Gamepad showing extra axis.

It's a steelseries gamepad, mimics ps2/3 controller. It shows 7 axis. Left stick X/Y, Right Stick X/Y, Dpad X/Y, and a phantom axis that seems to be connected to both LX and RY simultaneously.
I'm not as much concerned with how it got there if I can just force the driver to ignore it, or if anyone knows of a way to calibrate it (i'm guessing with jscal, or some fancy fingering using the gui calibrator) so that it won't show up. It appears to be pushing a button any time one of those two connected axis register any motion. It's quite annoying to say the least, and makes both of those sticks useless. I've found a few forum posts elsewhere(and i think here iirc) with zero replies, if you don't count the occasional bump.
Is it just not possible, or is it so simple that A) I don't see it and B) no one is willing to point it out?
It registers as a:
[167618.329918] usb 9-1: new low-speed USB device number 11 using ohci_hcd
[167618.499004] input: DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.0/usb9/9-1/9-1:1.0/input/input23
[167618.499319] dragonrise 0003:0079:0006.000A: input,hidraw3: USB HID v1.10 Joystick [DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick ] on usb-0000:00:13.0-1/input0
[167618.499336] dragonrise 0003:0079:0006.000A: Force Feedback for DragonRise Inc. game controllers by Richard Walmsley <[email protected]>
If that helps anyone.

The recent version of the GUI is using new technology which internally
involves MS Uniscribe. It means the actual preview font is being
selected automatically by the usage of defined font parameters only as
a basis. It was done to support cascading device type which in turn let
us creates the form with any language key and any mixed content
(for instance form with English key can contains Chinese characters and
also use default courier font).
The actual font for previewing is selected in dependence on installed
fonts (on customer side) and also on registry settings. Usually the issue,
like described in your message, only have place when text formatting is
performed by spaces and oriented on some fixed size of the space.
The PDF previewer has been developed as a solution for these problems.
Could you please check if the same problem happens on PDF preview?
Please see the notes below about implmenting the PDF Preview:
1552498 - PDF Previewer
1627996 - SAPScript: PDF Previewer as default
1562096 - Smart Forms PDF Print Preview
1626370 - Smart Forms: PDF Previewer
Wen Peng

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    Hi Julie,
    Remember that combo box controls in SAP can only display two values, a code and description, or in the case of report tokens the first two columns you specify in the token query. Seeing as you need the third column to distinguish between the first two sets of values a combo box is no use to you on it's own.
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    Replace Cbo with CFL
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    Two Cbo Parameters
    Budget@Select AbsID, Name from OBGS WHERE FinancYear = ('FinYr@') order by 3
    So you can reference one parameter name inside another to limit the results displayed by the second parameter.
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    Hi Toni2,
    The legend display in a CWGraph3D does not work like that in an intensity graph. It is an ActiveX object and therefore, in order to edit any properties you have to get inside the LabView properties window. Please refer to this knowledgebase article for more information regarding this. You basically have to get inside the object and alter its properties.
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    This is an expected behavior. The IE gets the information about the front panel size when it loads the remote panel VI. This is the size with all the toolbars. Your VI hides the toolbars at run-time.
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    Zvezdana S.
    Attachments: ‏12 KB

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    Not sure about doing it in the pivot table, but we might be able to pull this back as a seperate column in the criteria tab which you can then use.
    Whats your metric name?
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        IF bsdtflag EQ 'X'.
          ntage = dd_stida -  rtab-zfbdt.
          ntage = dd_stida - faede-netdt .
          IF faede-netdt > sy-datum.
            DELETE rtab.
            CLEAR rtab.
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    Post the entire code segment which is populating that internal table.
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    This forum is for the Adobe FormsCentral ( which is a service that allows you to create, collect and analyze data using an online web form. You should ask PDF related form questions in the Acrobat forums:
    I'll move your post to that forum so you don't need to retype it. They can help you out...

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    the closing div to zero... (eg. .clear {font-size: 0px; height:
    0px} ) ...but that didn't work.
    You can see the page and css at:
    How do I get IE6 to display my callouts correctly?

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    didn't work
    - I've tried the trick of closing the div on the same line of
    code -- that didn't work
    - I've tried removing the div containing the &nbsp --
    that didn't work (it causes spacing problems between the two
    callout boxes)
    Has anyone come across this problem before, or know what I'm
    talking about? Or is this one of those: "That's IE6 for ya"

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    0: GUIDpartitionscheme *250.1 GB disk0
    1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
    2: Apple_HFS Fly HD 249.7 GB disk0s2
    0: Applepartitionscheme *499.4 GB disk1
    1: Applepartitionmap 32.3 KB disk1s1
    2: Apple_HFS fly 499.4 GB disk1s2
    so this confused me
    Capacity: 250.06 GB (250059350016 bytes)
    Model: TOSHIBA MK2555GSXF
    Revision: FH405B
    Serial Number: 60MZT4ACT
    Native Command Queuing: Yes
    Queue Depth: 32
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk0
    Rotational Rate: 5400
    Medium Type: Rotational
    Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Capacity: 209.7 MB (209715200 bytes)
    Writable: Yes
    BSD Name: disk0s1
    Fly HD :
    Capacity: 249.72 GB (249715376128 bytes)
    Available: 178.1 GB (178101256192 bytes)
    Writable: Yes
    File System: Journaled HFS+
    BSD Name: disk0s2
    Mount Point: /
    any suggestions ?

    What extra HD space are you referring to?
    I'm not very familiar with this type of data output, but I would read it this way:
    There seem to be two disk drives present, a 250.1 GB Toshiba, presumably the internal drive and current startup disk, and a second 499.4 GB disk drive.
    The 250.1 GB Toshiba is disk0, and contains two partitions:
    disk0s1 - a small 209.7 MB "EFI" partition which is unnamed.
    disk0s2 - a 249.72 GB "Apple_HFS" partition named *Fly HD*, mounted as the current startup volume.
    209.7 MB + 249.72 GB = 249.93 GB
    The second 499.4 GB drive is disk 1, and has two partitions
    disk1s1 - a tiny 32.3 KB "Applepartitionmap" partition which is unnamed
    disk1s2 - a 499.4 GB "Apple_HFS" partition named Fly
    32.3 KB + 499.4 GB = 499.4 GB

  • Export to text file shows extra character at line 60, 120 so on

    I am using Crystal report 13 with .net 4.0 ( Visual Studio 2010)
    I have an issue while exporting from CR to Text file,
    After every 60 lines some special character is inserted in the text file. That might be the new page character.
    Is this the limitation of crystal report that the data is not shown is pages?
    If yes, if there any workaround for this?
    Can I set the pagination off for the report- either from .net code OR on the report itself so that I wonu2019t see the unwanted character?

    [CR for VS 2010 .NET SDK developer guide|]
    [CR for VS 2010 API reference guide|]
    See if this helps,

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