Gamma problems

Hi there . . . . .
When I export stuff from AE in most formats (H.264, MPEG4 etc) the render is pale, washed out and much lighter than my AE project.
I know there is a gamma issue with H.264 and quicktime, but MPEG4 (in a Quicktime wrapper) now also seems to suffer the same problem, whereas it didn't pre-Snow Leopard ?
Anyone got any clues as to the root of the mismatch between AE and Quicktime player ?
P.S. If I render out as ProRes the problem disappears ?

Thanks for putting in hours of time, this whole area is a pain. I need to point out that while I understand the technical issues, the guy who knows the practical issues is out due to a family emergency so I will be a poor balm.
Where to start?
After Effects uses RGB internally to represent color. Using the export menu has Quicktime drive the whole export process, which includes having quicktime call back into AE to render an RGB frame for quicktime to go compress. When using the render queue, AE is master, it renders a frame and then pushes it to quicktime. When we do the pushing, we get the opportunity to set some setting that sometimes help with gamma and color shifts. I'll call out what we do in the render queue path that we can't do in the Export menu path due to the underlying architecture.
The problem with gamma and color shift almost exclusively occurs with Codecs that run in YCrCb. This includes all ProRes (I'm lumping in ProRes 4444 even though it can do RGBA) and even PhotoJPEG if you aren't at highest quality (I think above 75%). These codecs are often defined to be in either the Rec601 or Rec709 color space ( My guess is PhotoJPEG is sRGB, but that is a wild guess. Quicktime makes certain assumptions about the RGB color buffers it gets. These assumptions are different in Snow Leopard, Leopard, and Windows.
Since the codec is expecting color to be represented a certain way, the assumptions and associated color conversions when going from RGB to YCrCb is where things go awry.
By default Quicktime assumes RGB buffers are in a monitor color space. I believe this means sRGB ( with a 1.8 gamma on Leopard (technically not sRGB, but what can you do), sRGB with 2.2 on Leopard, and sRGB with 2.2 on Windows. Since Rec709 and sRGB have the same color primaries, any incorrect assumptions here only appear as brightness/gamma changes.
The idealized black box export path for the Export Menu is:
AE->RGB (untagged)---Color Conversion in Quicktime--->YCrCb--->compressor.
In CS4 (maybe CS3?) we added the ability to tag the RGB buffer with the gamma. AE also will request RGB frames from Quicktime with the GAMA tag applied when importing. This is controlled with the "Legacy Quicktime Gamma" preference. I believe the export half of this will only affect the Render Queue and not the Export menu.
The intent behind using the gama tag was to make the RGB to YCrCb conversion more predictable. Alas, the tag ends up in the resultant movie and can influence other consumers of the file (like FCP). Further confounding things. This is why we added the Legacy Quicktime Gamma checkbox, we could not make every single test workflow work. The Legacy workflow does not add the tag.
Lastly, not only does each product on the market talk to Quicktime differently (i.e. some use RGB, some use YCrCb buffers directly, some obey the gama tag for color conversions, some don't), but some codecs themselves implement color conversions. Also, some 3rd party codecs install their own color conversion routines that compete with the Apple defined ones and will cause different RGB to YCrCb conversions even when NOT using their codec. Also, Quicktime makes different guesses based on which OS you are running.
Since a couple of ProRes codecs were shipped after CS4, they don't work correctly out of the box. They need some custom settings (
Also, pixel dimension will also affect the color conversions as some codec use non-HD stuff as Rec601, not Rec709 which leads to another source of shifts.
In the end the RGB to YCrCb color conversions are influenced by:
1) Your export path (Export Menu, vs Render Queue)
2) The operating system you are running
3) Which codecs are installed on the system (even if you aren't using them)
4) The setting of the Legacy Quicktime Gamma Setting
5) The particular destination application.
6) The pixel dimension of the footage.
I also feel the need to point out that while ProRes may be in Rec709 (which nominally has a gamma of 2.2), Final Cut Pro will correctly convert YCrCb Rec709 to Monitor RGB (Gamma of 1.8 on Pre Snow Leopard) for display. By default After Effects does no display color correction. When importing a file that starts in YCrCb Rec709 we convert it to RGB Rec709 (Gamma 2.2) if AE does the decoding. This means something like a DV file will look different in AE and FCP on a mac with 1.8 display gamma. If you use an external preview device, I do not believe you will see any difference, but things will look different on the mac monitor.
I'm hungry enough now that I'm just going to make more errors than I already have.
I hope this helps someone.

