Function IN parameter Value

Hi Guys,
I am passing the value through fnction is 'Animation'
But in the database column of that value is metadata value like : |Animation|Family|Horror|Action|
So from this I need to trim and pickhe value from metadata field which I have passed through the function IN param value. Here we nee to convert this 'Animation' value as return value '%|Animation|%'
Please reply with correct answer. this is very urgent.

Duplicate thread. Answers already on the other: Funtion in parameter

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  • How to get converted as function IN parameter value

    Hi Guys,
    I am passing one value in the function, that value is 'Animation'. After passing this I need to check in the database level like '%|Animation|%'.
    How can I convert this when it comes into the begin part.
    Thanks in advance. this is vary urgent.

    Duplicate thread. Answers already on the other: Funtion in parameter

  • Passing parameter values to powershell function from batch file

    Hello ,
       I haven't used powershell for a while and getting back to using it. I have a function and I want to figure out how to pass the parameter values to the function through batch file.
    function Check-FileExists($datafile)
    write-host "InputFileName : $datafile"
    $datafileExists = Test-Path $datafile
    if ($datafileExists)
    return 0
    return -100
    $datafile = "C:\Dev\eMetric\PreIDWork\PreIDFiles\SampleInputFile_011.txt"
    $returncode = Check-FileExists -datafile $datafile
    Write-Host "ReturnCode : $returncode"
    $datafile = "C:\Dev\eMetric\PreIDWork\PreIDFiles\SampleInputFile_01.txt"
    $returncode = Check-FileExists -datafile $datafile
    Write-Host "ReturnCode : $returncode"
    The above code seems to be work when I call it. But when I try to call that script and try to pass the parameter values, I am doing something wrong but can't figure out what.
    powershell.exe -command " &{"C:\Dev\eMetric\PreIDWork\PowerShell\BulkLoad_Functions.ps1" $returncode = Check-FileExists -datafile "C:\Dev\eMetric\PreIDWork\PreIDFiles\SampleInputFile_01.txt"}"
    Write-Host "ReturnCode : $returncode"
    $file = "C:\Dev\eMetric\PreIDWork\PreIDFiles\SampleInputFile_01.txt"
    powershell.exe -file "C:\Dev\eMetric\PreIDWork\PowerShell\BulkLoad_Functions.ps1" $returncode = Check-FileExists -datafile $datafile
    Somehow the I can't get the datafile parameter value being passed to the function. Your help would be much appreciated.

    I am not sure about calling a function in a script like how you want to. Also I see you are setting the values of the parameters, this is not needed unless you want default values if nothing is passed. The values for the parameters will be passed via the
    batch file. So for me the easiest way is as indicated.
    function Check-FileExists($datafile)
    write-host "InputFileName : $datafile"
    $datafileExists = Test-Path $datafile
    if ($datafileExists)
    return 0
    return -100
    Write-Host "Return Code: $(Check-FileExists $DataFile)"
    Then you create a batch file that has
    start powershell.exe
    RemoteSigned -Command
    "& {<PathToScript>\MyScript.ps1 -DataFile 'C:\Dev\eMetric\PreIDWork\PreIDFiles\SampleInputFile.txt'}"
    Double click the batch file, and it should open a powershell console, load your script and pass it the path specified, which then the script runs it and gives you your output
    If you find that my post has answered your question, please mark it as the answer. If you find my post to be helpful in anyway, please click vote as helpful.
    Don't Retire Technet

  • [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function

    I am trying to insert an xml doc into a column of Oracle table which has a datatype CLOB in JSP. PFB my code that I am using --
    int id = 100;
    String st1 = "NEW";
    String st2 = "WLR3_IN_1";
    Date dt = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy").parse("04/02/2008");
    con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:CST Server","xmluser","xmluser");
    String fn = "C:/order.xml";
    PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
    File file = new File(fn);
    FileReader inputFileReader = new FileReader(file);
    stmt.setCharacterStream(2,inputFileReader, (long)file.length());
    stmt.setDate(5,new java.sql.Date(dt.getTime()));
    if (stmt.executeUpdate() != 1) {
    System.out.println("No record inserted.");
    But I am getting an output in the form of an Oracle error - 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function
    So all the statements are getting executed after which this Oracle error is thrown. Could you help me with this.
    Thanks in anticipation.. :)

    As suggested I may try switching to JDBC instead of JDBC-ODBC bridge driver , but I also tried doing this to get the sysdate --
    //Date dt = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy").parse("04/02/2008");
    String date = DateFormat.getInstance().format(new Date());
    and now I am getting this error -- 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01843: not a valid month Hello1
    Hello1 is coming from --
    catch (SQLException sqle){

  • ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function

    Passing a null value or a null string as the value for a CLOB parameter, when executing a procedure or function, generates the error message 'ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function'. Passing a non-null string such as ' ' does not, does anyone have a solution to this problem?

