Garbage Collector in 5.0

I have nevver known, how the garbage collector internally works. Now a memory problem forces me to understand it. I read several articles but I do not understand them.
I have a simple question:
Is it possible, that my application will get an OutOfMemoryError even if a garbage-collect would free most of the memory?
In other words:
Is it assured, that garbage collector will always run before an OutOfMemoryError occurs?
I have an application, which parses hundreds of MB of data. However it is assured, that parsed data wont be hold in memory for long time. Normally my application would run with less then 64 MB.
In Java 1.4.2 I have not encountered any memory problems. But in Java 5.0 I encountered the following problem:
My application runs a very long period of time. During this time, the memory usage is about 16 MB. After that period the memory usage suddenly increases and does not stop increasing until a OutOfMemory Error occurs (this is mostly about 260 MB if I set -Xmx265m).
I am sure that I do not hold references to that much data in my application.
Why does the garbage collector not free the memory?
Is the garbage collector in 5.0 different from the one in 1.4.2? If yes, can I set the garbage collector to be that one of 1.4.2???
Thanks and regards
Fatih Coskun

Is it assured, that garbage collector will always run
before an OutOfMemoryError occurs?Yes, an OutOfMemoryError is the GC failing to free enough memory.
Why does the garbage collector not free the memory?
Is the garbage collector in 5.0 different from the one
in 1.4.2? If yes, can I set the garbage collector to
be that one of 1.4.2???Tiger (JDK 5.0) has introduced some "ergonomics" based on the machine the application is run on:
Also, you may want to use jconsole and other new tools in tiger:
Thanks and regards
Fatih Coskun

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    Are you using a Java application server like Tomcat, Dynamo, WebLogic etc. ?
    In that case consider running several server instances on the machine, with the applicationserver's software load balancer. Find the amount of RAM allocated to the heap per serverinstance where garbage collection runs takes a couple of seconds, and don't allocate more than this to each server. Start as many servers as you have available RAM for.
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    A side benefit of this approach is that in case you get more concurrent users than your computer can handle, you already have the setup for spreading the load over several computers.

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    nicolasmichael wrote:
    the "memory limitation" does not have anything to do with garbage collection, but with the address space your operating system provides. On a 32bit operating system, your virtual address space is limited to <= 4 GB, depending on your operating system (for example 1.something GB on Windows and 3.something GB on Solaris). No.
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    Hello all
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    Since you're not willing to post your code it's very hard to comment.
    One question: Are you calling System.gc() after closing these frames? In fact you should probably call it 3 times to make sure the garbage collector takes you seriously. Try this and let us know if you're still showing the leak

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                 // Either dir does not exist or is not a directory
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                  int i = 0;
                  int index = 0;
                  BufferedImage temp;
                  String filename, fileending;
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                      // Get filename of file or directory
                     filename = children;
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         if(fileending.equals(".jpg") || fileending.equals(".bmp")
                   || fileending.equals(".png") || fileending.equals(".gif"))
              /* Read the image */
              temp = util.ImageUtils.loadBufferedImage(folder+"/"+filename);
              /* Scale the image down and save it in an array */
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         return images;     
    How can i get the gargabe collector to work after every iteration?
    I tried to let the Thread.sleep(10) after System.gc() but it does�nt help.
    Thank you every much

    Hm yes.. i now that System.gc() is only a
    But i know what my program is doing and that it
    does�nt need the temporary image anymore after i have
    a scaled down version. And the temporay image will become unreachable as soon as reading the next one overwrites your temp variable. Setting the variable to null doesn't have much effect.
    It would be smarter to load the new image over the
    old temporary image and not to expand the heapsize to
    maximum.Then look at the possibitly of loading the next image into the same bufferedimage.

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    Thank you.

    I'm working with WebLogic Server 10.0 and the problem is if I restart the server this don't holds the lastest change that I made, it happens with any type of change (deploy, undeploy, create or delete servers/services, etc).
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    Stopping PointBase server...
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    Thank you for your attention

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    Or is it better to write a loop performing a NULL assignment for each element of the vector ?

    Hi schapel,
    I know it's not a good idea to force the garbage collector, but let me explain what I am confronted with.
    (FYI, I didn't write the source code. Comes from a 3rd party)
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    Maybe you heard about Distributed Garbage Collector (DGC)? Don't rely on this, since IIOP does not support this. Use PortableRemoteObject.unexportObject() to make remote objects that are no longer in use available for garbage collection.

