Ganancia Bruta

Jovenes alguien me podria explicar como, donde, o que calculo matematico realiza SAP para poder dar el resultado de una ganacia bruta y el % de ingreso bruto.
De antemano muy agradecido
Saludos Cordiales

Si tienes la ayuda habilitada (F1) entonces podrás ver lo siguiente: (en la opción Parametrizaciones de Documento)
Calcular ingreso bruto, Origen de precio base Seleccione esta opción para calcular la ganancia bruta en los documentos de ventas.
Siempre que se abra un documento de ventas, la opción de ganancia bruta estará disponible desde el menú Pasar a, la barra de herramientas y en el menú contextual. Cuando se selecciona, aparece el campo Origen de precio base. Haga clic en para ver las opciones disponibles.
Las opciones son:
Lista de precios 01 a 10: SAP Business One calcula la ganancia bruta en función del precio del artículo de la lista de precios seleccionada.
Último precio de compra: SAP Business One calcula la ganancia bruta en función del precio del artículo en la última compra realizada.
Para esta opción, asegúrese de importar o completar los últimos precios de compra de la sociedad anterior. De lo contrario, el cálculo será erróneo.
Último precio determinado: SAP Business One calcula la ganancia bruta en función del valor incluido en la última ejecución del informe Valoración de inventario.
Costo del artículo: SAP Business One calcula la ganancia bruta según el costo del artículo en el almacén correspondiente.
SAP Business One volverá a calcular el Costo del artículo para los efectos del cálculo de la ganancia bruta solamente hasta que se haya contabilizado una operación de inventario para ese artículo en el sistema. Por ejemplo, cuando se entregue la mercancía mediante un documento de entrega.
Fin de la nota.
Calcular % ganancia bruta como: Defina si se calcula el porcentaje de ganancia bruta como precio base o como precio de ventas.
Tiene un artículo con un precio base de $30 y un pricio de ventas de $40.
Si se calcula según el precio base, la ganancia bruta sería:
ganancia bruta/precio base x 100 = (40-30)/30 x 100 = 33%
Si se calcula según el precio de ventas, la ganancia bruta sería:
ganancia bruta/precio de ventas x 100 = (40-30)/40 x 100 = 25%
Fin del ejemplo.
Espero te sea de ayuda
Saludos Cordiales,

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    Estimados colegas:
    Tengo esta consulta:
    SELECT T0.DocNum as 'No. en SAP', T0.NumAtCard as 'Contrato', T0.DocTotal, ((T0.GrosProfit/T0.DocTotal)*100) as '%Ganancia Bruta' FROM OINV T0  INNER JOIN INV1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry WHERE T0.DocStatus = 'o' and  T1.Dscription Like '%%nilo%%'
    quiero establecer que muestre que la Ganancia Bruta es menor a 26.
    Les voy agradecer mucho que me ayuden.

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  • Alertas por correo electronico

    Buenas tardes
    Como puedo hacer para que cuando un procedimiento de autorización o alerta sea requerida, este sea enviado por correo electrónico, para no esperar a que el usuario entre a SAP y vea lo que tiene pendiente por autorizar, sino que tambien les envie un correo para avisarles.

    Buen dia,
    Tuve el mismo problema y antes de enviar el mensaje a SAP revisen lo siguiente:
    En el modulo Gestion - Gestiones de Alarma existan las alarmas propias de SAP:
    -Desviacion de Presupuesto
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    Si no existen estas alertas seguira enviando el mismo mensaje de error, lo que hice fue entrar a SQL y abrir las tablas de la base de datos Demo copiar las lineas y crearlas en la Base de Datos con el problema, una vez creadas el mensaje de error desaparece.
    Espero les pueda servir
    David Almazan

  • Explicacion de "Oportunidades de venta"

    Hola en mis bases nadie usa la opcion de "oportunidades de venta"  pero me gustaria saber como funciona esta opcion... Alguien tiene una explicacion sencilla de este modulo ???

