From JTextField into string array

Me and my friend are currently doing a cryptography project for UNI. We are required to read in a word from the JTextField into an array. the problem is the whole word seems to be going into the array as one element. Is there any way to read in each letter in the word into a seperate element of the array??

Well you can always read the value in the textfield, convert it to a character array and then as you transfer each character to your string array you add a blank string to it, so then it becomes a string.
String sentence = "hello, I am a really loooooooooong string";
String[] stringArray = new String[sentence.length()];
char[] charArray = sentence.toCharArray();
for (int count = 0; count < sentence.length(); count++)
     stringArray[count] = charArray[count] + "";I hope this helps.

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    Hello, new to Java and we need to modify a mortgage calculator to read interest rate from a file into an array and not have them hard coded in the program. I have read many post on how to perform this but am lost on where to put the new code and format. Here is my code and I hope I posted this right.
    import javax.swing.*;                                              // Imports the Main Swing Package                                   
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;                                          // Used for  Text Box Caret Position
    import java.awt.*;                                                // Imports the main AWT Package
    import java.awt.event.*;                                         // Event handling class are defined here
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.*;                                              // Imports the Main Text Package
    import java.util.*;                                              // Imports the Main Utility Package
    public class mortgageCalculator1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener             // Creates class mortgageCalculator
        JLabel AmountLabel = new JLabel("   Enter Mortgage Amount:$ ");                   // Declares Mortgage Amount Label
        JTextField mortgageAmount = new JTextField(10);                                     // Declares Mortgage Amount Text Field
        JButton IntandTerm1B = new JButton("7 years at 5.35%");                    // Declares 1st Mortgage Term and Interest Rate
        JButton IntandTerm2B = new JButton("15 years at 5.50%");                    // Declares 2nd Mortgage Term and Interest Rate
        JButton IntandTerm3B = new JButton("30 years at 5.75%");                    // Declares 3rd Mortgage Term and Interest Rate
        JLabel PaymentLabel = new JLabel("   Monthly Payment: ");                     // Declares Monthly Payment Label
        JTextField monthlyPayment = new JTextField(10);                          // Declares Monthly Payment Text Field
        JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit");                              // Declares Exit Button
        JButton newcalcButton = new JButton("New Calculation");                     // Declares New Calculation Button
        JTextArea mortgageTable = new JTextArea(35,65);                         // Declares Mortgage Table Area
        JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(mortgageTable);                         // Declares ScrollPane and puts the Mortgage Table inside
        public mortgageCalculator1()                                        // Creates Method
             super("MORTGAGE CALCULATOR");                              // Title of Frame
             JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();                                   // Cretes Menu Bar
                JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");                                 // Creates File Menu
             fileMenu.setMnemonic('F');                                      // Enables alt + f to Access File Menu
             JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");                     // Creates Exit in File Menu
             fileMenu.add(exitItem);                                   // Adds Exit to File Menu
                 exitItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener()                     // Adds Action Listener to the Exit Item
                     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)                     // Tests to Verify if File->Exit is Pressed
                         System.exit(0);                                // Exits the Programs when File->Exit is Pressed
                mb.add(fileMenu);                                      // Adds the File Menu
         setSize(600, 400);                                        // Sets Size of Frame
            setLocation(200,200);                                         // Sets the Location of the Window  
         setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);                                  // Command on how to close frame
         JPanel pane = new JPanel();                                   // Declares the JPanel
         pane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));                          // Sets Panel Layout to BoxLayout
         Container grid = getContentPane();                               // Declares a Container called grid
         grid.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,3,5,5));                          // Sets grid Layout to GridLayout
         pane.add(grid);                                             // Adds the grid to the Panel
         pane.add(scroll);                                        // Addes the scrollPane to the Panel
            grid.setBackground(Color.yellow);                              // Set grid color to Yellow
         setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));                         // Makes the cursor look like a hand
         mortgageAmount.setBackground(;                         // Sets mortgageAmount JPanel JTextField Background Color
            mortgageAmount.setForeground(Color.white);                         // Sets mortgageAmount JPanel JTextField Foreground Color
         mortgageAmount.setCaretColor(Color.white);                         // Sets mortgageAmount JPanel JTextField Caret Color
         mortgageAmount.setFont(new Font("Lucida Sans Typewriter", Font.PLAIN, 18));     // Sets mortgageAmount JPanel JTextField Font
         monthlyPayment.setBackground(;                         // Sets monthlyPayment JPanel JTextField Background Color
         monthlyPayment.setForeground(Color.white);                         // Sets monthlyPayment JPanel JTextField Foreground Color
            monthlyPayment.setFont(new Font("Lucida Sans Typewriter", Font.PLAIN, 18));     // Sets monthlyPayment JPanel JTextField Font
         mortgageTable.setBackground(Color.yellow);                         // Sets mortgageTable JTextArea Background Color
         mortgageTable.setForeground(;                         // Sets mortgageTable JTextArea Foreground Color
         mortgageTable.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 18));               // Sets JTextArea Font