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    Sent from my iPad.
    Le 31 mai 2013 à 15:20, Fuzzy Barsik <[email protected]> a écrit :
    Re: PREMIERE PRO CS5.5 Gamma problem while exporting project to mjpeg A or B
    created by Fuzzy Barsik in Premiere Pro - View the full discussion
    If it were me, I wouldn't encode to MJPEG.
    So as to encode to ProRes on Windows you can utilise any solution based on ffmpeg/ffmbc or better yet find a Mac with Final Cut or Compressor installed for delivering critical work.
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    Thanks Todd,
    I have tried those tips before. Unfortunately, I haven't had great success with them in this case.
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    This has been my experience until I came upon the work-around of precomping Prores files.
    To demonstrate, here's a screen shot of the stuck process with the memory settings I used -
    I rebooted the system and tried 2 more times with the same result.
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    I seem to recall some sort of fix for the QT Gamma bug.
    Are you referring to the switch to a 2.2 default under Snow Leopard? Your profile indicates you are still using Leopard, but just in case here is article on the switch from default 1.8 to 2.2:

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    Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong? Is the gamma
    setting unreliable in when you manually calibrate? (I
    expect everything else to be off, but the gamma
    seemed pretty cut and dried during the calibration
    Have you viewed the image on one Windows computer or more? If only one then the problem could be the other computer.
    The only way to know for sure is get a hardware calibration device and run it on your MBP. The other thing you can do is check the image/s on another mac or to hook up an external monitor to your MBP and calibrate that. As good as a MBP screen is it's still a laptop and not as good as a regular display.

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    Harm Millaard wrote:
    Calibrating your displays with an Elite Spyder3 or similar is very worthwhile,
    Of course. And mine is calibrated.
    I was just trying to take an extreme example to illustrate the fact that even though Jim Simon is only describing a reality, it does not mean that a good and consistent result (not necessary ideal) cannot be achieved otherwise, with less equipment. 
    Harm Millaard wrote:
    but can't match an external monitor.
    That part I don't understand though.
    Is it not in contradiction with the first part of your sentence ? Why ?
    Harm Millaard wrote:
    Everything played with QuiRcktime on a PC shows a gamma shift. They have earned this name.  VLC does not and shows the same picture as PR.
    How does one grade his colors on FCPX then if it displays exactly what QTX displays (which is brighter and less saturated than VLC) ?
    Yeah I know, we're going in circles here ... but I would really love to find some kind of solution to this.

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    I've exported it as ProRes and used Adobe Media Encoder to compress (been using both the Vimeo 720 preset - and tried upping the bitrate, setting quality to max rendering - and the Broadcast 720 preset).
    Only time I've gotten it to look good when opening on Quicktime is when I export it as Animation versus ProRes, but the resulting file is 12X (and thus 12GB) so too large to upload or burn on disc (and compressing it for web usage from that file gives identical results to simply compressing the ProRes file in the first place or exporting directly from Premiere Pro to h.264)
    So my question is...what is the best way to export this footage to get the right color cast in Quicktime based computers and non-Quicktime using computers.
    I've uploaded a screenshot of the footage opened in Safari and Quicktime (left side) and Firefox and VLC (right side) to Flikr
    Thanks for any help  you can give

    The footage is for website/computer usage so looking at it on my monitor should be a good indicator.
    It actually doesn't matter where the footage will end up.  The idea is to see the image accurately while grading, and for that you will need a calibrated, external TV.  You just can't use a normal computer monitor or software media players for this.

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    Suddenly FCP, DVDSP, & Motion show all of my video files extremely dark (STP & Color are show them fine).
    It's as if the gamma those programs are using to display the image has changed. (Quicktime & other non-Apple apps show it fine).
    I've messed with FCS Maintenance Pack, and also used FCS Remover to remove and re-install, but that hasn't fixed the issue.
    I'm sure there is a setting, or corrupted file somewhere that's causing video to be displayed wrong, but I'm not sure where to look, what to change at this point.
    Any help, thoughts, ideas? Thanks in advance.

