Garageband Lessons on iPad

Does anyone know if there is a way of taking the lessons/tutorials available in Garageband and putting them on the iPad.
I recently bought an upright piano and the iPad would be perfect to place on the music sheet holder as I play - rather than trying to balance my macbook on the top at tilting at an angle to see (part of) the screen.

Download them on your Mac and sync them to your iPad.

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    jtetard wrote:
    You only able to do it by ITune.
    You can easily delete songs on the iPad.
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    Upgrade your browser to Firefox 8 and check

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    Hey, thanks. I have GB 2.0.1 (which is probably linked to GB 10) on the iPad 2 and LP 9.1.8 on the Mac. I take the iPad on the road and sketch out ideas then transfer them to the Mac. I have found a way to transfer the audio manually by opening the project folder and copying 1 track at a time, but that does me no good as all of those audio tracks get replaced anyway. I want to keep the MIDI files and know how to access them in the ".band" file or change the language in the file to make GB 2.0.1 open in LP9, if any one knows how to do that.
    Do you know how to downgrade to an older version of GB for iOS? The one purchased on my app store is 2.0.1, unfortunately. Where/ how can I get an older version? Thank you.
    As for buying LP 10, my Mac won't support it as it's 32-bit.
    Mac Pro 1.1 (June 2007)
    2x Quad Core 2.66 Ghz Intel Xeon
    16 GB RAM
    (2) HD's
    Audio Drive: WD Caviar Black
    Logic 9.1.8
    Snow Leopard 10.6.8
    iPad2 w/ GarageBand 2.0.1/ iOS 7

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    Here is how you can export a .band folder to your iPhone, it should work for iPad as well.
    This was my steps
    1. Download iExplorer and install it. Connect your iPhone
    2. Find the folder "" in iExplorers browser
    3. Drag and drop your folder .band to the folder "Documents". (!! Your'e not done yet!)
    4. In GarageBand on your iPhone press the plus-button as you would start a new song. Choose "Copy from iTunes". Choose your imported song.
    5. Start rockin'

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