FTP File

Hi Guys,
   I have never used FTP_CONNECT and FTP_COMMAND Function Modules before. I need to use this for one of the interfaces I am working on (get a file from an FTP server to SAP R/3). Where does the file gets saved/copied after I use the 'get' command? I mean is there a specific directory where I can pick the file from? Do I have to specify this in the program?

You can get enough information from this blog by Thomas Jung.
Also you can search the ABAP Forum for posts and example code.
Message was edited by: Vinod C

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  • How to show FTP Files in JTable, i gave codeeeee

    hi to all,
    plz any one can help me to show FTP Files in JTable, my FTP code is below,where i can upload and download files, i can list the files in JText Area , i want to show files in JTable, plz any on can post some code which can slove my problem
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class CFtp
       static final boolean debug = false;
       public static final int FTP_PORT = 21;
       static int FTP_UNKNOWN = -1;
       static int FTP_SUCCESS = 1;
       static int FTP_TRY_AGAIN = 2;
       static int FTP_ERROR = 3;
       static int FTP_NOCONNECTION = 100;
       static int FTP_BADUSER = 101;
       static int FTP_BADPASS = 102;
       public static int FILE_GET = 1;
       public static int FILE_PUT = 2;
       /** socket for data transfer */
       private Socket      dataSocket            = null;
       private boolean     replyPending       = false;
       private boolean     binaryMode            = false;
       private boolean     passiveMode            = false;
         private boolean     m_bGettingFile     = false;
       /** user name for login */
       String  user = null;
       /** password for login */
       String  password = null;
       /** last command issued */
       public String  command;
       /** The last reply code from the ftp daemon. */
       int lastReplyCode;
       /** Welcome message from the server, if any. */
       public  String       welcomeMsg;
       /** Array of strings (usually 1 entry) for the last reply
           from the server. */
       protected   Vector    serverResponse = new Vector(1);
       /** Socket for communicating with server. */
       protected Socket    serverSocket = null;
       /** Stream for printing to the server. */
       public PrintWriter  serverOutput;
       /** Buffered stream for reading replies from server. */
       public InputStream  serverInput;
       /* String to hold the file we are up/downloading */
       protected String strFileNameAndPath;
       protected String m_strSource;
       protected String m_strDestination;
       public void setFilename( String strFile )  {
            strFileNameAndPath = strFile;
       String getFileName()  {
            return strFileNameAndPath;
       public void setSourceFile(String strSourceFile)  {
          m_strSource = strSourceFile;
       public void setDestinationFile(String strDestinationFile)   {
          m_strDestination = strDestinationFile;
       public String getSourceFile()  {
          return m_strSource;
       public String getDestinationFile()  {
          return m_strDestination;
       void getCurrentDirectory()  {
         // return CSystem.getCurrentDir();
       /** Return server connection status */
       public boolean serverIsOpen()  {
          return serverSocket != null;
          /**Set Passive mode Trasfers*/
         public void setPassive(boolean mode)  {
            passiveMode = mode;
       public int readServerResponse() throws IOException  {
          StringBuffer    replyBuf = new StringBuffer(32);
          int             c;
          int             continuingCode = -1;
          int             code = -1;
          String          response;
          try  {
                while (true)  {
                   while ((c = serverInput.read()) != -1)  {
                                if (c == '\r')  {
                                       if ((c = serverInput.read()) != '\n')  {
                                  if (c == '\n')
                             response = replyBuf.toString();
                   try  {
                      code = Integer.parseInt(response.substring(0, 3));
                         catch (NumberFormatException e)  {
                    code = -1;
                         catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)  {
                      /* this line doesn't contain a response code, so
                      we just completely ignore it */
                   if (continuingCode != -1)  {
                      /* we've seen a XXX- sequence */
                      if (code != continuingCode || (response.length() >= 4 && response.charAt(3) == '-'))  {
                              else  {
                         /* seen the end of code sequence */
                         continuingCode = -1;
                         else if (response.length() >= 4 && response.charAt(3) == '-')  {
                      continuingCode = code;
                         else  {
             catch(Exception e)  {
              if (debug)  {
              //     CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("readServerResponse done");
          return lastReplyCode = code;
       /** Sends command <i>cmd</i> to the server. */
       public void sendServer(String cmd)  {
          if (debug)  {
              //       CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("sendServer start");
          if (debug)  {
           //  CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("sendServer done");
       /** Returns all server response strings. */
       public String getResponseString()  {
          String s = new String();
          for(int i = 0;i < serverResponse.size();i++)  {
          serverResponse = new Vector(1);
          return s;
       public String getResponseStringNoReset()  {
          String s = new String();
          for(int i = 0;i < serverResponse.size();i++)  {
          return s;
       * issue the QUIT command to the FTP server and close the connection.
       public void closeServer() throws IOException  {
          if (serverIsOpen())  {
                   if (! serverIsOpen())  {
             serverSocket = null;
             serverInput = null;
             serverOutput = null;
       protected int issueCommand(String cmd) throws IOException  {
          command = cmd;
          int reply;
          if (debug)  {
           //  CSystem.PrintDebugMessage(cmd);
          if (replyPending)  {
             if (debug)  {
                   //     CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("replyPending");
             if (readReply() == FTP_ERROR)  {
