FTP Logs.

Hi to all.
I want to log the FTP Activity. In the /var/adm/messages, appears the FTP Login errors, but i want to have logs for the Logins .... and all the information that i can catch.

if you are using the stock ftpd, you'll have to add a parameter to the ftpd startup. Do a "man in.ftpd" to figure out which parameters you want and use inetadm to change the exec to add this parameter.

Similar Messages

  • Understanding the FTP Log

    Can anyone tell me what the letters after a filename in the ftp log are? Or even where I might be able to find info? I'm trying to solve an access list/ file deletion problem.
    Fri Apr 13 16:28:27 2007 1 0 /Volumes/ProductionRAID/FTPAccess/CustomerFTP/test.txt a _ o r marketing ftp 0 * c
    OS X Server

    It means the following.
    transfer_type => a = ascii
    specialactionflag => _
    direction => o = outgoing
    access_mode => r = authenticated user
    The FTP log file is a bit cryptic. It contains such information as, Date/Time, Transfer-Time in seconds, Who accessed the file, File-Size transferred, Filename, Transfer-Type (a=ascii, b=binary), Direction (o=outgoing, i=incoming), Access-Mode (a=anonymous, g=guest, r=authenticated user), Username, Service-Name(service envoked, e.g. ftp), Authentication-Method(0=none, 1=RFC931), and Authenticated-User-ID(user id returned by authentication method. A * is used if id is not available).
      Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • SFTP and the FTP Log - DW MX2004

    Can anyone tell me why DW MX2004's FTP Log just records blank
    lines when using SFTP? Is there a way to change this and do later
    versions do the same thing?

    Problem solved.
    It's clear that FTP and SFTP are fundamentally different protocols, but the DW protocol selection strongly implies similarity by offering SFTP as a minor option under the main selection of FTP.    I think it would be much clearer if SFTP were offered as a major option -- and then there would be an opportunity for offering SFTP options, too.
    Here's a way of distinguishing which of these two is active:  Connecting to the target site using FTP results in a succession of text entries in the optionally viewable FTP log  -- no surprise.   I discovered that connecting to the same site with the same credentials and the addition of checking the "Use SFTP" option results in only line feeds --scrolling, but no visible text-- in the FTP log window.  I guess that's a reasonable though a bit indirect way of informing users that the link is active and secure.   (What does one do to diagnose problems with SFTP for hosting services that don't support FTP?  I don't know there are such services but it should be the great majority of them.)  Works in DW CS3 but I didn't check CS5.
    Another option, untested but fairly obvious:  It's fairly easy these days to control host s/w (personal) firewalls -- even for low-tech users.  Establish and verify a link to your server using SFTP, then disable FTP; the link should fail.  And vice-versa.  This meets my specification of "simple" and should be  available with no extra expense and little trouble.
    Brief Editorial:  From the recent reading I've done on FTP versus SFTP,  it is clear that the time to discontinue all support for FTP  is long past.

  • Remote Site FTP log-in & password won't stick.

    Working on Vista Home Premium with Service Pack 1 and DW 8 (Installed from CS2 disk).
    McAfee Anti-virus (not my 1st choice but PC came with it)
    Site Definition Settings > Advanced > Remote Info >
    Save enabled. Test verified.
    Uploads work as expected.
    Close DW.
    Re-open DW, remote site log-in and password fields are empty.
    Tried running as Administrator but makes no diff.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

    I thought my CS2 disk contained the update but maybe not.
    So after running the update from the link you provided, I get 3 out of 4 Site definitions to stick.
    Some progress made
    Thanks, John.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Why Don't I See Any Content in the FTP Log?

    I am having trouble uploading files to my production server at Valcato Hosting.  (I have done this many times before without any problem.)  I was able to get a screen shot of a message that flashed on the screen when the uploading of files was aborted -- the message said, "4 files skipped".  There was nothing at all written to the FTP log that appears at the bottom of my (Classic) Dreamweaver GUI.  It is empty.
    Can someone please tell me if I need to do something in order to see the content of the FTP log?
    Here is a link that I found on the Adobe website that certainly implies to me that whenever one uploads or downloads files, the FTP log will show the result of each movement.
             Checking the FTP log
    Thank you for any help with this.

    Right-click on one of the other panel headings in the library module such as Folders, and make sure there is a checkmark in collections.

  • DW FTP Log or History Log?

    Does anyone know if there is a way to automatically save the
    FTP log Dreamweaver?
    Actually, what I'm looking for is something similar to
    Photoshop's HIstory Log, where I can go back an reference what I
    have done and track when it was done days or weeks later. Thanks
    for any help.