    I guess that export utility does not export LOB's columns.
    Check it out here :
    Joel P�rez

  • "Missing parameter values."  --  Export and Print only...

    I have a web application and I am using CrystalReportViewer.  I am passing several parameters to Crystal using: 
    report.SetParameterValue(field.Name, Session[field.Name]);
    I have session variables which will hold parameters needed to pass into the report.  The session variables are populated from controls on my webpage after an onclick event.  This even not only populates session, but also passes parameters to the report with the following code: 
    ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
    Session["MapPathName"] = "./Reporting/CaseStudy.rpt";
    report.FileName = Server.MapPath(Session["MapPathName"].ToString());
    ParameterFields fields = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterFields();
    fields = report.ParameterFields;
    foreach (ParameterField field in fields)
          report.SetParameterValue(field.Name, Session[field.Name]);
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;
    This works great for reporting and is very extensible.  However, when clicking on the "Print" or "Export" buttons on the toolbar I get "Missing parameter values."  I attempted to export manually in code using the .ExportToStream function but I still get the error, "Missing parameter values." 
    I received this error also in Refresh, Search, and Navigate functions.  This was corrected by calling a function that supplies the above code block to these functions.  However, I do not see any events for controlling the Print nor the Export events. 
    QUESTION: How can I print or export a report when passing parameters using CrystalReportViewer?  Thanks in advance!
    P.S. - Crystal Reports XI Release 2
    Edited by: KyleSavant on Jun 18, 2009 5:42 PM

    There are no Export or Print events accessible for the viewer
    Since it sounds like you are creating the reportdocument object in your click event, the settings on this object become out of scope on successive postbacks executed by other events.
    to get around this without major changes, you can place your "report" object in session in this event and retrieve it from session on successive postbacks.  This should solve your problems around navigation, printing and exporting.  What you will need to do is check if the session object exists (usually in page_load or page_initialze) and if so, retrieve it from session and bind it to the viewer's reportsource.  If the session object does not exist, then do nothing (ie you have not clicked your button yet that retrieves the parameter values from session and loads the report).  Also, in your click event you can check if the report session object exists and if so, remove it so that it can be re-created with your new parameter values (ie i'm assuming the only time you want to set parameter values is in this event).

  • How to get parameter value from report in event of value-request?

    Hi everyone,
    The customer want to use particular F4 help on report, but some input value before press enter key are not used in event of "at selection-screen on value-request for xxx", How to get parameter value in this event?
    many thanks!

    You probably want to look at function module DYNP_VALUES_READ to allow you to read the values of the other screen fields during the F4 event... below is a simple demo of this - when you press F4 the value from the p_field is read and returned in the p_desc field.
    report zlocal_jc_sdn_f4_value_read.
      p_field(10)           type c obligatory,  "field with F4
      p_desc(40)            type c lower case.
    at selection-screen output.
      perform lock_p_desc_field.
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_field.
      perform f4_field.
    *&      Form  f4_field
    form f4_field.
    *" Quick demo custom pick list...
        l_desc             like p_desc,
        l_dyname           like d020s-prog,
        l_dynumb           like d020s-dnum,
        ls_dynpfields      like dynpread,
        lt_dynpfields      like dynpread occurs 10.
      l_dynumb = sy-dynnr.
      l_dyname = sy-repid.
    *" Read screen value of P_FIELD
      ls_dynpfields-fieldname  = 'P_FIELD'.
      append ls_dynpfields to lt_dynpfields.
      call function 'DYNP_VALUES_READ'
          dyname     = l_dyname
          dynumb     = l_dynumb
          dynpfields = lt_dynpfields
          others     = 1.
      check sy-subrc is initial.
    *" See what user typed in P_FIELD:
      read table lt_dynpfields into ls_dynpfields
        with key fieldname = 'P_FIELD'.
    *" normally you would then build your own search list
    *" based on value of P_FIELD and call F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST
    *" but this is just a demo of writing back to the screen...
    *" so just put the value from p_field into P_DESC plus some text...
      concatenate 'This is a description for' ls_dynpfields-fieldvalue
        into l_desc separated by space.
    *" Pop a variable value back into screen
      clear: ls_dynpfields.
      ls_dynpfields-fieldname  = 'P_DESC'.
      ls_dynpfields-fieldvalue = l_desc.
      append ls_dynpfields to lt_dynpfields.
      call function 'DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE'
          dyname     = l_dyname
          dynumb     = l_dynumb
          dynpfields = lt_dynpfields
          others     = 0.
    endform.                                                    "f4_field
    *&      Form  lock_p_desc_field
    form lock_p_desc_field.
    *" Make P_DESC into a display field
      loop at screen.
        if screen-name = 'P_DESC'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          modify screen.
    endform.                    "lock_p_desc_field