                System.out.print("Error reading pending reply\n");
          replyPending = false;
          do  {
             reply = readReply();
          } while (reply == FTP_TRY_AGAIN);
          return reply;
       protected void issueCommandCheck(String cmd) throws IOException  {
          if (issueCommand(cmd) != FTP_SUCCESS)  {
             throw new FtpProtocolException(cmd);
       protected int readReply() throws IOException  {
          lastReplyCode = readServerResponse();
          switch (lastReplyCode / 100)  {
                 case 1:
                      replyPending = true;
                        /* falls into ... */
                 case 2://This case is for future purposes. If not properly used, it might cause an infinite loop.
                   //Don't add any code here , unless you know what you are doing.
                 case 3:
                      return FTP_SUCCESS;
             case 5:
                      if (lastReplyCode == 530)  {
                             if (user == null)  {
                                  throw new FtpLoginException("Not logged in");
                           return FTP_ERROR;
                        if (lastReplyCode == 550)  {
                             if (!command.startsWith("PASS"))  {
                                  throw new FileNotFoundException(command);
                   else  {
                                  throw new FtpLoginException("Error: Wrong Password!");
             return FTP_ERROR;
       protected Socket openDataConnection(String cmd) throws IOException  {
          ServerSocket portSocket = null;
          String       portCmd;
          InetAddress  myAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
          byte         addr[] = myAddress.getAddress();
          int          shift;
          String       ipaddress;
          int          port = 0;
          IOException  e;
              if (this.passiveMode)  {
         //          CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("Passive Mode Transfers");
                   /* First let's attempt to initiate Passive transfers */
                  try  {    // PASV code
                        if (issueCommand("PASV") == FTP_ERROR)
                             e = new FtpProtocolException("PASV");           
                             throw e;
                        String reply = getResponseStringNoReset();
                        reply = reply.substring(reply.indexOf("(")+1,reply.indexOf(")"));
                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(reply, ",");
                        String[] nums = new String[6];
                        int i = 0;
                             nums[i] = st.nextToken();
                        catch(Exception a)
                   ipaddress = nums[0]+"."+nums[1]+"."+nums[2]+"."+nums[3];
                        int firstbits = Integer.parseInt(nums[4]) << 8;
                        int lastbits = Integer.parseInt(nums[5]);
                        port = firstbits + lastbits;
                   catch(Exception b)
                   if((ipaddress != null) && (port != 0))
                        dataSocket = new Socket(ipaddress, port);
                        e = new FtpProtocolException("PASV");           
                        throw e;
                   if (issueCommand(cmd) == FTP_ERROR)
                        e = new FtpProtocolException(cmd);
                        throw e;
                   catch (FtpProtocolException fpe)
                   {  // PASV was not supported...resort to PORT
                        portCmd = "PORT ";
                        /* append host addr */
                        for (int i = 0; i < addr.length; i++)
                             portCmd = portCmd + (addr[i] & 0xFF) + ",";
                   /* append port number */
                   portCmd = portCmd + ((portSocket.getLocalPort() >>> 8) & 0xff) + ","
                        + (portSocket.getLocalPort() & 0xff);
                 if (issueCommand(portCmd) == FTP_ERROR) {
                     e = new FtpProtocolException("PORT");
                     throw e;
                   if (issueCommand(cmd) == FTP_ERROR) {
                        e = new FtpProtocolException(cmd);
                        throw e;
                   dataSocket = portSocket.accept();      
              }//end if passive
                   {  //do a port transfer
                   //     CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("Port Mode Transfers");
                        portSocket = new   ServerSocket(0, 1,myAddress);
                   catch (Exception b)
              portCmd = "PORT ";
              /* append host addr */
              for (int i = 0; i < addr.length; i++) {
                portCmd = portCmd + (addr[i] & 0xFF) + ",";
              /* append port number */
              portCmd = portCmd + ((portSocket.getLocalPort() >>> 8) & 0xff) + ","
                    + (portSocket.getLocalPort() & 0xff);
              if (issueCommand(portCmd) == FTP_ERROR) {
                e = new FtpProtocolException("PORT");           
                throw e;
              if (issueCommand(cmd) == FTP_ERROR) {
                e = new FtpProtocolException(cmd);
                throw e;
              dataSocket = portSocket.accept();      
            }//end of port transfer
            return dataSocket;     // return the dataSocket
        /** open a FTP connection to host <i>host</i>. */
        public void openServer(String host) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
            int port = FTP_PORT;
            if (serverSocket != null)
            //serverSocket = new Socket(host, FTP_PORT);
            serverSocket = new Socket("the-heart.com", FTP_PORT);
            serverOutput = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(serverSocket.getOutputStream()),true);
            serverInput = new BufferedInputStream(serverSocket.getInputStream());
        /** open a FTP connection to host <i>host</i> on port <i>port</i>. */
        public void openServer(String host, int port) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
            if (serverSocket != null)
            serverSocket = new Socket(host, port);
            serverOutput = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(serverSocket.getOutputStream()),
            serverInput = new BufferedInputStream(serverSocket.getInputStream());
            if (readReply() == FTP_ERROR)
                throw new FtpConnectException("Welcome message");
         * login user to a host with username <i>user</i> and password
         * <i>password</i>
        public void login(String user, String password) throws IOException {
            if (!serverIsOpen())
                throw new FtpLoginException("Error: not connected to host.\n");
