Free photo hosting website please review

I and my friends working on a photo hosting social network 
1. is website slow?
2. how is design? is ok..?  all feedback need
  -Create free album
-Create slideshow and send to your friend on facebook myspace etc  ...  can create 5 slideshow type
photoflip slide
carousel slide
polaroid slide
stack slide
df slide     
-multiple image upload (100 photos) in onetime
-Tag photos on a map -Rate photos
-Embedded codes to insert photo into forums, blogs and websites -Edit photos

I think the design was very nice, simple and lightweight. It was clear that it was the content that should be in focus. But, it took me a while to understand that you could create albums with images.
Except that, the overall experience was very good and it seems like a good photo host.
And it seems like there is a problem with the footer if a image has a very long description, see for an example.
Regards, Jeremy G

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    I have a 15-inch MacBook Pro (Late 2011) with OS X Mavericks 10.9.5
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    Thank you, Terence!
    Yes, I only emptied the trash when it was really full, once I waited until the trash cans contained 2,600 photos and then I emptied them - Oooops! In the future, I'll keep in mind your suggestion of deleting less than 100 photos at a time.
    I downloaded the iPhoto Library Manager and used it to rebuild my iPhoto. After a few hours of rebuilding, it generated a new copy of my iPhoto Library. This versions was nearly identical to the original (it was missing 5 photos and was therefore only 5 mb smaller). I guess my Library wasn't defective.
    I checked my storage stats, and interestingly, using iPhoto Library Manager did help with the problem that developed after I re-indexed my hard drive. My hard drive is able to properly recognize data categories again, instead of listing almost everything as "Other". Understandably, my free disk space changed from 120 GB to about 60 GB, because my hard drive now contained a second copy of my iPhoto Library as well as iPhoto Library Manager. It seemed like all I needed to do was throw these away, but when I emptied the trash, my problem was not solved. My Hard drive now looked like this:
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    bandwidth. I understand the idea of it being free means that it
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    T35 hosting has free hosting for a limited amount of bandwidth I'd Imagine.
    Alex Melen the owener of the Company Is my Friend and I think hes been doing a great job In still keeping T35 free.
    well,theres also a paid alternative but you can go for the free one if you so desire.
    I would however recommend you to go for a cheap package rather than a free one If you looking to host an Ecommerce website,If its a personal blog type of a website then the free alternative might work for you.
    A lot of hosting companies are listed on this website :
    you can check out reviews there.

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      1 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 2 cores
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      HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS31N 
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      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
      Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
      Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    Thunderbolt Information:
      Apple, Inc. MacBook Pro
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    Kernel Extensions:
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    Launch Daemons:
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      [loaded] Support
      [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac2.Agent.plist Support
      [loaded] Support
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      [loaded] Support
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      [loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac2Helper.trashWatcher.plist Support
      [running] com.spotify.webhelper.plist Support
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      o1dbrowserplugin: Version: Support
      Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 4.1.2f1 Support
      FantashowPlugin: Version: FantashowPlugin - SDK 10.7 Support
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      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
      Silverlight: Version: 5.1.10411.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.1
      googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: Support
      SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.2.3 - SDK 10.6 Support
      DirectorShockwave: Version: 12.0.2r122 - SDK 10.6 Support
    Safari Extensions:
      Open in Internet Explorer: Version: 1.0
      Searchme: Version: 1.3
    Audio Plug-ins:
      iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.1 - SDK 10.7
    iTunes Plug-ins:
      Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.3 - SDK 10.7
    User iTunes Plug-ins:
      TuneUp Visualizer: Version: Unknown
    User Internet Plug-ins:
      thinkorswim plugin_x86_64: Version: thinkorswim_x86_64 - SDK 10.7 Support
      tossc plugin_x86_64: Version: TOS Sharing Center plugin_x86_64 - SDK 10.7 Support
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      Java  Support
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          0% opendirectoryd
    Top Processes by Memory:
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      49 MB Finder
      41 MB HP_Photosmart_C4400_series
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    First, if you don't already have a current backup, back up all data immediately.
    When you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.   
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above. Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first. Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Terminal & Ext. Drive Problem - Will Give 6 MO. FREE Web Hosting For Result

