Game Heap Space - Out Of Memory Error

Hi there,
Ive completed my pacman/space invaders hybrid game- which has a main game and two playable videos. Its all fine, but when I go to run it it says;
Exception in thread "Image Fetcher 1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Image Fetcher 2" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Ive come to realise that this error is from the amount of data used to make up the game/video with there being around 150 images for the videos. Ive temporarily corrected this problem by making each video 26 images long (2.6secs each) but to get the full experience the user need to see around 75images.
After a bit of research I found that i needed to increase my 'heap space'- and I attempted to do this thru cmd, attemptin to increase it to 512mb.
The problem is the game doesnt have a main, or at least not one that I nor the computer can locate. And to get the heap space to increase it needs a main?!
I honestly dont know what I am doing here- but could anyone tell me how I can increase my heap space or locate a main? Im really confused!
Any help appreciated

Thanks for your help ArikArikArik, the problem with that method is.... 1. im not too sure how to use it :P and 2. In my original code the images are added to the tracker which waits from all the images to be loaded before it continues.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.applet.AudioClip;
import java.awt.*;
public class ICGGSApplet extends JApplet implements Runnable {
    // constants describing possible game states
    private static final int SHOW_MOVIE = 1;
    private static final int PLAY_GAME = 2;
    private static final int STOPPED = 3;
    private static final int SHOW_MOVIE2 = 4;
    private int gameState;   // the current game state
    private String name;     // the player's name
    private long frameStartTime;  // the time the last frame was displayed
    private Thread gameLoop;   // thread to run the game and movie
    // associated objects
    private Movie theMovie;      // Panel to display the movie
    private MonsterGame theGame;  // Panel to display the game
    private ICGGSPanel currentPanel;  // the currently displayed Panel (can be null)
    private Movie2 theMovie2; // Panel to display the second movie
     * Called when applet is first loaded
     *  sets up the attributes, load media, creates game objects
     *  and sets up interface
    public void init() {
        // neither the movie nor the game is currently playing
        currentPanel = null;
        gameState = STOPPED;
        name = "";
        // load up the audio files
        AudioClip theAudio = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "../media/shock.wav");
        AudioClip theAudio2 = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "../media/applause.wav");
        AudioClip theAudio3 = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "../media/bomb.wav");
        AudioClip theAudio4 = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "../media/cashtill.wav");
        AudioClip theAudio5 = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "../media/pacman.wav");
        // create a media tracker to monitor the loading of the images
        MediaTracker theTracker = new MediaTracker(this);
        // load up the images for the movie
        Image movieImages[] = new Image[25];
        for (int i=0; i<movieImages.length; i++) {
            movieImages[i] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "../media/movie" + (i+1) + ".jpg");
            theTracker.addImage(movieImages, i);
// load up the images for the second movie
Image movieImages2[] = new Image[25];
for (int i=0; i<movieImages2.length; i++) {
movieImages2[i] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "../media/firingGun" + (i+1) + ".jpg");
theTracker.addImage(movieImages2[i], i);
// load up the images for the munchies
Image image1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "../media/munchie1.gif");
theTracker.addImage(image1, 4);
Image image2 = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "../media/munchie2.gif");
theTracker.addImage(image2, 5);
Image image3 = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "../media/munchie3.gif");
theTracker.addImage(image3, 6);
// wait for all the images to be loaded
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// create the movie object
theMovie = new Movie(movieImages);
theMovie2 = new Movie2(movieImages2);
// create the game object
theGame = new MonsterGame(image1, image2, image3, theAudio, theAudio2, theAudio3, theAudio4, theAudio5);
// Initialise key-input functionality
addKeyListener(new Input()); // add keyboard listener to applet
* Called when the Applet is ready to start executing
public void start() {
// ask the user for their name