    Are you *SURE* the 8.02 update installed?
    Does this Technote apply to you?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "AndyH" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:frhbct$l40$[email protected]..
    > Hi
    > Having just installed DW8, I can not get my ftp
    connection to the remote
    > server to lock on. I have IE7 and checked the problem
    within google and an
    > adobe link suggests that I need an updater 8.0.2 to
    resolve issues between
    > IE7 and DW8 losing ftp login settings. Having updated
    this, tried again
    > still the same problem, the error dialog suggests: 1.
    ftp server being
    > down, (checked with another broadband connection from
    work ok) 2. Passive
    > FTP set, done - no difference 3. Tick secure FTP no
    difference, 4. I have
    > turned the windows and norton firewall off - no
    difference 5. Uninstalled
    > Norton Anti-virus - no difference 6. Rebooted
    broadband/computer server
    > still the same. 7. Checked the firewall setting to
    ensure DW is in the
    > exceptions list of the firewall to allow two way
    communication. no
    > difference. This is the weird thing, I have added
    another site connection
    > and the connection works..???
    > With this in mind I have deleted the site connections,
    > double checked all logins and password and settings
    still the same. I am
    > aware from the ISP that the server is working okay as
    they have tested it
    > from another location..
    > Starting to pull my hair out, whats left that is, and I
    wonder if anyone
    > else has experienced these symptoms, if you have please
    could you share
    > the solution with us or any ideas..
    > kindest regards andy

  • FTP log file generation failed in shell script

    Hi ALL,
    I am doing FTP file transfer in shell script and able to FTP the files in to corresponding directory , But when i am trying to check the FTP status through the log files then its giving problem . please check the below code.
    for file in $FILENAME1
    echo "FTP File......$file"
    echo 'FTP the file to AR1 down stream system'
    ret_val=`ftp -n> $file.log <<E
    #ret_val=`ftp -n << !
    open $ar1_server
    user $ar1_uname $ar1_pwd
    cd /var/tmp
    put $file
    if [ -f $DATA_OUT/$file.log ]
    grep -i "Transfer complete." $DATA_OUT/$file.log
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    #mv ${file.log} ${DATA_OUT}/../archive/$file.log.log_`date +"%m%d%y%H%M%S"`
    echo 'Log file archived to archive directory'
    #mv $file ${DATA_OUT}/../archive/$FILENAME1.log_`date +"%m%d%y%H%M%S"`
    echo 'Data file archived to archived directory'
    echo 'FTP process is not successful'
    echo 'log file generation failed'
    its giving syntax error end of file not giving the exact line number , please help me on thsi

    Thanks for ur reply
    Actually i did a mistake in the code i wrote the following piece of code below
    ret_val=`ftp -n> $file.log <<E
    #ret_val=`ftp -n << !
    so after the tilde symbol it as again taking the '# ' as a special character so it was giving error, so i removed the second line now its working fine.

  • CS5 FTP Log Question

    In previous versions of DW ftp information was appended to the log.  You could got through the day uploading and downloading and the information would all be there in a long log file at the end of the day or until you closed DW.  In CS5 it seems that each interaction with the server overwrites the log rather than appending to it.  I have tried unsuccessfully to find a setting to change this.  I need the ftp information to append not overwrite.  Any suggestions?

    Unfortunately, built-in SSIS FTP component doesn't provide that flexibility.
    You may explore an SSIS scripting (VB or C#) based on FtpWebRequest classes.
    Sebastian Sajaroff Senior DBA Pharmacies Jean Coutu

  • Priv_sock_get_result on FTP log-in to wrt610n

    I'm using a multiple account structure on my wrt610n router FTP Server. Publishing both on external FTP and on Internal Intranet. Log-in from external FTP clients return priv_sock_get_result on any Customer log-in except my own admin log-in. Intranet log-in in IE7 often returns error message "Server Service Not Started".
    This problem started after upgrade of F/W to FW_WRT610N_1.00.02.10_US_20090121_code.bin
    It worked OK with previous F/W FW_WRT610N_1.00.00.18_20080816_code.bin
    I believe the priv_sock_get_result comes from undefined references in the resulting programming code in the router.
    Anyone got any advice on this...?

    Thanks for thoughts! Unfortunately this does not shed any light on the actual problem. As far as I understand the message priv_sock_get_result refers to the routers (master) inability to resolve the log-in authentication from a client. So why does it accept the admin account and nothing else. The logical answer is that the admin account is automatically created and all users accounts are created manually. So, are all user accounts inaccurate? No, and this can be proven if you have a user account dependant log-in access from the Intranet side. I do have that so it's the external FTP Server access that does not work. Here´s another theory! The wrt610n router can actually be programmed for multiple servers. You can test that by creating a share and then change the router name. Then the router does not recognise it's own shares... Change back to the original name and the shares are there again! This proves that the router includes the NameSpace in the mapping. So my thinking is that this is indeed a Linux core issue... The router apparently have a problem associated to it´s own NameSpace... Probably a bug introduced in the latest F/W. Comments anyone with Linux knowledge...?

