Frustrated with iMovie 08

I upgraded to a dual G5 2.0 earlier this year from a G4. This brought along with it the upgrade to iMovie 08. So far, it has been one huge exercise in frustration. I haven't had much of a learning problem with Final Cut Express, Aperture, and other programs as I've had with this rather irritating upgrade.
Here's my problem. I have two drives, the primary boot and a secondary drive. I have located all the recent movie files that iPhoto has stored on the secondary drive. I see them, they are there, I can view them through iPhoto and also through the finder.
iMovie, in the Event Library, shows the boot drive with "iPhoto Videos" listed under it. My videos are not on that drive. The event library also shows the secondary drive. Although all my videos are stored on the secondary drive, nothing shows up as being available on the 2nd drive through the Event Library. It simply gives the name of the drive, not listing any videos, even if I click on the "secondary drive" label in the event library.
I wouldn't mind this odd discrepency if the Boot Drive were to show all my videos. If it wants to be goofy and show the videos as being on the boot drive, although they are easily found via the finder on the secondary drive, I'd just keep moving on. However, the crux of the problem is as follows....
iMovie is showing only part of my videos that it displays on the boot drive. I finished downloading this morning all of the christmas 2008 videos and the new years party from last night. Nothing is showing up in iMovie or through the event library, although I can see the movies in iPhoto and I confirmed they are in the normal location in the secondary drive under the iPhoto library.
I had iMovie go through its long slow process of building previews and such. Restarted the computer, all that stuff. For whatever reason, iMovie is only showing portions of the videos I have imported into iPhoto. Some it shows, some it doesn't. Worked fine for thanksgiving videos, but christmas videos and last nights New Years videos aren't visible to (or in) iMovie.
Two frustrations that are pressing to me, besides the generally slow irritable clunky nature of iMovie:
#1 - why are the videos only showing up as available randomly? Some are there, some aren't, despite the actual videos being all together and visible to iPhoto in the same file
#2 - why does the event library show the videos as being on one drive when in fact, they are on the other drive?
Any insight is appreciated.
Message was edited by: TexasMan_Luvs_Hismac

Am I off track here anyone? I'm hoping this is an option that doesn't end up costing me later some regret.
I would think you could copy, alias, and/or convert files at the Finder level without creating any problems but I would not remove (move/delete) files at the finder level and then expect iPhoto to understand fully what is happening. My personal preference is to convert files to my "Easy Setup..." default editing compression format so as to avoid rendering during the editing process or as prerequisite to the final export. (If you are comfortable re-rendeing within FCE, then this is of little or no consequence.)
ADDED: As an experiment, I just aliased some iPhoto package files and moved the aliases to a visible external location. FCE treated the files as if they were the originals, FCE item properties point to and access the original files still in iPhoto, and, since, FCE is non-destructive, the original files remain safe and useable by iPhoto in their original location. You might consider this as an alternative to physically removing and/or copying your original files as physical "standalone" files.

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    I appreciate the thoughts Karsten.
    from Apple's iMovie page
    "A major prodution. Without the major production."
    "Simple navigation makes it easy to browse your video library."
    "Rated S for simple."
    "It’s never been easier to make it in the movies."
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    "a productive tool is no game - so discovering' features is most probably the wrong attempt. Spend some time reading the Manual "
    Jonathan Ive and I take issue with that statement. Apple aims to design products to delight users and be easily discoverable. It's EXACTLY what they aim for in their apps.
    excerpt from Apple's OS X Human Interface Guidelines. AppleHIGuidelines/OSXHIGuidelines.pdf
    " should support the user’s mental model by striving to incorporate the following characteristics:
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         "Encourage your users to discover functionality by providing cues about how to use user interface elements. If an element is clickable, for example, it must appear that way, or a user may never try clicking it. [...] avoid making controls invisible to inexperienced users.
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    You're welcome,bimmerfan
    I understand your frustration, but with the software changing and improving so much all the time, such problems are not uncommon. If you have one, in addition to importing video recorded on the camcorder, you can use a Mac-compatible DV camcorder that connects via Firewire as your direct recording source with iMovie HD 5.
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    If you want to move a complete iMovie 10 library (file with .imovielibrary extension) click on the library in the libraries pane and select  File - Consolidate Library Media.  This ensures that all media is copied to the library.  You can then move the library onto your external drive using Finder.  The first time to want to access it from iMovie you will have to tell it where it is by choosing  File - Open Library -Other and navigating to it.
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    ... boxes that holds DVD and hard drive recorders:
    These files are intended for "one time" captures.
    The file format is not intended for editing.
    I totally agree with your recommendation: try to avoid DVD and harddisk camcorders at this point if you plan to edit on a Mac. Not only is software support seriously lacking, those Mini-DVDs don't even work with slot-loading drives that are common on Mac's.
    But... there is nothing wrong with the MPEG-2 compression used on DVDs. Just look at HDV: It uses the same MPEG-2 compression to fit the the HD video into the space of a SD MiniDV tape. iMovie converts HDV video streams during capture into a format that is easier for editing - that's why the files on your harddisk are 4 times as big as the data on the tape. The quality of video captured by most consumer camcorders is more limited by the optics and the video sensor (in particular indoors, with less than perfect lighting), than the recording format and media. And yes, you can edit MPEG-2 just fine, it is just more challenging to get it working right.
    I used to tell all my friends to stay away from DVD camcorders, too, but then broke down and very reluctantly bought a DVD camcorder recently. It's mainly used for recording music lessons, with instant and repeated replay. It took me some tinkering to work out a good workflow for editing with iMove. I did some side-by-side comparisons with a similarly priced MiniDV camcorder (Canon DC50 vs. Sony TRV-33). Overall, the video clips were almost identical from either camcorder, with the DVD camcorder producing slightly better video in some situations. But as I said in the beginning, that is probably mostly a result of the better video sensor and the optical image stabilization in this particular model.
    So how does my workflow go:
    - Use DVD-RWs, formatted in Video-VR mode, and prefinalized. This allows
    you to pop out the DVD from the camcorder at any time and immediately
    use it in your DVD player or computer without another time-consuming
    finalization step.
    - Find a Windows PC to copy the video files from the DVD to my Mac.
    Mac OSX cannot read the filesystem used by Video-VR discs without
    additional software like Roxio's Toast (which I don't have). Besides, all
    my Macs are slot loading.
    - Convert the clip with the Quicktime MPEG-2 plugin and MPEG Streamclip
    to DV format.
    - Finally, import the clips into iMovie.
    Workable yes, but neither convenient nor esay. Stick with MiniDV.