name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "What is your name?");
// start running the movie/game animation
if (gameLoop == null) {
gameLoop = new Thread(this);
* Called when the gameLoop thread is started
* loops continuously until user quits
public void run() {
int input = Input.NONE;
// game loop
while (input != Input.QUIT) {
// what is the current time?
frameStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
input = checkInput();
if (gameState != STOPPED) // only necessary if the movie or game is showing
} else
showStatus("Press 'G' to start game, 'M' to show movie or 'F' to show the second movie");
* called when the Applet is stopped
* stops the gameLoop thread
public void stop() {
if (gameLoop != null) {
gameLoop.interrupt(); // stops the animation thread
gameLoop = null;
* called from the gameLoop
* checks for the last key stroke input by the user
* @return int - Input class constant representing user input
public int checkInput() {
int input = Input.checkUserInput();
switch (input) // how the input is handled depends on the current game state
case Input.GAME:
// the user wants to play the game
if (gameState == STOPPED) // not currently playing a game or movie
// display the panel showing the game
currentPanel = theGame;
this.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, currentPanel);
// set up a new game
gameState = PLAY_GAME;
showStatus("Use arrow keys to move Monster, S key to stop");
} // otherwise ignore
case Input.MOVIE:
// the user wants to see the movie
if (gameState == STOPPED) // not currently playing a game or movie
// display the panel showing the movie
currentPanel = theMovie;
this.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, currentPanel);
gameState = SHOW_MOVIE;
showStatus("Press S key to stop");
} // otherwise ignore
case Input.MOVIE2:
// the user wants to see the second movie
if (gameState == STOPPED) // not currently playing a game or movie
// display the panel showing the movie
currentPanel = theMovie2;
this.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, currentPanel);
gameState = SHOW_MOVIE2;
showStatus("Press S key to stop");
} // otherwise ignore
case Input.STOP:
// the user wants to stop the movie or game being shown
if (gameState == SHOW_MOVIE ) {
currentPanel = null;
"OK " + name + " I've stopped the movie");
} else if (gameState == PLAY_GAME) {
currentPanel = null;
"OK " + name + " I've stopped the game");
} else if (gameState == SHOW_MOVIE2 ) {
currentPanel = null;
"OK " + name + " I've stopped the movie"); }
gameState = STOPPED;
showStatus("Press 'G' to start game, 'M' to show movie");
Input.reset(); // reset the input module
this.repaint(); // redisplay the applet
return input; // return for further processing (eg to control movement of Monster)
* called from the gameLoop
* pauses between frames
* @param millis long - minimum frame time
public void frameDelay(long millis) {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // what time is it now?
long elapsedTime = frameStartTime - currentTime; // how long has it been since the start of the frame?
if (elapsedTime < millis) // is it time to showing the new frame yet?
try {
Thread.sleep(millis - elapsedTime); // pause for the remaining time
} catch(Exception e) {
Thats the whole code for the applet- preloadin the image (and also everything that doesnt relate to this problem lol). Ive asked around and the answer I was given I wasnt satisfied with- make the files smaller/delete some- the files are already at their smallest about 10kb each. And also apparently (I didnt know this...) but due to security restirictions I wouldnt be able to increase the heap size anyway (this is to run the applet on my own... and others computers).
So Im really too sure what to do at the minute. Anymore help would be appreciated though.
Thank you!

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    set WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT=-Xms256m -Xmx2048m
    set WLS_MEM_ARGS_32BIT=-Xms256m -Xmx512m
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  • Out of memory error for large recordings:

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    Q3: Is there any file to set the maximum permissible steps for a process recording? If so, please let me know. It would be a great help.

    If the size of the documents you are adding as input are very large this could result in OOM errors so that is something to consider. 
    Some other things to try are as follows:
    1. Increase memory allocated by JBoss by another 200 - 300 M as per the following documentation on the web: 7
    2. Read the following sections of the Workbench Help which can be found on the web and describes how to limit your recording storage space used: 0
    I would suggest increasing your maxNumberOfRecordingEntries to about 200.

