Galaxy S6 Car Bluetooth Problems

I was wondering if anybody else is having car Bluetooth issues with the Galaxy S6.  I previously had an S3 that worked great in my car (2013 Subaru XV Crosstrek) with no problems. The phone is paired with the Bluetooth in my car, but every time I shut the car off the Call Audio and Media Audio shut off and will not automatically turn back on when I turn the car back on.  Every time I start the car I have to go into Settings, Bluetooth, it shows CAR MULTIMEDIA is paired but I have to click on the little wheel to the right of that and manually turn on Call Audio and Media Audio.  Sometimes it takes 6-8 tries to get them both to turn on.  Also, when I use Pandora, sometimes it will show song, artist, etc. sometimes not. Samsung has been no help. We called Subaru National Support to see if there is a firmware update but they said no it is a Samsung problem.

I am definitely having the same issue getting it pared is half the battle. Once it is pared then it's trying to get the voice to work the media audio connects no problem.. Then now the issue is that it connects then disconnects over and over.. Also I do have a galaxy gear 2 neo however I had this with my s5 as well and had it (the gs5) connected to my 2014 Toyota Tundra as well as my Neo with no problems at all for almost a year . Then when I called Verizon customer service  I was told after calling Samsung while I was on the phone that Samsung had been made aware of the problem but had not had enough people say anything to make them start working on a fix in the way of an update so I of course made sure that Samsung was going to lay for any damages from any accidents occurring whilst I was without my hands free calling to Which they replied with a laugh... So now basically I am stuck without hands free calling until Samsung decides that they are going to maybe...... come up with a fix/update for the 600 dollar phone I just bought a week ago that no longer has one of the main features of the phone.. Thanks Samsung for the last few years I have bought the S3 S4 should have never bought the S5 because it was supposed to have everything the 6 now does have but Samsung is greedy and has to push out another year and get as much profit as possible. and Now the S6... Defending your flagship phone/Brand to the death against the, only popular because it's trendy Apple Icrap.. and now they (Samsung) can't get off there money collecting ***** to solve a major issue for there flagship phone because they don't know if enough people have the problem yet .. I can assure you that this will be my last Samsung if nothing is done somewhat quickly. Sorry for the rant.

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    Yup, same issue.
    I have to disconnect the lead from the phone before answering a call.  Somewhat hard sometimes when driving...
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    i have a honda crv, 9 month old. I have before an iphone 5 s, it was perfect./ios7.1.2/
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    this time 8.1.2
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    Turn Off BT on your Phone & ReBoot..
    Delete the phone from the vehicles memory..
    Restart the Vehicle & go thro' the Pair set up..........

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    Can anyone help me about my problem. I bought new phone Nokia C7 with Anna software and I have a problem with pairing with my car (Bluetooth device Parrot CK3000 Evo). I think that the problem is with phone, because when I paired devices all things work well, but when I turn off the car (Parrot is switched off) and go away, other phones that I previously used disabled connection and can be used normally. But with this phone I see that for the phone connection still present (?!?) The car symbol on display still shown, and when I try to use the phone, I can make call, other people say that they receive calling , but I can't hear them, and they can't hear me. When I manually disconnect Bluetooth device, phone work normally, but when I am in the car again, two devices doesn't initiate pairing, and again I have to do this manually. It' a huge problem for me.
    Is there anyone who have the same problem, or anyone who know how to solve this. I  couldn't find option to solve this from menus.
    Any ideas?
    Unfortunately my warranty doesn't allow me to change software version from 022.014 to another... but if this will help...

    Thank you for your reply,
    Do you think, that the solution is new update for Parrot device?
    As I understand, you still have the problem and your hope is this update eventually.
    Do you read somewhere something about this?
    I have registration in Parrot forum, but I haven't read inside anything about  the problem . It looks, that they never heard about it...

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    I have an iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S under 7.1.2 and they work perfectly with my car bluetooth (Land-Rover).
    I have now an iPhone 5S, that was delivered with iOS 7.1.2 and after updating in OTA mode to iOS 8, it worked fine also with my car.
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    I think that obvioulsly iOS 8 is faulty, and Apple guys, if you read me, I think it is really a pitty from Apple to deliver this OS with such bug without giving possibility to downgrade !!! (if possible, I would immediatly come back to iOS 7.1.2, waiting for the fix).
    I HOPE it will be fixed quickly now !!!

  • Problem with car bluetooth after firmware update.

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    I have tried new pairings etc but it still wont make calls?
    Anyone any ideas what to try next?
    Thanks Baggy69.

    No one any ideas ???

  • Bluetooth problems(car handsfree link) in 6 plus ios 8.0.2

    I installed ios 8.0.2 in my iphone 6 plus and from then on, i am not able to make or place calls through my car bluetooth (but listening to audio is working fine). i have an acura and bluetooth was working fine in ios8. Just checking if anyone experiencing the same.

