Free server for practice

I am a student who is studying EJB but now i have got a part time job and i cant get any time to practice on my own machine i have to be at office, where i have just jdk no jboss or any other server for deployong my bean when i am free and practcing . Do we have any such kind of server avaliable online for pratice where i can deploy my beans free of cost it would be of great help to me

have a look at, perhaps this is what
you're looking for.."We're currently not accepting new users."
Or JBoss:
www.jboss.orgI think he's looking for somewhere to host his app(s).
I am a student who is studying EJB ...So you need a server like JBOSS. Tomcat doesn't support EJBs on it's own.
Do we have any such kind of server avaliable online for
pratice where i can deploy my beans free of cost ...I think you're going to struggle to find anywhere free. (for around $30 a month you've got loads of choices)

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    Hi Manoj,
        No its not possible to have demo server online.As XI is a message broker and it needs to have all the systems in the landscape registered in SLD.
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    Cheers, APC

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    Hello there,
    There is no upgrade path from Server 2012 Essentials to R2.  R2 is not an upgrade, it is a new build.  Essentials does not upgrade easily, you will want to perform a migration of the server.  This will require additional hardware.  You
    can possibly backup the 2012 Essentials, build a temp server on workstation hardware just to do the migration from,  restore the backup to the new server and then perform the migration to R2. 

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    Attached is may slapd.conf file I used while I was working through the JNDI tutorial. You can find any comments in the original config file - I deleted them in the attachment.
    Do not forget to create the directory 'openldap-ldbm' manually in the apropriate place as defined in the config file.
    cu, Adrian
    # $OpenLDAP: pkg/ldap/servers/slapd/slapd.conf,v 2001/09/27 20:00:31 kurt Exp $
    # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
    # This file should NOT be world readable.
    #include          %SYSCONFDIR%/schema/core.schema
    include          d:/OpenLDAP/schema/core.schema
    include          d:/OpenLDAP/schema/java.schema
    include          d:/OpenLDAP/schema/krb5-kdc.schema
    pidfile          d:/OpenLDAP/
    argsfile     d:/OpenLDAP/slapd.args
    database     ldbm
    suffix          "o=JNDITutorial"
    rootdn          "cn=Manager,o=JNDITutorial"
    rootpw          changeit
    #directory     %LOCALSTATEDIR%/openldap-ldbm
    directory     d:/OpenLDAP/openldap-ldbm
    index     objectClass     eq

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    I found this:
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    You are mixing up a couple of things here.
    The TC drive cannot be partitioned without removing it.. did you do that?
    If you partition it you must use a Mac disk utility and use the HFS+ ie standard Mac format. And GUID partition table not windows type.
    You can select erase disk in the airport utility.. that will take the disk back to original format. No partitions. TC is deliberately not partitioned as it is not a media server.. it is a backup device for TM. Over time .. the disk will be filled with TM backups so you have a long history of file changes to your computer.
    There is no media server in the TC.. it is merely disk storage.. you can serve files from it to a media device.. but the TC itself is dumb as dumb.
    Now the actual format of the drive is irrelevant to the PC.. The TC offers SMB file services to the network. You can copy files to and from the TC as if it was a local disk without caring one iota about the format. The TC handles that .. it is not a local disk .. it is a network drive.
    Although you cannot partition the TC. you can still copy files to it.. this does have implications for TM.. but as long as there is plenty of free space should not be a major issue.
    You can create a disk image via the disk utility in a Mac.. and as stated you can create partitions if you do it on a Mac with the disk directly connected which means breaking warranty if any exists on the TC.

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    But there is a lot of links and things to download and I don't even know if it will work because it is Release 3 and the DataBase is Release 1, but I tried downloading the "Oracle 10gR3 Companion (10.1.3.x) CD", but after running the installer in the disk1, I found that the Oracle HTTP Server that it would install does not include mod_plsql and I know I need it.
    So, which one should I download, or where can I find it?>
    Strictly speaking you do not need Application Server or OHS for running Apex, you have an option in ApexListener. If it is a small installation then stick to EPG that comes built-in.
    Try downloading the Oracle HTTP Server from here . You will need to check the commercial aspects yourself as OHS is not a free software for Production environment, AFAIK.