  • Out of memory Error in ADF appication

    Hi All,
    I am using JDev
    In my application we are performing the following activities.
         1. File Upload
         2. File download
         3. inputListOfValues(Magnifier LOV where we will be loading thousand of row in search results table).
    And our application should support 50 concurrent sessions at any point of time.
    Right now Our JDev is configured with a Heap Space of 512MB.
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    Is there any way that we can avoid Out of memory error. Please suggest any tools through which we can track the objects causing the Memory leak.
    please suggest.
    thanks in Advance.

    inputListOfValues(Magnifier LOV where we will be loading thousand of row in search results table).
    If you load and scroll over thousands of VO rows, then the VO will load all these rows in memory if the VO has not been configured to do Range Paging, which may cause out of memory. By default, VOs are not configured to do Range Paging. Please, try with VO Range Paging in order to minimize VO's memory footprint. (When a VO is configured to do Range Paging, it will keep in memory only a couple of ranges of rows. The default range size is 25, so it will keep in memory a few tens of rows). UI does not need to be changed and the user will scroll over the rows in an <af:table> in the normal way as he/she used to.
    Right now Our JDev is configured with a Heap Space of 512MB.
    JDev's heap size does not matter. The heap that you should check (and maybe increase) is the Java heap of the Integrated Weblogic Server, where the application is deployed and run. The heap size of the Integrated WLS is configured in the file <JDev_Home>/jdeveloper/system.xx.xx.xx.xx/DefaultDomain/bin/setDomainEnv.cmd (or .sh).
    Please suggest any tools through which we can track the objects causing the Memory leak.
    You can try Java Mission Control + Flight Recorder (former Oracle JRockit Mission Control), which is an awesome tool.

  • Out of Memory Error in iplanet 6.1

    While starting iplanet 6.1 sp2 in HP-UX 11.00 , out of memory error occurs. Value for JVM heapsize is set to min 128 MB and Max of 512 MB. Tried changing both the values to 512 MB, still the error occurs.
    Please revert with any solution.

    Please find the values of JVM HeapSIze and HP-UX process and address space limits.
    JVM Heap size has been changed to
    Min 128MB
    Max 2GB
    max_thread_proc 2048
    maxdsiz 1073741824
    maxssiz 401604608
    maxtsiz 1073741824
    After the modification of the above changes , out of memory errors occurs.Find the logfile below.
    [21/Feb/2005:09:37:31] failure ( 8528): for host trying to POST /wect/servlets/com.citicorp.treasury.westerneurope.maintenance.PageLinksServlet, service-j2ee reports: StandardWrapperValve[PageLinksServlet]: WEB2792: Servlet.service() for servlet PageLinksServlet threw exception
    javax.servlet.ServletException: WEB2664: Servlet execution threw an exception
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    ----- Root Cause -----
    [21/Feb/2005:09:45:04] warning ( 8528): HTTP3039: terminating with 6 sessions st
    ill in progress
    [21/Feb/2005:09:45:04] failure ( 8528): CORE3189: Restart functions not called since 6 sessions still active
    Please suggest.