    Thank you for reading this! I am having a problem with an external drive, which has pictures and files that I use and need! I figured terminal would be the easiest way to fix this, but if someone knows another way to fix it, feel free to suggest that. I am willing to give 6 months of free web hosting from my company to the person who gives me full direction and a working answer to my question.*
    HISTORY: On my iMac G5 I use an external hard drive to store files and pictures, etc. This drive has two (2) partitions. I named one partition "Backup" and the other "The Drive". For some reason, unknown to me, my computer renamed "The Drive" to "The Drive 1". I have used this drive for quite some time with no problem at all, but then...
    I needed to let someone else use the computer but did not want them to have access to the "The Drive 1" partition. So, I went into "Get Info" for this partition and selected "No Access". It worked fine, not able to access.
    When I went to change the permissions back, this particular partition was not available. I saw the "Backup" partition but not "The Drive 1". I tried unplugging and plugging back in the external drive, but still only see the "Backup" partition. In "Disk Utility" I see both partitions, but the button "Verify/Repair Disk Permissions" are gray-ed out (not available). I called Apple's Wonderful Tech Support who went above and beyond to help me out with this issue, but they said it was not something they cover in support.
    I am looking for someone with the skill of being able to use Terminal very well. I will provide all information needed to figure out a result to this issue.
    In Terminal I was stuck after I typed "cd /Volumes" and "ls -l". I saw the "Backup" partition and "The Drive 1" partition. "Backup" had this "drwxrwxr-x" and "The Drive 1" had this "d---rwxr-x". I understand that "d" is directory and what "r" "w" and "x" mean, but I do not know how to fix it from here. Apple suggested to try "chmod 775 /TheDrive1" or "sudo chmod 775 /TheDrive1" but it only resulted in: "chmod: /TheDrive1: No such file or directory". Please figure something out, I need these files. Thank you. And also, if you know another way to fix this without terminal that is fine as well, i just assumed that it would be easiest this way.
    Thanks again!
    Thank you all so much!
    *I will give the 6 months free as long as the answer is fully answered, and fixes my problem. If more than one person answers correctly, only the first will receive the hosting. Do not think this is a joke, I will give the hosting, but not if I get bad or incorrect information. Also, this "free hosting" will be for hosting through my company ( and not money for hosting of your choice. If I figure out the problem, I will try to post it as soon as possible. The web hosting package you recieve will be 1 gigabyte of disk space and 15 gigabytes of data transfer. This is limited to six months from day of setup, but can be extended by paying regular $9.95 monthly fee. Thanks again!
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Yes it did work. It was a million times easier than I expected and I got a response a million times faster than I would have ever expected. Thank you soo soo much. This is amazing, a miracle... not to get to crazy now, but I truly thank you with so much thanks. Ok, I guess if you do not need any web hosting, I must repay you some how. So, if you need any help with a website, or any questions at all I would be more than willing to help.
    Once again thank you! I called Apple twice and they went beyond support in trying to help me, but they said nope, we can't. So I came to the discussion forum this afternoon and in less than 2 hours I signed up, posted my question, got a response, and had my issue solved! Thank you so much. And please, please take me up on the offer to help, it is the least I can do.

  • Error when Submitting book - Please review your billing information

    I get the following error message when I submit a book for printing:
    Your account information has changed.
    Please review your billing information and approve it.
    I went here to review my order status but I did not have any orders:
    I reviewed my billing information on the web located here:
    And it is correct
    Any thoughts?

    I got the following information from apple - following this fixed my problem:
    1. Visit and choose your country and preferred language from the pop-up menus. Then log in using your Apple ID and password.
    2. Click Address Book on the left. If you see any blank addresses under Shipping Addresses, make the visible address your default, and then delete the blank address.
    3. Click Phone Numbers on the left, delete all phone numbers, and save your changes. When you successfully place an iPhoto order, your phone number will be copied from iPhoto to My Info.
    4. Check Apple ID, Email, Subscriptions, and Contact Prefs and make any necessary corrections. Save your changes.
    5. Now open iPhoto.
    6. Select a photo and choose Order Prints from the Share menu.
    7. Click Account Info and sign in using your Apple ID and password. If you are unable to log in, try changing your password in My Info using the directions in step 1 above. Then return to step 6 and try again.
    8. Click Edit Shipping and choose Add New Address from the Address pop-up menu.
    9. Add the desired address into the fields, making sure to create a new label, such as "Home." Then select "Make this my default address" and click OK.
    10. Now delete any other addresses listed by selecting them and clicking the Delete This Address button. You should now have only your default "Home" shipping address left.
    You should now be able to submit your iPhoto order successfully. If the difficulty persists, please reply to give me the exact error message you see. I will do my best to help you resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.