           this.user = user;
            this.password = password;
             if (issueCommand("USER " + user) == FTP_ERROR)
                throw new FtpLoginException("Error: User not found.\n");
            if (password != null && issueCommand("PASS " + password) == FTP_ERROR)
                throw new FtpLoginException("Error: Wrong Password.\n");
         * login user to a host with username <i>user</i> and no password
         * such as HP server which uses the form "<username>/<password>,user.<group>
        public void login(String user) throws IOException
            if (!serverIsOpen())
                throw new FtpLoginException("not connected to host");
            this.user = user;
            if (issueCommand("USER " + user) == FTP_ERROR)
                throw new FtpLoginException("Error: Invalid Username.\n");                
        /** GET a file from the FTP server in Ascii mode*/
        public BufferedReader getAscii(String filename) throws IOException
            m_bGettingFile = true;
            Socket  s = null;
            try  {
              s = openDataConnection("RETR " + filename);
                catch (FileNotFoundException fileException)  {
               throw new FileNotFoundException();
            return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
        /** GET a file from the FTP server in Binary mode*/
        public BufferedInputStream getBinary(String filename) throws IOException
            m_bGettingFile = true;
            Socket  s = null;
            try  {
              s = openDataConnection("RETR " + filename);
              catch (FileNotFoundException fileException)  {
               throw new FileNotFoundException();
            return new BufferedInputStream(s.getInputStream());
        /** PUT a file to the FTP server in Ascii mode*/
       public BufferedWriter putAscii(String filename) throws IOException
           m_bGettingFile = false;
           Socket s = openDataConnection("STOR " + filename);
           return new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream()),4096);
        /** PUT a file to the FTP server in Binary mode*/
       public BufferedOutputStream putBinary(String filename) throws IOException
            m_bGettingFile = false;
            Socket s = openDataConnection("STOR " + filename);
            return new BufferedOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
        /** APPEND (with create) to a file to the FTP server in Ascii mode*/
       public BufferedWriter appendAscii(String filename) throws IOException
            m_bGettingFile = false;
            Socket s = openDataConnection("APPE " + filename);
            return new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream()),4096);
        /** APPEND (with create) to a file to the FTP server in Binary mode*/
        public BufferedOutputStream appendBinary(String filename) throws IOException
            m_bGettingFile = false;
            Socket s = openDataConnection("APPE " + filename);
            return new BufferedOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
       /** NLIST files on a remote FTP server */
        public BufferedReader nlist() throws IOException
            Socket s = openDataConnection("NLST");
            return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
        /** LIST files on a remote FTP server */
        public BufferedReader list() throws IOException
            Socket s = openDataConnection("LIST");
            return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
        public BufferedReader ls() throws IOException
            Socket s = openDataConnection("LS");
            return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
        public BufferedReader dir() throws IOException
            Socket s = openDataConnection("DIR");
            return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
        /** CD to a specific directory on a remote FTP server */
        public void cd(String remoteDirectory) throws IOException
            issueCommandCheck("CWD " + remoteDirectory);
        public void cwd(String remoteDirectory) throws IOException
            issueCommandCheck("CWD " + remoteDirectory);
        /** Rename a file on the remote server */
        public void rename(String oldFile, String newFile) throws IOException
             issueCommandCheck("RNFR " + oldFile);
             issueCommandCheck("RNTO " + newFile);
        /** Site Command */
        public void site(String params) throws IOException
             issueCommandCheck("SITE "+ params);
        /** Set transfer type to 'I' */
        public void binary() throws IOException
            issueCommandCheck("TYPE I");
            binaryMode = true;
        /** Set transfer type to 'A' */
        public void ascii() throws IOException
            issueCommandCheck("TYPE A");
            binaryMode = false;
        /** Send Abort command */
        public void abort() throws IOException
        /** Go up one directory on remots system */
        public void cdup() throws IOException
        /** Create a directory on the remote system */
        public void mkdir(String s) throws IOException
            issueCommandCheck("MKD " + s);
        /** Delete the specified directory from the ftp file system */
        public void rmdir(String s) throws IOException
            issueCommandCheck("RMD " + s);
        /** Delete the file s from the ftp file system */
        public void delete(String s) throws IOException
            issueCommandCheck("DELE " + s);
        /** Get the name of the present working directory on the ftp file system */
        public void pwd() throws IOException
        /** Retrieve the system type from the remote server */
        public void syst() throws IOException
        /** New FTP client connected to host <i>host</i>. */
       public CFtp(String host) throws IOException
          openServer(host, FTP_PORT);
        /** New FTP client connected to host <i>host</i>, port <i>port</i>. */
       public CFtp(String host, int port) throws IOException
          openServer(host, port);
       public CFtp() {
              // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
    public void SetFileMode(int nMode)
          if (nMode == FILE_GET)
            m_bGettingFile = true;
            m_bGettingFile = false;
       public static void main(String[] args){
            CFtp ftp=new CFtp();
    // Exception handlers
    class FtpLoginException extends FtpProtocolException
      FtpLoginException(String s)
    class FtpConnectException extends FtpProtocolException
      FtpConnectException(String s)
    class FtpProtocolException extends IOException
      FtpProtocolException(String s)