  • JNI and Out of Memory errors

    At my job, we seem to have a memory leak related to JNI. We know we
    have a memory leak because we keep getting Out of Memory errors even
    after increasing the maximum heap size to more than 256 megs. And we
    know that this is the application that is eating up all the system
    We are running under Windows 2000, with both JDK 1.3.0 and JDK 1.4.1.
    We tried looking at the problem under JProbe, but it shows a stable
    Java heap (no problems, except that the Windows task manager shows it
    growing and growing...)
    I tried a strip down version, where I set the max heap size to 1 Meg,
    and print out the total memory, memory used, and maximum memory used at
    a 5 sec interval.
    Memory used = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory().
    Well, I let that strip down version running for about a day. The
    maximum memory used has stabilized to about 1.1 Meg, and has not
    increased. The current memory used increases until it gets to some
    threshold, then it decreases again. However, the Windows task manager
    shows the memory increasing -- and currently it is at 245 Megs!
    In the lab, the behavior we see with the Windows task manager is as
    1. Total memory used in the system increases until some threshold.
    2. Then it goes back down by about 100 Megs.
    3. This cycle continues, but at each cycle the memory goes back down
    less and less, until the app crashes.
    Now, our theory is that JNI is consuming all this memory (maybe we are
    using JNI wrong). That's the only explanation we can come up with to
    explain what we have seen (Java showing an OK heap, but the task
    manager showing it growing, until crashing).
    Does that make sense? Can the new operator throw an Out of Memory
    error if the system does not have enough memory to give it, even if
    there is still free heap space as far as the Runtime object is
    concerned? Does the Runtime object figures objects allocated through
    JNI methods into the heap used space?
    Note that I know the task manager is not a reliable indicator.
    However, I don't think a Java app is supposed to runaway with system
    memory -- the problem is not simply that the Java app is consuming too
    much memory, but that it seems to always want more memory. Besides, we
    do get the Out of Memory error.
    Thanks for your help,
    Nicolas Rivera

    there are two sources of memory leakage in JNI:
    - regular leaks in c/c++ code;
    - not released local/global references of java objects in JNI.
    I think that the first issue in not a problem for you. The second is more complex. In your JNI code you should check
    - how many local references alive you keep in your code as their number is restricted (about 16 and can be enlarged). The good style is not to store local references but keep only global.
    - any local reference accepted from java call in JNI are released by JVM. You should release local references you created in JNI and also global references.
    - do not use a large number of java object references. Each new reference gets new memory in JVM. Try to reuse refences.
    I guess that is your problem.

  • XSOMParser throwing out of memory error

    Currently we are using XSOM parser with DomAnnotationParserFactory to parse XSD file. For small files it is working fine. However is was throwing out of memory error while parsing 9MB file. We could understood reason behind this. Is there any way to resolve this issue?
    Code :
         XSOMParser parser = new XSOMParser();
    parser.setAnnotationParser(new DomAnnotationParserFactory());
    XSSchemaSet schemaSet = null;
    XSSchema xsSchema = null;
    Here we are getting error on parser.parse() method. (using 128 MB heap memory using -Xrs -Xmx128m).
    Stack Trace :
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.xdkIncCurrentId(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.xdkInit(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.<init>(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNSNode.<init>(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.<init>(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.createNodeFromType(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.createElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.DocumentBuilder.startElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.reportStartElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.reportSAXEvents(
         at oracle.xml.jaxp.JXTransformer.transform(
         at oracle.xml.jaxp.JXTransformerHandler.endDocument(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.state.NGCCRuntime.endElement(
         at org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl.endElement(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseRootElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
         at org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.JAXPParser.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.NGCCRuntimeEx.parseEntity(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.ParserContext.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser.parse(
    Please let me know if anyone has comment on this.
    Also let me know if there any other parser which handles large input files efficiently.

    Currently we are using XSOM parser with DomAnnotationParserFactory to parse XSD file. For small files it is working fine. However is was throwing out of memory error while parsing 9MB file. We could understood reason behind this. Is there any way to resolve this issue?
    Code :
         XSOMParser parser = new XSOMParser();
    parser.setAnnotationParser(new DomAnnotationParserFactory());
    XSSchemaSet schemaSet = null;
    XSSchema xsSchema = null;
    Here we are getting error on parser.parse() method. (using 128 MB heap memory using -Xrs -Xmx128m).
    Stack Trace :
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.xdkIncCurrentId(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.xdkInit(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.<init>(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNSNode.<init>(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.<init>(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.createNodeFromType(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.createElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.DocumentBuilder.startElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.reportStartElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement.reportSAXEvents(
         at oracle.xml.jaxp.JXTransformer.transform(
         at oracle.xml.jaxp.JXTransformerHandler.endDocument(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.state.NGCCRuntime.endElement(
         at org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl.endElement(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseRootElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
         at org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.JAXPParser.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.NGCCRuntimeEx.parseEntity(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.ParserContext.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser.parse(
         at com.sun.xml.xsom.parser.XSOMParser.parse(
    Please let me know if anyone has comment on this.
    Also let me know if there any other parser which handles large input files efficiently.