  • Is There a way I can make a free password protected website with iWeb?

    I've been thinking to myself, "I want to make a free website". But I want it passcode protected and free. I am a mac kind of person so is there a way I can make a free passcode protected website with iWeb? I knwo you use to be able to do it with MobileMe, but that's outdated now so could someone please help!

    No, you cannot password protect a website with iWeb.
    And no, you don't have to be a Mac kind of person either.
    So how do they do it?
    More if you search for it :

  • Hi.. I'm new to mac, I've got a mac book air and time capsule is it possible to save music,video from iTunes Store directly to time capsule leaving my 128GB Mac free? If so  please help..

    Hi.. I'm new to mac, I've got a mac book air and time capsule is it possible to save music,video from iTunes Store directly to time capsule leaving my 128GB Mac free? If so  please help..

    You can move your iTunes library.. Apple have explicit instructions to do it. If the library is moved to the TC and accessed over wireless, the efficiency of the whole system will drop dramatically..
    A file you download goes.. Modem---TC--Laptop--Back to TC--Store on disk. Double looping the wireless slows it dramatically..
    As far as using TC for your iTunes.. you CAN.. but SHOULD YOU?
    Store files on the TC.
    This is asked several times a day.. obviously people are struggling with their latest SSD being too small.
    The TC is not suitable for network file server.. but many people having no choice press it into service as such.
    It cannot be partitioned. It was and is and ever shall be a backup device for Time Machine.
    Major issues.
    1. No backup.. no way Time Machine can backup a network drive. No place to backup to.. So all your files will be at risk. And you will need to buy a third party like CCC to do backup.
    2. The TC cannot be partitioned and mixing TM backups and data is not great.
    3. The drive is slow to spin up and quick to spin down.. there is no controls.
    4. iPhoto in particular can easily corrupt its entire library with wireless networking causing a disconnection to one photo. Even if you do this;;; do not move your photo library... you have been warned!!
    5. iTunes will constantly lose connection to the library. The disk is too slow to respond.. itunes on the computer will constantly spit out errors. Even in the midst of streaming the TC can spin down the disk due to caching.
    6. Do not use any live files on the TC no matter what else you do.. if you edit files in whatever program the file must be on the local hard disk.
    7. The only suitable location for most libraries is a computer. You can plug in an external hard disk.
    Read pondini for some work arounds.
    Q3 here.

  • Photo Hosting Service??

    Hi all,
    I'm in Cairo, Egypt right now going into the 3rd of six weeks I'll be spending here. I'm with about 18 other students on scholarships funded by the US State Department, and we all have digital cameras. I volunteered to sort of coordinate the photo sharing post-trip, and I need some suggestions. We'll have a fair number of gigabytes' worth of photos when this is done with. Are there any photo hosting services out there that offer unlimited, free storage with EASY mass upload/download of photos??? They've all gotta be original copies/full resolution, because I'll be making an iPhoto book with them. We all need to be able to upload our photos to the same place, and all have access to them. Any suggestions???
    P.S. Not everyone else uses a Mac, of course.

    If you don't need to upload full sized files and can live with a maximum pixel dimension of 1024 you should look at It's free with an upload limit of 250 MB per month. With the smaller 1024 size you can upload a lot of files per month. In one account you can have "channels", i.e. areas for different topics They provide code for pasting into an existing web page to give you this type of presentation. Click on one of the presentations and it'll take you to the twango account and page of the user who posted it. Viewers of a channel can opt for a slideshow or just look at the gallery or larger views, up to the 1024 or full size if you choose so. Very easy to upload when you select the batch mode, i.e. dragging files from your computer into the window provided and then set the file size desired.
    You can also upload video clips. I think they are converted into flash for smaller file storage but I'm not positive.
    I was introduced to the site about a month ago by friends of my daughter and her husband. I was very impressed.
    Do you Twango?