    It's jakarta :)
    The jakarta class:
    /* <!-- in case someone opens this in a browser... --> <pre> */
    import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.UnknownHostException;
    /** This is a simple wrapper around the Jakarta Commons FTP
      * library. I really just added a few convenience methods to the
      * class to suit my needs and make my code easier to read.
      * <p>
      * If you want more information on the Jakarta Commons libraries
      * (there is a LOT more you can do than what you see here), go to:
      *          http://jakarta.apache.org/commons
      * <p>
      * This Java class requires both the Jakarta Commons Net library
      * and the Jakarta ORO library (available at http://jakarta.apache.org/oro ).
      * Make sure you have both of the jar files in your path to compile.
      * Both are free to use, and both are covered under the Apache license
      * that you can read on the apache.org website. If you plan to use these
      * libraries in your applications, please refer to the Apache license first.
      * While the libraries are free, you should double-check to make sure you
      * don't violate the license by using or distributing it (especially if you use it
      * in a commercial application).
      * <p>
      * Program version 1.0. Author Julian Robichaux, http://www.nsftools.com
      * @author Julian Robichaux ( http://www.nsftools.com )
      * @version 1.0
    public class JakartaFtpWrapper extends FTPClient {
         /** A convenience method for connecting and logging in */
         public boolean connectAndLogin (String host, String userName, String password)
                   throws  IOException, UnknownHostException, FTPConnectionClosedException {
              boolean success = false;
              int reply = getReplyCode();
              if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply))
                   success = login(userName, password);
              if (!success)
              return success;
         /** Turn passive transfer mode on or off. If Passive mode is active, a
           * PASV command to be issued and interpreted before data transfers;
           * otherwise, a PORT command will be used for data transfers. If you're
           * unsure which one to use, you probably want Passive mode to be on. */
         public void setPassiveMode(boolean setPassive) {
              if (setPassive)
         /** Use ASCII mode for file transfers */
         public boolean ascii () throws IOException {
              return setFileType(FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE);
         /** Use Binary mode for file transfers */
         public boolean binary () throws IOException {
              return setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
         /** Download a file from the server, and save it to the specified local file */
         public boolean downloadFile (String serverFile, String localFile)
                   throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException {
              FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(localFile);
              boolean result = retrieveFile(serverFile, out);
              return result;
         /** Upload a file to the server */
         public boolean uploadFile (String localFile, String serverFile)
                   throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException {
              FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(localFile);
              boolean result = storeFile(serverFile, in);
              return result;
         /** Get the list of files in the current directory as a Vector of Strings
           * (excludes subdirectories) */
         public Vector listFileNames ()
                   throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException {
              FTPFile[] files = listFiles();
              Vector v = new Vector();
              for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                   if (!files.isDirectory())
              return v;
         /** Get the list of files in the current directory as a single Strings,
         * delimited by \n (char '10') (excludes subdirectories) */
         public String listFileNamesString ()
                   throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException {
              return vectorToString(listFileNames(), "\n");
         /** Get the list of subdirectories in the current directory as a Vector of Strings
         * (excludes files) */
         public Vector listSubdirNames ()
                   throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException {
              FTPFile[] files = listFiles();
              Vector v = new Vector();
              for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                   if (files[i].isDirectory())
              return v;
         /** Get the list of subdirectories in the current directory as a single Strings,
         * delimited by \n (char '10') (excludes files) */
         public String listSubdirNamesString ()
                   throws IOException, FTPConnectionClosedException {
              return vectorToString(listSubdirNames(), "\n");
         /** Convert a Vector to a delimited String */
         private String vectorToString (Vector v, String delim) {
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              String s = "";
              for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
                   s = delim;
              return sb.toString();
    and then there is the jar file:
    so for the wrapper.listfiles() you have to declare the wrapper as JakartaFtpWrapper.