  • SOS! out of memory error

    Currently I meet out of memory error everyday and I had to start weblogic everyday.
    the error message is like the following:
    Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 709316 bytes
    Possible causes:
    - not enough swap space left, or
    - kernel parameter MAXDSIZ is very small.
    I have set MAXDSIZ to 1073741824, and the swap space is 4G. But I still get the
    error everyday.
    weblogic version: 7.0.2
    jdk version: 1.3.1_09 for HPUX
    OS version: HPUX 11i
    Can you help? It's very urgent.

    There's lots of things that cause OutOfMemoryErrors:
    1) Your heap size (-Xmx) may be too small for your application.
    2) Your application (or WLS, or any other java code you use) might be
    leaking memory.
    3) You might have run out of Perm Space in the JVM.
    However, the error reported by the HP JVM is interesting. I'm not that
    familiar with this JVM, but I'd be interested to know if it always
    reports this error message when a memory allocation fails, or it only
    does this when the jvm fails to allocate more memory. It sounds at
    least from the error message like your ram/swap space is less than your
    heap size.
    -- Rob
    lumin wrote:
    Currently I meet out of memory error everyday and I had to start weblogic everyday.
    the error message is like the following:
    Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 709316 bytes
    Possible causes:
    - not enough swap space left, or
    - kernel parameter MAXDSIZ is very small.
    I have set MAXDSIZ to 1073741824, and the swap space is 4G. But I still get the
    error everyday.
    weblogic version: 7.0.2
    jdk version: 1.3.1_09 for HPUX
    OS version: HPUX 11i
    Can you help? It's very urgent.

  • Acrobat XI Pro "Out of Memory" Error.

    We just received a new Dell T7600 workstation (Win7, 64-bit, 64GB RAM, 8TB disk storage, and more processors than you can shake a stick at). We installed the Adobe CS6 Master Collection which had Acrobat Pro X. Each time we open a PDF of size greater than roughly 4MB, the program returns an "out of memory" error. After running updates, uninstalling and reinstalling (several times), I bought a copy of Acrobat XI Pro hoping this would solve the problem. Same problem still exists upon opening the larger PDFs. Our business depends on opening very large PDF files and we've paid for the Master Collection, so I'd rather not use an freeware PDF reader. Any help, thoughts, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    As mentioned, the TEMP folder is typically the problem. MS limits the size of this folder and you have 2 choices: 1. empty it or 2. increase the size limit. I am not positive this is the issue, but it does crop up at times. It does not matter how big your harddrive is, it is a matter of the amount of space that MS has allocated for virtual memory. I am surprised that there is an issue with 64GB of RAM, but MS is real good at letting you know you can't have it all for use because you might want to open up something else. That is why a lot of big packages turn off some of the limits of Windows or use Linux.