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    Fix these things Apple, please.

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    What can I do?
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    Thanks for a hint.

    Thanks Chris,
    I will uninstall the imovie app using the mackeeper uninstaller, but wanted to ask if I trash /delete all the files
    when I do this? When it scans my computer it says I have two versions of imovie and other files as well.
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    Sorry to bug you, but I spent alot of time doing it and dont want to lose the work . So want to be sure I am doing it the right way!
    Cheers Graham

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    Does it matter which format I use for working with iMovie, journaled or not?
    In the Get Info window there is an Ignore Ownership option. I know it doesn't need to be ticked when an OS is going to be loaded on the drive but am wondering if I should tick it since the drive is only going to be used mainly for iMovie projects and no OS is going to be loaded.
    Should I tick Ownership or leave it off?
    I have iMovie projects that have not been edited yet and a iDVD project on my internal drive.
    Can I just drag and drop or copy and paste the iMovie projects to the external drives icon and delete the project from my internal drive to create a little more space? Is it simple as that?
    Same thing with the iDVD project after archiving it first? Copy/Paste,Drag/Drop and delete.
    I've got a backup drive but use SuperDuper! so I don't have any experience with using 'scratch?' drives.
    I've read elsewhere on this Discussion site that the finished iMovie projects need to be on the internal drive in order to transfer to and edit in iDVD.
    How and where do I move the project to from the external? Drag/Drop or Copy/Paste to my Desktop then Drag/Drop, Copy/Paste to iDVD, or some other way?

    About Journaling:
    About Ownership:
    I am not sure zeroing out data on a SATA drives "marks" bad blocks/sectors. I think this may have only been on SCSI drives. I couldn't find a reference that it behaves this way on a SATA drive. Thus the only advantage being that it more securely erases files.
    The click and hold works the same on a PB!

  • Is there a way to make an audio clip not cover the whole project? I want to add audio clip or song and let it start at a certain point in the project. I'm working with iMovie on IPad!

    Is there a way to make an audio clip not cover the whole project in iMovie? I want to add audio clip or song and let it start at a certain point in the project. Whenever I add audio or song it covers the whole project. I'm working with iMovie on IPad!

    Thank you for your reply Karsten but unfortunately this didn't help me so far. Or maybe I'm missing something?
    First the link is a tutorial for iMovie on a Mac. I'm using iMovie on iPad so the steps are inapplicable.
    Second it is only possible for me to manipulate the end part of the sound clip to whichever duration I want. But I can't do the same with the 'beginning' of the sound clip.
    I simply want to place some photos in the beginning of my video with no sound in the background then after like 2 secs I want to start the music clip. For some reason that is not possible! Cause every time I drop the music clip unto my project timeline it automatically place it self along with the first frame in the project! And consequently the photos and music are forced to start together.
    Hope I'm making sense...

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    I'm a student filmmaker without the money for Final Cut Pro X. Footage from my Canon VIXIA HF S20 (AVCHD format) looks just about perfect when I import it into iMovie and when I cut together a project. However, when I finalize the project, the darker hues in my footage always come out pixelated and crappy. Whether it's 1080p or 480p, this is always the case.
    I've been told that Compressor 4 does a much better job of encoding and exporting, but it's completely integrated with Final Cut Pro X and not iMovie. Is there any way I can take raw project files from iMovie and export them using Compressor? Or must I be forced to save up for Final Cut Pro X?

    You should be able to use Compressor with iMovie - it's a standalone app - but, of course, there will be no "Send To" buttons. But I really doubt that it will help you much.
    sdharwadker wrote:
    However, when I finalize the project, the darker hues in my footage always come out pixelated and crappy. Whether it's 1080p or 480p, this is always the case.
    Finalizing means that iMovie renders your video in different sizes. Have you tried to export or "Share to Media Browser"?

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