Gather information from form fields, sort into links for searching

I have a PDF Acrobat form that I email to about 100 people, they return the completed forms to me and I put all the forms together into a single PDF.This removes the form fields, but leaves the form information that was filled out.
I need to set up an easy way for people to navigate and search the forms by several criteria: a person's name, their country of origin, company name, and so forth. Other than manually creating links for each of these search criteria, is there a more efficient way?

You can export the data form the PDF using the FormDataIntegration service.
Once you have the data in xml format, you can use a setValue and concatenate the value of the two nodes you're interested in.

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  • Import Text From Form Field into Subject Line of Email

    Is there a way to import text from a form field into the subject line of the email when sending back (attaching) the PDF form?  In other words, there is an "applicant name" and I would like that name to be the subject line of the email.
    I am using Adobe Acrobat X (10.1.7)
    If any one has aby guidance or resources online where I can locate this information I would greatly appreciate it!  I have been searching all day but have not found a solution yet. 

    Thank you so much for the help.  For some reason I cannot get it to work though.   Now, when I hit the submit button it does not do anything.
    Previously, I had the following code under
    ACTIONS>Mouse Up>Submit a Form
    mailto:[email protected]?subject=Employee Application
    I removed the above mailto URL and put in your code as a Javascript function. I made sure that my field name matched the name in quotes within the code.
    I used the following:
    var subject = getField("lastname").value 
    bUI: false,
    cTo: "[email protected]",
    cSubject: subject,
    cMsg: "Type message here"
    Do you see anything obvious that I am doing wrong?
    Many thanks!