         grid.add(AmountLabel);                                        // Adds the Mortgage Amount Label
         grid.add(mortgageAmount);                                   // Adds the Mortgage Amount Text Field
         grid.add(IntandTerm1B);                                        // Adds 1st Loan and Rate Button
         grid.add(PaymentLabel);                                    // Adds the Payment Label
         grid.add(monthlyPayment);                                    // Adds the Monthly Payment Text Field
           monthlyPayment.setEditable(false);                              // Disables editing in this Text Field
            grid.add(IntandTerm2B);                                        // Adds 2nd Loan and Rate Button
         grid.add(newcalcButton);                                    // Adds the New Calc Button
            grid.add(IntandTerm3B);                                        // Adds the Exit Button
         setContentPane(pane);                                          // Enables the Content Pane
         setVisible(true);                                          // Sets JPanel to be Visable
         exitButton.addActionListener(this);                                // Adds Action Listener to the Exit Button
         newcalcButton.addActionListener(this);                            // Adds Action Listener to the New Calc Button
            IntandTerm1B.addActionListener(this);                              // Adds Action Listener to the 1st loan Button
         IntandTerm2B.addActionListener(this);                              // Adds Action Listener to the 2nd loan Button
         IntandTerm3B.addActionListener(this);                               // Adds Action Listener to the 3rd loan Button
         mortgageAmount.addActionListener(this);                              // Adds Action Listener to the Mortgage  Amount Text Field
         monthlyPayment.addActionListener(this);                              // Adds Action Listener to the Monthly payment Text Field
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)                               // Tests to Verify Which Button is Pressed
            Object command = e.getSource();                                                 // Enables command to get data
            if (command == exitButton) //sets exitButton                         // Activates the Exit Button
                System.exit(0);  // Exits from exit button                         // Exits from exit button
            int loanTerm = 0;                                             // Declares loanTerm
            if (command == IntandTerm1B)                                   // Activates the 1st Loan Button
                loanTerm = 0;                                        // Sets 1st value of Array
            if (command == IntandTerm2B)                                   // Activates the 2nd Loan Button
                loanTerm = 1;                                        // Sets 2nd value of Array
            if (command == IntandTerm3B)                                   // Activates the 3rd Loan Button
             loanTerm = 2;                                        // Sets 3rd value of Array
                double mortgage = 0;                                   // Declares and Initializes mortgage
             double rate = 0;                                        // Declares and Initializes rate                                        
             double [][] loans = {{7, 5.35}, {15, 5.50}, {30, 5.75},};                 // Array Data for Calculation
                        mortgage = Double.parseDouble(mortgageAmount.getText());            // Gets user input from mortgageAmount Text Field
                      catch (NumberFormatException nfe)                          // Checks for correct number fformatting of user input
                       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, "Error! Invalid input!");      // Outputs error if number is wrong format or nothing is entered
             double interestRate = loans [loanTerm][1];                         // Sets interestRate amount
             double intRate = (interestRate / 100) / 12;                         // Calculates Interst Rate     
                double loanTermMonths = loans [loanTerm] [0];                    // Calculates Loan Term in Months
                int months = (int)loanTermMonths * 12;                          // Converts Loan Term to Months
                double interestRateMonthly = (intRate / 12);                                // monthly interst rate
             double payment = mortgage * intRate / (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + intRate), months)));    // Calculation for Monthly payment
                double remainingLoanBalance = mortgage;                              // Sets Reamaining Balance
                double monthlyPaymentInterest = 0;                                       // holds current interest payment
                double monthlyPaymentPrincipal = 0;                                    // holds current principal payment
                NumberFormat myCurrencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);     // Number formatter to format output in table
                mortgageTable.setText("Month\tPrincipal\tInterest\tEnding Balance\n" +                // Formats morgageTable Header
                    for (;months > 0 ; months -- )
                     monthlyPaymentInterest = (remainingLoanBalance * intRate);               // Calculation for Monthly Payment Toward Interest
                     //Calculate H = R x I
                     monthlyPaymentPrincipal = (payment - monthlyPaymentInterest);          // Calculation for Monthly Payment Toward Principal
                     //Calculate C = P - H
                  remainingLoanBalance = (remainingLoanBalance - monthlyPaymentPrincipal);     // Calculation for Reamining loan Balance
                  // Calculate R = R - C
                  // H = monthlyPaymentInterest
                  // R = remainingLoanBalance
                  // P = payment
                  // C = monthlyPaymentPrincipal
                  // I = interestRateMonthly
                  mortgageTable.setCaret (new DefaultCaret());                    // Sets Scroll position to the top left corner
                  mortgageTable.append(String.valueOf(months) + "\t" +               // Pulls in data and formats MortgageTable
                  myCurrencyFormatter.format(monthlyPaymentPrincipal) + "\t" +
                     myCurrencyFormatter.format(monthlyPaymentInterest) + "\t" +
                     myCurrencyFormatter.format(remainingLoanBalance) + "\n");
                           if(command == newcalcButton)                               // Activates the new calculation Button
                         mortgageAmount.setText(null);                         //clears mortgage amount fields
                      monthlyPayment.setText(null);                         //clears monthly payment fields
                            mortgageTable.setText(null);                              //clears mortgage table
    public static void main(String[] args)                               //This is the signature of the entry point of all the desktop apps
         new mortgageCalculator1();