  • Need free web hosting

    Hello! I seeking a free web hosting of jsp. I'm a student for Information system develop, so I need a free web hosting for test. If you know, please help me! Thanks!

    Just enter "free hosting" in the search field, check "Java Discussion Forums" and press enter...
    You're student... first lesson: use search engine.

  • Free web hosting JSP

    free web hosting JSP any some info.

    Yes, there is. Go to
    This website used to be myCGIserver, but then they got into financial troubles.
    Rick Ross from gave them some money and then they changed the name into

  • I created an apple id online and not on itunes, my email said the apple id was successfully created but when i used it in itunes it said "This apple idhas not been used in itunes please review your account information "

    I created an apple id online and not on itunes, my email said the apple id was successfully created but when i used it in itunes it said "This apple idhas not been used in itunes please review your account information "

    Hi rixa03!
    I have a couple of troubleshooting steps for you to try to resolve this issue. First, you should try closing the app according to the instructions found on this website, which is a troubleshooting assistant for the iPad:
    Apple - Support - iPad - iPad Troubleshooting Assistant
    If the issue persists, you may need to try resetting the iPad, the instructions for which can be found here:
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

  • Please review your billing information and approve it

    PLEASE help me before I pull out my hair!  I have a photo book I've created in iPhoto 09.  It's ready to be ordered (in-time for Christmas!) and no matter what I do, it comes back with a "please review your billing information and approve it".  There are two things in this repeated (at least 20 times) process that I find interesting 1) every time I re-enter my account info, it says I have an invalid city, state zip code combination and 2) when I try to check out my preferences in iPhoto it freezes up (spinning beach ball) and I have to force quit.  Here's what I've done already:
    1. restarted iPhoto
    2.  restarted computer
    3.  re-entered billing information in apple store
    4.  enabled one-click purchasing and express checkout options in apple store
    5.  trashed iPhoto preferences
    6.  deleted my keychain preferences
    7.  re-entered account info in iPhoto
    8.  double-checked that I choose United State
    9.  Changed credit cards and tried all the above over again
    I'm out of ideas.  Someone PLEASE help me figure out what is going on!

    every time I re-enter my account info, it says I have an invalid city, state zip code combination
    The zip code error suggests you are ordering from an Apple Print Products Store in the wrong country.  Your Billing Address, Shipping Address, Credit Card, Apple ID must all be valid in the same country as the Apple Store is you are ordering from. Is the region setting in your System Preferences > Language & Region the same as the country of your Billing Address and Shipping Address?

  • Error message: "Please review your billing information and approve it"

    I keep getting this message and I'm pulling my hair out. It says my account information has changed. My account information changed because I was having trouble ordering a book when iPhoto suddenly decided to decline my credit card even though I had just successfully used it moments before on a different book. So I re-entered my billing information. It is identical to what I had before. So then I get this message saying my billing info has changed and please review it and approve it. So I click okay but it doesn't actually take me anywhere. So I click on Account Info, look at the info and it's all correct, there's nothing to change. So I click okay and try again. Then it says to enter a valid security code. I go back and re-enter my security code. Then I get a message saying "Please enter a valid security code." AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!

    Check with Apple at:
    One of those should get you some help.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Free photo services other than Facebook and Flickr with iPhoto integration?

    Currently we use Facebook, though I can't assure anonymity when posting images from my facebook account on a particular bulletin board, due to real name being associated with the image being hosted in Facebook. Flickr, for reasons beyond my control is not viable as a choice because Yahoo now appears to own Flickr, and my Yahoo account I decided for reasons of anonymity to not give my real e-mail address and now I don't have the password for it. Is there an iPhoto uploader software that works with Google images, or some other service that is free for hosting images?

    You might give a look at It was bought by Nokia and integrated into their phones but can still be used like facebook or one of the other photo sharing sites. The site will take photos as well as videos.
    It's equivalent of MMe's galleries are called channels. You can make individual channels private or public. Private channels can be opened to specific individuals.

Maybe you are looking for

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