    Hola Yessica,
    La opcion  Oportunidades de Ventas, hace parte del modulo CRM, con esta puedes hacerle seguimiento a un posible negocio ya sea con un cliente establecido o un lead o prospecto de cliente, puedes establecer un potencial de cierre en tiempo, en valor, en porcentaje de ganancia bruta, nivel de intereses del prospecto, establecer y hacer seguimiento de las etapas que debes ejecutar para ejecutar el cierre del negocio, vincular documentos del sistema como cotizaciones u ofertas, entregas, pedidos, facruras etc.
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    Establecer cuales son tus competidores frente a la oportunidad del negocio y cuales son los factores de competencia, anexar documentos externos al sistema y que tengan vinculo con la oportunidad, al final puedes saber si la ganaste o perdiste y a partir de toda esta infomacion obtener muchos informes relacionados, que te permiten ver el estado, ganadas, perdidas, pendientes , cerrdas, estadisticas fitrando cada una de las etapas y campos alimentados en la oportunidad.
    AL final puedes mantener toda la informacion relacionada de un posible negocio u oportunidad de venta en un solo modulo lo cual te permite administrar toda la relacion con tu cliente.

  • Menosprecio de la autorización

    Hola a Todos
    Tengo el siguiente problema: He restringido el acceso a ciertas funcionalidades a un usuario, cuando este intenta accesar a dicho lugar aparece un mensaje que dice menosprecio de la autorización, y un botón que dice Autorizado por otro usuario.
    Yo esperaría que dicha función (Autorizado por otro usuario) permita a un usuario con privilegios acceder a dicha opción, no obstante si el mismo usuario que tiene prohibido el acceso ingresa su login y password accede a la información que tenía denegada.
    ¿Cómo puedo hacer para resolver este problema?, ¿me falta alguna parametrización para que funcione?
    Espero puedan ayudarme.

    Dentro de la opción Ventas - Clientes el usuario tiene los siguientes permisos
    Ventas - Clientes                          Varias autorizaciones
    Oferta de ventas                          Autorización total
    Orden de venta                          Autorización total
    Entrega                                                Falta autorización
    Devolución                                                Falta autorización
    Solicitud de anticipo de clientes     Falta autorización
    Factura de anticipo de clientes     Falta autorización
    Factura de clientes                          Falta autorización
    Factura cliente + Pago                     Falta autorización
    Nota de crédito de clientes     Falta autorización
    Factura de reserva de clientes     Falta autorización
    Factura exenta de deudores     Falta autorización
    Nota de débito de clientes                          Falta autorización
    Boleta                                               Falta autorización
    Boleta exenta                          Falta autorización
    Factura de exportación                          Falta autorización
    Asistente de creación de documentos     Falta autorización
    Documento preliminar de documento     Autorización total
    Impresión documento                          Autorización total
    Asignación de número de folio - Criterio     Falta autorización
    Asistente de reclamación                          Falta autorización
    Informes de Ventas                         Falta autorización
    Sólo impuesto           Falta autorización
    Modificar total de filas     Autorización total
    Modificar empleado dep.ventas     Autorización total
    Actualizar empleado dep.ventas     Autorización total
    Confirmar desviación de línea de crédito     Falta autorización
    Confirmar desviación de línea de endeuda     Falta autorización
    Confirmar desviación de límite de almacé     Falta autorización
    Entrega parcial       Falta autorización
    Confirmación documento     Falta autorización
    Documentos con importes cero     Falta autorización
    Permitir modificación cuentas asociadas     Falta autorización
    Ganancia bruta     Autorización total
    Documentos de deudores contabilizados mo     Falta autorizació

  • Autorizaciones a Usuarios

    Buenas Tardes, alguno de ustedes sabe si existe una autorizacion que bloque el clic derecho el menu que aparece al dar clic derecho en cualquier documento, ya sea en la tabla o en el encabezado, se los agradeceria mucho si me lo pudieran proporcionar.