    Not familiar with FCE. Did you try the other advice offered in this thread and go to the Apple Menu > System Preferences and click on the Displays Icon.
    When that opens click on the Color Tab.
    Verify that your setting is correct for your display.
    Also, what are the properties of your source video?
    Message was edited by: Meg The Dog to fix typo

  • Brightness/Gamma problem

    I've noticed that a movie in Quicktime 7 pro looks brighter than the same movie viewed inside Final Cut Pro and After Effects. Anyone know what this is?
    G5 dual 2g   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    The MPEG-4 exports should automatically adjust to the gamma settings of the viewing machine. This prevents a file created on a Mac from appearing too dark on a PC. Older codecs don't support auto gamma correction.
    You may get a better answer in the Final Cut Discussion pages. I don't own FCP.

  • Quicktime Gamma problem when applying fliters

    Any help would be greatly appreciated:
    When I add a video filter to a quicktime movie in final cut, the image will get significantly darker.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hmmmmm.... Graeme says that PhotoJPEG at 75% or less is a YUV format (I'm not so sure) but try switching to YUV and see what happens. Wait - before that is it a color shift you notice when playing or when at rest?
    In otherwords, I often notice a different coloration in pause that shifts when playing.

  • QT bightness/gamma problem

    I've noticed that a DV file in Quicktime 7 pro player looks brighter than the same movie viewed inside Final Cut Pro and After Effects. Anyone know what this is?

    Hmm... I know that Quicktime handles DV footage slightly different than Final Cut Pro. For starters, it may by default deinterlace your DV clip.. which is why it may look "dirtier" than in FCP. Or it may just be playing it not at full quality. This may or may not be the reason for the brightness level.
    You can try going into the "Show Movie Properties" which is located under the "Window" Menu Then select the Video Track and go to "Visual Settings" there oyu can uncheck/check the deinterlace option and also make sure quicktime is playing at "high quality"
    There are other settings you can tweak there as well that may help you get a similar playback as FCP.
    Regardless, you should use Final Cut Pro (with a broadcast monitor preferably) as a guide to understand the actual quality of your video. (as opposed to using quicktime player).

  • Adobe Gamma problem - turned off video card

    A friend (HA!) was color balancing the monitor and accidentally hit the button to turn off the video card - Now the screen is blank. Anyone know how to turn it back on when you can't see the screen? Runnng Windows XP home edition

    I've never seen any evidence that Photoshop will remote OpenGL operations across an RDP link.
    What functionality does a program like the RealTek OpenGL Extensions Viewer report is available to the remote session?  The Microsoft software OpenGL (1.1) maybe?

  • Momentary gamma shifts in PS-CS6 composed image h.264 video

    Before I finalize a bug report, wonder what others are seeing?
    Having discovered the problem in a more complex scenario, I've narrowed down to a simple set of jpg images placed sequentially in a video group, and exported as an h.264 video from Photoshop PS6. All is on Windows 7 Professional SP1, all software involved completely up-to-date.
    I first noticed the gamma shift using the 'High Quality' preset. It occurs with variations on Vimeo 29.97 and Youtube 29.97 presets. The gamma problem does not occur on HD 720p or 1080p 29.97 presets.
    When I view the resulting video through Quicktime, I see a gamma shift for a moment on the first image, making it look washed out. After another moment, the gamma goes back to normal. On other players such as Windows Media or VLC, no such shift is visible.
    Interestingly, the shift comes at 1 second when exporting to the Vimeo 29.97 preset, or 'High Quality', while at 3 seconds on Youtube 29.97. Similarly, the shift back occurs at 2 seconds, or 6 seconds for Youtube.
    What the gamma shift looks like sounds like the now age-old Apple Quicktime fault on h.264. -- except it occurs only for one or a few seconds, then reverts to proper gamma, instead of continuing..
    With the simple setup of single image (jpg) sequence, it occurs only on the first image. With a more complex scenario, some actual videos included, I've seen it occur on every jpg -- or on some -- in a sequence.
    This is very repeatable here - 100%. Anyone else who's noticed it? I'm on the CS6 trial, and still thinking whether to purchase, or go on the Creative Cloud.

    We're seeing a worse issue when exporting in H.264 and playing in QuickTime 10.0 (Mac OS 10.6).  We are using a custom size video to fit a spot on our website (398x498).  When exported and played in QuickTime 10.0 the white inverts throughout the video (back and forth).  The same issue is not seen when viewed in VLC or QuickTime 10.1.
    This is how the video should look:
    And this is how they are appearing:
    But like I said, the issue is very specific to QuickTime 10.0 on Mac 10.6.  VLC, Flash, Chrome, FireFox all play it correctly.

Maybe you are looking for