Fullscreen FLV bug on PC Safari 3.0.1 on up?

So for some bizarre reason the QA people at my office are
planning on halting the launch of a built video player - for the
.02 percent of the people that use Safari on the PC.
The issue is when in fullscreen, the scrub bar that i have
maintains it's length. So rather than having, say, a 25 pixel wide
scrub bar it just stretches as the video plays. Naturally this
becomes a problem since a user can't see where they are scrubbing.
I spent some time searching the web looking for answers
(including going through Adobe's forum, support, documentation,
etc) and so far there doesn't seem to be an answer. The funny thing
is that Safari on the PC isn't listed in the supported
browsers...but as anyone who's dealt with QA people knows, that
answer won't do.
The AS code for the scrub bar is standard:
function videoStatus() {
vPlayerHMC.vidPlayer.amountLoaded =
playFlvStream.bytesLoaded / playFlvStream.bytesTotal;
loader.loadbar._width = amountLoaded * 104.8;
loader.scrub._x = playFlvStream.time / duration * 104.8;
var scrubInterval;
loader.scrub.onPress = function() {
scrubInterval = setInterval(scrubit,10);
loader.scrub.onRelease = loader.scrub.onReleaseOutside =
function() {
videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100);
function scrubit() {
playFlvStream.seek(Math.floor((loader.scrub._x / 108) *
and has worked on all other browsers and versions that we are
supporting the fullscreen mode.
I found a post on PixelMonster describing a similar bug -
however it listed the bug for AS3 (we're using 2) and a change in
the SWFObject param (wmode = opaque)....however we can't use that
since the wmode is preset.
Anyone else having a problem with it...or know of any
possible solution?

i guess you can. are you using one of the skins that has a
fullscreen button?

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    As this works without problems for me, I can only suggest that you may have a 'bad' installation, or that you are doing something wrong. Have you tried following the info on inserting/preparing flv for streaming, at - http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Dreamweaver/10.0_Using/WSc78c5058ca073340dcda9110b1f693f21-7c9 ea.html, or  http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/learning_guide/video/.

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    Check the links below for options to remove the Adware.
    The Easy, safe, effective method:
    If you are comfortable doing manual file removals use the somewhat more difficult method:
    Also read the articles below to be more prepared for the next time there is an issue on your computer.

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    If this is a brand new computer, you often need to get a full cycle or two on the battery for it to "program" itself to properly read and display power levels.
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    karol wrote:Many people report problems with fullscreen flash.
    Maybe you can stream it and play with e.g. mplayer?
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    johnmapley wrote:
    I've restored, but don't see anything else I can try. These problems (or vast majority thereof, e.g. video seeking problems) occur across every iOS device I own or have ever used that runs iOS 8. Are you unable to reproduce them? I'd be very interested to hear if not.
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    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9165659/flash-projector-fullscreen-flv-always-has-black -background
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    That's right -you mentioned the fullscreenTakeOver property and there seem to be many mentions of it in other forums as a fix, but I guess I needed a bit more handholding. I tried setting it to false using a few different methods. None worked.
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    stage.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, onAdded);
    function onAdded(e:Event)void  {
         if (e.target is FLPlayback) e.target.fullScreenTakeOver = false;
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    will recreate the file and see if this fixes the issue.

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