  • Reading POST-Request-Parameter-Values from WebDynPro now possible?

    in the past I always was disappointed that in WebDynPro there was no way to read POST-request-parameter-values directly after the call of a WebDynPro-Application.
    The only (documented) way to read / transfer request-data into an WebDynPro-application was via "URL query string parameters" in the request URL.
    The last week I forgot this restriction. I called my WebDynPro-application using a POST-Request-Parameter (cookie_guid) instead of an URL-parameter.
    After noticing my mistake, I was really surprised that the WebDynPro could read / shows the the POST-Request-Value.
    I didn't make any changes in the coding of my WebDynPro-Application (zvis_show_sso_cookie).
    After this cognition I built the following simple HTML-formular to analyse the behavior of the WebyDynPro by calling it with an URL-Parameter (cookie_guid=Url-GUID) together with the POST-Parameter (cookie_guid = Post-Value-GUID).
    After calling the WebyDynPro it reads / shows the "POST-Value" of the request !!!
    (Remark: If I made a simple refresh or type directly the URL "" in the browser, the same webdynpro reads / shows the URL-Parameter-Value).
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <form method="post" action="">
      <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
          <td align="right">Cookie_GUID:</td>
          <td><input name="cookie_guid" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="Post-Value-GUID"></td>
            <input type="submit" value=" Absenden ">
            <input type="reset" value=" Abbrechen">
    My questions:
    I there any documentation that describes the behavior of  WebDynPro after calling it by using POST-Parameter values?
    I believe in the past it wasn't possible to read POST-request-parameter-values in WD. Has SAP changed the functionality?
    Is the behavior I described in my example above mandatory?

    As far as i know in general HTTP request  GET method is standard but in SAP POST is standard.  All the client request is passed as POST to the server in order to avoid the URL parameter length restriction in GET method.

  • Report parameter value in RTF

    Hi ALL,
    I have a XML report having 3 parameter, i need to capture the value of those parameter in my RTF and based on that i need to do some validation.
    so how to get parameter value in RTF.
    Please help me on this.

    not clear what do you want
    first of all what's your architecture of your report?
    - parameters from ebs?
    - datatemplate?
    - package?
    so how to get parameter value in RTF.
    for datatemplate try
    <parameter name="P_YOUR_PARAM" dataType = "number" defaultValue="0"></parameter>
    <element name="ITEM_PARAM"  dataType="varchar2" value="your_package.get_YOUR_PARAM"/>
    </dataStructure>in package "your_package"
    function get_YOUR_PARAM
    return P_YOUR_PARAM;
    end;i need to capture the value of those parameter in my RTF and based on that i need to do some validation.
    validation in package or in rtf template?
    you can get all report parameters by package and use any complex logic for create result xml for template

  • How to understand the strange parameter values shown by 'pstack core'

