Free hand drawing

Does mapviewer provide a tool using which we can do free hand drawing on map (i.e. pencil tool in Paint). If it is, please let me know. If it is not, do you know any possible way to create this kind of tool in mapviewer.
Tejas Gajera

I don't think MapViewer is the right tool for editing geometries. On several projects in the past, we've used the open-source JUMP ( platform to read geometries from Oracle Spatial, edit them and save them back.
P.S. Oh, and technically speaking, this message actually belongs in the MapViewer forum (MapViewer
Edited by: gary.wong on Feb 16, 2010 3:09 PM

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    Thanks & regards

    You are mixing AWT (Canvas) and Swing (JFrame, JPanel etc). Is is a NO NO. Either all AWT or ALL Swing but not a mixture. When using Swing you can normally replace Canvas with either JPanel or JComponent and do your drawing in the painyComponent(Graphics g) method.

  • Free hand drawing on map

    Hi All,
    Does mapviewer provide a tool using which I can do free hand drawing on map (i.e. pencil tool in Paint) or any other way to do it?
    Appreciate any kind of help.
    Tejas Gajera

    The first parameter of addVertex() is for vertex index, and it starts at 0 not 1! See if that fixes it for you.
    Tejas Gajera wrote:
    Hi All,
    Please update me if anyone have used addVertex function from MVRedlineTool. Please refere to the attached example which I have tried. Unfortunately, I got unexpected results :(
    var tRedLinetool = new MVRedlineTool();
    tRedLinetool.addVertex(1, 26750.0, -59193.5);
    tRedLinetool.addVertex(2, 24500.0, -62568.5);
    tRedLinetool.addVertex(3, 28906.2, -63224.75);
    tRedLinetool.addVertex(4, 26750.0, -59193.5);
    alert(tRedLinetool.getPointNumber()); // (1) : After adding four points in redlinetool instance, this alert prints 0 as a total point numbers. Do not know why.
    var geom = tRedLinetool.getSdoGeometry() ;
    if(geom != null) // (2) : this condition goes wrong even though I have an instance of redline tool, It seems geom object is null at this point.
    alert("get geom");
    Please help me to get out of this problem.
    Thanks in advance.
    Tejas Gajera

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    You are mixing AWT (Canvas) and Swing (JFrame, JPanel etc). Is is a NO NO. Either all AWT or ALL Swing but not a mixture. When using Swing you can normally replace Canvas with either JPanel or JComponent and do your drawing in the painyComponent(Graphics g) method.

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    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me)
    do not works smoothly
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    Maybe if you have an old point and a new point, draw a line between the points, then make the new point the old one.


    on the CANVAS I wanna do freehand drawing...
    is there ANY method or technique for this......
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    This is at least your 3rd recent post on the same subject, marked "URGENT" and ALL-CAPITALS no less. Go back and read prior responses--the url ref provided in one of them does work, (I can attest to it being tested from at least 6 locations around the world).

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    thanks, betdy1345

    Hold down the mouse button over the magic wand tool in the tool bar for a few seconds, a small popup will appear, select the quick selection tool. You can use this to drag over the UTV, then move the UTV to a new layer (ctrl-shift-j {windows} command-shift-j {Mac})
    Instead of moving to a new layer, you could also convert the selection to a mask. Click the icon in the layers panel that looks like a circle inside of a square. Also, if the layer the image is on is a background layer, you need to click on the padlock on that layer to convert it it to a normal layer, that is required to make the mask work.
    The reason for the mask, is it will make it easier to change the shape of the mask if it needs adjusting ex. you can still see part of the house.
    The mask is also non-destructive, meaning you can remove it any time you want at a later date. Whereas the cut to layer is destructive, meaning once it is done and you do not have a backup, there is no going back once the file is closed.

  • Problem in prompt value assignment in free hand SQL full client report in BO 6.5

    Post Author: simarora
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    I automated the generation of reports using the perl, XML and java servlet. A perl script is invoked by a batch file , URL of BCA scheduler and name of XML file are passed as parameters to perl script. This perl script invokes a java servlet which reads the parameters from XML and pass them to BCA. BCA generates the reports and save the external formats to a specified location.
    Two of the reports that are free hand SQL reports fail to generate saying that prompt value assignment failed. Not, sure whether it is due to free hand SQL / shared conenction or something else. I have tried assigning date prompt values in different formats and even in the same format that is set in report SQLs, but it always fails.
    NOTE: When generated through BO, these free hand SQL reports got generated successfully without any issues and other reports that are based on Universe get generated by this automation / API without any issues.
    Log messages are as below. Please take a look and advise:
    Thu Jul 26 05:32:56 2007 INFO read xml file ./XML/ABC.xml Thu Jul 26 05:32:56 2007 INFO content dump of raw xml file:
    t><PromptName>1. Select Business
    Date:</PromptName><PromptValue>7/3/2007 12:00:00 AM</PromptValue></Prompt><Prompt><PromptName>2. Select Cluster:</PromptName><PromptValue>US Interest Rate Products</PromptValue></Prompt></Prompts><Actions><Action>refres
    ents><Destinations><DestinationTo> email@removed
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 FAIL Return Code For ./XML/ABC.xml : -1
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO INFO%3ADocumentRanking
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO ERROR%3ARanking Report%2CExceptionraisedduringprocessingWebIntelligence+SDK
    Thu Jul 26 05:33:07 2007 INFO INFO%3A+Ranking

    Hi David,  this is a difficult taks to answer all these questions in a forum. I suggest if you have valid SAP support you log a case for each issue and BO support will assist.

