FYI : Filenames also cause installation failure

I recently tried to package and install my application using
adt utility.
I was able to successfully create .air file but when I tried
to install it I got the following error:
"The application could not be installed because the AIR file
is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application
Here's my .airappinstall.log :
Starting app install of file:///E:/AIR/n2.air
UI SWF load is complete
UI initialized
Converting to C:\Documents and Settings\shoaib\Local
Failed while converting AIR file: [ErrorEvent type="error"
bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Signature
Verification failed" errorID=0]
Starting cleanup
Installation exited
When I searched for the cause of this error, I found that
mostly out of date certificate can cause it. But I was creating a
self-signed cert right before using adt to package my app.
So I picked a simpler form of my app. (minus all the
resources folders) and tried again and it installed Ok.
After a lot of hit and trials I found out that the culprit
was a file named 'prec&von.jpg' , I simply renamed this file
and the air package installed ok. I have no exposure to MAC
enviornment, maybe the mentioned filename is invalid on MAC
platform and thats why air installer was preventing installation.
Hope this helps.

Thanks. I have verified the problem and filed a bug.

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == install download ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

    Hi Richie.
    Have you tried re-downloading the installer? You can get it for free at [http:/].

  • Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x800F0922

    Hi folks,
    I have a HP Elitebook Folio 9470p.  It came with Windows 8, and I installed it on my corporate domain.  I was trying to do some Windows updates so  I could upgrade it to Windows 8.1, but it fails installing the updates, whether or not I try
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    Hi MM. Mr Kywildcat and Vegan Fan,
    GOOD NEW ! At this time, my issue is solved. The only black side is "how ?" : I hope that we will get a response some day ; however, and for in information  pnly - hoping this could help someone - I resume some actions which allowed this the happy end
    1) about installing 8.1 : I wanted to be sure that gain/pain ratio was positive, and that upgrading from a (potentially) damaged system would'nt produce something looking like a new Win 8.1, but difficult to maintain and keeping some negative potentialities.
    2) I was influenced by the fact that this
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    3)   Manual update (i.e. manual download and maunching of .msu packages) of the 2 following packages
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    --> always succesful.
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    0x800f0922, but 0x80004003 :
    2014-02-15 21:29:13, Info                  CBS    Could not get active session for current session file logging [HRESULT = 0x80004003 - E_POINTER]
    2014-02-15 21:29:13, Info                  CBS    Not able to add pending.xml.bad to Windows Error Report. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-02-15 21:29:18, Error  CBS    Startup: Failed to process advanced operation queue, startupPhase: 0.  A rollback transaction will be created. [HRESULT = 0x800f0922 - CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED]
    Anyway, thanks to you who spent some of your time to describe issues and search/ suggest solutions ; I will upgrade my system to 8.1 anyway, some of this day, when I am sure that my configuration does not hides some other problem. I thing that potential
    issue remains until maybe a new KB corrects it, wrong :-) ?
    And I hope that you - Mr Kywildcat - can upgrade your system on "current levels" trying similar attempts. 

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    The issue may also cause by the corrupt ISO download. Please download the Lync server ISO again.
    Please also try to copy the ISO to local workstation and setup.
    Here is a similar case may help you:
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make
    sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Looks like Setup is having problems installing in a Hyper-V virtual machine.
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    Any clue why installing under VM causes 9926 to fail?
    Thank you in advance.
    Well this is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given...

    According to the error message, this problem seems like update package installation failed during system upgrade.
    You can try to remove ESD file which locate at boot of C drive and upgrade the system again for test.
    On the other hand, make sure the system 9879 installed all Windows pushed updates before system upgrade.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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    I've seen this before. The previous customer who reported it decided to fix the filenames, so the problem "went away".
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    Please confirm your ACR version from Help->About Plugin->Camera Raw and provide us with the following logs.
    You can find them at:
    ACR Installer logs
    For Mac:
    For Win:
    Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers
    AAM logs
    For Mac:
    /Volumes/%Volume Name%/Users/%Username%/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0
    For Win:
    You can zip all the files together and send us through mail. This would help us in finding the root cause.
    Appreciate your help. Apologize for the inconvenience.
    [email protected]

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    Hope this is your problem also.