    No creo que esto sea posible. Lo que podrías hacer es bloquear el acceso a cada una de las opciones por Autorizaciones Adicionales. Se entiende que cada opción te permite abrir un formulario, por lo que creas una autorizacion adicional por cada una de esas opciones.
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    Crea un ID de Autorizacion, un nombre para la misma y la opción, luego indica con editar el número de formulario, por ejemplo, para el formulario o Ventana de Ganancia Bruta, marcas el ID, que sería el 241.
    Esta información del Formulario, la puedes visualizar habilitando la Info del Sistema en la opcion Vista de la barra de Menús. Te posicionas sobre el formulario (en el ejemplo Ganancia Bruta) y en las barras posteriores de la pantalla verás el ID, que aparece como Form 241. Lo mismo haces con cada ventana.
    Con esto, no evitaras que el usuario pueda acceder al menú, pero no tendrá muchas opciones de abrir los formularios u opciones que alli se presentan
    Espero te sea de ayuda
    Saludos Cordiales,

  • What the heck is brute-forcing our exchange server?

    Hello all,
    We have been getting FLOOODED with (what seems like) brute force attacks on our server. We use RDP a lot for remote connecting but our firewall (Sonicwall) is setup to block IPs that aren't ours (I've seen this resolve RDP brute-force attacks first-hand).
    The problem is that i'm used to seeing the "Failure Audit" logs with "Logon Type 10" and an IP that was attempting the connection, but now we're being flooded with "Logon Type 8". The issue that has me concerned is that i'm now
    seeing a LARGE amount (438 entries) of failed login attempts with no IP address to indicate where it's coming from.
    Now, as much as I love Batman, I know for a fact noone on our end was trying to login under this account (or the hundreds of other accounts that attempted logins). I copied one of the event viewer logs below and literally ALL of the events are identical
    with the exception of the Account Name (the acct name is different and always something blatantly fake).
    My guess is that there is some type of bot trying to authenticate using OWA to get email access, however I could be 100% wrong (the logic comes from the fact that an exchange file is listed on every event). ANNNNY input / advice on this matter is appreciated!!!
    An account failed to log on.
    Account Name: <serverHostname, Edited out for security>
    Account Domain: <our domain>
    Logon ID: 0x3e4
    Logon Type: 8
    Account For Which Logon Failed:
    Security ID: NULL SID
    Account Name: baseball <This is different across the events>
    Account Domain:
    Failure Information:
    Failure Reason: Unknown user name or bad password.
    Status: 0xc000006d
    Sub Status: 0xc0000064
    Process Information:
    Caller Process ID: 0x2f3c
    Caller Process Name: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin\EdgeTransport.exe
    ^this is what leads us to believe it's coming from OWA / email login attempts
    Network Information:
    Workstation Name: <servername>
    Source Network Address: -
    Source Port: -
    Detailed Authentication Information:
    Logon Process: Advapi
    Transited Services: -
    Package Name (NTLM only): -
    Key Length: 0
    This event is generated when a logon request fails. It is generated on the computer where access was attempted.
    The Subject fields indicate the account on the local system which requested the logon. This is most commonly a service such as the Server service, or a local process such as Winlogon.exe or Services.exe.
    The Logon Type field indicates the kind of logon that was requested. The most common types are 2 (interactive) and 3 (network).
    The Process Information fields indicate which account and process on the system requested the logon.
    The Network Information fields indicate where a remote logon request originated. Workstation name is not always available and may be left blank in some cases.
    The authentication information fields provide detailed information about this specific logon request.
    - Transited services indicate which intermediate services have participated in this logon request.
    - Package name indicates which sub-protocol was used among the NTLM protocols.
    - Key length indicates the length of the generated session key. This will be 0 if no session key was requested.

    logontype 8 is the same as logontype 3 -network logon except for the fact the password is sent in clear text.
    I think your OWA is publicly available and someoen is trying to access it. The fact the logontype is 8 indicates you might use basic authentication on the website- which is quite insecure. it migh lso be some other servcies (like smb) are available from
    the internet and abused.
    make sure the server is only reachable on the web on the needed ports 443 for the website, 25 for smtp. You firewall should block all the rest!
    For rdp (and other management tools) I would recommend blocking access over the internet and configuring some vpn solution.
    Thank you! This goes along with what we were thinking so it's very nice to see someone else saying it. We are looking more into the firewall rules and most likely getting an updated firewall altogether. With any luck we will be ok after setting up the new
    wall with all fresh Rules while keeping the threat in mind. Lots of rules currently and limited security options since it's ancient.
    Thanks for the response!