    I encounterred a problem that led to a core dump. I use 'pstack core' to shown the calling stack.
    However I could hardly understand some of the parameter values below:
    core 'core.150108' of 5016:     cmcfun
    ff1e1370 __1cLComEndPointFsendv6MpnFiovec_i_i_ (c, ffbfedf8, 2, 2, c, 0) + 4
    Why did the 'this' pointer of the instance of class ComEndPoint become 0xc? I don't think it is a valid value of pointer. Does anybody have any idea about this problem?
    ff1e5b00 __1cYComTransaction_Icallback6FpnPpdo_transaction_pcii_v_ (6ab90, 0, 0, 0, ffbff1b8, 0) + dc
    According to the source code, the 3rd parameter in the function below, which value is 0x66, was not changed in the scope of the function. However it became 0x0 when it was used as the 4th parameter to call the function above. What't the matter?
    ff1528e8 pdo_dispatch (6ab90, ad, 66, 0, 0, 0) + dc
    I heard that Sun C++ uses 'register windows' to pass the parameters, i0~i5 are used for the first 6 ones. Somebody told me that what I saw in the pstack might not be creditable because the registers might be changed within the function. Is that so? Would anybody plz tell me more details?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: DirtyBear on Feb 15, 2008 1:17 AM

    Register windows are a property of the SPARC computer architecture, not a property of a compiler. SPARC has multiple sets of registers. The function call instruction advances the "register window" to reveal the next set of registers, if there is one. If not, the registers are spilled to the stack to free up a window. The function return instruction moves the window back. (It's a purely hardware feature.) Eight of the registers in adjacent windows overlap, the origin of the "window" term. Registers %o0 thorugh %o7 in the caller become registers %i0 through %i7 in the called function.
    On SPARC and x64, some function arguments are passed in registers, depending on how many arguments there are and their types. (The x86 architecture has no registers available for passing arguments.) On entry to a function, the parameters passed in registers might be saved on the stack, but do not necessarily need to be saved on SPARC. The Solaris ABI requires that space for the registers be allocated, but the space is not necessarily used.
    In a core dump, the actual registers, particularly for functions other than the current one, are not available. The pstack operation doesn't know how many parameters a function has or what type they are. It shows the contents of the first 6 words on the stack that would hold arguments, if there were arguments, and if they were actually saved on the stack.
    In optimized code on any platform, the stack area for a variable or argument is not kept up to date. Computations are kept in registers to the extent possible, and saved in memory only when necessary.
    On SPARC in particular, the argument values shown in a stack trace need not be accurate.

  • Ssrs 2008 r2 parameter values

    In a new ssrs 2008 r2 report, I need to display 2 of the parameter values in the heading of the report. One of the parameter values in the name and customer number. The second heading value is the city and state where the particular customer is located at.
    The customer table has the following values:
    a. cust_id int primary-id,
    b. customer_name varchar(50),
    c. cust_address1 varchar (50),
    d. cust_address2 varchar (50),
    e. cust_city_state varchar(40),
    f. cust_zip_providence varchar(30),
    g. cust_country varchar(30).
    Thus I need to place the  paramter values of customer_name and cust_city_state that are obtained from a dropdown list in the heading.
    when I try =first(customer_name) in the heading, the value is only good for the first customer name. After that, the wrong parameter value is displayed.
    Thus can you tell me and/or show me code of what I can do to place the parameter values
    of customer_name and cust_city_state in the heading of the report?

    Follow below steps,
    1. Create 3 Data set.
     DS1 = select * from customertable
     DS2 = select distinct customer_name from customertable
     DS3 = select distinct cust_id from customertable
    2. Add two parameter, customer name and customer number
     --------parameter 1
     - supply Name property for 1st parameter
     - datatype for the parameter is string
     - Available value property, Select dataset DS2, Select Field Value as "Customer_Name"
     --------parameter 2
     - supply Name property for 2st parameter
     - datatype for the parameter is string
     - Available value property, Select dataset DS3, Select Field Value as "Cust_id"
    3. Add a blank tablix/table.
     -- Select TableRow2 and right click to add new group i.e insert group.
     -- Group properties window will be openned,
     -- Select Group On Expression 1st.
     -- Select the parameter(Parameter1/customer name) by double clicking in the expression window
     -- Select Group On another Expression 2nd.
     -- Select the parameter(Parameter2/Cust Id) by double clicking in the expression window
     -- Now in the general tab you need to checked "Repeat Group Header"
     -- press ok to close the group properties window.
    4. Now from DS1 drag the field City and State in TableRow3 columns.
    5. Drag the Customer Name and Customer Id/Number in TableRow1.
    6. In case if First(Fields!CustomerName) appears then remove First function as simply "Fields!CustomerName". Similarly for Customer Number.
    7. Finally we need to set the filter condition of the table property. Open the table property by right clicking. On the "Filter" tab choose the expression as "Fields" items and double click "CustomerName" to add in the expression. Similarly add second
    field "CustomerNumber" in the expression. Check the operator "=" and choose the value as "Parameter" items respectively.
    Regards, RSingh

