Full Back-up Too Slow? 6 Hours and Only 17.57GB done?

I started a full back-up right after preparing the external USB drive. Six hours later I only have 17.57GB backed-up out of 203.47GB. Is this normal? Here is the console log below. Did I not set-up the USB drive right in Disk Util.?
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274] Preparing to partition disk: “Seagate FreeAgentDesktop Media”
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274] Partition Scheme: GUID Partition Table
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274] 1 volume will be created
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274]
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274] Partition 1
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274] Name : “Untitled 1”
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274] Size : 465.8 GB
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274] Filesystem : Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274]
4/12/08 1:46:13 PM Disk Utility[274] Creating partition map.
4/12/08 1:46:20 PM Disk Utility[274] Formatting disk6s2 as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with name Untitled 1.

Does this show USB 1.1 or USB 2 at 12mb/sec? If would unplugging it in mid-back-up be disaster?
Capacity: 465.76 GB
Removable Media: Yes
Detachable Drive: Yes
BSD Name: disk6
Version: 0.00
Bus Power (mA): 500
Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: Seagate
Mac OS 9 Drivers: No
Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)
Product ID: 0x3000
Serial Number: 9QG1Y77B
S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
Vendor ID: 0x0bc2
Time Machine:
Capacity: 465.44 GB
Available: 445.95 GB
Writable: Yes
File System: Journaled HFS+
BSD Name: disk6s2
Mount Point: /Volumes/Time Machine

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    Has it been 24 hours?
    I take it this was a gift card.  iTunes Store:  Invalid, Inactive, or Illegible codes http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1292 - gift cards
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    You can backup 2 computers as long as the TC has enough space.
    Your access might be restricted if you set it up with users.. you must log in with the correct user to get access to the files.
    Otherwise you should be able to see both sparsebundles just with finder.
    Look at Pondini's excellent FAQ
    this one in particular may help

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    It shouldn't take this long, something is wrong with your iTunes.  Try this:
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    So I figured it out and just wanted to share the solution in case there is anyone else out there having the same issue.
    The moment I plugged in my device iTunes begins to back it up before the syncing begins.
    What you have to do is keep your Task Manager open.
    When it starts to back up the process AppleMobileBackup.exe*32 will begin. You should immediately end that process, this will speed things up considerably. iTunes will also pop open a window telling you that your backup has failed. This is OK, and obviously expected.
    If you do want to actually backup your device then I would reccomend syncing it a few times while ending the back up process, and then syncing it again while allowing the process. I do not know why, but this gets the back up process running much smoother and doesn't take up as much CPU.
    In general I would also reccomend closing the "Apple Push"process. This too seems to be taking up alot of CPU.
    You will have to shut off the backup process from the task manager every single time you sync your device. Even in the same sitting, if you just added a bit more media, once you press sync the backup process will begin again, so be aware of that.
    I hope this was helpful.
    Good Luck

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    Hi Erik,
    Your basic suggestion actually worked for me. But this is what I did for others who are having issues removing/installing etc.
    1. Download the latest iTunes 8.2. You should end up with a file iTunesSetup.
    2. If you dont already have WinRAR, download free copy from http://www.rarlab.com/ and install.
    3. Right click on iTunesSetup and choose "Extract" to somewhere you know. eg C:\itunetemp
    4. Open up folder where you extracted iTunesSetup and double-click applemobiledevicesupport.msi
    5. It should ask you if you want to repair or remove... choose remove.
    6. REBOOT your PC.
    7. Go back to where you extracted iTunesSetup and double-click applemobiledevicesupport.msi and go through the install.
    8. Plug in your iPhone.
    If all is well iTunes should automatically start and start syncing your iPhone.
    Goodluck all!

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    You are not addressing Apple here at all.
    This is a user forum.  We are all itunes users just like you.

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  • Back up too slow

    I am at wit's end. I took my first TC back to the Apple Store. The second is no better. I've spoken to AppleCare. I've tried direct hook up. I have been working on this for six weeks and have yet to obtain a single successful back up.
    Any suggestions?