  • Lion Server for Home use reality check

    Hi All,
    as many others I had the best intentions buying Lion Server for my home network (5 Macs, 2 iPads, 2 iPhones) to manage everything.
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    I did not intended to use  as Address Book, iCal, Mail server as I use iCloud. I just don't see the point of iChat, Podcast, Wiki server for my home use.
    Anyway the bits I had to abandon so far are:
    configuration management - Profile Manager works only sometimes and is sluggish to say the least
    home directories - the home sync just doesn't work for Mac libraries such as iPhoto and iTunes
    software update server - worked, broke, fixed, worked, broke, fixed, ... going away with Mountain Lion.
    What works for me is user management, file server, web server and Time Machine backup, haven't gotten around to test VPN yet.
    Given that Mountain Lion is coming next month and presumably I'll have to buy new license for the Server version I am not sure if it's worth it.
    As I see it using a plain vanilla Lion or Mountain Lion system I can still do file server, web server and Time Machine backup. What I'd lose is the user management and I am not sure about VPN on a non-Server system but not really important. User management is a one time task for 5 Macs that's it.
    Would be interested to hear opinions from you folks about pros / cons of using a plain Lion or Mountain Lion OS X for server tasks vs Server version?
    Anything I am missing here?

    iToaster wrote:
    most osx server issues are usually DNS problems
    if that is not correct practically nothing else will work correctly
    That's probably true but also within that lies a major problem how this is positioned "The Server for Everyone". I am in IT and know what a DNS is. Most home users would NOT have a DNS running as it's not necessary not even talking about SSL certificates. I think this is a major problem here that it market incorrectly.
    iToaster wrote:
    if your trying to have portable home directories and having iphoto library sync'd
    I don't recomend on wireless , even on a wired 1gb network it's slow
    use WGM to skip iphoto or be prepaired for a long wait
    It's not so much a network bandwidth problem but the fact that home sync doesn't work for package files such as iPhoto, etc. Many people have confirmed that that home sync actually corrupts those files.
    iToaster wrote:
    for the cost of ML server it's probibly cheaper in the long run then the time you'd spend
    trying to get the same funtionallity via terminal.  plus the posiblity of a OS update
    that may blow all your finely crafted terminal work all away.
    Don't intend to do terminal but for example take "File Sharing". It's an Server option but every Mac also has file sharing under the "Sharing Settings". As far as I can tell the server actuallty is just an overlay over the Mac sharing option because if I define a file share it's also updated in the sharing option.
    Same thing goes for the Webserver. Hence I am thinking that Server really only is a central console for some basic services that can also be available by using standard OS X functionality.

  • Multiple free goods for one item in standalone CRM

    Hi Gurus,
    We are trying to implement multiple free goods for one item in standalone CRM.
    As per, it says that we can configure multiple free goods scenario in standalone CRM system.
    We tried to set up this in our system.  Basically we want to implement the scenario, where a user wants to  purchase item A, he should get a prompt for choosing between two free goods  B and C.
    We did the relevant IMG settings required for Free goods at  IMG ->CRM -> Basic Functions -> Free Goods.-> Set up Free Goods
    We also did the relevant item category determination where we have made an entry with
    Item Usage = " Free Goods" , Main item cat. = "TAN' , Item Category = "TANN".
    Now we went to create condition records in the path  "SAP Menu -> Master Data -> Prices and Conditions -> SAPCND/GCM - Maintain condition"
    We chose Application ="PRT", MaintenanceGrp="PRT_FGOODS", Maintenance context ="GCM"
    Then while creating conditon records , when I try to create two condition records where the Main Product is same but free good product is different, the system is not allowing to save these two condition records.
    it is giving error "Overlapping validity periods for two condition records".
    Please advice, if i am missing something. Thanks in advance for your help.
    Edited by: Randhir Soni on Feb 8, 2010 8:12 AM