    OK, making a little progress but am still very confused.
    What I have is a file (int&term.dat) with three lines;
    5.75, 30
    5.5, 15
    5.35 ,7
    I have three JButtom that I what to read a seperate line and place the term in a term TextField and a rate in a Rate TextField
    I have added the following code and all it does now is output a black space to the screen; I am working with one Button and Just the rate for now to try and get it to work. I have been looking at the forums, reading the internet and several books to try and figure this out. I think I may be getting closer.
    public static void read()
        String line;
        StringTokenizer tokenizer;
        String rate;
        String term;
            FileReader fr = new FileReader ("int&term.dat");
            BufferedReader inFile = new BufferedReader (fr);
            line = inFile.readLine();
            while (line != null)
            tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
            rate = tokenizer.nextToken();
            line = inFile.readLine();
             System.out.println(new String());
             catch (FileNotFoundException exception)
                   System.out.println ("The file was not found.");
              catch (IOException exception)
                    System.out.println (exception);

  • Loading into String array?

    I made a method that loads 2 strings from a text file, and adds them into an array, but it won't work, heres the code.
    public static void loadFile() {
         for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
              try {
         final Properties testCheck = new Properties();
    final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("myfile.txt");
    toTest[i] = testCheck.getProperty("test","Nothing Found");
    } catch (IOException ioexception) {
               System.err.println ("Error reading");
    } Thats the method, I make it print out the array, and it shows up Nothing Found, which means it didn't find what the value in the text file? Any help is greatly appreaciated.

    Whatever your problem is, you haven't described it completely.
    Please excuse any typos in the following; my development environment and my internet are on different machines tonight,and I cannot copy-and-paste this over.
    package rc.test;
    import java.util.*;
    public class TestLP
      static String[] toTest = new String[2];
      public static void main (String[] arguments)
      { loadFile();
        for (int i=0; i<toTest.length; i++)
        { System.out.println(toTest);
    public static void loadFile()
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
    final Properties testCheck = new Properties();
    final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("myfile.txt");
    toTest[i] = testCheck.getProperty("test", "Nothing Found");
    catch (IOException ioexception)
    { System.err.println("Error reading");
    With the file "myfile.txt" in the directory in which the program is run, and containing the single line "test TESTING", this program prints:
    All of your code is here, reformatted but otherwise intact; I've added what I surmised to be reasonable drivers to show us whether this code works as expected, and it does.
    The array you think you're loading the data into is in a different scope than the one loaded.  You do not give us the declaration of that array, so we cannot tell.
    The printout of the information is somehow flawed.  You don't show us how you output it, so we cannot tell.
    myfile.txt doesn't contain what you expect, or there is more than one copy.  Perhaps "test" is capitalized, which would give the result you indicate.  So would a file that doesn't actually contain "test" as a key.
    Part of the point here is that complete information would cost very little compared to what you've already done, and would allow us to help you better.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • How do I read directly from file into byte array