  • Adobe Player for Embedding installation failure

    Multiple tries but only failure - have tried both the automatic update and also the standalone installer. Zero sucess. Since I have CS5 Master Collection hate to wate the better part of the day doing a clean re-install. Here is my most recent update log file.
    Any suggestions on what I should try are welcome!
    Visit for more information
    START - Installer Session
    RIBS version:
    Win OS version: 64 bit Type: 1
    ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    CHECK: Single instance running
    CHECK : Credentials
    Load Deployment File
    deploymentFile option not given
    Create Required Folders
    Assuming install mode
    Looking up install source path
    Sync Media DB ...
    ::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]
    Pre check media db sync
    End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 185.497 miliseconds (0.185497 seconds) DTR = 21.5637 KBPS (0.0210583 MBPS)
    Ready to initialize session to start with ...
    ::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]
    -------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------
    Updated source path: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobeAPE3_Win64_NoLocale\3.1\Setup
    Updating media info for: {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62}
    Ignoring original data since install source is local
      Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name:
      Path: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobeAPE3_Win64_NoLocale\3.1\Setup\pay loads\AdobeAPE3_x64-mul-230810150122\Install.db
    --------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------
    Supported RIBS version range: [,]
    ----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x64 ---------------
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:25 2010  INFO
    ______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______
    Overwrite property "extensionsOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "mode" to: silent
    Overwrite property "patchesOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "workflow" to: updater
    Found payload actions:
    Deciding what installer mode to use...
    BEGIN Setting requested payload actions
    Value returned on lookup of payload: {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62} Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul is: false
    Action string for  {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62} Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul  is install
    END Setting requested payload actions
    Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR
    INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path
    INSTALLDIR is not the root path
    INSTALLDIR is on a local volume
    INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume
    INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume
    INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\APE\3.1
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010  INFO
    Payloads passed preflight validation.
    Call PreSession Custom Hook
    Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62}
    ::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62}]
    [    5276] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010  INFO
    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    Extracting assets...
    Extracting assets complete. Number assets: 1
    CustomizedPatch property not found in database
    Beginning installation for payload at C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobeAPE3_Win64_NoLocale\3.1\Setup\pay loads\AdobeAPE3_x64-mul-230810150122\Install.db
    [    5276] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010 ERROR
    6 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    [    5276] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010  INFO
    Completing installation for payload at C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobeAPE3_Win64_NoLocale\3.1\Setup\pay loads\AdobeAPE3_x64-mul-230810150122\Install.db
    [    5276] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010 ERROR
    6 Error rolling back command ARKPatchCommand
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:27 2010  INFO
    *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    :: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62}] took 1024.22 miliseconds (1.02422 seconds) DTR = 3.90539 KBPS (0.00381386 MBPS)
    User specified overrideFile:
    Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62} Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul
    No operation.  We're done:
    Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry
    Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was removed. ARP estimated size 0KB
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:29 2010  INFO
    Total components installed: 0
    Total components repaired: 0
    Total components removed: 0
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:29 2010 ERROR
    The following payload errors were found during install:
    - Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul: Install failed
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:29 2010  INFO
    Call PostSession Custom Hook
    :: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 7290.45 miliseconds (7.29045 seconds) DTR = 144.298 KBPS (0.140916 MBPS)
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ERROR: 6 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    ERROR: 6 Error rolling back command ARKPatchCommand
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul: Install failed
    Search the same string above to find when the error occured.
    Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow
    END - Installer Session

    As an update to my previous post about the installation failure.  I chatted with Adobe Customer Service but they were unable to help and told me to call tech support - last time I did that I was unable to resolve the problem after spending about 2 hours on the phone and they are only open during the week.
    I solved the problem by:
    1) Deactiviating CS5 Master Collection on my computer
    2) Uninstalling the software from the control panel (I did not remove the serial number as I was planning on re-installing.
    3) Downloading and running the Adobe CS5 Cleanup tool.
    4) Reinstalling CS5 MC.
    5) Downloading and installing all of the updates to bring the install up to date.
    I am glad it is working as it should but really had better things to do with the 4-5 hours this took to do. Would be nice to have a tool to fix these types of problem without having to go thru the above especially considering the price the software costs...

  • CS6 Installation Failure - Adobe Genuine Software Verification Error

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    I have uninstalled and re-downloaded it with no success, and the only forum post i can see on this suggests checking the date/time on the PC are correct (which they are).
    Any further ideas?  
    Many thanks

    Thanks very much for replying Mylenium - i found this before but it only contains a link to photoshopCC rather than CS6 unless I have missed it??.    I have bought a licence for the student/teacher edition of CS6 (which I am still waiting for) so presume that downloading photoshop CC wont work.  
    I have also tried the 'troubleshoot' link provided but couldnt find anything specific to this error.
    Has anyone successfully resolved this problem for CS6?