    My first question is what are you using to backup? You'r signature line once said 10.5.3 but mostly says 10.4.10?? Are you using Time Machine which came first with 10.5.1??
    I'll continue, for the moment, on the assumption that you are using Time Machine with your Time Capsule.
    If the 1.1MB/sec you observed was a sustained speed, then 400GB would take about 4 1/2 days. The way the Activity Monitor reports you see peak rate over some interval in the graphic window and what I believe is actual bytes sent in a one second interval (bytes/sec number). Also there is a cumulative bytes sent number which over say a few minutes of backup might give an indication of "real" speed.
    But it's clear that if the sustainable speed is on the order of 1MB/sec or less then it is going to take 4,5,6...days to complete.
    So, I see 2 questions: why is the sped as slow as it appears; second why does it fail before completing?
    1. On my MacBook, doing an initial backup of 40GB in 2.5 hours gives an effective data rate of 4.4MB/sec. So we can conclude that the Time Capsule should not be the bottle neck. This is with a GB ethernet wired connection. I don't know the speed of the G5's network connection, but that could be a factor....I only switched to the Mac starting last year.
    2. The logs. Interestingly, the logs shown in the Airport utility are only connected to the networking activity - the Airport side of the TC. To see the system log go to the Console application. ( Finder: Applications/Utilities/Console ) On the left is a list of many log files, the system.log is the 1st when expanding LOG FILES.
    There is a LOT of messages in the file, and the log entries from different applications/services etc are interspersed. The 5 entries I showed yesterday, it turns out, are not all the relevant ones for a backup. They were only the ones that had "Time Capsule"appearing as in them. The workhorse of the actual backup is something called the backup daemon - appearing as "backupd" in the log file. Below is the "complete" log of the entries relating to a successful initial backup. If you examine your log you may find a clue as to why the backup fails/cause the system to crash/or?? It's possible that there is a "backupd" entry related to the failure or perhaps some other part of the system. If the system crashed, you can try and look at the dates/time to see where you re-booted a work backward looking for "ominous" entries that may indicate the failure....
    Log of a successful initial backup
    Jun 6 18:31:01 livy fseventsd[41]: log dir: /Volumes/Backup of livy/.fseventsd getting new uuid: 3F939294-8F0D-493B-956B-FFB2CC5B5334
    Jun 6 18:31:01 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Disk image /Volumes/Time Capsule Disk/livy_001b632ffd76.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Backup of livy
    Jun 6 18:31:01 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup of livy/Backups.backupdb
    Jun 6 18:31:01 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume. Enabling.
    Jun 6 18:31:01 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    Jun 6 18:31:03 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Backup content size: 88.8 GB excluded items size: 48.0 GB for volume Macintosh HD
    Jun 6 18:31:03 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 48.97 GB requested (including padding), 879.05 GB available
    Jun 6 18:31:03 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Waiting for index to be ready (906 > 0)
    Jun 6 18:31:18 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Waiting for index to be ready (909 > 0)
    Jun 6 20:55:47 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Copied 226484 files (34.7 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Jun 6 20:55:53 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 543.2 MB requested (including padding), 841.58 GB available
    Jun 6 20:56:27 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Copied 366 files (4.0 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Jun 6 20:56:30 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Starting post-backup thinning
    Jun 6 20:56:30 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: No post-back up thinning needed: no expired backups exist
    Jun 6 20:56:30 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Backup completed successfully.
    Jun 6 20:56:36 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Jun 6 20:56:41 livy kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Time Capsule Disk, flags 0, pid 511
    Jun 6 20:56:41 livy /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[125]: Ejected Time Machine network volume.

  • Apex is too slow to login and run report

    Hello Expert,
    I am working to fix a problem with APEX is extremely slow to login. It might take 3 to 5 min for the login to show up and it takes forever to load the reports on the screeen that has 1000's of rows. And when it comes to clik on the button to move from tabs in the application, or select a drop down menu, it takes forever.
    can any one suggest a solution to this problem? Is anyone experience this at their work environment and what can I do? If I am working on the same application in Development Environment, it is a little bit faster, it dosn't take that long as it takes in production.
    Your suggestions is much needed and appreciated.

    Without knowing what version of the database & APEX it is kinda hard to even fathom where your issue is...
    Are you having issues just getting a user logged in or is it a combination of logging in then running the report?
    Have you tried running the query OUTSIDE APEX in TOAD or SQL Developer?
    Can you post some information on what the query looks like?  Maybe even post a sample of the code on the Hosted Oracle Instance?
    Remember, the more you help us, the More We can Help You!!
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    LuvMuffin Software
    Ruckersville, VA

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