Full automated install???

Hello, I windows there is an executable that Oracle provides to automatically create an instance form a batch file. That command is like:
C:\Oracle\Ora92\bin\oradim.exe -new -sid MyDB -startmode m -pfile c:\oracle\ora92\database\initMyDB.ora
Does Oracle provide a similar way of doing this in Unix? I need to supply a complete automated installation procedure to a customer that will only assume that the Oracle database software is installed. I will provide scripts that will create the instance, create the database and setup the tablespaces. Then it will create the user and all associated objects. If you can do this in Window, I would assume you can do this on Unix???
Thank you,

Daljit, using the below script will create the database/instance automatically, correct? It prompts me for the usernameand password, then it attempts to connect. How will it connect if the instance is not created yet? Does this script need to be modified?
Shell script:crteRTRNVAL.sh
export ORACLE_SID=satst1
sqlplus /nolog @crteRTRNVAL.sql
SQL*Plus script:crteRTRNVAL.sql
accept uname prompt 'Enter user Name ==> '
accept pwd prompt 'Enter Password ==> ' hide
conn &uname/&pwd
set echo on
spool $ORACLE_HOME/install/rtrnval/Logs/Create_RTRNVAL_DB.log
startup pfile=$ORACLE_BASE/admin/rtrnval/pfile/initRTRNVAL.ora nomount;
LOGFILE '/oracle2/oradata/rtrnval/database/logs/RTRNVALLOG1.ORA' SIZE 50M,
'/oracle2/oradata/rtrnval/database/logs/RTRNVALLOG2.ORA' SIZE 50M,
'/oracle2/oradata/rtrnval/database/logs/RTRNVALLOG3.ORA' SIZE 50M,
'/oracle2/oradata/rtrnval/database/logs/RTRNVALLOG4.ORA' SIZE 50M
UNDO TABLESPACE RTRNVALUNDO DATAFILE '/oracle2/oradata/rtrnval/database/RTRNVALUNDO01.ora'
Thank you,

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    Hi p3puke,
    There's no difference between the trial version of Acrobat XI and he full version except for the no. of days of usage. The trial software is good for only 30 days.
    Please activate the trial version with the serial number you bought to convert it into full version.
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    The key to most of this is the [WebLogic Scripting Tool|http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs103/config_scripting/domains.html] .
    However, points 1 and 5 are outside the scope of that. I assume by "weblogic setup" you mean the installation of the Weblogic distribution itself? There's information about that here .
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    Could you try to logout- and in again via the CC-app and start LrD 6.0 afterwards.
    Hope that helps.

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    Here's what you have to do:
    Uninstall the entire CS4 suite.
    Download the CS4 Clean Script and run it at least 2 times, rebooting between each run.
    Install the CS4 suite from your original installation discs.
    Update the software.
    That you have no AVCHD presets indicates a smurfed installation, either from installing updates or from uninstalling older suite app version.  A complete uninstallation, running of the clean script, and re-installation and update is the only sure way to get everything back to normal.

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    Kees Epema

    You are definitely not going to be able to simply dd arch to your machine unless you create an image to do so.  Even then, that image would become old and stale pretty quickly, possibly leading to problems getting the system up to date.
    In my opinion, the raspberry pi way to simply dd'ing an image to an SD card is a disservice to the ArchlinuxARM users.  Though seemingly the proper way to get a system running on a raspberry pi, it masks the install process and leaves the user without a clue as to what would have gone into creating the system.
    Go read the beginners guide.  Use a virtual machine to practice if you need.  Shortcuts are not going to help you with Arch.

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    How can I keep the license expiration warnings and avoid receiving warnings for an expired eval licence?
    This is on Cisco ISE Software Version 1.2.0 full running on a ISE-3315-K9. There is no requirement to go to a full advanced license.
    License Expiration
    Details :
    Advanced License expires in 30 days
    Description :
    The License installed on the ISE nodes have been expired or about to expire
    Suggested Actions :
    Please contact CISCO Account team to purchase new licenses
    *** This message is generated by Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) ***

    The way to supress this message is to disable the License Expiration Alarm.
    To do this, go to Administration > System > Settings.  Choose Alarm Settings from the Left Menu.
    Scroll down and select Licensing     |       License Expiration  from the list of Alarms.
    Click the Edit Button and use the dropdown to change the Status to Disable.  Click Submit and you're done.
    I would then set a Calendar reminder through Outlook (or on your phone) to enable this feature once the expiration date for your Advance License has passed.
    Please Rate Helpful posts and mark this question as answered if, in fact, this does answer your question.  Otherwise, feel free to post follow-up questions.
    Charles Moreton

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    The trial version is the same as the purchased version.
    Have you tried content aware move?
    It's the tool bottom left in the tools pallet in expert mode.

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    Hi @bilbaow
    Try uninstalling the old version of WhatsApp, then re Install the new one. I suggest you copy the .sis file into you SD card, then install from there....
    Hope it helps.
    N8-00,Galaxy Tab 10.1

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