    Constraints in free goods in R3 taken from SAP library
    Free goods can only be supported on a 1:1 ratio. This means that an order item can lead to a free goods item. Agreements in the following form are not supported: u2018With material 1, material 2 and material 3 are free of chargeu2018 or u2018If material 1 and material 2 are ordered at the same time, then material 3 is free of chargeu2018.
    Free goods are not supported in combinations with material structures (for example, product selection, BOM, variants with BOM explosion).
    Free goods are only supported for sales orders with document category C (for example, not quotations).
    Free goods are not supported for deliveries without reference to a sales order.
    Free goods cannot be used in make-to-order production, third-party order processing and scheduling agreements.
    If you defined a free goods for variants in a generic article (only SAP Retail), you can only process the variants in the purchase order and goods receipt individually (as single articles). In other words, you cannot process them using the generic article matrix.
    This answers your qn Not possible in R3
    If you are on Retail scenario this is possible thro bonus buy schemes
    But a lot of customizations needs to be done and you need a retail server to do that

  • Multiple free goods for one main material

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    we have a business requirement that to issue multiple free products for one main product, if the upliftment is beyond the specified quantity.
    Using free goods functionality, is it possible to achive the above requirement.
    e.g                                                     Quantity
    main product        123456                         10
    free goods             xxxxx                           2
    free goods             yyyyy                           1
    is it possible to maintain such data thru free goods or any development needs to be done.

    Constraints in free goods in R3 taken from SAP library
    Free goods can only be supported on a 1:1 ratio. This means that an order item can lead to a free goods item. Agreements in the following form are not supported: u2018With material 1, material 2 and material 3 are free of chargeu2018 or u2018If material 1 and material 2 are ordered at the same time, then material 3 is free of chargeu2018.
    Free goods are not supported in combinations with material structures (for example, product selection, BOM, variants with BOM explosion).
    Free goods are only supported for sales orders with document category C (for example, not quotations).
    Free goods are not supported for deliveries without reference to a sales order.
    Free goods cannot be used in make-to-order production, third-party order processing and scheduling agreements.
    If you defined a free goods for variants in a generic article (only SAP Retail), you can only process the variants in the purchase order and goods receipt individually (as single articles). In other words, you cannot process them using the generic article matrix.
    This answers your qn Not possible in R3
    If you are on Retail scenario this is possible thro bonus buy schemes
    But a lot of customizations needs to be done and you need a retail server to do that

  • How to Install Oracle Database for practice on Laptop?

    Hi All,
    I am planning to install the Oracle Database and some oracle developer products for practice on my Laptop.
    # Laptop configuration
    > Lenovo IdeaPad Y450 - 41896AU
    > Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T6600 ( 2.20GHz )
    > 4GB RAM, 320GB Hard disk
    > Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    I seeks some help on the doubts regarding this.
    Which version of oracle database will suite/work fine for this laptop configuration and path to download the same?
    Any additional information regarding this installation.regards,

    Suryawanshi wrote:
    Hi All,
    I am planning to install the Oracle Database and some oracle developer products for practice on my Laptop.
    # Laptop configuration
    Lenovo IdeaPad Y450 - 41896AU
    Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T6600 ( 2.20GHz )
    4GB RAM, 320GB Hard disk
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bitI seeks some help on the doubts regarding this.
    Which version of oracle database will suite/work fine for this laptop configuration and path to download the same?
    Any additional information regarding this installation.regards,
    Shyam.As pointed out, Oracle has not certified anything for Windows 7, and will not certify anything for any "home" edition.
    I'd recommend you get a copy of VMPlayer (free, from VMware) and create a couple of virtual machines running Oracle Enterprise Linux (free, from Oracle), then install your Oracle db on the virtual machines.

Maybe you are looking for