  • Contact Us form not sending information from form

    I have wasted days trying to figure out what I need to do to get this form to work and I realize this is way over my head.   I am a novice with Dreamweaver and I am trying to figure out what the person before me did (who also was a novice).  I am very confused.  Can someone help me please?
    Here is the html for the contact us page in question:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="description" content="Designed and developed by Codify Design Studio -"/>
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Templates/Publish/stylesheet.css" />
            <script src="Templates/Publish/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <link href="Templates/Publish/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <meta name="Description" content="
    " />
        <meta name="Keywords" content="American West Jets, airlines, love, pacific, fun, vacation, free, discount" />
        <style type="text/css">
        body {
        background-color: #FF9;
        body,td,th {
        color: #006;
        #apDiv1 {
        background-color: #FF9900;
        overflow: auto;
        #apDiv1 {
        background-color: #306;
        background-image: url(images/%5Bwallcoo_com%5D_blue_sky_white_clound_010hdfn.jpg);
        background-repeat: repeat;
        border-top-width: thin;
        border-right-width: thin;
        border-bottom-width: thin;
        border-left-width: thin;
        border-top-style: solid;
        border-right-style: solid;
        border-bottom-style: solid;
        border-left-style: solid;
        border-top-color: #933;
        .contentArea .container .contentleft #marketsurvey p label {
        color: #000;
        <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_validateForm() { //v4.0
      if (document.getElementById){
        var i,p,q,nm,test,num,min,max,errors='',args=MM_validateForm.arguments;
        for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) { test=args[i+2]; val=document.getElementById(args[i]);
          if (val) {; if ((val=val.value)!="") {
            if (test.indexOf('isEmail')!=-1) { p=val.indexOf('@');
              if (p<1 || p==(val.length-1)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain an e-mail address.\n';
            } else if (test!='R') { num = parseFloat(val);
              if (isNaN(val)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number.\n';
              if (test.indexOf('inRange') != -1) { p=test.indexOf(':');
                min=test.substring(8,p); max=test.substring(p+1);
                if (num<min || max<num) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number between '+min+' and '+max+'.\n';
          } } } else if (test.charAt(0) == 'R') errors += '- '+nm+' is required.\n'; }
        } if (errors) alert('The following error(s) occurred:\n'+errors);
        document.MM_returnValue = (errors == '');
    <body bgcolor="#FFFF99" text="#000066" link="#FF66FF" vlink="#00FF00" alink="#9933CC">
          <div class="bannerArea">
    <div class="container">
                    <div class="bannernav"></div>
                    <div class="toplogo"></div>
                    <div style="clear:both;"></div>
            <div class="topnavigationArea">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="topnavigationgroup">
                        <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
                            <li><a href="index.html">Home</a>                        </li>
                            <li><a href="Reservations.html" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Reservation</a>
                                <li><a href="flight schedule.html">Flight Schedule</a></li>
                            <li><a href="Daily Savings.html">Daily Savings</a></li>
                        <li><a href="about us.html">About Us</a>                      </li>
                            <li style="border-right-style: solid;"><a href="contact us.html">Contact Us</a>                        </li>
                    <div style="clear:both;"></div>
            <div class="contentArea">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="contentleft">
                        <h1>Contact Us: Market Survey</h1>
                        <p>Please complete the following form to receive a $50.00 coupon on your next flight with American West Jets! Don't miss out and let your friends and family know this amazing premiere limited time offer! </p>
                        <p> </p>
                          <form id="marketsurvey" name="marketsurvey" method="post" action="contact.php">
                        <p>First Name:
                  <label for="first name"></label>
                            <input name="first name" type="text" id="first name" size="30" maxlength="30" />
    <p>Last Name:                     
      <label for="last name"></label>
      <input name="last name" type="text" id="last name" size="30" maxlength="30" />
                          <p>Email Address:
                            <input name="email address" type="text" id="email address" size="40" />
                          <p> </p>
                          <p>Where do you fly most frequently?</p>
                            <label for="where do you fly"></label>
                              <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup2" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup2_0" />
                              North America</label>
                            <br />
                              <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup2" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup2_1" />
                            South America    </label><br />
                              <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup2" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup2_2" />
                            <br />
                              <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup2" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup2_3" />
                            <br />
                              <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup2" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup2_4" />
                              Australia/South Pacific</label><br />
                            <br />
    <p>How often do you fly?</p>
                              <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup1" value="radio" id="RadioGroup1_0" />
                              4 or more times per year
                            </label><br />
                              <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup1" value="radio" id="RadioGroup1_1" />
                              1-2 times per year</label>
                            <br />
                              <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup1" value="radio" id="RadioGroup1_2" />
                            <br />
                              <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup1" value="radio" id="RadioGroup1_3" />
                            <br />
                            <br />
    <p>Which airline(s) do you usually fly with?</p>
        <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup1" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_0" />
        Air Pacific
      <br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup1" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_1" />
        American</label><br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup1" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_2" />
      <br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup1" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_3" />
      <br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup1" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_4" />
        Jet Blue</label>
      <br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup1" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_5" />
      <br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup1" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_6" />
        United</label><br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="CheckboxGroup1" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_7" />
        <input name="other airlines" type="text" id="other airlines" size="70" maxlength="80" />
      <br />
      <br />
                          <p>If adult tickets were for ages 17 and higher, would you bring your children with you on your vacations?</p>
                            <label for="children more often on trips"></label>
                              <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup3" value="radio" id="RadioGroup3_0" />
                              Yes, I would bring my children</label>
                            <br />
                              <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup3" value="radio" id="RadioGroup3_1" />
                              No, I would not bring my children </label>
                            <br />
    <p>Would you subscribe for exclusive daily savings, coupons, and vacation packages via email?</p>
                              <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup4" value="radio" id="RadioGroup4_0" />
                              Yes, I would love to subscribe.</label>
                            <br />
                              <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup4" value="radio" id="RadioGroup4_1" />
                              No, I do not wish to subcribe at this time.</label><br />
      <input name="Submit" type="submit" id="Submit" onclick="MM_validateForm('first name','','R','last name','','R','email address','','R');return document.MM_returnValue" value="Submit" />
      <input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" value="Reset" />
    <p>       </p>
                        <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
                    <div style="clear:both;"></div>
            <div class="footerArea">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="copyright">&copy; 2011 American West Jets. All rights reserved.</div>
            <script type="text/javascript">
            var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

    Sure - here it is:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Sendemail Script</title>
    <!-- Reminder: Add the link for the 'next page' (at the bottom) -->
    <!-- Reminder: Change 'YourEmail' to Your real email -->
    $ip = $_POST['ip'];
    $httpref = $_POST['httpref'];
    $httpagent = $_POST['httpagent'];
    $visitor = $_POST['visitor'];
    $visitormail = $_POST['visitormail'];
    $notes = $_POST['notes'];
    $attn = $_POST['attn'];
    if(!$visitormail == "" && (!strstr($visitormail,"@") || !strstr($visitormail,".")))
    echo "<h2>Use Back - Enter valid e-mail</h2>\n";
    $badinput = "<h2>Feedback was NOT submitted</h2>\n";
    echo $badinput;
    die ("Go back! ! ");
    if(empty($visitor) || empty($visitormail) || empty($notes )) {
    echo "<h2>Use Back - fill in all fields</h2>\n";
    die ("Use back! ! ");
    $todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ;
    $attn = $attn ;
    $subject = $attn;
    $notes = stripcslashes($notes);
    $message = " $todayis [EST] \n
    From: $visitor ($visitormail)\n
    Additional Info : IP = $ip \n
    Browser Info: $httpagent \n
    Referral : $httpref \n
    $from = "From: $visitormail\r\n";
    mail("[email protected]", $subject, $message, $from);
    <p align="center">
    Date: <?php echo $todayis ?>
    <br />
    Thank You : <?php echo $visitor ?> ( <?php echo $visitormail ?> )
    <br />
    Attention: <?php echo $attn ?>
    <br />
    Message:<br />
    <?php $notesout = str_replace("\r", "<br/>", $notes);
    echo $notesout; ?>
    <br />
    <?php echo $ip ?>
    <br /><br />
    <a href="thankyou.html"> Next Page </a>
    Thank you!