  • IDOC to FTP File - Error : SAP:Stack No receiver agreement found for send

    Hello Friends,
    I need to configure a senario Idoc to FTP File, Í did required settings in R3 and in PI... , did mapping and configuratino in PI... and when I send my idoc I got error msg in monitor
    <SAP:Stack>No receiver agreement found for sender ,BMG_ASN_File_Component to receiver ,GTN_224,http://adis-bmg.de/asn,SI_BMG_ASN</SAP:Stack>
    I search the fourm but did not got my answer, me just a bit confused...
    In my senario I have having followings:
    1. Bussiness System ( RFT : sender R3 system).  ( I have define a party and make a connection under Idoc Partner )
    2. Bussiness Component ( ZTEST_COMP as on Reciever side is File Server, so I define the reciver as bussiness component )
    3. Communicatin Channel
        File with protocol FTP having communicatin component as my Bussiness Component ( reciver ). there I defied the required info for FTP
    4. Reciever Determination
        - RFT
        - Idoc-Interface
        - urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
        communication party  = space
        communicatin component = ZTEST_COMP
        Configure Reciever:
       There I again define the communication component as  ( ZTEST_COMP)
    5. Interface Determination
        - Idoc-Interface
        - urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages
    and define the mapping which I did in design ( although I have seen some threads where mentioned we dont need maaping in this case ) ?
    6. Reciver agrement
    - RFT
    - SI interface ( SI_BMG_ASN )
    - http://test-etc.de/asn
    and included my CC for file .....
    Now when I send Idoc I got error msg that Reciver is not found : am I dong something wrong ?  do I have to defien a bussiness system instead of Bussiness Component ?
    Pls suggest...

    ( I have define a party and make a connection under Idoc Partner
    Do you really need a party in your communication? Should it not be a partly-less communication.
    In the receiver agreement ensure that you have included the inbound message interface.
    communication party = space
    No need to give any space.
    In the Interface Determination i hope that you have included the receiver meessage interface and then the corresponding Interface Mapping.
    If still not works then make some dummy changes and again activate....correspondingly check the cache status of the ID-objects

  • How do I FTP files from a security camera to iCloud so they can be retrieved back to my MacBook Pro whenever I connect when travelling?

    How do I FTP files from a security camera to iCloud so they can be retrieved back to my MacBook Pro whenever I connect when travelling?

    Do you want to watch the live feed of your secutiry cameras or recorded footage?
    In either case, I don't think iCloud is your solution.
    For the first one, check with your security camera software, they usually have this option of broadcasting, so you'll know how to access it.
    For the later, you should use something like Dropbox (www.dropbox.com), since iCloud file sharing is, up to this date, app restricted.
    Hope it helps.

  • How to Create a Flat File using FTP/File Adapter

    Can any body done workaround on creating the Flat file using FTP/File Adapter?.
    I need to create a simple FlatFile either using of delimiter/Fixed length. using the above said adapters we can create XML file, i tried concatinating all the values into a single String and writing into a file, but it does not have proper structure
    Can any body help me out on this..