  • Error while exporting : ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob funct

    I am doing an export on a , solaris machine.
    The table i am doing an export has a blob & clob.
    During the export I get the error :
    EXP-00056: ORACLE error 24801 encountered
    ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function
    In metalink it was given : Check every parameter in the OCI Lob function call to make sure they
         are correct. Offsets should be greater than or equal to one.
    Where should I check for that OCI Lob function. Or is there any other alternative to do the export.
    Thanks for any help.

    I have increased the space on the mount I was doing the export and that solved the problem.

  • Getting QM parameter values for Raw Material on the basis of goods receipt

    Hi All,
    I have requirement, while generating inspection lot these  tables MCXD&MCXA should update.
    when we need a QM parameter value for the month, It should be the average of all the inspection lot generated for the month.
    Thanks in advance

    Ok.. I assume your talking about the actual test result value.  These do not roll up into the QM LIS structures used in transactions MCXA or MCXD.
    You might be able to create your own structures and have them updated but you would have develop that.
    You can create run charts for various MIC's and utilize the SPC functionality if you need monthly averages and trends.
    If your batch managed you can easily get reports of batch values via the CL30N transaction.  You'll want to make sure you have a characteristic for batch production or receipt date so you can sort and select by date.  These can then be loaded to Excel for summing and averaging.

  • Why do I get Missing Parameter Values error from CrystalReportViewer in VS2005

    Post Author: eseidel
    CA Forum: .NET
    Hi everyone,
    I have spent way to much time trying to figure this problem out and am getting no where now. I was hoping someone with more experience in CR for VS2005(I think v.9) and VS2005 may be able to help.  I have a report with 10 parameters that Im setting in code.  I have another 3 parameters in a subreport(with same names as 3 in main report) that are being pushed in(I hope) through my ApplyParams() method.  I have checked the output of each parameter before and after it is assigned in ApplyParams.  All values are being set....So why do I keep getting an error when I run it for Missing Parameter Values no matter what I do?  The error comes after SetDBLogonForReport(myConnectionInfo).  I have been struggling with this problem for almost 3 days now and have tried numerous approaches.  If I remove the subreport it works ok.  Why is subreport not getting parameters(I think this is where the problem stems from)?  Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you. If need be I can e-mail the report but I don't know how much that will help without being able to access the datasources.
    Code Snippet
    Private _Parameters As New System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary
    Public Property Parameters() As System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary
             Return (_Parameters)
         End Get
         Set(ByVal Value As System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary)
            If (Value Is Nothing Or _Parameters Is Nothing) Then Exit Property
            For Each entry As DictionaryEntry In Value
                _Parameters.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value)
       End Set
    End Property
    Private Sub SetParameters()
        Parameters("kiPerformance") = rptKi.ToString
        Parameters("PreparedBy") = rptPreparedBy
        Parameters("SupplierName") = rptSupplierName
        Parameters("Supplier") = rptSupplier  'Param in subreport too
        Parameters("ApprovedBy") = rptApprovedBy
        Parameters("kiPerformanceGoal") = rptKiThisGoal.ToString
        Parameters("kiForecastGoal") = rptKiForecast.ToString
        Parameters("kiNextGoal") = rptKiNextGoal.ToString
        Parameters("kiBegRange") = rptBegDate.ToString("d") 'Param in subreport too
        Parameters("kiEndRange") = rptEndDate.ToString("d") 'Param in subreport too
    End Sub
    Public Function ApplyParams()
        Dim rpt As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument = _
        If (rpt Is Nothing OrElse _Parameters Is Nothing) Then Return False
        Dim crParameterFieldDefinitions As ParameterFieldDefinitions = rpt.DataDefinition.ParameterFields
         If (crParameterFieldDefinitions Is Nothing) Then Return False
         For Each crParameterFieldDefinition As ParameterFieldDefinition In crParameterFieldDefinitions
             If ((Not crParameterFieldDefinition.IsLinked) And _
                 _Parameters.ContainsKey(crParameterFieldDefinition.Name)) Then
                   Dim crParameterValues As ParameterValues = _
                   If Not (crParameterValues Is Nothing) Then
                         Dim crParameterDiscreteValue As New ParameterDiscreteValue
                         crParameterDiscreteValue.Value =  _Parameters.Item(crParameterFieldDefinition.Name)
                         'Console.WriteLine(crParameterFieldDefinition.Name & ": " & crParameterDiscreteValue.Value)
                  End If
              End If
           crv.ReportSource = rpt
           Return Nothing
    End Function
    Private Sub ConfigureCrystalReports()
            Dim myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo
            Dim pFields As New ParameterFields()
             Dim pField As New ParameterField()
             Dim disVal As New ParameterDiscreteValue()
             'Connection stuff,sorry I can't show you this part
             'Bind report
            rptCard = New ReportCard
           rptCard.Subreports("FailOcc").SetDataSource(dsOcc)  'Ive tried without this line as well
           rptCard.PrintOptions.PaperSize = PaperSize.Paper11x17
           rptCard.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape
           crv.ReportSource = rptCard
           'Load parameters for report
    End sub
    Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal conn As ConnectionInfo)
             Dim tableLogOnInfos As TableLogOnInfos = crv.LogOnInfo
             For Each myTableLogOnInfo As TableLogOnInfo In tableLogOnInfos
                  myTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = conn
    End Sub
    Private Sub crv_Error(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.ExceptionEventArgs) Handles crv.Error
          e.Handled = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub crv_ReportRefresh(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.ViewerEventArgs) Handles crv.ReportRefresh
    End Sub