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    Need help on this:
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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi ,
    Can you elloborate a little bit more.
    what i understood is that
    When you use a sql query like select emp_add from XY
    And IF emp_add contains more then 1000 chracters then you are not able to see the full data on the report or on a column
    Is it the case or are you looking into some other aspect.
    Can you ellborate a bit , Do you receive an error ?

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    Im trying to use desktop intelligence with free-hand sql but in the version we have in the server now (XI 3.1) i dont have this options anymore.
    Does anyone knows why the option of free-hand would desapear?
    Thanks a Lot.

    Actually its not, i have to servers, one i got it, but in the second one, the option is not there
    Does someone got this kind of problems before/

  • Can a report be developed using free hand SQL(Sql Query) using a DB Link

    Hello All,
    A report to be developed based on query in OBIEE dashboards
    Select Query -----1
    Select Query------2
    First select query is coming from one database schema and second is coming from the other.
    Is there any way to develop the report using free hand SQL based on a DB link?
    Is there any feature to use Database link (DB link)?
    Thank in Advance,

    What you ask is the direct database request capabilities :
    But you can also use the federated query capabilities of the repository to model a star schema with two star schema from two different data source.

  • How to create a dropdown box in free hand sql??

    Post Author: nalinipers
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    Hi every body,I have created a report by using free hand sql. My client wants to create a drop down box in that report.I do not know how to create the drop down box as i know how to create prompts in free hand sql.can you please help me to create the drop down box by using free hand sql. Periyasamy.

    Post Author: jsanzone
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    Hi Periyasamy,
    A drop down box is the same as a prompt that you would build when working in Designer.  If you already have the prompt in mind that you want to use and it exists in your universe, then the easiest way to make it work in free hand SQL is to first build your query in the normal fashion that you would for any other report and include that prompt.  Once you've got the objects and filters pretty much set, then capture the SQL, and modify it now as free hand SQL for your own situation.  You will notice that there may be some "@prompt" stuff scattered in your SQL, which will now run as a drop down box when you go to run your free hand SQL.  You can take note of how things were constructed and the next time you have to build your own free hand SQL you can either do it again the way just described, or build it totally on your own.

  • Using Decode in where clause in free hand sql

        I want to use decode in free hand sql.
    for eg : this is a where condition
    Outlet_Lookup.City  =  @variable('Enter City')
    Requirement :
    if we put the user prompt as "Enter City and % for all cities"
    and the user enters % then the data display should be all cities or else it shld be the specific city entered in the prmpt..
    Can we do that using Decode statement,
    I have tried
    Outlet_Lookup.City  =  Decode(@variable('Enter City'),'%',Outlet_Lookup.City,(@variable('Enter City')))
    This is not working....
    Pls guide on the same..

    Hi Mathieu,
            Thanks for the solution,
    I tried the following
    ((Outlet_Lookup.City  =  @variable('Enter City or % for All') or @variable('Enter City or % for All')='%'))
    This is working fine....

  • Not Converted : Free-hand SQL connection problem

    While converting a Free Hand SQL report from Desktop Intelligence to Web Intelligence report in BI XI 3.1, I am faced with the problem
    Not Converted : <REPNAME> - Free-hand SQL connection problem
    It is be noted that there are some other Free Hand SQL Reports, that go converted and published without any error. The subject report has two Data Providers; one referring to the Universe and other from the Free Hand SQL tagged to a DB Connection

    Some more points that can be of consideration to you to help understand my problems.
    The conversion from DeskI to WebI is in the same version BI XI 3.1 and not to BI 4.0 in which Free Hand SQLs is not supported.
    I have converted one other Free Hand SQL Report with an error "Partially Converted : <REPNAME2> - Conditional or permanent Hide Header not available in Web Intelligence", for which I had to edit the report in InfoView and un-tick the "Show When Empty" property of the table ( ). I think the solution mentioned in this link does not meet the purpose as the table is not displayed in the design time after the above untick.
    Coming back to our issue, further probing into this aspect I stumbled upon this link meant for RCT for BI 4.0 version…
    where in Section 3.4.9, there is a mention of the limitation in conversion as under
    "Conversion of reports with free-hand SQL or stored procedures is only possible in Connected mode, since the Report Conversion Tool needs to use the secured connection to the database that is saved in the CMS."
    I want to how the secured connection to the database in REPNAME2 is different from the subject report REPNAME1 as REPNAME2 got partially converted. The error reported for Subject report is "Free Hand SQL Connection Problem" and not conversion problem which can occur after the connection is established.
    I did check the security properties of various FHSQL connections in the CMC and all of them are identical in nature.
    Please advise

  • Free hand SQL

    I want to create a report without using the semantic layer.
    Can I build a request that based on SQL that I write (like in BOs' free hand SQL)?
    I'll be happy to have the documentation

    You get some limited interaction (Page sections, totals, etc) when you view sql results as pivot tables.

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