  • Netbeans 6.1 SMS NON-Brute force ability listen to multiple ports

    First of all, my appologies for being a nubie coming from Mobile6. The company I slave at is migrating from MS Mobile to j2me!!! I am porting a code segment that listens to all incoming/outgoing SMS text messages and logs the messages into another java contact applet for our sales department. Our company policy(I cannot change) allows the sales department to use any/multiple SMS packages and install onto the device.
    Based on my understanding of the (MessageConnection)"sms://" foo); I must include a port address to listen in on. Is there a NON-brute forced methodogy to poll "active" ports the device is using to send/recieve SMS text message?
    Little Rock, AR.

    I was reading a blog by Bill Day []
    regarding MIDP Push; A paragraph jumped at me, it was "...
    Whichever network(s) you're application will be using, you need to find out what protocols they allow inbound to handsets. At the least, most GSM carriers will allow SMS (since they use SMS for short text messaging). Assuming your network does support SMS, from the server part of your application you would need to generate an SMS message directed to the port you bound your MIDlet to in its static or dynamic push registry settings. Assuming the network passes the SMS as expected, your MIDlet should be awakened when the SMS arrives in the handset..."
    Either I'm not understanding your reponse, the info in this blog is incorrect or I must include a port address as part of the open method of the Connector. Still confused.

  • Brothers credit journey of BRUTE FORCE (cont)UPDATE

    UPDATE: Brother got AA on his Barclays Apple card today. They called him and said that even though he pays statement in full and on time, over 100 inquiries is simply too much and closed his account. On another note, he raised his Lowes to 12k and Exon&Chevron to 4k each today. If anyone doesn't remember my last post about my brothers "spree", here it is: I no longer consider his journey to be a spree, it's more like brute force. He applies for about 20+ cards daily (including any prime cards, etc) and gets what he gets. He's very adamant about it and probably hasn't gone more than 3 days without applying for a few cards for the past 8 months or so. Today he messaged me that he got in with a Chase British Airways VS $3500 limit & 15.99%APR and some type of a Discover card. He probably has over 100 inquiries (last 6 months) on each bureau and 60-70+ new accounts reporting in the last 6 months. His next goal is to get in with AMEX & Citi and his overall goal is to reach the $1,000,000 available credit mark, he is currently at around $200k-$250k. I'm surprised myself, apparently applying once a day for every credit card ever works, haha.

    tuolumne wrote:
    Kostya1992 wrote:
    If anyone doesn't remember my last post about my brothers "spree", here it is: I no longer consider his journey to be a spree, it's more like brute force. He applies for about 20+ cards daily (including any prime cards, etc) and gets what he gets. He's very adamant about it and probably hasn't gone more than 3 days without applying for a few cards for the past 8 months or so. Today he messaged me that he got in with a Chase British Airways VS $3500 limit & 15.99%APR and some type of a Discover card. He probably has over 100 inquiries (last 6 months) on each bureau and 40-50+ new accounts reporting in the last 6 months. His next goal is to get in with AMEX & Citi and his overall goal is to reach the $1,000,000 available credit mark, he is currently at around $200k-$250k. I'm surprised myself, apparently applying once a day for every credit card ever works, haha.How does he even still get approvals? That really is brute force.I ask myself the same thing, lol. His score is like 650 now across the board.