  • Acrobat XI Pro "Out of Memory" error after Office 2010 install

    Good Afternoon,
    We recently pushed Office 2010 to our users and are now getting reports of previous installs of Adobe Acrobat XI Pro no longer working but throwing "Out of Memory" errors.
    We are in a Windows XP environment. All machines are HP 8440p/6930p/6910 with the same Service pack level (3) and all up to date on security patches.
    All machines are running Office 2010 SP1.
    All machines have 2GB or 4GB of RAM (Only 3.25GB recognized as we are a 32bit OS environment).
    All machines have adequate free space (ranging from 50gb to 200gb of free space).
    All machines are set to 4096mb initial page file size with 8192mb maximum page file size.
    All machines with Acrobat XI Pro *DO NOT* have Reader XI installed alongside. If Reader is installed, it is Reader 10.1 or higher.
    The following troubleshooting steps have been taken:
    Verify page file size (4096mb - 8192mb).
    Deleted local user and Windows temp files (%temp% and c:\WINDOWS\Temp both emptied).
    Repair on Adobe Acrobat XI Pro install. No change.
    Uninstall Acrobat Pro XI, reboot, re-install. No change.
    Uninstall Acrobat Pro XI Pro along with *ALL* other Adobe applications presently installed (Flash Player, Air), delete all Adobe folders and files found in a full search of the C drive, delete all orphaned Registry entries for all Adobe products, re-empty all temp folders, reboot.
    Re-install Adobe Acrobat XI Pro. No change.
    Disable enhanced security in Acrobat XI Pro. No change.
    Renamed Acrobat XI's plug_ins folder to plug_ins.old.
    You *can* get Acrobat to open once this is done but when you attempt to edit a file or enter data into a form, you get the message, "The "Updater" plug-in has been removed. Please re-install Acrobat to continue viewing the current file."
    A repair on the Office 2010 install and re-installing Office 2010 also had no effect.
    At this point, short of re-imaging the machines (which is *not* an option), we are stumped.
    We have not yet tried rolling back a user to Office 2007 as the upgrade initiative is enterprise-wide and rolling back would not be considered a solution.
    Anyone have any ideas beyond what has been tried so far?

    As mentioned, the TEMP folder is typically the problem. MS limits the size of this folder and you have 2 choices: 1. empty it or 2. increase the size limit. I am not positive this is the issue, but it does crop up at times. It does not matter how big your harddrive is, it is a matter of the amount of space that MS has allocated for virtual memory. I am surprised that there is an issue with 64GB of RAM, but MS is real good at letting you know you can't have it all for use because you might want to open up something else. That is why a lot of big packages turn off some of the limits of Windows or use Linux.

  • Out of Memory Error While deploying as EAR file

    I was trying to deploy an EAR file of size 63 MB which inturn containing about 60 EJB.jars. No WARs. application.xml has all the entries for the JARs. While I am deploying it is giving Out of Memory Error. Is there any way to tweak this problem. I am using my own hand written java application which uses the SunONE deployment APIs for deployment. Can u please tell how to tackle this problem. I am running my application through a batch file which uses jdk1.4.
    Please help me regarding this issue.

    You can set the initial heap size and maximum heap size for the JVM, either in the app-server admin console, or maybe in one of your scripts. You look-up the syntax!...
    I had this error yesterday. I too had run out of memory (150Mb). You simply need to allocate more to the app-server.

  • N97 out of memory errors

    The product is N97, you don’t have in you drop down list!!!
    I have had my n97 for about 10 days now and everything was going brilliant. It is a stunning piece of kit.
    However on day 11. I repowered the n97, it kept on hanging the eventually got to boot after 20 attempts, but it was useless could not look up contacts. So I had taskman installed and killed loads of processes and uninstalled all the apps. It became usable as a very basic phone, but sluggish. Could use browser, maps, photos.
    The problem is I keep on experiencing out of memory errors on the phone, when I try to do basic things. I don’t know how to resolve this. I have rebooted, reset the phone to factory settings.
    Deleted data, uninstalled more apps and still no joy!! I cannot connect to ovi/pc suite to up grade the phone or roll it back.
    Symptoms the phone is sluggish it is still virtually unusable. It just barely make phones and is slow to respond to touch-screen presses and key presses.
    The taskman app says the is 47 mb free on C: drive. So I cant see what the problem is!!!
    I have always bought nokia for 10 years, never experience this sort of thing before.  I am really disappointed with this.
    Anybody else experienced this? Any ideas?
    Many thanks
    Go to Solution.