    I am reading an image from a file into a BuffertedImage then writing it out again into an array of bytes which I store and use later on in the program. Currently Im doing this in two stages is there a way to do it it one go to speed things up.
                //Read File Contents into a Buffered Image
                /** BUG 4705399: There was a problem with some jpegs taking ages to load turns out to be
                 * (at least partially) a problem with non-standard colour models, which is why we set the
                 * destination colour model. The side effect should be standard colour model in subsequent reading.
                BufferedImage bi = null;
                ImageReader ir = null;
                ImageInputStream stream =  ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new File(path));
                final Iterator i = ImageIO.getImageReaders(stream);
                if (i.hasNext())
                    ir = (ImageReader);
                    ImageReadParam param = ir.getDefaultReadParam();
                    ImageTypeSpecifier typeToUse = null;
                    for (Iterator i2 = ir.getImageTypes(0); i2.hasNext();)
                        ImageTypeSpecifier type = (ImageTypeSpecifier);
                        if (type.getColorModel().getColorSpace().isCS_sRGB())
                            typeToUse = type;
                    if (typeToUse != null)
                    bi =, param);
                    //ir.dispose(); seem to reference this in write
                //Write Buffered Image to Byte ArrayOutput Stream
                if (bi != null)
                    //Convert to byte array
                    final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    //Try and find corresponding writer for reader but if not possible
                    //we use JPG (which is always installed) instead.
                    final ImageWriter iw = ImageIO.getImageWriter(ir);
                    if (iw != null)
                        if (ImageIO.write(bi, ir.getFormatName(), new DataOutputStream(output)) == false)
                            MainWindow.logger.warning("Unable to Write Image");
                        if (ImageIO.write(bi, "JPG", new DataOutputStream(output)) == false)
                            MainWindow.logger.warning("Warning Unable to Write Image as JPEG");
                    //Add to image list
                    final byte[] imageData = output.toByteArray();

    If you don't need to manipulate the image in any way I would suggest you just read the image file directly into a byte array (without ImageReader) and then create the BufferedImage from that byte array.

  • SET into string array using toArray()

    I have a object java.util.Set collection and I want to convert all the elements
    into a string array but i don't know why it is not working in my JSP page...
    as i am trying to use toArray() method
    i have tried this          
    String[]  arr = collection.toArray();this
    String[]  arr = (String []) collection.toArray();could you please tell me the right way to aplly it...
    thanks in advance....:)

    I am using session listener which map sessions and it stores sessionid which i hope is a string
    when i directly print this set object it shows
    Message was edited by:

  • Splitting html ul tags and their content into string arrays using regular expression

    <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-inset="true">
    <li data-role="list-divider"></li><li><a href="#"><h3>
    my title
    <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-inset="true">
    <li data-role="list-divider"></li><li>test.</li>
    I need to be able to slip this html into two arrays hold the entire <ul></ul> tag. Please help.

    Hi friend.
    This forum is to discuss problems of C# development. Your question is not related to the topic of this forum.
    You'll need to post it in the dedicated Archived Forums N-R  > Regular Expressions
     for better support. Thanks for understanding.
    Best Regards,

  • Entering data from JTextfield into Database--- Techniques

    hello friends,
    I am developing an application where i want to insert data from my Jtextfield to data base.
    I know all the procedure but i am confused.
    I have 11 fields in my frame, out of which 3 are compulsory. rest are optional.
    i am validating those 3 compulsory fields.
    so i have to generate run time insert query, depending on the fields Populated.
    Also i have my connection to db in other class. that not a problem as i can call a method. But how to pass so many arguments. when no. of arguments also change runtime.