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    Is there a way around this?
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    I think you can do something clever here. You can convert the inactive user on cucm 8 back to a standard cucm user and then delete them. This way you can control when to remove the user instea dof waiting for garbage collection. You become your own garbage man :)
    You can conver the users back to standard CUCM users using sql query update...Ths is easy to do
     run sql update enduser set status=1 ( this is the general command to make all users standard cucm don't want to run this..)
    Use this command to make specific users active. You need to use the users extension to filter which user gets converted to standard cucm user
    run sql update enduser set status=1 where telephonenumber like ‘2%’
     This command will update users with extension beginning with 2
    run sql update enduser set status=1 where telephonenumber = '2001'
    This will convert user with extension 2001 to a standard cucm user
     To make sure you got all the users you can use the command
    run sql select * from enduser where status=0
     This should return zero entry. If you find any user there then use the update command on those users

  • Garbage collector

    Bonjour à la communauté Adobe et merci pour les
    éventuelles réponses que je trouverai grâce à
    Je relance je pense une fois de plus, comme sur de nombreux
    forums, le problème du Garbage Collector.
    J'ai un MovieClip crée dynamiquement. Ce MovieClip
    contient un objet vidéo contrôlé et géré
    dynamiquement via une classe (cette partie n'est pas bien
    importante je suppose); bref je voudrais pouvoir supprimer
    complètement ce clip, mais même après un
    "removeChild(clip)" et un "clip = null", j'entend toujours le son
    de la vidéo... ce qui me fait dire qu'il est toujours
    matériellement présent, mais pourquoi??
    mon code :
    var mavideo:MovieClip;
    mavideo = new monclip();
    mavideo = null;
    System.gc();//j'ai même essayé de forcer le Garbage
    Collector, sans succès.
    Voilà donc ma question globale : comment supprimer
    complètement un clip en as3?
    Sorry for my bad english, but the question is : how to
    completely delete a MovieClip using AS3? If I remove a MovieClip
    which include a video, with the code below, i don't see the video
    anymore but i can hear the sound... Strange, isn't it?

    Bonjour à la communauté Adobe et merci pour les
    éventuelles réponses que je trouverai grâce à
    Je relance je pense une fois de plus, comme sur de nombreux
    forums, le problème du Garbage Collector.
    J'ai un MovieClip crée dynamiquement. Ce MovieClip
    contient un objet vidéo contrôlé et géré
    dynamiquement via une classe (cette partie n'est pas bien
    importante je suppose); bref je voudrais pouvoir supprimer
    complètement ce clip, mais même après un
    "removeChild(clip)" et un "clip = null", j'entend toujours le son
    de la vidéo... ce qui me fait dire qu'il est toujours
    matériellement présent, mais pourquoi??
    mon code :
    var mavideo:MovieClip;
    mavideo = new monclip();
    mavideo = null;
    System.gc();//j'ai même essayé de forcer le Garbage
    Collector, sans succès.
    Voilà donc ma question globale : comment supprimer
    complètement un clip en as3?
    Sorry for my bad english, but the question is : how to
    completely delete a MovieClip using AS3? If I remove a MovieClip
    which include a video, with the code below, i don't see the video
    anymore but i can hear the sound... Strange, isn't it?

  • I have a memory leak, objective-c 2.0, and garbage collector...

    the code i am using is a modification of the code/problem found in "Cocoa with Objective-C", chapter 3.
    i have tried to use the objective-c 2.0 garbage collector methodology, using @property, @synthesize, etc. when i run the code as listed below i get a leaking message.
    [Session started at 2008-02-01 23:33:37 -0500.]
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.070 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] * _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2040 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Stack: (0x96b10178 0x96a3e0f8)
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.075 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] Song 1: We Have Exposive
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.076 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] * _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2060 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Stack: (0x96b10178 0x96a3e0f8)
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.078 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] Song 2: Loops of Fury
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    when i include the commented out section, in the implementation file section, the description method, and use song1 and song2, in main, instead of and the program seems to run fine.
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    [Session started at 2008-02-01 23:38:24 -0500.]
    2008-02-01 23:38:24.375 SongsFoundationTool[28936:10b] Song 1: We Have Exposive
    2008-02-01 23:38:24.379 SongsFoundationTool[28936:10b] Song 2: Loops of Fury
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    please help me understand what's happening here.
    also, why was it necessary to use
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *artist;
    instead of
    @property(readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(readwrite) NSString *artist;
    thanks everyone, the code is below.
    // ....................... header file ...............
    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @interface Song : NSObject {
    NSString *name;
    NSString *artist;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *artist;
    //.................... the implementation file ..................
    #import "Song.h"
    @implementation Song
    @synthesize name;
    @synthesize artist;
    -(NSString *) description
    return [ self name ];
    //................................ main............................
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    #import "Song.h"
    int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    Song *song1 = [ [ Song alloc ] init ]; @"We Have Exposive" ;
    [ song1 setArtist: @"The Future Sound Of Londown" ];
    Song *song2 = [ [ Song alloc ] init ];
    [ song2 setName: @"Loops of Fury" ];
    [ song2 setArtist: @"The Chemical Brothers" ];
    // Display Object
    NSLog( @"Song 1: %@", );
    NSLog( @"Song 2: %@", );
    // include statements below if -description method is uncommented
    // then comment out the two statements above. no memory leak if the code
    // is used from the statements below and - description is not commented out and
    // the two NSLog statements above are commented out.
    NSLog( @"Song 1: %@", song1 );
    NSLog( @"Song 2: %@", song2 );
    return 0;

