Front Page Extensions on Verizon Web Space

I want to move an MS FrontPage web from a Comcast server over to the allocated Verizon Web Space.  I have "published" the site to disk and simply need to log in to the Verizon server using FrontPage software.  However I have been unable to contact the right person to have FrontPage extensions enabled on Verizon.  Is this possible, or am I "outtaluck"?
Go to Solution.

You are in the out of luck category. Verizon effectively elminated personal web space for most uses last August when they ended FTP service, and forced all new and updated web work to be done by something called SiteBuilder. There is no support for r Front Page and FTP no longer exists for personal web space. .
I will refrain from using the descriptions that many have for SiteBuilder. The 10mb Verizon Personal Web spae has become a very bad joke for many of us.
Realistically if you want to have anything even vaguely resembling a real web site, you need to host it somewhere else, on either a paid host like GoDaddy, or one of the many 'free' web hosting sites.

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    Are you trying to open the website on your development box (the one that has VS 2008 installed on it) or another server?  If it's on another server, you might want to check out this thread:
    and the mskb article that it links to.

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    I am managing an old website that was built before using
    When I try to connect to the site through Dreamweaver II see
    a message on the site;
    Important information:
    By activating MS Frontpage Extensions you can no longer
    access your
    website with FTP. Please make sure that the MS Frontpage
    are disabled.
    If you still have problems after disabling the MS Frontpage
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    Many thanks!
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    TIA, Dave Harding

    > By activating MS Frontpage Extensions you can no longer
    access your
    > website with FTP.
    This says about everything. Because the site was created with
    FrontPage, and it uses FrontPage extensions, the host's FTP
    access has been
    disabled (FP does not use FTP, and in fact, connecting with
    FTP will break
    the FP extension's tight link with the files on the site). In
    order to
    maintain this site with DW now, you would have to ensure the
    following -
    1. All functions in the current site that utilize the FP
    Server Extensions
    have been replicated in your DW pages - this would include
    processing/emailing, guestbooks, etc.
    2. FP will never again be used to maintain the site
    3. You ask the host to enable FTP connection, and this has
    been done
    Otherwise, you are going to watch a train wreck happen.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "hardingdg" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >I am managing an old website that was built before using
    > When I try to connect to the site through Dreamweaver II
    see a message on
    > the
    > site;
    > Important information:
    > ----------------------
    > By activating MS Frontpage Extensions you can no longer
    access your
    > website with FTP. Please make sure that the MS Frontpage
    > are disabled.
    > If you still have problems after disabling the MS
    > Extensions please contact our support.
    > Many thanks!
    > I do not have the Front Page extension in my Dreamweaver
    > Manager.
    > Is there something in the old code that causes this
    problem? Is it
    > something
    > that I can eliminate in a Dreamweaver edit of some kind?
    > TIA, Dave Harding

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    You are in the out of luck category. Verizon effectively elminated personal web space for most uses last August when they ended FTP service, and forced all new and updated web work to be done by something called SiteBuilder. There is no support for r Front Page and FTP no longer exists for personal web space. .
    I will refrain from using the descriptions that many have for SiteBuilder. The 10mb Verizon Personal Web spae has become a very bad joke for many of us.
    Realistically if you want to have anything even vaguely resembling a real web site, you need to host it somewhere else, on either a paid host like GoDaddy, or one of the many 'free' web hosting sites.

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    What you do is make a copy of your current website. Then make sure that you are not using any shared borders. Be aware that the only webbot still supported in "include files" because EW will handle that in the local copy and update the contents
    when you save then publish pages. If you are using FPSE to publish you may want to find out how to use FTP because if your host hasn't already discontinued them they will be doing so since they were discontinued in 2005.
    Once you have made sure that you aren't using shared borders make another copy on flash drive, usb, dvd or home network to your new computer. Then simply open the folder you have copied using Site > Open Site and navigating to the location of the website
    folder. You can then enable meta data to keep track of changes. If you husband is used to FrontPage 2000 there will be a learning curve. Had he been using FP 2003 it wouldn't be as great since it supported DWTs. If you go to and download the asset file then work along with the tutorial to learn how to use Expression Web. The tutorial was created
    with people migrating from FrontPage in mind. It does use version 2 instead of the current v4 but at the basic level the only real difference between the two is in the interface where all site functions have been moved to the Site from the File menu so you
    don't do File > New > Website but Site > New Site. There are other tutorials on the site and in the resources sticky at the top of this forum to help in the transition. Frankly, I think EW is easier to use properly than FP was.
    Free Expression Web Tutorials
    For an Expression Web forum without the posting issues try

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    How are you exporting? If you want a working button dirextly from FW with no other coding then export as HTML and images then in Dreamweaver Insert>Image objects>Fireworks HTML
    BUT the better way is to make the button with rollovers (images will be placed in frames) export images, be sure current frame only is not checked and export. In Dreamweaver insert button then use the swap image behavior for the rollover. When you exported from Fireworks the rollover image is appended with the number 2.

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    Since version 6, you have had the ability to publish VIs as a web page. There are no VIs involved so I don't know what examples you are looking at. You can get a step-by-step procedure by looking up the Web>Publishing VIs topic in the on-line help. Making the VI visible on the Internet is a little trickier. The most recent discussion on this topic can be found at

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    iWeb cannot import or edit html. You will have to recreate the site in iWeb.

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    Go to Solution.
    vz pages.jpg ‏331 KB

    Try adding to your Trusted Sites zone in Internet Explorer.
    To do so, double-click the "Internet Zone" thing down there ▼ to bring up the Security panel, select the Trusted Sites zone and click the Sites button. Then enter "" and click Add. You will have to uncheck the "Require server verification" box.
    That should fix the problem.

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    Go to Solution.

    #1 What web browser are you using? For example I am using Firefox 3.6.13
    #2 What is your OS and Version on your computer? For example I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

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    You can use Export to, say a JPEG file, and both copies will be produced, then proceed from there. sorta a workaround.

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    A good question for the Creative Suites Forum.
    Be well...

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    S Craig

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