Gaps in Music when copying CD onto Ipod

Have copied several CD's onto IPod 30GB Video. No matter what settings I use, Crossfade, no Crossfade, Compilations, Track numbers etc, I have gaps in the tracks when the original CD music is mixed from one track to the next. How do I get rid of the Gap during Playback?? It ruins the Mix?!

Your question gets asked on a daily basis, and has been answered many times. If you search for 'gapless playback' you'll see how just how many people inquire about this.
In short... the iPod does not support gapless or crossfaded playback.
If you want to eliminate the gaps, one workaround is to join the individual tracks together, and play them as one single track. You can do this by reimporting the CD into iTunes using the 'Join CD Tracks' feature.
See Step 3 in this article:
If you'd like to send feedback to Apple to ask that they include gapless playback as a feature in future revisions of the iPod firmware, you can do so on this feedback page.

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    iOS: How to back up
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    Skippy2121 wrote:
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