    Thanks Aniruddha,
    But i didn't understand what u said.
    I think I will do as following
    1. check the populated field.
    2. if yes then insert them into a hashmap .
    key = field name, value = field value
    3. send the hash map as the argument to function connecting my db.
    4. retrieve the fields. and dependingly make a prepared statement for insertion.
    5. as some of my fields are integer, convert them to int . then set them
    6. then execute the query.
    if u have any other suggestions please tell....

  • Reading a pdf file from URL into Byte array/ByteBuffer in an applet.

    I'm trying to figure out why this particular snippet of code isn't working for me. I've got an applet which is supposed to read a .pdf and display it with a pdf-renderer library, but for some reason when I read in the .pdf files which sit on my server, they end up as being corrupt. I've tested it by writing the files back out again.
    I've tried viewing the applet in both IE and Firefox and the corrupt files occur. Funny thing is, when I trying viewing the applet in Safari (for Windows), the file is actually fine! I understand the JVM might be different, but I am still lost. I've compiled in Java 1.5. JVMs are 1.6. The snippet which reads the file is below.
    public static ByteBuffer getAsByteArray(URL url) throws IOException {
            ByteArrayOutputStream tmpOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
            int contentLength = connection.getContentLength();
            InputStream in = url.openStream();
            byte[] buf = new byte[512];
            int len;
            while (true) {
                len =;
                if (len == -1) {
                tmpOut.write(buf, 0, len);
            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(tmpOut.toByteArray(), 0,
            //Lines below used to test if file is corrupt
            //FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("C:\\abc.pdf");
            return bb;
    }I must be missing something, and I've been banging my head trying to figure it out. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Keshav.. wrote:
    I too was going through the same problem but I found for some pdfs it worked fine.I didnt get ur solution.Please explain bcoz it may work for every pdfThis thread is over 3 years old and dead. Please open a new thread which provides details of the problem you are having. Link to this thread if you think it is necessary.
    I shall lock this thread.

  • How convert integer into string

    I need to convert answer3 from double into String
    answer3 = Double.parseDouble(dij3)/(1 + Math.pow(( Double.parseDouble(tesside_luas_i) / Double.parseDouble(tesside_luas_j) ),0.5847));