  • Installation Failures?

    I'm getting installation failures with Coldfusion 8.0.1 --
    I'm assuming it's a java problem. What version of java should I be
    running? I'm running the latest and greatest, yet during install
    (before I get to any options), I get the following error:
    This Application Has Unexpectedly Quit
    Invocation of this Java Application has caused a
    Anyone have the same issue?
    --- java stack trace below --
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not
    get shell folder ID list
    at$ComInvoker.invoke( 6)
    at 127)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.setUI(
    at javax.swing.JFileChooser.updateUI(
    at javax.swing.JFileChooser.setup(
    sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( 39)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.a(DashoA8113)
    at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.d(DashoA8113)
    at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.h(DashoA8113)
    at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.a(DashoA8113)
    at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(DashoA8113)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(DashoA8113)
    at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(DashoA8113)
    Caused by: Could not get shell folder ID
    at$ComInvoker$ )

    I'm trying to install the ColdFusion 8 30-day trial on
    Windows 2003 (fully updated) server and each time, fails on
    "Installing Web Connectors". IIS is installed and serving 10
    websites. The installer continues to appear that it's running, but
    hangs on "Installing Web Server Connectors". The Event viewer shows
    "ColdFusion Application Started". If I force the install to stop,
    it writes install log that "asf".
    I have tried updating server, restarting, performing
    uninstall. My guess is that..
    A. Some type of special uninstall clean-up that needs to be
    performed prior to any reinstall.
    B. That some strange conflict with IIS or .NET?
    After 18 installations, not yet had a problem so this is a
    first and unsure how to proceed.

  • 3rd Part Menory Causes Fan Failure

    Bought my MBP about 9 months ago and shortly thereafter installed a 1G Ram Module from OWC. 2 Weeks ago my Right hand side fan statred making an awfull racket and then dies. Contacted Apple who had me send it to them. Received my computer last nite. Now remember the only thing wrong with this MBP was the fan. The Hardware Test (Short/Long) run from Disk 1 showed only a Fan Problem. No Memory, Mother Board, Etc. I received the computer back with the Main Logic Board Replaced, Disk Drive Slicked, Memory in a plastic Bag. And the MBP is unusable as received from Apple. Screen goes black, locks up, etc. Tried Reinstalling OSX and it would not complete. I sent about 5 hours on the phone with Apple Tech Support on receiving my MBP back in worse condition than it was sent in for. After going around and around with Apple I got a good tech who said it was a definit hardware issue (Others wanted to first buy Apple-Care for 359 or a 49 version) but since its still falls within one year and also 90 day warrenty if Apple Screwed it up I refused. Finally it will be sent back in to "HOPEFULLY" be fixed this time! Anyways, enogh venting and back to the original question; "Will A Ram Module Cause A Failure To A Fan?" Just one fan by the way the left one worked but upon return they said they replaced both. Thanks for allowing me to vent!! Hopefully this is a fluke on Apple Support since I really miss my Laptop right now!!
    MBP   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Thanks for the response. Yes I am or was using SMC Fan Control along with iStat in the Dash for moniotring. I work with a lot of PC's and have built my own from MB and Up. Since I am fairly new to Mac but in all my years I have never heard of Memory causing a failure of a Fan. I could as you said believe Kernel Panics or Programs screwing up or reboots for that matter. My assumption is that they did not like the OWC Memory or the addition of Non-Apple Memory. I also find it hard to believe my Main Logic Board all of a sudden (In the Apple Techs Hands) went bad. I can understand maybe the drive being slicked and fans switched in-pairs. But the rest I find really off the wall. I just hope that they can correct the problems right this time since I have been hyping my MBP since I got it and now this is a real show-stopper for me!

  • Lenovo update causes startup failures

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    Also PC Doctor won't run and the system BSOD whn I attempt to connect an external monitor.  All this after I updated using the Lenovo update.

    Welcome to Lenovo Community, rcarbis. Thank you for sharing your experience. This may indeed help others.
    ThinkPad: T530 / X1 Gen 2 / Helix - Yoga: Tablet 2 Pro (Win) / Yoga 3 Pro
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please click the "Accept As Solution" button.
    Lenovo Advocate ~ I am not employed by Lenovo or Microsoft. I am a volunteer.
    Microsoft MVP - Consumer Security

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