  • Bookmarks from form fields

    Is it possible to automatically create bookmarks from the text that the user types into form fields?

    In principle it's possible, but remember that bookmarks can't be added in

  • Tabbing issues - form fields and HTML links

    I have a few HTML links in the top of a page with a form starting half way down the page. When using the tab order, I am able to specify tab order no problem in the form fields but when previewing or using the PDF and tabbing through, the tab order gets thrown out of wack and jumps up to the HTML links from tab order, 1 -2 HTML - HTML - 3- 4- so on...  I am unable to scpecify a tab order for the HTML links as it gives no option. I have tried to send the text field to a back layer but it does nothing. Is there anything I can do to correct this?

    For many people submit by e-mail can never work, because their PC is
    not set up to send email. For example, countless millions use only
    Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo or similar.
    It's also possible you set options (like "submit whole PDF") that
    don't work with the free Reader.
    It's best to think of "submit by e-mail" as something to help you in
    the prototyping before moving on to a proper web-based solution.
    Aandi Inston

  • Auto Create Filename from Form Fields

    Hello all,
    I am trying to find a way that I can save a form with a certain filename. I have the form create and all set to go. The user will be input some information into boxes. For instance I will have a Name box and a Date box. After the user is done filling out the form I would like the filename to be these two input boxes. Is there a way to do this? So basically I need to take these two form fields and have them be saved as the filename. Any help would be great. Thanks alot.

    You can export the data form the PDF using the FormDataIntegration service.
    Once you have the data in xml format, you can use a setValue and concatenate the value of the two nodes you're interested in.

  • Gather email from Form to submit PDF attachment.

    Hello all.
    First off, I am a Javascript noob, but am pretty good at figuring things out. This is what I am attempting to do:
    I have several forms that our office uses for tracking mileage, new employee hire stuff, etc. I'm trying to set the office up to use digital signatures, and decrease the amount of paper waste.
    I have the forms created, and at the top have two buttons, print, and Send form. On top the of the Send Form button, I have a text field where I want people to be able to put an email address in, and when they press Submit Form, it will load up their Outlook and already have that email filled in.
    I'd also like the option of using a drop down menu as well on certain forms.
    I am having trouble getting the coding right. Eventually I'd like to be able to determine the subject line and body of the email as well, but at this point I'd settle for getting it to load up outlook with the email that was typed into the form "Destination" or, as on certain forms, whatever value is selected from the drop down menu.
    I can set up a submit button to a pre-determined email easily, but I need something beyond that now.
    Thanks for any and all help!

    I think I figured it out. Here is what I use to pull the email address:
    var mailTo = this.getField("DeliveryCombo").value;
    var subject = "Mileage Report for " + this.getField("EmployeesName").value;
    var msgBody = "Here is my mileage report for you.";
    If you look at the var subject line, you will see that I have the first part of the subject as static (Mileage Report for ) and then I have it pull the name from the EmployeesName field to complete the rest of the subject.
    When someone clicks send, it generates and email to the email address they typed in or selected from the combo box, puts the subject line as Mileage Report for (name of employee), and generates that short part in the body. Finally, it attaches the PDF in full to the email.
    I hope this helps. Let me know if it doesn't and we'll see if we can figure something out.

  • How to update session state from form field values without submitting page?