    You can create a text schema while creating a File Adapter. If schema is specified for File Adapter, it takes care of converting XML into fixed length or delimited format.

  • How do I establish a dial-up connection in Labview to FTP files (I have the internet connectivity toolkit)?

    I'm writing an application that will automatically update files on a server, using the internet toolkit's FTP vi's. It works fine with a LAN, but I'm not sure how to establish a dial-up connection via a telephone modem.
    Ultimately, I'd like the program to dial-up, connect, ftp files, then hang up. So far I have used AT commands through the serial compatiblity vi's to dial up and logon to a local internet provider. The provider then spat out an IP number and an MTU number (1524), followed by periodic spurts of garbabe.
    Any help in getting to the next level would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    You CANNOT dial-up to the ISP using the Internet Developers Toolkit. The toolkit assumes you already have a valid TCP/IP connection. However, many web browsers such as Netscape and Internet Explorer have auto-dialing options that will start dial-up networking automatically when you launch your browser. The only trouble is that the auto-dial wizards can require the user to push buttons, but there is a Shareware program called DUNCE which will take care of the button pushes for you in the auto-dial wizards so the user does not have to intervene in the dial-up process. You can recommend to the customer that the lauch their browser from LV and then have the browser configured for auto-dial and that should take care of the problem. I did not actually try this o
    ut myself, but in theory it should work.
    Zvezdana S.
    National Instruments

  • Latest version does not work with godaddy ftp file manager

    Godaddy has a facility call FTP file manager which is easy to use for the small file uploads via your browser. It is very conveinent and worked in exactly the same way on old versions of firefox as it does on IE.
    Now using the latest Firefox it does not.It presents a different screen without the ability to overwrite an existing file.

    OBIEE only supports WebLogic 10.3.5 and 10.3.6.
    Kalyan Chukkapalli

  • Dynamic configuration of Receiver FTP File channel

    The scenario is sending an IDOC from an R/3 system (using IDOC adapter) to a FTP file system. I want to dynamically configure the filename and the target directory in the following cases
    1. With filename and the target directory coming as a part of the source IDOC
    2. There is mapping involved (pass thru) and the file name and target directory are
        NOT a part of the source IDOC structure.
    I have seen blogs which explains the situation using mapping for File-To-File scenario (Not IDOC-To-File scenario) and some blogs explaining for Http adapter and email adapter, but not for the above scenarios for IDOC-To-File Scenarion.
    Your input is highly appreciated.

    use Varable susbtituion in receiver file adapter
    you set the Enable indicator, you can enter variables for the Target Directory and File Name Scheme. Enter the names of the variables and references in the table.
    &#9679;      Enter each variable that you reference in the Target Directory and File Name Scheme fields without the surrounding percentage sign under Name of Variables in the table.
    The variables can refer to attributes of the message header or elements of the message payload.
    &#9675;       If the variables are to refer to an attribute of the message header, add the prefix message: to the name of the variable under Reference. You can specify the following attributes of the message header:
    sender_party, sender_service, receiver_party, receiver_service, interface_name, interface_namespace,
    message_id (message ID with hyphens, for example 9fbe1ff1-9a0d-11d9-8665-cbf10a126331)
    message_id_hex (message ID in hexadecimal format, for example 9fbe1ff19a0d11d98665cbf10a126331)
    For example, if you want to specify the interface name from the message header in the target directory or in the file name scheme, enter message:interface_name as the reference.
    or look into help
    please reward points
    Message was edited by:
            Sreeram Reddy

  • Full path in Sender FTP file

    It's necessary to indicate full path in sender FTP file?
    I've tried with relative path and patter file* and communication channel monitor returns the error:
    Could not process file 'file_000018_sdidis_080109_095115_319_J': com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 550 sal: No such file or directory
    It seems to recognize the file to process but it doesn't work.
    There is any way to indicate relative path of file sender scenario ?
    Thanks, in advance,

    You have to specify the exact directory name from where ur file will be picked up.
    suppose i have a file under Test\data\ directory then I have to specify the path starting from root folder.
    where Test is the Root folder
    Can u pls let me know what u have mentioned in ur File adapter.

  • FTP file to SOAP asyn

    I created a simple scenario which using FTP file adapter to send out a xml message, then I want to use SOAP adapter to receive the message and send it to a web service to display the message. No response back.
    My data type is as follows:
    empid string
    empname string
    empage integer
    I created two messages which use same data type above for inbound and outbound interface.
    Then I created a web service. its wsdl file has input message structure the same as above, no output message structure. The target name space is different from XI's.
    When the scenario run, message monitoring shows FTP successfuly send out the message, but SOAP adapter was waiting, then after a while it says system error. I guess it is timeouted.
    Could anybody tell me where is wrong with my SOAP adapter or my web service? Thanks a lot!

