Frequency domain incorrect in FFT output - DTMF Decoding program

I am writing a VI to decode a DTMF signal received through the PC microphone.  The frequency domain data is always showing less than 1 Hz.  I am using the Sound Card AutoPower spectrum VI as my building block.
VI is located at

(VI is apparently located at ,note the extra "f". )
Anyway, you feed it only a simple 1D array, which has no time information (assumes dt=1).
Try to built a waveform containing the correct dt as in the image. See if things improve!
Message Edited by altenbach on 04-17-2006 09:23 AM
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
DTMF.png ‏9 KB

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    I have attached my file. Please have a look. If you know any threads on the forum directly related to my problem, please just cite it.
    Go to Solution.
    DTMF ‏168 KB

    Exactly, I just found that out too ... how silly of me.
    Thanks very much for replying

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    Attachments: ‏204 KB
    mathematical.png ‏103 KB

    Here are some examples on how to use LabVIEWs graphcial coding to get things into the Frequency domain:
    But essentially you are going to want to use the FFT VIs
    I hope this gets you going
    Sam S
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Hi Rcarr,
    I'm a little confused as to what time data you expect to see? The signal you are generating is just and array of numerics, but there is sampling information used to create that signal. Do you want to have the signal start at 0 and display the time that has elapsed?
    In short, you can't do this within a VI running on the Speedy-33. However if you pass data to a host VI then you can manipulate the graph. You can do this by calculating a multiplier for the x-scale of your graph based on the dx of you sampling. There is a property node for the graph where you can set this multiplier but you can only use it on a host VI not running on the Speedy-33.
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    That a cool question!
    This has to do with the sample rate, when you adquire the signal, you get set of samples, that hava a sample rate, and when you do an FFT on those samples, every sample corresponds to frecuency bin (kinda of frecuency samples). Example:
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    There is a thorough explanation of the algorithms and details of the ANSI S1.11-1986 specification to which the toolkit is built around in the reference manual for the Signal Processing Toolkit. Here is a link to it:
    On page 24-4, it explains how to calculate the center frequencies of your 1/3 Octave filter bands.
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    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

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    NR not very trivial. IMO anyway.
    I had much the same questions when I moved from frequency domain to time domain. A strong preparation in analog engineering treated time domain sparsely, particularly noise. We dealt with detector noise in a nuclear physics lab by running the detectors in pairs at cryogenic temps. The detectors were connected to a coincidence circuit (and gate to you digital folks!). Even then, the output of the gate had to be carefully amplified, then subjected to an A to D converter where the output was displayed as a histogram. I'm sure things have progressed mightily since then, (ca 1950's).
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    Viva Al Gore Rhythms! (Didn't Bill Clinton play for him? )

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    Hi Fezz,
    I am not familiar with using FDR systems but know there is a good example of producing a TDR in LabVIEW available on the community. This might provide you with a base and a grasp of the architecture you could use to create the functionality.
    Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR) Example
    Regarding the equipment you would require to achieve this I strongly recommend contacting your local NI office who will be able to adviser you fully as this will depend upon your desired specification.
    Kind Regards,
    Aaron. E
    Applications Engineer Team Lead
    National Instruments

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    Thank you for your help.

    Also posted and crossposted:

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    Best Regards...
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    [email protected]

    thanks for answer.Yes I using the sound  and vibration toolkit.But Exactly I don't find what ı searched.
    ama ben tam olarak ne ı aradı bulmuyorum
    Himmet GENCER
    Software Development Coordinator at Teknik Destek Grubu
    [email protected]

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    Thanks in advance
    Go to Solution.

    Hello ProfP,
    Thanks for the post! Sorry to leave you hanging for so long. I have some answers for the 2 points you asked about above.
    1. You are correct, the myDAQ system does not employ Anti-Aliasing Filters. The ELVISmx Bode Analyzer artificially limits the input frequency when using the myDAQ to 20 kHz. At that frequency, you
    only get 10 points per period from both the AO and AI. 
    Anti-alias filters behind the multiplexer would slow down settling behavior, so they were not included. You can add filters in front of the multiplexers (at the AI0 and AI1 pins). I'd recommend they be buffered, though. Charge injection on the multiplexer makes high speed scanning very sensitive to source impedance. Note the effect in the Settling Time versus Different Source Impedance figures (21 and 22) of the myDAQ manual: 
    2. You are correct. Two-channel acquisitions are phase-skewed by the 1/(2*scan rate) when the scan speed is faster than 40 kSps/ch. For example, if you acquire at 200 kSps/ch, the interval between consecutive measurements on AI0 and AI1 is 1/(2 * 200 kHz) = 2.5 us. Below 40 kSps/ch, the phase skew is constant at 12.5 us. This is intended to help very slow acquisition rates appear more like simultaneous acquisitions rather than keeping 180 degree phase skew unnecessarily. These are default configurations. You can adjust the conversion interval parameter through the DAQmx API if you prefer to customize the behavior.
    Let us know if this is the information that you needed and thanks for using NI myDAQ!
    Academic Product Support Engineer

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    To make the octave analysis of frequency domain data you have to pass in your time domain data to the Octave Analysis VIs. The time domain data will allow you to window the signal using the correct values.
    The Sound and Vibration toolkit has several examples that show how to do this. You can find them under Help>>Find Examples and then browsing to Toolkits and Modules>>Sound and Vibration. This directory has Traditional DAQ and NI-DAQmx examples as well as Octave and Third Octave analysis.
    You can also look for other examples using the Example Code Library.
    Good Luck,

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    need help. I am doing a project involving scattering matrix (S
    parameter) using frequency and time domain analysis. In order to make
    use of S parameter in frequency domain from Vector Network Analyzer, I
    need to convert S parameters from frequency domain (sweep from 8.2 GHz
    to 12.4 GHz) to time domain using inverse chirp z transform or any. I
    have no idea how to implement it. Could you please help or guide me how
    to implement them. I am using Labview 8.0 and matlab. Please see the attached file for the data in frequency domain both linear , dB magnitude and phase.
    Thank you so much for any help.
    S11 Phase.xls ‏70 KB
    S11 dB magnitude.xls ‏70 KB
    S11 linear magnitude.xls ‏70 KB

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    Thank you for your help.

    i have no clue what a frequence domain is, but with logical thinking I can quickly rule out that such an API will exist in core Java. Java was not built to contain standard solutions for every exotic business requirement out there. It contains the basic functionality to work with images only, the rest is up to you.
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