    I am new to Oracle APEX. I am using Oracle Apex 4.2 on Oracle 11g release 2. The problem is that when I am entering data on a form, when I enter a value in one field and move to the next field, how can I use the value of first field in the validation procedure of next field? I know that when we enter data in fields, the session state is not updated with these values until we submit the page... right... but I have seen that if there is a control of List box type, then Apex gives an option "Action When List changes" where we can choose option to update corresponding session state field with the value of list box item, without submitting the page.
    Now my questions is why this option is only available for List box items? why not for other item types like Text box, Check box,... ? can someone please help me with this?
    (the issue with update of session state depending on page submitting, is that we need a complete network round trip from client to server in order for it. However if we can update session state variables without submitting page, then we can avoid this network traffic).
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Create a dynamic action on change and run a PL/SQL process there with the following code:
    END;Page items to submit > your item.
    This will set the session state without submitting the form.
    Further examples here:
    Denes Kubicek

  • Adobe Livecycle: Save as Filename from Form Field Assistance

    I have Livecycle E2 and Adobe 9.0.  I am trying to have a pdf save in a desired location with a filename that originates from a field form.  So far, I have created a folder level script under C/programfiles/adobe/acrobat 9.0/acrobat/javascript/xxxxxxx.js.  Inside the .js folder level I have this so far:
    mySaveAs = app.trustPropagatorFunction(function(doc, path)
    myTrustedSpecialTaskFunc = app.trustedFunction(function(doc, file_path)
         // Privileged and/or non-privileged code above
              mySaveAs(doc, file_path);
    Also, I created a button on my pdf with a text field named "NAME".  I ran a javascript with mouseUp on the button with this code:
    // Get the field value
    var fn = getField("NAME").valueAsString;
    // Specify the folder
    var fldr = "/c/testing/";
    // Determine the full path
    var fp = fldr + fn + ".pdf";
    // Save the file
    myTrustedSpecialTaskFunc(this, fp);
    For some reason, the file does not save at all in that location after typing in some text in the name field and hitting the button.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

    I have Livecycle E2 and Adobe 9.0.  I am trying to have a pdf save in a desired location with a filename that originates from a field form.  So far, I have created a folder level script under C/programfiles/adobe/acrobat 9.0/acrobat/javascript/xxxxxxx.js.  Inside the .js folder level I have this so far:
    mySaveAs = app.trustPropagatorFunction(function(doc, path)
    myTrustedSpecialTaskFunc = app.trustedFunction(function(doc, file_path)
         // Privileged and/or non-privileged code above
              mySaveAs(doc, file_path);
    Also, I created a button on my pdf with a text field named "NAME".  I ran a javascript with mouseUp on the button with this code:
    // Get the field value
    var fn = getField("NAME").valueAsString;
    // Specify the folder
    var fldr = "/c/testing/";
    // Determine the full path
    var fp = fldr + fn + ".pdf";
    // Save the file
    myTrustedSpecialTaskFunc(this, fp);
    For some reason, the file does not save at all in that location after typing in some text in the name field and hitting the button.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

  • Get information from an array saved into a text file

    I am trying to get information from an array saved as a text file to extract the information to build an string. This string will go out from the serial port to a device which will listen this message and it will answer the question. All the information sended sequencially it has to be obtained from that array. Every row contain one instruction and this has to be sended one after one.
    Could you tell me if is possible to make this driver? And if you have a similar driver, Where can I get it from?

    The VIs that I would suggest using are found in the String Function Pallet:
    Spreadsheet String To Array
    Array To Spreadsheet String
    The delimiter should be the termination character. These VIs will adapt to a string array.
    For the Spreadsheet String To Array wire an empty string array and use %s as the format. The delimiter should be the termination character of the text file, most likely a end of line (\r\n).
    For the Array To Spreadsheet String the delimiter should be the termination required for your serial device.
    Using a combination of these two VIs should provide you the functions required to make the driver.

  • Can't get to "Form Field Mapping" pop up for PDF templates

    Hi all,
    I am trying to create a PDF template in BIP(
    I have put a single text field on the PDF template and uploaded the XML data as well. I click on the "Map Form Field" button for the template and it is opened. I can see my text field highighted but when I click on this nothing happens... i.e. I don't get the "Form Field Mapping" to map my data field to the template(as per page 3-40 on BIP User's Guide). What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance for your time.

    We had the same issue and the solution was to save the pdf form as Acrobat 5.0 compatible.
    For Acrobat 9 : File -> Save As -> Save As type: (Adobe PDF Files, Optimized) -> Settings button -> Make compatible with: Adobe 5.0 and later
    This is also mentioned in the Report Designers Guide page 10-1 "Supported Modes"

  • Field values are repeating for search help.

    Hello Friends.
    I have a problem. When I create a search help for a field the identical field values are repeating. What should I do to trigger only the first time.
    for example:
    <u>Field-name</u>-                        <u>field-value</u>
    Supplier Nr ---                                 Commodity
    5001 -
    5002 -
    5003 -
    So when I create the search help for commodity it is showing 'casting' 3 times in a pop-up window. It should not repeat. Can you please give me the solution what should I do?