    Now the integer value is string but why i cannot get valur from my servlet to my web page
    package net.mybizaid.isodms.servlet;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import net.mybizaid.isodms.*;
    public class SPLDataInputServlet extends HttpServlet {
         public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws IOException, ServletException
    System.out.println( "******************** Calculation Servlet ******************" );
                   String dij     ;
                   String population_i ;
                   String population_j ;
                   String project_name = "";
                   String project_status = "";
                   double answer;
                   String handler = "";
                   String url                    = "";
                   double answer3;
                   String dij3 ="";
                   String tesside_luas_i ="";
                   String tesside_luas_j ="";
                   double answer2;
                   String dij2 ="";
                   String luas_i ="";
                   String luas_j ="";
                   String counter                    = "";
                   String i                                   = "";
                   handler                          = request.getParameter( "handler" );
                   dij                    = request.getParameter("dij");
                   population_i               = request.getParameter("population_i");
                   population_j               =     request.getParameter( "population_j");
                   project_name               =     request.getParameter( "project_name");
                   project_status               =     request.getParameter( "project_status");
                   dij2                    = request.getParameter("dij2");
                   luas_i               = request.getParameter("luas_i");
                   luas_j               =     request.getParameter( "luas_j");
                   dij3                    = request.getParameter("dij3");
                   tesside_luas_i               = request.getParameter("tesside_luas_i");
                   tesside_luas_j               =     request.getParameter( "tesside_luas_j");
                   HttpSession session = null;
                   session = request.getSession(true);
                   int cnt = counter != null && !counter.equals("") ? Integer.parseInt(counter) : 0;
                   int ii = i != null && !i.equals("") ? Integer.parseInt(i) : 0;
    if (handler != null && !handler.equals( "" ) && handler.equals( "cal3" ))
    System.out.println("The DIJ3 value is :"+dij3);
    System.out.println("The tesside_luas_i value is :"+tesside_luas_i);
    System.out.println("The tesside_luas_j value is :"+tesside_luas_j);
                        answer3 = Double.parseDouble(dij3)/(1 + Math.pow(( Double.parseDouble(tesside_luas_i) / Double.parseDouble(tesside_luas_j) ),0.5847));
                        String str = String.valueOf( answer3 );
    System.out.println("The answer value is :"+str);
                         url = "/jsp/model/tessideAnswer.jsp";
                         dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, url, "" );
              catch (Exception e)
                        request.setAttribute("pd.errorMessage", e.getMessage());
                        dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, "/jsp/Error.jsp", e.getMessage() );
    if (handler != null && !handler.equals( "" ) && handler.equals( "cal2" ))
    System.out.println("The DIJ2 value is :"+dij2);
    System.out.println("The luas_i value is :"+luas_i);
    System.out.println("The luas_j value is :"+luas_j);
                        answer2 = Double.parseDouble(dij2)/(1 + Math.sqrt(( Double.parseDouble(luas_i) / Double.parseDouble(luas_j) )));
    System.out.println("The answer value is :"+answer2);
                         url = "/jsp/model/potensiPasaranAnswer.jsp";
                         dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, url, "" );
              catch (Exception e)
                        request.setAttribute("pd.errorMessage", e.getMessage());
                        dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, "/jsp/Error.jsp", e.getMessage() );
         if (handler != null && !handler.equals( "" ) && handler.equals( "add" ))
                        System.out.println("The DIJ value is :"+dij);
                        System.out.println("The population_i value is :"+population_i);
                        System.out.println("The population_j value is :"+population_j);
                        answer = Double.parseDouble(dij)/(1 + Math.sqrt(( Double.parseDouble(population_i) / Double.parseDouble(population_j) )));
    System.out.println("The answer value is :"+answer);
                         url = "/jsp/model/reillyAnswer.jsp";
                         dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, url, "" );
              catch (Exception e)
                        request.setAttribute("pd.errorMessage", e.getMessage());
                        dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, "/jsp/Error.jsp", e.getMessage() );
         public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws IOException, ServletException
              doPost(request, response);
         }//end doGet
         public void dispatchErrorMsg(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res,
                                                           String target, String message)
                   RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(target);
                   dispatcher.forward(req, res);
              catch (Exception e)
                   System.err.println( e.getMessage() );
    }//end class

  • How do you store input from keyboard into a string array

    I am trying to learn java and one of the programs I am trying to write needs to be able to accept a machine hostname at the keyboard and stuff it into a string array element. I am sure I will be using something along the lines of:
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                   String str = "";
                   System.out.print("Enter a FQDN to look up: ");
                   str = in.readLine();
    but how do I get the input stuffed into hostname[ ].
    Any hints or assistance will be appreciated.

    Well part of. I need to be able to take a random number of hostnames (ie.,,, ...) and after the user presses the enter key between each entry, the inputted information is stored in an array element. for example with the three shown above the array would look like this after the user finished.
    hostname {"","",""};
    the algorithm would be
    Prompt for hostname
    get user input and press enter
    store hostname into array element
    prompt for next hostname or enter with no input to complete entry and execute lookup.class methods.
    I have the program written and working fine if I use a static array where I put the hostnames in the list, but cannot figure out how to get the information from the keyboard to the array element.
    Thanks for the help though, the response is very much appreciated.

  • Moving data string from a jtextarea into an array

    i was looking for some advice. how would i be able to take chunks of text on a paragraph by paragraph basis and enter them into an array. which would result in paragraph1 in array 0, and so on. is this possible to do? i have never really used straing arrays before, and if anyone knows of any online tutorials it would be a great help
    thank u

    here you go, forgive the gui, very sloppy looking, press the Click me button to store the jtextarea data into the array and show output button to see what the value stored in the array is. there are 2 classes:
    class MyMain {
          public static void main(String args[]){
              MyMain main = new MyMain();
          public void createIt() {
              MyFrame frame = new MyFrame();
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class MyFrame extends JFrame {
          String[] myString = new String[1];
          JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea();
          JButton myButton = new JButton("Click me");
          JButton outButton = new JButton("Show output");
          MyFrame() {
              myButton.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());
              outButton.addActionListener(new OutListener());
              getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
          class ButtonListener implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                  myString[0] = textArea.getText();
          class OutListener implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