  • Brothers credit journey of BRUTE FORCE (cont)

    I remember that crazy wacko app spree like yesterday

    tuolumne wrote:
    Kostya1992 wrote:
    If anyone doesn't remember my last post about my brothers "spree", here it is: I no longer consider his journey to be a spree, it's more like brute force. He applies for about 20+ cards daily (including any prime cards, etc) and gets what he gets. He's very adamant about it and probably hasn't gone more than 3 days without applying for a few cards for the past 8 months or so. Today he messaged me that he got in with a Chase British Airways VS $3500 limit & 15.99%APR and some type of a Discover card. He probably has over 100 inquiries (last 6 months) on each bureau and 40-50+ new accounts reporting in the last 6 months. His next goal is to get in with AMEX & Citi and his overall goal is to reach the $1,000,000 available credit mark, he is currently at around $200k-$250k. I'm surprised myself, apparently applying once a day for every credit card ever works, haha.How does he even still get approvals? That really is brute force.I ask myself the same thing, lol. His score is like 650 now across the board.

  • Brute force on admin account - Windows Domain

    I have seen a rise of attempts to brute force our Administrator account on a awindows domain. I have in place, a Cisco ASA5505 w/ IPS sensor. I'd like to use the IPS sensor to automatically block IP's that brute force after x failed login attempts.
    Question is, is there a signature present (we auto update and are current) which will detect this and, what do we need to do to enable / configure this to kill the connection and deny further attempts.
    THIS is what I need to stop: We are getting a few hundred a day.
    Logon Failure:
           Reason:            Unknown user name or bad password
           User Name:      administrator
           Domain:            xxx
           Logon Type:      10
           Logon Process:      User32 
           Authentication Package:      Negotiate
           Workstation Name:      xxx
           Caller User Name:      xxx
           Caller Domain:      xxx
           Caller Logon ID:      (0x0,0x3E7)
           Caller Process ID:      8728
           Transited Services:      -
           Source Network Address:
           Source Port:      9674

    To my knowledge there is no such signature,you need to create a custom signature to achive this.
    If you have Cisco MARS; you can pull these events directly in MARS and create a regex rule for the same. Add email notification to this rule as usual to ensure alerting as desired.  Windows events can either be pulled  by MARS or can be pushed using the Snare agent.
    Please see this link for more details:

  • How to prevent Brut force attack?

    Hello and TYIA,
    It looks like one of our Windows 2008 SBS is being attacked.  In the security log, I see about 1400 event ID 4625 Audit Failures in the last 24 hours.  They are all coming from different Ports and from IP addresses and use different usernames.
     What is the best way to stop and prevent these attacks.
    Although this is an SBS, we are not using the Exchange or the SharePoint services.  We are only using it as an AD/File/Print server
    Thank you,

    Since you are using Active Directory, I recommend you to use
    Account Lockout Policy to avoid brute attacks.
    By defining an
    Account Lockout Threshold, we can control the number of failed logon attempts before an account gets locked out.
    In addition, I also suggest you try to locate where these failed logon attempts generated from.
    Audit failure events are not always caused by brute attacks, when some services, scheduled tasks or devices have cached old user passwords, audit failure events are generated, too.
    Therefore, please make sure that the current passwords are used by those services or devices.
    More information for you:
    Account lockout policy overview
    Troubleshooting Account Lockout
    Many Audit Failure Event ID 4625
    Please feel free to let us know if there are any further requirements.
    Best Regards,
    Amy Wang

  • Format donnée brute NI 9234

    Bonjour à tous,
    Voilà mon souci :
    J'enregistre un son à l'aide d'un micro et de la fonction DAQmxReadAnalogF64 je transfert ensuite ces données dans un fichier .raw
    Mon souci est que je souhaite avoir des données sur 32Bits car j'ai un algorithme de traitement qui travail sur des données 32Bits et non 64Bits.
    Je me suis donc orienté vers la fonction DAQmxReadBinaryI32 permettant de lire les données brutes de la carte au format 32Bits mais ces données ne sont pas à l'échelle et je ne peux donc pas les enregistrés directement dans un fichier raw.
    Je me poses donc les questions suivantes :
    Quel est le format des données brutes de la carte NI 9234 ?
    Comment puis je transformé mes données brutes en format raw ?
    Merci pour vos réponses,