    Normally, your main only has a call to NSApplicationMain(). If you aren't doing a traditional MacOS X application, you will still want at least NSApplicationLoad() to get enough of the runtime to avoid those messages.
    I don't know for sure about the syntax of Objective-C 2.0. That stuff is all new. What error message are you getting that indicated that (copy, readwrite) is required? Could you provide a link to the actual example source? I did a quick check and assign and readwrite are the defaults. It is possible that readwrite by itself makes no sense. But I'm just guessing.

  • How does the Garbage Collector handle reference-free objects?

    I am interested to know how the GC handle's objects created
    without a reference.
    The reason this has become of interest to me is that I have
    created a "Title" class. The Title class animates each letter of
    Title.text to appear in a cloud of smoke.
    The smoke is a simple particle system class, when a particle
    dies it removes it's associated MovieClip so that eventually all
    MovieClip's have been destroyed.
    Now in the Title class for each letter I do the following
    for( Title.text.length) {
    CurrentLetter.twAlpha = new Tween( blah, blah, blah); //
    object created
    with a reference
    new Smoke( CurrentLetter.x, CurrentLetter.y); // object
    without a reference
    Although this is technique is not one I would ever have
    thought of in a language that doesn't use a garbage collector it is
    mentioned in the Tween documentation and my class works as
    The thing is although it works, it always bothers me when I
    don't know precisely
    why it works!
    If it's working due to the short life span of the class in
    question and thus simply missing the GC's window then this could be
    problematic. If at some point it is still alive when the GC is
    called then my class could be prematurely deleted.
    Maybe a class which has a reference to an "alive" MovieClip
    is immune from GC?
    I Hope someone can shed some light on this topic as the GC is
    something that is thinly documented to say the least!
    p.s. first post!

    I would say it would be better use FREE itab at the end of the processing in your code. In the end-of-selection in your code, you can FREE all your itabs that were used in the program. This is one of the good approach of optimizing the memory.

  • How intelligent is the garbage collector?

    Hi all,
    I've got a question about how garbage collection works in an ABAP objects context.
    If there are no more references an object is cleaned up and the memory released. Fine.
    What about an object O1, which in turn creates another object O2. O2 however also contains a refernce to O1.
    When the original process completes, this leaves two objects that reference each other, but with no other contact to the 'outside world'. Is the garbage collector intelligent enough to dump them?
    Any input appreciated,

    Thanks for the feedback. I am still not sure - you say 'when the program ends it's part'. This is exactly the point - when the program ends, do the objects remain because they still contain references to each other?
    More detail:
    The references are public instance attributes of both objects (different classes). I would prefer to use functional methods, but am stuck with public attributes which I'm populating in the constructor.
    So a process P declares a local var LV_O1 and does a CREATE OBJECT LV_O1.
    In the constructor of O1, it does a
    CREATE OBJECT me->ATTR_O2 to populate it's attribute with a reference to an instance of O2.
    O2 doesn't need to do a CREATE OBJECT, but assigns a ref to O1 to it's attribute ATTR_O1.
    So now O1 and O2 refer to each other by public attributes:
    O1->ATTR_O2 and O2->ATTR_O1.
    The big question is what happens when process P ends and it's variable LV_O1 ceases to exist?
    In case anyone's wondering about the overall wisdom of the design, they have to be public attributes (used in Workflow) and they have to refer to each other as instantiation may also happen the other way around.

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    Check out - Garbage Collection
    Example of curl command that will start up garbage collection. You can create a sheel script with the curl command and set it up to run as cron job on the publish server which should solve your problem.

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    I restored a backup of a sharepoint 2010  content database it is rbs enabled
    when I restore  blobs are deleting from a rbs storage folder how its happen

    This is a good read
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • How the protected finalize method is called by garbage collector

    Dear All,
    I have a double regarding the calling mechanism of finalize method. The access specifier of finalize method is protected, not only that if a class overrides this method then also the finalize method can be protected in the subclass of Object. But the concept of protected access specifier is, from outside of the package it can be accessed only from subclass.
    The program (may be part of Garbage collector), which calls this (finalize) method mast not be in the same package (that is java.jang) nor it is a subclass of the class (whose finalize method it calls).
    Then how the finalize method is getting called by the garbage collector when it is protected?

    Refer to following link for the details
    The link gives answer to how a protected/private members are accessible to JVM or GC and why finalize is declared protected.

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