions just ask.

  • Issue filtering a report (based on narrative view) with a dashboard prompt.

    I used HTML and java-script codes in narrative view to solve the issue of "linking different reports on selecting values from a drop-down". A new issue has cropped up due to that implementation. The issue is that i can't attach a dashboard prompt to such a report. This means, when i put this report on a dashboard page with a dashboard prompt to help filter the report, the report does not gets filtered (it does not seems to be connected to the dashboard prompt).
    Has anyone faced this issue before? If yes, please let me know how to tackle it at the earliest.

    sorry , i could not solve the problem. the below case statement i put in the formula of a date column but i got some syntax error.One more thing is case statement is appearing in the select query not in where condition. Do u mean to say if i will put the same column as is prompted then it will come in where condition.
    Could u plz help me where i am doing wrong .
    case when '@{Period}'='Weekly' then Alerts."Creation Date and Time"  between  '@{PStartDate -7}' and  '@{PStartDate}' end
    [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 27002] Near <between>: Syntax error [nQSError: 26012] . (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT Alerts."Business Domain(s)", Alerts."Closing Action Type", Alerts.Closer, case when ''='Weekly' then Alerts."Creation Date and Time" between '' and '' end FROM "Common Productivity Reports for Alerts"

  • Is it possible to export pages with bookmark name?

    I have 200 page document and I'd like to export the pages with the bookmark names. Any suggestions?

    Well, thanks again! But even if I chose to export using the "current" preset it can not export with keywords from iPhoto.
    I have tried to import the iPhoto Library, and then tried to "Relocate Masters..." for both the non-keyworded RAW-files and the iPhoto-imported ones, in order to overwrite the RAW-files without keyword and in this way be able to "Consolidate Masters..." the RAW-files with keywords, but somehow it is not possible.
    And I have also tried to export the iPhoto RAW-files in Aperture with IPTC added, but Aperture refuses to reload the IPTC once imported (after I have once again overwrite the files), so I can only update the EXIF using "Update the EXIF from master" and that provides with zero, like you said the keywords are included in the IPTC.
    However I succeeded to get the keywords when using "Manage reference file", but this forces me to manually update every image one-by-one if it is not possible to make a good batch for "Manage reference file" that changes the file with filename "A.CR2" from folder "1" into the file named the same "A.CR2" in folder "2", I should be possible I guess since it is the same identical filename and file, but it sounds to me that I better hope that Aperture 3 comes with face recognition.

  • WEBI - how to save a report with a dynamic name

    I would like to create a report (pdf) and save it with a specific name :
         Example :      « Report_Name_YEAR_MONTH.pdf »
                   « Report_Name_object.pdf » where object came from the report WEBI.
    BO Xi propose the %SI_STARTTIME% variable on "date + time" format.
    1 - Can I use an other variable in order to have a date with this format : Year + Month ?
    2- Can I use an object create on the report WEBI ?

      I tried to save the variant of DEMO_PROGRAM_GET with dynamic selection field (Connection Number) filled. It gets saved without any problem. Just click 'SAVE' and enter the variant name and description.

  • Bug: Application Express - Multiple pages with same name

    In my APEX application, I have mulltiple pages with the same name (user requirement). In SQL Developer, it shows the pages with the same name under the MAX Page ID. For instance, I have pages 18, 21 and 22 with the name of "Binder". In SQL Developer I see 3 APEX Page entries for Page 22. And it shows all of the page items for Page 22 in all of the entries.

    If I delete extra .ipa files when two different applications have the same name, then I need to keep track of which is the current version of what. "Sudoku 4.ipa" might be the latest version of one program, and "Sudoku 7.ipa" could be the latest version of another.
    I wish Apple would create a naming scheme where every application has a unique name, and sequential generations are not used. This would make it much cleaner, and there would be no ambiguity as to either which program is which, or which version is which.
    I find the safest way to get rid of all the dups is to just delete them all and re-download the app. The bugs in iTunes still make a mess of things, though.

  • .asr pages with forms

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    "#include 'my_asr_page.asr'" statement. My .asr page works fine
    with the form, but when I make changes to the .asr page and
    re-upload it, my form doesn't recognize the changes I made to the
    .asr page. Refreshing both pages does not work. I can even delete
    the .asr page completely from my server, refresh the form page, and
    the form still processes the ActionScript! How can this be? Does
    the content of the .asr page get stored somewhere else, either on
    my server or local browser computer? How do I refresh the code with
    I can upload an entirely new .asr page with a new name, and
    change the #include link. But that gets tedious fast when I'm
    making lots of changes to the .asr page and would like to see the
    resulting processing changes in the form in my browser.
    Any help or ideas?

    Have you installed latest cumulative security updates for IE? As I know, some updates can solve the some crash\unresponsive issues, so please make sure to keep your system up-to-date, then check if the issue persists.
    Meanwhile, you can also launch IE in no add-ons mode
    run iexplore.exe -extoff
    if the issue disappears in this mode, then one add-on might be the culprit, click Tools\Manage add-ons to test the add-ons one-by-one to find the culprit.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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