    Afin de pouvoir répondre correctement, il faudrait quelques précisions :
    Ton algo travail sur des données 32 bits, mais ça ne suffit pas. Un i32 et un sgl sont codés sur 32 bits, mais le premier code des valeurs entières entre + ou - 2147483647 alors que le second code des flotants. Le premier te permet de récupérer les données brutes sans mise à l'échelle, le second te permet de récupérer directement les données à l'échelle.
    Je ne connais pas le format .raw, quelles sont ces spécifications ? En fonction de cette réponses tu pourras décider de la meilleure manière de récupérer tes données et d'effectuer une mise à l'échelle (si nécessaire) avant écriture dans le fichier raw.
    Olivier JOURDAN
    SAPHIR | Certified LabVIEW Architect | Topaze on NI Community | LabVIEW add-ons on NI Community | Follow me on Twitter

  • Question about brute force attacks

    How does ironport deals with brute force attacks on ssh and https?
    There is some kind of control?
    If someone leaves ironport's 22 and 443 ports "open" to the internet, it would be a problem if ironport does not control number of invalid logins attempts...

    uhm, i think it would be against Ironport Systems main purpose, that is to keep the appliances doing only its jobs. If you give a firewall, ppl will be able to use ironport to another tasks beyond MT task, and i think it's not wise...
    I'm not talking about using it as a firewall to protect other systems. I'm talking about it having a built-in software firewall for protecting itself.
    Ok, i understand what you say, but i cannot see the major usefulness of the built-in fw. If you really want your system to be safe, just dont run the stuff. Keep ssh and https disabled on the public interface.
    On the begining, i was concerned about ppl that leaves the ssh and https ports opened to the net. And when i say opened, i reaaly mean without fw.
    I think we are missing the spot.
    But just in case, do you guys really think ironportnation's forums have enough spot to this kind of discuss?
    You're the one who started this thread. If you don't think this is an appropriate place for it then why did you start it?
    Ok, what i'm trying to say, is that, in my (silly) opinion, ironportnation's forums should be more visited, more commented. I dont see the ironport's legion here. Many ppl just sign in and almost never log in.
    But who cares with my opinion? so let's not discuss it, let's forget it.
    I keep thinking that 'Robot Exclusion Protocol' should be considered.
    If you don't agree, check it out
    another tip, the crawler is indexing the 'login help' page.

  • Stopping brute force ssh attacks on OS X Server 4?

    OK, well the new year has brought out a slew of fresh IPs (mostly from Hong Kong, and China) trying to login to my machine (running OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 Server 4.0.3).
    I have enabled the adaptive firewall (per B7E0AFBB818) and yet the attacks continue unabated.  Multiple IPs from one class C address block, for instance—flipping between three different IPs—are hitting my machine once per second over the course of dozens of hours. Yet the firewall is doing nothing to block those IP(s). They either walk through and try a list of bogus accounts, or continually hammer the root account. 
    I have configured just a few users access to ssh via the server application. But short of disabling sshd—which is not ideal—what are the strategies for combating these attacks?  Is the best route to use the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files to configure access for sshd?
    Thanks for any tips!  —michael

    Apparently the adaptive firewall isn't very robust (see above). I have seen it block certain attempts automatically, but it doesn't do so for brute force attempts.   And everything I've read about it says to ignore the message "No ALTQ support in kernel".  (There are several references here and here.)
    For more, see: OS X Server: How to enable the adaptive firewall - Apple Support
    I use this command when I want to stop an attack immediately from one IP:
    sudo /Applications/ -a
    afctl accepts CDIR notation, so this is useful to block an entire class C address from the network:
    sudo /Applications/ -a
    You can add more time to the block with the -t flag. To view the currently blocked hosts:
    sudo cat /var/db/af/blacklist

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