    Post Author: mewdied
    CA Forum: .NET
    By any chance are the parameters in your subreport stored procedure parameters?
    There was a specific fix for stored procedure parameters available from:
    The specific fix is described in the readme under Problem ID # ADAPT00532856

  • Error Missing parameter values - I get this in 11g app server only

    Hi.. I had an application in JSP-Struts, previously on 10g app server.  I now migrated the code into 11g. 
    I get the error on CrystalViewer.jsp 
    Missing parameter values
    Steps that lead up to the error:
    The very first time anyone enters the application and clicks a submit button on the jsp, after entering data and/or picking from drop menus, the error shows up on a separate page (thrown by crystalViewer.jsp)
    When I get this error, and click the browsers back button, and simply click the submit button on the jsp screen again, the reports work fine (like they do in 10g).
    Tried the following:
    I used log4j and followed the data as it made its way from Struts to Crystal Factory.  But once it gets out of Struts, and forwards to Crystal, I receive the error from the CrystalViewer.jsp
    Next, I removed code in struts-action, that used crystal factory to 'set parameter', and didnt send any parameters, letting my crystal report bring back some random records.. And this works even the first submit!  So the problem is only when I have to send parameters to crystsl
    Additional info:
    I do not send any null values across, since I read on these forums that folks were having issues with setting nulls etc... I check for null and then force 'All' in the parameter if the user does not enter data or pick from the drop-down.
    I need help resolving this . Thanks and have a great day.
    (Are there any changes to be made to the Struts config, or any additions to Web.xml? Should Crystal reports be changed in anyway so they can function like they did in 10g?)

    The Crystal SDK doesn't know or care that you're using Struts. 
    The exception is stating you're not setting parameters. 
    So wherever you're trying to set parameters, whatever's reaching the viewer don't have them set.
    Why not trace the workflow to see what's where?
    Ted Ueda

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    I have been downloading The Office Tv Episodes and i was wondering how to turn them into dvd's Toast and idvd both will not convert them.. is there something i must know to convert them? when my friends want to watch an episode i would rather them wa

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    I'm setting up a new SP 2013, and I'm trying to be very granular as it relates to "Least Privilege". I'm trying to figure out which accounts could be created as Managed Service Accounts (MSA's) and which ones truly need to be created as Domain User a

  • Can I digitally sign a SECURED document?

    I have a user who has received a SECURED document. I have attached the document properties page. My user would like to digitally sign this document. But, when she/I try to sign the document, the Signature option is grayed out. Can SECURED documents b

  • Javascript Questions Transfering code between docs

    Hello all, I am very new to this and I am trying to update a document that a person who is no longer with our company created.  He created an FDF for us that contains some Javascript and I would like to copy the it from his document into this new upd