  • Dreamweaver FTP continues to hang endlessly when I cancel stalled upload. Also how can I see historical FTP log?

    It seems like Dreamweaver handles connection problems very
    poorly when I am trying to upload something and the operation
    stalls. I'll click "cancel", but the FTP client will never cancel -
    I'll just get a few repeated messages like "Operation timed out.
    Cancelling...", and I can never get the client to break away from
    the operation so I can manually try something else.
    Nor can I even close the program. A lot of times I'll have to
    manually kill Dreamweaver via Task Manager and restart.
    Also is there a way to see a log for anything other than the
    most recent FTP operation? Sometimes I want to see what Dreamweaver
    has been up to over a longer period, but it only shows the most
    recent operation.

    I was having a FTP problem with Dreamweaver CS4 on my Mac
    where some sites would connect and some wouldn't, I just couldn't
    solve it. I thought it was my hosting company with corrupt
    permissions on their server.
    I got on to Adobe technical and luckily they ran me through a
    sequence which solved it. It did mean uninstalling the whole of my
    CS4 Design Premium and reinstalling under root access.
    Here's the process a tech operator gave me, assuming you're
    running on a Mac, if not I guess a lot of this could still work on
    a PC with a parallel app. Good luck.
    I would suggest backing up all of your site information,
    then uninstalling Web Premium CS4 using the following steps:
    1 Disable Time Machine if you have it running.
    2. Navigate to the following folder:
    3. Run the uninstaller for Design Premium CS4.
    Once the software has been removed, please download and
    execute the Adobe CS4 Clean Script. This will remove any remnants
    of the CS4
    applications on your computer. You can download the script
    from the
    following location online:
    After running the Clean Script, please verify that all of the
    applications are no longer present in your Applications
    Next, install Design Premium CS4 in the root user account.
    Unless the
    operating system is damaged, this should resolve any
    permissions issue that might arise installing the software in your
    existing user account as the root user has full read/write
    privileges. To enable and enter the root user account, please
    perform the following steps:
    1. From the Finder's Go menu, choose Utilities.
    2. Open Directory Utility.
    3. Click the lock in the Directory Utility window.
    4. Enter an administrator account name and password, then
    click OK.
    5. Choose Enable Root User from the Edit menu.
    6. Enter the root password you wish to use in both the
    Password and
    Verify fields, then click OK.
    Once you have installed the software, please launch one of
    the point
    products and then update the Design Premium Suite before
    logging out of the root user account and disabling it.
    At this point you may also enable Time Machine again.

  • Strange FTP log entry - FTP LOGIN REFUSED: getpwnam returned null

    At the systems log file, I get entries like the following since a few days:
    FTP LOGIN REFUSED: getpwnam returned null
    Over and over again (three or four per second). System performance is not harmed, anything working in normal parameters.
    There are several xftpd processes there causing this behavior - stopping ftp, killing them, restarting ftp solves the problem - and after one day, same situation.
    I searched this forum, but haven't found much information. Others seemed to have the problem as well, but either got no reply or have decided to use a different ftp server instead of Apple's one (which is no choice for us).
    Any advise would be appreciated.

    Others seemed to have the problem as well, but either got no reply or have decided to use a different ftp server instead of Apple's one
    Using a different server won't make any difference.
    Your machine is being attacked by a hacker trying to get into your FTP server.
    Don't be surprised by this. Just about any service that is open to the public internet is going to get probed at some point. All that's happened here is that some bot has detected a FTP server running on your machine and is trying a number of username/password combinations to see if they can log in.
    Whether they will or not depends on the number of accounts you have on your server and the strength of their passwords.
    Having a different FTP server isn't going to make a difference because the bot doesn't (yet) know what server you're running, it's just opening FTP connections and trying to log in. Any FTP server would respond in the same way.
    The solution is to decide whether you really need FTP exposed to the outside world. It really isn't a secure protocol and can be the vector through which other hacks occur. If you don't need it I'd turn it off. If you do need it, consider some way of limiting access (e.g. make it available to LAN clients only and not to the whole internet, or use a VPN.

