FXS to FXS calling on the same SPA2101-NA

How do program an SPA2101-NA to place a call from one FXS port to the other FXS port on the same unit with out leaving the unit?  Is this possible?  We want to connect two proprietary software programs that require a basic dial-up modem.   They don't like VOIP.

I Believe that is not possible to do since the device is  an ATA there is no option on the device where we could configure the device to call the other LINE.

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     Cheers, Tom

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    As far as I know you can't, which sort of makes sense, it seems logical to pause whatever you are doing while you take a phone call, which after all is the primary function of a phone.

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    var resp
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    // code for IE
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         String value;
         synchronized (objContext) {
                   value=(String) objContext.getAttribute("Flag");
                        else if(value.equals("Done")){
                             PrintWriter out = null;
                                  try {
                                       out = response.getWriter();
                                  } catch (IOException e) {
                                       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                                                                } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                                       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
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    I'm not sure I'm following you. The mapping from URL to servlet can contain anything you want. So you could have the URL /blah/blah/blah that, with a mapping something like /blah/* would pass all requests with that URL pattern to your servlet - no one has to know it is a servlet. Your servlet could then parse the URL to see what it has to do or you could pass parameters as part of the URL or as hidden fields.

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    So then this means your Energy Saver preferences are corrupted somewhere. I would at least backup your data in case something else gets corrupted by a damaged directory, or the hard drive is beginning to show signs of its dying, or you find you might later need to repair your directory. Regardless, I wouldn't update your software until you find out why your Energy Saver doesn't work properly with the only third party item being a display.

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    | isolate! isolate! isolate! |

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    Thank you,

    I do this all the time. I call one for the combobox that has a list of the people, a
    and another with that data about the people filling a datagrid. Then use the combobox to filter the datagrid.
    In your sample though mak another  result="getDataListener(event)" and name it getDataListener2, so there is a dataprovider for the first and a seperat for the second.
    If your going to the same event the second one will replace the first one.
    Hope this helps

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  • How to differentiate multiple aRFC calls into the same session.

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    I have following problem:
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    KEEPING TASK when receiving the results.
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    My problem is when the status call fails. I just get an error message explaining what the problem is. But I don't get the exporting parameters.
    Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?
    kind regards,

    This is actually the workaround I made to go on.
    Actually the underlying logic in the RFM for getting the status is based on a synchronous call, as to say when you get the exception you know of which request it comes from.
    Therefore the exception messages and their parameters are well defined and according to the error situation filled with necessary data explaining the exception situation.
    Unfortunately the excpetion class used is based on the message T100 interface and has the limitations of just four message parameters and each of 50 charcter length.
    I overwrite the last message parameter with the needed obj parameter, taking the risk to overwrite valuable system responses explaining the situation.
    I thought there could be a more elegant solution from the framework itself.
    kind regards,



    This is a user forum. I suggest you call Apple or visit your local store to ask.

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           I've encountered a strange issue while developing with remote objects.
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    <mx:RemoteObject id="myFile" source="myRemoteClass" destination="amfphp"  showBusyCursor="true" makeObjectsBindable="true" fault="traceFault(event)"/>
    <mx:RemoteObject id="myXls"  source="myRemoteClass" destination="amfphp"  showBusyCursor="true" makeObjectsBindable="true" fault="traceFault(event)"/>
    in the init function I make this calls:
    then in the mxml code I bound the result of myFile to combobox1 and the result of myXls on combobox2.
    The problem arise when I call the myXls' listDir method. When I call it I receive the following error:
    Channel disconnected
    Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received
    The strange thing is that not only the myXls object returns this error, but also all the other 6 remote object return the same error above.
    I'm not sure, but I guess that the error could be caused by the two remote object which call the same php remote class. If I comment one of the two calls everything works fine.
    Do you have any suggestion about?

    Hi Jan.
    1) We have the 2 VO, each with 3 rows to fill in data. What I mean is that when i just fill in all the fields for the first row of the first VO, and the value of one of these fields is bigger than 50, then after the exception is thrown and the message is displayed, the fields for the first VO are duplicated and shown in the second VO as if the user had inserted them.
    2) We tried yesterday the validateEntity and a Method and Atributte Validator approaches after reading that white paper with the same results.
    The validation is correctly done using any of the those methods.
    I will try to reproduce this issue with the HR schema.
    Thanks in advance once again.

  • Two calls at the same time on agent detail

    Hi All,
    Pulling an agent detail report for an agent im showing two calls with exact same start and end time.  The first is listed as inbound non-acd and the second is listed as inbound acd, assigned to a queue which the agent is assigned to.
    never saw it before and cant begin to understand it.  Has anyone saw this before?

    Hey tomas.micovcin,
    I'm slightly confused by your question so i'd like to try and clarify a few things. 
    You have two AD7760. Each AD7760 is then connected to its own CED1Z. Is that correct?
    Next i'm confused between which of the two following scenario's you're interested in. 
    1.You're interested in taking measurement from the AD7760 and bringing them into LabVIEW using the CED1Z as a USB interface. This would involve building a USB driver to bring the data into the LabVIEW environment.
    2. You're interested in building code in LabVIEW that will acquire and process the data from the hardware. You then want to deploy this code to your Evaluation Board.
    Which of these scenarios are you interested in? If none of these, what are you trying to accomplish?
    Also... could you go into more detail on what you mean by "if is possible use LabView program \download from www.analog.com\, becouse i can,t find in "source code " place where i can choose name of usb port where is connect." I'm kind of confused as to what you're asking here. 
    Tim A.
    National Instruments

  • Erratic behavior with multiple calls to the same RFC

    I am running into a strange problem invoking a custom RFC from a .NET application. I would appreciate it if someone has any insight into it.
    The steps to call the RFC are straightforward:
    1. Open the connection to SAP server
    2. Make the call
    3. Close the connection
    As you can imagine, the code is also quite simple. 
    In my simulation program, I have a button on a UI form that one can click and execute the above steps.
    The problem I am running into is that, on multiple calls, sometimes the parameter values that show up on the SAP side are not right. When the input parameter (a structure) is viewed in the ABAP debugger, the field values are all getting exchanged. For example, first name field contains values for the last name. Also, some fields that are supposed to have values do not have any.
    Just before the RFC call is made, when we look at the structures on the .NET side, the field values are the way they are supposed to be.
    I have not been able to establish a pattern. Sometimes, it takes two clicks to reproduce this problem. Sometimes it takes five.
    One of the team members thinks that this starts occurring right after one call fails for some valid reasons. However, I am not yet convinced.
    Having written many custom .NET applications using RFCs an BAPIs, I am fairly conversant with the technology. However, this one just baffles me. It appears something is getting messed up at the RFC layer itself. Does anyone have any idea on what could be happening?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Indeed this is interesting .
    The problem is caused by an incompatible change from .NET Framework 1.1 to 2.0. Howerver, the documentation on the 1.1. API was not clear enough to decide if the incompatible change was adequate or not. Now in detail:
    NCo runtime uses the reflection API Type.GetProperties to read and cache all properties of a Proxy structure. NCo assumes that the order of the returned properties is the same on each call and especially that it is the order of the properties as they appear in source code. This was the behavior in .NET 1.1. It has changed in 2.0, see e.g. the internet forum discussion in http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread455492.html .
    Calling Type.GetProperty(<PropertyName>) or Type.SetProperty(<PropertyName>)  in your code moves the mentioned properties up in the list returned by Type.GetProperties() later inside of NCo.
    We found the following work-arroud:
    When using late-binding, call a dummy Type.GetProperties()  before any GetProperty or SetProperty.

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