    Sekhar and Bhavesh,
    I thought I posted the reponse and I was really wondering why no update comes to my email account during past days. It aprently I did not post successfuly.
    Anyway, Thanks for the input! I have checked URL and action and check the links provided. But it still does not working. And Has the same error. I am wondering if that is the problem: Soap adapter send out the XML message, but the web service only accept data input seperately. Because I tested my webservice by sending data like "4","c","6","Y" using java program, not sending XML message, the webservice works. I still don't know how to make webservice to work for XI. Please advice. Thank you very much!

  • Ftp file adapter -

    I am using FTP - file adpter receiver in which Data conncetion is is Active. When I ran scenario I got following error on FTP file adapter.
    11.04.2008 16:11:53 Success Connect to FTP server "CorpFTP.UHC.COM", directory "/ftp/418p/put"
    11.04.2008 16:11:54 Success Write to FTP server "CorpFTP.UHC.COM", directory "/ftp/418p/put",   file "FREEMANF.U.200804111610.gsf.pgp"
    11.04.2008 16:11:54 Success Transfer: "BIN" mode, size 368397 bytes, character encoding -
    11.04.2008 16:11:56 Success Connect to FTP server "CorpFTP.UHC.COM", directory "/ftp/418p/put"
    11.04.2008 16:11:56 Error Attempt to process file failed with java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
    11.04.2008 16:11:56 Error MP: exception caught with cause com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Connection reset: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
    11.04.2008 16:11:56 Error Exception caught by adapter framework: Connection reset
    11.04.2008 16:11:56 Error Delivery of the message to the application using connection File_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Connection reset: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset.
    11.04.2008 16:11:56 Success The asynchronous message was successfully scheduled to be delivered at Fri Apr 11 16:16:56 CDT 2008.
    11.04.2008 16:11:56 Success The message status set to WAIT.
    I also tried with Passive Data Connection without any success. I got following error when I tried with passive data connection.
    11.04.2008 16:02:23 Success Connect to FTP server "CorpFTP.UHC.COM", directory "/ftp/418p/put"
    11.04.2008 16:02:23 Success Write to FTP server "CorpFTP.UHC.COM", directory "/ftp/418p/put",   file "FREEMANF.U.200804111600.gsf.pgp"
    11.04.2008 16:02:23 Success Transfer: "BIN" mode, size 368397 bytes, character encoding -
    11.04.2008 16:02:23 Success Connect to FTP server "CorpFTP.UHC.COM", directory "/ftp/418p/put"
    11.04.2008 16:02:24 Error Attempt to process file failed with com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 425 Can't open passive connection.
    11.04.2008 16:02:24 Error MP: exception caught with cause com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Can't open passive connection.: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 425 Can't open passive connection.
    11.04.2008 16:02:24 Error Exception caught by adapter framework: Can't open passive connection.
    11.04.2008 16:02:24 Error Delivery of the message to the application using connection File_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Can't open passive connection.: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 425 Can't open passive connection..
    11.04.2008 16:02:24 Success The asynchronous message was successfully scheduled to be delivered at Fri Apr 11 16:07:24 CDT 2008.
    11.04.2008 16:02:24 Success The message status set to WAIT.
    I also tried ftp directly fron the XI server using command line and also using winftp utility. In both cases I was successful to ftp the file. The ftp server says we need to run in only active connection mode.
    I wonder if any one experienced same problem and how was it resolved? I appreciate your help.
    Thank you,

    Thank you for the reposne. THe Q.26 is as follows.
    Q: I have configured a File Adapter channel to connect to an FTP server, but receive one of the following error messages in the adapter monitor:
    Error connecting to ftp server '<hostname>': SocketException: Connection reset
    Error connecting to ftp server '<hostname>': SocketException: Connection refused
    Error connecting to ftp server '<hostname>': ConnectException: Connection timed out
    A: This problem is either caused by incorrect firewall / packet filter settings or an incorrect configuration of the FTP server. Also make sure that you have correctly specified the host name / IP address and port of the FTP server.
    Changing the connection type from 'active' to 'passive' (or vice versa) might additionally help to work around the incorrect firewall configuration.
    I was successful in transmitting file via ftp from XI box without any issues. If there are fire wall issues,command line ftp shall fail. I also verified that the file size is good after transmission. I have tried with both active and passive mode without any success.
    By the way I have about 6 other ftp communication channels configured and working correctly from the XI box. Please let me know if you want me know.
    Thank you,