  • Reading one line from a text file into an array

    i want to read one line from a text file into an array, and then the next line into a different array. both arays are type string...i have this:
    public static void readAndProcessData(FileInputStream stream){
         InputStreamReader iStrReader = new InputStreamReader (stream);
         BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (iStrReader);
         String line = "";          
         int i = 0;
              while (line != null){                 
                   names[i] = reader.readLine();
                   score[i] = reader.readLine();
                   line = reader.readLine();
              }catch (IOException e){
              System.out.println("Error in file access");
    this section calls it:
         FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("ISU.txt");
              names = HighScore.getNames();
              scores = HighScore.getScores();
         }catch(IOException e){
              System.out.println("Error in accessing file." + e.toString());
    it gives me an array index out of bounds error

    oh wait I see it when I looked at the original quote.
    They array you made called names or the other one is prob too small for the amount of names that you have in the file. Hence as I increases it eventually goes out of bounds of the array so you should probably resize the array if that happens.

  • String array into formula node

    I am taking data from SQL, I am getting multiple rows of data for many different devices. I would like to wire the data into a formula node so I can sepearate and sort via script. However, I am getting an error for "Polymorphic terminal cannot accept this data type". Is there a work around? Can I not wire in a string array to a formula node.

    There are lots of basic string VIs that you can use to parse the string and separate out the individual fields. I would recommend "programming" your application using script nodes. Use the native language. LabVIEW is a fully functional and capable programming language.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • How  to Pass String array from Java to PL/SQL  and this use in CURSOR

    I cant understand how to pass Array String as Input Parameter to the Procedure and this array use in Cursor for where condition like where SYMPTOM in( ** Array String **).
    This array containing like (SYMPTOM ) to be returned from the java to the
    pl/sql (I am not querying the database to retrieve the information).
    I cannot find an example on this. I will give the PL/SQL block
    create or replace procedure DISEASE_DTL<*** String Array ***> as
    v_SYMPTOM number(5);
    CURSOR C1 is
    select distinct a.DISEASE_NAME from SYMPTOM_DISEASE_RD a
    where ltrim(rtrim(a.SYMPTOM)) in ('Fever','COUGH','Headache','Rash') ------- ***** Here use this array element(like n1,n2,n3,n4,n5..) ******
    group by a.DISEASE_NAME having count(a.DISEASE_NAME) > 3 ----------- ***** 3 is no of array element - 1 (i.e( n - 1))*****
    order by a.DISEASE_NAME ;
    for C1rec IN C1 loop
    select count(distinct(A.SYMPTOM)) into v_SYMPTOM from SYMPTOM_DISEASE_RD a where A.DISEASE_NAME = C1rec.DISEASE_NAME;
    values (SL_ID_SEQ.nextval,
    (4/v_SYMPTOM), --------**** 4 is no of array element (n)************
    end loop;
    end DISEASE_DTL;
    Please give the proper solution and step ..
    Thanking you,

    I've haven't properly read through your code but here's an artificial example based on a sql collection of object types - you don't need that, you just need a type table of varchar2 rather than a type table of oracle object type:

  • Help! Inserting a 1-D comment array into a 2-D string array at specified row AND column

    Hello everyone,
    I am writing a 2-D string array to excel and i need a way to add comments to my file like this:  
    SLAM    NAME    G Level    Comments
    1              RALF         26               
    1              RALF         26
    1              RALF         26
    1              RALF         26
    For some reason, i cannot specify a row AND column to write because: 
    When i use replace array subset it only replaces 1 element at my index. 
    When i use replace array subset with a loop, it creates empty spaces until it reaches the end of the array it is replacing.
    When i use Insert into array: i cannot wire 2 inputs for row and column.  
    In my complete VI i will need to write from row 1-1001, a different comment from 2-2002, a different comment from 3-3003, etc until a stop condition is met so i need to figure out how to do this programatically and not have it replace any elements outside of the range or it will override previous commetns. 
    I am at a loss of what to do. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated. 
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏13 KB

    Hi proph,
    I made a small subtile change to yur VI and now it replaces all values of the 4th column…
    Use shift registers when you need to propagate values from one loop iteration to the next!
    There are tools like probes and highlight to understand your VI execution and to find problems…
    Go through all those free online courses offered by NI!
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome
    array.vit ‏12 KB

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