    Hello there, sainalla.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps for troubleshooting the issue you're desribing:
    If you can’t use a Bluetooth accessory or car kit
    To resolve the issue, you'll need to first sign in to iCloud and review your devices:
    Sign in to iCloud on your iOS devices.
    On one of your devices, tap Settings > Bluetooth and look under My Devices. You'll see all devices that are connected to Bluetooth, but make sure that you see your Apple devices that are signed in to iCloud and are using iOS 8.
    Sign out of your iCloud account from any devices that you don't want to use. To sign out of iCloud on an iOS device, tap Settings > iCloud > Sign Out.
    Then, remove any inactive devices from iCloud:
    Sign in to
    Select Find My iPhone.
    Select any devices that aren't active anymore.
    Wait for Find My iPhone to stop trying to find the inactive device.
    You should see the option to remove this device from your account. Select it to remove the device.
    After following the steps above, restart the device with the issue. Then try to use it with your Bluetooth accessory.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Phone disconnects from car Bluetooth when skipping a song on Spotify.

    How's that for an oddly specific problem? Using a Samsung Galaxy Ace 3, Spotify and the car Bluetooth (Suzuki Swift, if that's relevant).  Phone connects to Bluetooth no problem.  To the problem: When selecting a song from a playlist or artist (I assume from anywhere else, but I haven't tried) the phone will disconnect from Bluetooth, Spotify will continue playing, silently, then the phone will reconnect, and start playing through the car speakers (already a few seconds progressed into the song).  The same issue occurs (disconnecting from Bluetooth, then reconnecting) a) when skipping songs (either through the car's Bluetooth controls, or manually on the Spotify app) and b) when the song reaches its end and naturally progresses to the next. Plot twist, though, if I pause the song, then skip to the next one, it will start playing the new song instantly, with no disconnect issue. I've tried this with other music playing apps (aka not Spotify) and the issue does not persist. EDIT: I've tried offline and online, problem persists for both. I'm sure you can imagine that this is an incredibly annoying issue, and I'd love any support you can offer. Especially given that mobile playing is 95% of the reason I'm paying for premium.

    Use this:

  • E72 upgraded to 071.004 bluetooth problems

    I've upgrade my E72 to version 071.004 and now I can't pair it with my Ford Focus Bluetooth radio. The phone keeps checking for devices and can't find the car bluetooth. This is a major problem for me as use it daily.
    Meanwhile I've read there's a new firmware version (81.003) but it doesn't seem to be available here in Portugal. I've already checked for updates via OTA and through the Nokia Suite but it says there's no updates.
    Can anyone help me with this problem? Is there any solution? Is it possible to downgrade to the previous firmware version?
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Best regards,
    Pedro Meireles.

    There has certainly been some modification to Bluetooth connectivity in v081.003 as much less drama in sending photos to Mac by Bluetooth now!
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

  • IPhone 4s No Longer connects to Car Bluetooth after iOS 7.1 Update

    My iPhone 4s has been paired to our 2006 Acura TL hands free link (Bluetooth) and working flawlessly for more than a year.  After the iOS 7.1 update installed on my iPhone the connection has been lost and the car's Bluetooth does not recognize, and will not pair with my iPhone anymore!  I noticed there were two back-to-back updates for iOS7.  The first one caused intermittent interruptions and lost connections with the iPhone.  The second update completely destroyed the connection between the car bluetooth and the iPhone.  Any ideas on how to correct this problem would certainly be appreciated.  Thanks!    

    Hello algee1,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with pairing your iPhone with your Acura.
    In my experience, when updates are released for iOS devices, compatible devices release an update to maintain compatibility.  Step 2 from the article below recommends checking with the manufacturer of your car stereo to see if there is a firmware update available for your car stereo:
    2. Update software and firmware if necessary
    Verify that both your car stereo and your device have the latest software versions. Contact the manufacturer to see if any updates are available. If your device does not have the latest version of the iOS, update to the latest software version.
    I recommend reviewing the full article here for additional troubleshooting steps:
    iOS: Troubleshooting car stereo connections
    I also recommend these steps if the issue persists after following all the steps in the previous article:
    Unable to find nearby Bluetooth accessories
    If a pairing record already exists, the device does not appear as discoverable. Try to connect the device using that pairing record.
    If you are unable to connect using the existing pairing record, delete the record and pair again.
    Ensure that the firmware or software on the Bluetooth accessory is up to date.
    Ensure that the Bluetooth accessory is charged or connected to power.
    Verify that the Bluetooth accessory is using a profile that works with the iOS device.
    Turn off both the iOS device and the Bluetooth accessory, then turn both devices on again.
    If the issue persists, test Bluetooth with another device or consult the manufacturer's documentation.
    You can find the full article here:
    iOS: Third-party Bluetooth headsets, headphones, and keyboards
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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