  • How to know file name in FTP/file Adapter

    Iam new to FTP/file Adapter,
    when ever we use ftp/file adpter,
    afrter pick file from remote server/local system.
    how can i fine filename,?
    how can handling a fault,if file picked,but data is wrong ?
    How we know the picked date, time of that picked file ?
    please give me solution

    Check this : http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E25178_01/integration.1111/e10231/adptr_propertys.htm#CHDJBDHC
    Search for this topic : Table A-5 JCA Properties for Oracle File Adapter: Normalized Properties.
    After the file has been picked up, you can easily fetch the file details using "jca.file.FileName" etc (see above).
    Rest should be dealt by you, depending upon the scenario you have.

  • Problem with gettigs Timestamp for a FTP files

    Hi All,
    I try to get a files from FTP location to my location Pc using enterprisedt.net.ftp.FTPCient. I need to get the fides from FTP location and copy that files in local with original timestamp.
    Date ftpdate= client .modtime(remoteFilename);
    after coping file to my local pc,i need to set the original timestamp of the remote file.
    in that case,i cannot get the original time but the date will updated correct.
    appreciate if anyone give me a solution.
    Message was edited by:

    After setting lastmodified time,the date only updated with original but the time is bit differnt (i.e) its updated with some time different
    for ex,
    FTP File shows>> 30/05/2006 1:39PM
    after coping in local file>> 30/05/2006 5:39 AM.
    The original ftp file's time is update with different one.
    How do i set the time also the same one.
    Message was edited by:
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  • EOIO service on Receiver FTP/File Adapter

    I have a scenario where I would like the sender adapter to be quality of service, EO (Exactly Once), and the receiver ftp/file adapter to be of quality of service, EOIO (Exactly Once in Order).  Is there a way to change the quality of service on the receiver adapter only so that it differs from the sender adapter?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Unfortunately changing the QoS in the adapter module does not solve the issue.  The message appears to be put into the queue prior to the module being called.  Below is the audit log.
    2007-10-26 09:58:30 Success Using connection AFW. Trying to put the message into the receive queue.
    2007-10-26 09:58:30 Success Message successfully put into the queue.
    2007-10-26 09:58:30 Success The message was successfully retrieved from the receive queue.
    2007-10-26 09:58:30 Success The message status set to DLNG.
    2007-10-26 09:58:30 Success Delivering to channel: XXXXXXX
    2007-10-26 09:58:30 Success ChangeQoS: Module called
    2007-10-26 09:58:30 Success File adapter receiver: processing started; QoS required: ExactlyOnceInOrder
    As you can see the QoS has been changed to EOIO from the adapter module, but the message is still in Qos EO.
    Am I missing something or is there another way this can be achieved?  Can we do this in the mapping somehow before it ever gets to the AFW?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

  • Firefox does not show filesystem or FTP file list

    When I type "/"  or "file:///" in the address bar it does not show anything. It should list my the folders in my root drive but it shows nothing. Strangely this is the same for any FTP file server I go to. It shows nothing but claims to be loaded. I think something in Firefox is missing.

    I cleared the cookies and that might have done it. Comment if you have or had this problem.

  • BPEL Clustering with Tech Adapters (FTP/File/JMS/DB) -

    When we cluster BPEL instances ( without clustering the OracleAS instances, how does the tech adapter (especially the inbound scenarios) work?
    Do we need to cluster the OracleAS instances, if we are using PartnerLink that is other than HTTP protocol within BPEL?
    In other words, if we are using tech adapters (FTP/File/JMS/DB) within BPEL, is it mandatory to cluster the OracleAS instances (in order to cluster BPEL instances).
    In the adapter concepts document, it says that we need to configure the 'clusterGroupId'.
    Specifically, if we don't cluster the OracleAS and just clustering only BPEL (since it is stateless as it uses dehydration), then what is going to be the value of 'clusterGroupId'?
    <activationAgent className="..." partnerLink="MyInboundAdapterPL">
    <property name="clusterGroupId">myBpelCluster</property>
    Thanks in advance!

    is it mandatory to cluster the OracleAS instancesno
    clusterGroupIdclusterGroupId has nothing to do with iAS or BPEL clustering, it refers to adapter clustering. By creating a clusterGroupId you make the adapter a singleton, ie only one adapter with a certain clusterGroupId will be active, and if other adapters is started with the same clusterGroupId they will be passive and wait for the current active adapter to fail.
    For FTP/File adapter you will need a shared directory amongst the server to hold adapter state (controlfiles). This is controlled by the dir

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