  • DW 8.0.2 Novell Server System and FTP log-in and Password encryption

    I think I have found a bug. Dreamweaver 8.0.2, Windows XP,
    and using Novell server system. In the Novell system using Dynamic
    Local User, at each log in to Novell the user is assigned a unique
    SSID each and every time. Unfortunately Dreamweaver uses the SSID
    for the encryption key for Login and Password for the settings in
    an FTP Site. So these saved settings break at each log in to
    Novell, and give an error at the launch of Dreamweaver when it
    attempts to log into the FTP site set up.
    Dreamweaver saves the FTP Site Login and Password settings
    at: HKCU\Software\Macromedia\Common\Sites\-Site0\Keychain
    TechNote 3491671c does not fix the problem as it only fixes
    the settings location - which is fine.
    Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

    bikeman01 wrote:
    > As I said the problem was fixed up to php 5.2.5. Going
    to php 5.2.6. has
    > broken this again. I don't know what has changed in php
    5.2.6 that might cause
    > this.
    > Are you able to confirm this problem in php 5.2.6?
    No. I have installed PHP 5.2.6 on a different machine, and
    tested the
    XSL Transformation server behavior. It works exactly the same
    as in 5.2.5.
    > If confirmed, what is the process for raising a bug and
    will Adobe fix it?
    I cannot confirm the problem, so there's nothing I can see
    for Adobe to
    fix. However, the correct channel for reporting bugs is
    through the form
    at the following address:
    Even if a problem can be identified, it's highly unlikely
    that Adobe
    would issue an updated version of the 8.0.2 hotfix. The
    hotfix worked
    perfectly with the version of PHP that was current at the
    time. Since
    then, CS3 has been released, and CS4 is being officially
    announced next
    Tuesday. If a fix is required (and I don't believe one is),
    the normal
    policy is to supply it for the current version of
    Dreamweaver, not one
    that is no longer on sale.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • User named "Connected" logged on to my FTP server

    I was checking out the activity on my server and found that I had a user with the name "Connected" logged into my FTP server as an authenticated user from address I checked the system log and all I can find for entries on this IP address are repeated login failures.
    My question is why does it show an active "Authenticated" connection from that IP address in Server Admin with a bogus name of "Connected", when the system log only shows entries from that IP address as repeated login failures? How can I tell if this person logged in successfully since successful logins are not logged?

    This is all that I can find in the system log for that IP address. From what I can tell (system.log does not show successful FTP connections from what I can see), he has not connected. If he has, he has not done anything over FTP. I have every option selected for FTP logging, so any directory change, or file transfer would be logged. Anonymous access is disabled and I have gone over every share to make sure that none of them have guest access enabled. What bothers me is when looking at the FTP service in Server Admin, under the connections tab, it shows the following connection:
    Name: connected
    Type: Authenticated
    Activity: IDLE
    Other (known) users are listed as well, and when I look at the activity log, I can see that they are uploading/dowloading files from the server as expected. I just want to know why I have this user named "connected" that appears to be connected to the server.
    Jan 22 18:09:46 minime ftpd[132]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 18:19:52 minime ftpd[689]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 18:30:05 minime ftpd[1138]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 18:40:29 minime ftpd[1652]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 18:51:01 minime ftpd[1853]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 19:01:43 minime ftpd[2001]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 19:12:34 minime ftpd[2269]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 19:23:33 minime ftpd[2452]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 19:34:41 minime ftpd[2610]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 19:45:58 minime ftpd[2792]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 19:57:24 minime ftpd[2967]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 20:08:59 minime ftpd[3129]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 20:20:43 minime ftpd[3446]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 20:32:36 minime ftpd[3570]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 20:44:38 minime ftpd[3675]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 20:56:49 minime ftpd[3769]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 21:09:09 minime ftpd[3868]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 21:21:42 minime ftpd[4085]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 21:34:20 minime ftpd[4164]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 21:47:07 minime ftpd[4264]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 22:00:04 minime ftpd[4383]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 22:13:10 minime ftpd[4573]: repeated login failures from []
    Jan 22 22:26:24 minime ftpd[4731]: repeated login failures from []

  • Download file from ftp server

    Can I download files from an ftp server by simply using the ip address or https:// url?    I've only gotten this to work by using the "ftp//:" address in previous projects and I'm not getting this to work in many different attempts. 
    Here is one...
     # FTP Config
    $FTPHost =
    $Username =
    $Password =
    $FTPFile =
    # FTP Log File Url
    $FTPFileUrl =
    "ftp://" +
    $FTPHost +
    "/" +
    # Create FTP Connection
    $FTPRequest =
    = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username,
    $FTPRequest.Method =
    = $false
    = $true
    = $false
    # Get FTP File
    $FTPResponse =
    $ResponseStream =
    $FTPReader =
    New-Object System.IO.Streamreader
    -ArgumentList $ResponseStream
    while ($FTPReader.ReadLine()
    -ne $null)
    # Create FTP Connection
    $FTPRequest =
    = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username,
    $FTPRequest.Method =
    = $false
    = $true
    = $false
    # Get FTP File
    $FTPResponse =
    $ResponseStream =
    $FTPReader =
    New-Object System.IO.Streamreader
    -ArgumentList $ResponseStream
    while ($FTPReader.ReadLine()
    -ne $null)