    Copyless thanks for the tip.  Kudos added :-)
    I had the same problem a friend was trying to bluetooth some videos to me and I was getting Memory problem, How embarasing after a few min of my mates being impressed with the phone, and me praising it and talking about so much space and blah blah blah.
    I could not receive videos via bluetooth because they were 5MB.  WHY on EARTH can they not default this to the E: drive.
    Whoever made that decision in NOKIA should be fired what an idiot.
    Also  when I finally got to get the pictures on the phone via a computer I could not see them via the "Photos"  I had to go via the File Manager and see one by one.  AARRRRRRRRGHHH  I am getting to the point that I am going to return this phone.
    N97 Black unlocked using the 3 Network (UK). Product Code 0586308. Firmware V20.0.019. Made In Finland.Custom version V20.019.235.10.

  • U0093Critical program error occurred .u0093Client out of memory error u0093 - Query

    I have a problem with Query in BI 7.0
    Query works perfectly in BW3.5 environment.  BI 7.0 Vista and Excel 2007 environment – I have date range in the query – If I provide date range 4 months interval it is working fine.
    If I provide 5, 6,7, months interval – I am getting the error ,
    “Critical program error occurred .The program has to close. Please refer to the trace for further information.”
    Communication error, CPIC return code 020, SAP returns code 223
    “Client out of memory error “
    When I execute each interval this query and calculated the no of records – it is only less than 19,000 records.
    The same query working fine in Bw3.5  for more than year interval.
    Advance Thanks .

    It depends on the ssytem settings. The problem with your query is that it is not able to fetch all the data due to lack of memory. However, when you are giving smaller range, you are getting the output. You can either ask the basis guy to increase the memory space or try running the query by giving smaller date range. You can have some filters on your query also.

  • ERROR [B3108]: Unrecoverable out of memory error during a cluster operation

    We are using Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue Version: 3.5 SP1 (Build 48-G). We are using two JMS servers as a cluster.
    But we frequently getting the out of memory issue during the cluster operation.
    Messages also got queued up in the Topics. Eventhough listeners have the capability to reconnect with the Server after the broker restarting, usually we are restarting consumer instances to get work this.
    Here is detailed log :
    Jan 5 13:45:40 imqbrokerd_cns-jms-18[8980]: [ID 478930 daemon.error] ERROR [B3108]: Unrecoverable out of memory error during a cluster operation. Shutting down the broker.
    Jan 5 13:45:57 imqbrokerd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] Message Queue broker terminated abnormally -- restarting.
    Expecting your attention on this.

    If you do not use any special cmdline options, how do you configure your servers/
    brokers to 1 Gb or 2 Gb JVM heap ?
    Regarding your question on why the consumers appear to be connecting to just
    one of the brokers -
    How are the connection factories that the consumers use configured ?
    Is the connection factory configured using the imqAddressList and
    imqAddressListBehavior attributes ? Documentation for this is at:
    imqAddressList should contain a list of brokers (i.e. 2 for you) in the cluster
    imqAddressListBehavior defines how the 2 brokers in the above list are picked.
    The default is in the order of the list - so mq://server1:7676/jms will always be
    picked by default. If you want random behavior (which will hopefully even out the
    load), set imqAddressListBehavior to RANDOM.

  • Out of Memory Error - JBOSS - JRocket

    I continue to see my jrocket/jboss/linux servers crash daily in production for out of memory errors. When we trace back the stack to find a query that does not appear to have nearly enough data to bring the server to an out of memory state. Heap useage pattern does not indicate any leak in the application.
    Using RedHat Linux ES - rel. 4 - Nahant Update 4
    startup with 1536m Xms/x
    Any thoughts or previous expereince. This is a Java application servicing a Flex UI

    Check your Linux kernel version.
    If you have an unpatched Linux kernel, which is not compliant, you will see these errors for all Jrocket.
    The 2,6,9-5 kernel is not compliant without patches, see:
    The JRockit JDK is supported on the default Linux kernel, which varies with the distribution and architecture. See the Notes field in the Summary of Supported Configurations by Release for details. If you require a different kernel, such as the hugemem kernel, contact Oracle Support for current support status.
    Also, see references to x_86 64bit?
    This is a 32bit ES - rel 4 correct?
    This link also shows a fairly excellent step by step Out of Memory Troubleshooting session.

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