Full justification creates uneven first-line indents

Hello...fairly new to InDesign, can't overcome one problem. When I fully justify my text (horizontally), my first-line indentations become uneven, no matter how I set them in the Paragraph palette. I'm using placed text, and the indentation remains even if I left-align. Why do first-line indents become ragged when paragraphs are justified, and what can I do to correct this? Thank you.

Right -- typing spaces is the only way I can think of that first-line indents would be affected by justification, and in that case it would be the expected result (justification is done primarily by adjusting the size of all spaces on the line). This is simply the wrong way to achieve what you're after.
The best practice is to create a Paragraph Style for your body text paragraphs. In the Paragraph Style palette's pop-up menu, choose Style Options. Select "Indents and Spacing," and enter a value for "First line indent."
Now, all paragraphs that have that body text style applied will have the same indent, regardless of justification. And as a bonus, by redefining the Style Options you can change that indent throughout the document whenever you want.
Depending on your document, you may want to create different paragraph styles for paragraphs that aren't indented.

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    So simple! Should've thought about it.

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    Checkt the text frame indents
    Use the arrow tool to select the text frame - and then right click (cmd click on mac) and go to Text Frame Options in the context menu that pops up.
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    I've run into this too, although only when pagination
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    Leigh Hanlon wrote:
    Thanks for the suggestion to use a stylus. I just tried that and you're right that it *sometimes* works, maybe about 25 percent of the time in the past few minutes I've been experimenting with the technique. My problem is that I need to indent precisely for documents that will be saved as Word .docx files. I can't believe that Pages for iPad apparently relegates this important feature solely by sliding and not allowing us to open a window and set the indents numerically.
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    Honestly, it take a little practice. another option might be to start with a different template that includes paragraph indentions. A couple of the built-in templates do, and there are other savailable in the app store.

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    That’s not a bad workaround, if this will only be used sparingly. Editing the text will mean frequently fixing those first lines. Also, if you are using hyphenation, you’ll need to re-enter the hyphens manually.
    Below is the same text formatted this way. Each paragraph end not where you would expect, but instead at the end of the indented line that appears to start the next paragraph.

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    Hi Sreenivasulu
    Not sure if this will help you... but just some pointers....
    How about triggering the javascript on selection of a particular record in the table...? i.e. call the particular javascript function only when some row in the table is selected and not otherwise.
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    Computers are not typewriters (which have no way to specify an indent other than hitting the tab key) and professional type is set without leading tabs, except for special cases using tabular type data where a particular row might be missing the first entry or the tab is required for special alignment (center aligned or decimal aligned, for example).
    This is not as big a deal as you make it out to be. Define the paragraph style you need with the correct indents and do a GREP search for ^\t(.) and change to $1 and set the change formatting to your new paragraph style. This expression looks for a tab character at the start of a paragraph and any character that follows it, then replaces the tab and following character with just the following character (essentially deleting the tab), and assigns the style of your choice inthe format options.

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    You didn't mention what kind of order, but the first things to try are the same regardless.
    Use an availability checking type in your material master that uses daily requirements, similar to SAP standard 01.  You can review the checking types in OVZ2, use one that has a "Total Sales" entry of B.
    You can also change the default confirmation behavior.  OVZJ, set Avail check rule to "blank"  or B "full delivery" if you are talking about sales orders.

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    Like so:
        title: "Application title"
        width: 500
        height: 500
        scene: Scene
            content: [ Text {font: Font { size: 20 } content: "First row\nSecond row" }  ]
    }The resulting screen only shows "Second row", the first line is moved out of the screen above. I need to set y to 20 to show the first line.
    Is that normal?

    Right, Text nodes have an textOrigin, which is default set to the base line. That means that y=0 is just below the letters.
    But the behavior is unexpected when simply adding a Text node and nothing is visible.

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    (about halfway down, Stefan Berger's post)
    I've not completely tested this yet, but whilst investigating a similar problem, I came across the above thread. ME_COMPONENTS_MAINTAIN has a paramater "I_FCALL" which if you set to 'X' doesn't call the screens, and just runs in background.
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    -B S B

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