    You don't need to specifically use an IP address. E.g can use
    $FTPHost = "myrandomserver.mycompany.com"
    $Username = "admin"
    $Password = "12345678"
    $FTPFile = "test.log"
    # FTP Log File Url
    $FTPFileUrl = "ftp://" + $FTPHost + "/" + $FTPFile

  • PI is not able to pick the file from the FTP folder

    This is the FILE TO IDOC scenario. We have configured the file adapter. But its not able to pick the file from the specified directory. We have tried changing the transfer mode from Binary to Txt & also we have tried to put advance selection for source file but it didn't work. Its throwing the below error:
    PI Adapter Log:
    An error occurred while connecting to the FTP server ''. The FTP server returned the following error message: 'com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 451 Unexpected reply coderequested action aborted: local error in processing'. For details, contact your FTP server vendor.
    Also we have contacted the FTP team & they told that PI is sending an unsupported command. So instead of taking the file TLOG.txt, its treating this file name a s a directory. Please find the logs from FTP end below:
    FTP Log:
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:25 PM - sysisappi (> 230 Logged on
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> FEAT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 211-Features:
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  MDTM
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  REST STREAM
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  SIZE
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  MLSD
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  AUTH SSL
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  AUTH TLS
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  PROT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  PBSZ
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  UTF8
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  CLNT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  MFMT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 211 End
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> PBSZ 0
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 200 PBSZ=0
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> PROT P
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 200 Protection level set to P
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> CWD /Qas
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 250 CWD successful. "/Qas" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> CWD SAP_ORION
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 250 CWD successful. "/Qas/SAP_ORION" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> CWD Inbound
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 250 CWD successful. "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> CWD IRIIN04
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 250 CWD successful. "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound/IRIIN04" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> CWD TLOG.txt
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 550 CWD failed. "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound/IRIIN04/TLOG.txt": directory not found.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> QUIT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 221 Goodbye
    It should list  *TLOG.txt*  but instead it is trying to get into a directory named  *TLOG.txt*.  same for other interface.
    So me & my team is struggling for last couple of days to fix this issue.Please share your suggestion

    Hi Sisir
    The screen shot of your config doesn't seem to correspond to the FTP log. I say this because the * is dropped from file name pattern "*TLOG.txt" (comparing your config and the FTP log). Can you share an updated FTP log?
    Sisir Das wrote:
    "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound/IRIIN04" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> CWD TLOG.txt
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 550 CWD failed. "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound/IRIIN04/TLOG.txt": directory not found.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> QUIT
    Also, like Rajesh suggested, have you tried to manually check permissions by logging in, traversing the directory, and getting the file?
    By the way, we always use backslash \ instead of forward slash in our configs. Not sure this would make any difference for you though. Also, I don't normally use a trailing \ at the end of the source directory path.

Maybe you are looking for

  • PDF files not opening

    Hello, I am not able to open up PDF docs, which is new, it was fine before. When I try to open a doc I get a "Sign in required" message. When I click on this, it says that "either your computer is offline or the clock on your computer is set incorrec

  • Kernel_task is using 60% of my ram...

    Hi ! I've an issue with "kernel_task"... I'm on the last version of Maverick. I boot my computer with an external SSD disk (Lacie little big disk, 512 gig, in RAID) The screenshot below will talk :-) I tried to repair my disks, without any effect. My

  • Usage of dbms_lob.substr()

    Hi all, I have a question to the usage of dbms_lob.substr function in PL/SQL. I have a clob with dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob) = 12295. When I call dbms_lob.substr to get the clob starting from the specified location, I miss data at the end of the resul

  • I can't find the songs I bought on iTunes...

    Hi, I just got a new ipod, and then I got a new computer. I bought some songs from iTunes, but now they're not showing up at all on my account! (or at least that I could find.) Anyone know where they went? (the money's not refunded or anything, I sti

  • Less red in Aperture compared to Canon original

    Hi, I'm looking at a photo of my son with his red bike. If I look at this RAW file from Canon 1D mark III under Aperture, the red color of the bike has much less saturation and colder compared to the same file under the Canon Digital Photo Profession