    Search helps
    Standard search help
    Types of search helps
    Concept of search help
    Search Help Interface
    Dialog behavior of search helps
    Selection method for search helps
    Performance of search helps
    Attaching search helps
    Hierarchy of search helps
    Standard Search Help
    The input help (F4 help) is a standard function of the R/3 System. It permits the user to display a list of possible values for a screen field. A value can be directly copied to an input field by list selection.
    The fields having an input help are shown in the R/3 System by the input help key to the right of the field. This key appears as soon as the cursor is positioned on the corresponding screen field. The help can be started either by clicking on this screen element or with function key F4.
    If the number of possible entries for a field is very large, you can limit the set of displayed values by entering further restrictions.
    Further meaningful information about the displayed values is included in the display of possible entries, especially if the field requires that a formal key be entered.
    Elementary search helps
    Describe a search path. The elementary search help must define where the data of the hit list should be read from (selection method), how the exchange of values between the screen template and selection method is implemented (interface of the search help) and how the online input help should be defined (online behavior of the search help).
    Collective search help
    Combine several elementary search helps. A collective search help thus can offer several alternative search paths.
    Search Help Interface
    Search help interface determines how the exchange of values between the screen template and the selection method is implemented.
    The search help interface defines the context data that can be used in the input help and the data that can be returned to the input mask. Analogously to the interface of a function module, the search help interface comprises interface parameters.
    When you define an interface parameter of a search help, you must also define whether it should be used to copy data to the input help (IMPORT parameter) or whether it should be used to return data from the input help (EXPORT parameter). A parameter of a search help can also have both attributes at the same time.
    The location from which the IMPORT parameters of a search help get their values and the screen fields in which the contents of the EXPORT parameters of the search help are returned are defined in the search help attachment. The search help itself should always be attached to an EXPORT parameter of the search help. If this parameter is also the IMPORT parameter, its contents are only used in the input help if it is a search string (that is, if it contains a ´*´ or a ´+´).
    You must define the parameter types of a search help. You can do this by assigning them data elements.
    Value Transport for Input Helps
    NOTE:In the above example, screen fields A, B and C are linked with parameters of the search help. As a result, values can only be transported between the screen and the search help for these three fields. Existing contents of screen fields A and B can be used for selecting the hit list since they are linked with an import parameter of the search help. The values of parameters A and C can be returned to the screen from the hit list since these parameters are declared as export parameters of the search help.
    Description of dialog behavior
    A hit list might contain plentiful number of entries. A
    dialog provides the user with an option to restrict the
    entries displayed on the hit list.
    In an input help process, the set of possible entries is presented in the dialog box as a list for displaying the hit list. The user selects the required value from this list by double clicking. Since the possible entries are often formal keys, you must be able to display further explanatory information about the possible entries in the list.
    If the set of possible entries is very large, the user should be able to define additional conditions for the attributes of the selected entry. Restricting the set of data in this way both increases the clarity of the list and reduces the system load. Additional conditions can be entered in a further dialog window, the dialog box for restricting values.
    Specifying the dialog type of a search help defines whether the dialog box for restricting values should be offered and if so under what conditions.
    The attributes in the dialog box for displaying the hit list or in the dialog box for restricting values must be defined as internal parameters of the search help. An internal parameter can also be used in only one of the two dialog boxes. It can also belong to the search help interface.
    The internal parameter types are also defined with data elements. These data elements define how the parameters are displayed in the two dialog boxes.
    Reward if usefull

  • Adding custom fields on a SC for searching a PO

    Hi Friends,
    I am working on SRM classic Scenario and I have a requirement for which I need to add custom fields on the shopping cart under "CONFIRM GOODS/SERVICES CENTRALLY" on clicking "EXTENDED SEARCH" we get 16 fields for searching a PO.
    The requirement is, user should be able to search a PO using "shopping cart number" and "shopping cart creator".
    As I have looked into some of the enhancements include structures and I find this include  "INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_PO" may work.
    Can anybody help me in how do I go ahead withthis.

    Hi Arun,
    From what i understood from your query, you want to add fields on the "CONFIRM GOODS/SERVICES CENTRALLY" transaction search screen.
    The fields are 'shopping cart number' and 'shopping cart creator'.
    Please go through the following OSS Note:
    Note 672960 - User-defined fields 2
    I think the structure you should use are:
    If you have defined document-specific fields on header and/or item level, you also have to define them in structures INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF (for the fields of the header) and INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF IF THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DEFINED THERE YET. Consequently, these structures contain the combination of header or item fields of all document-specific fields
    You can also use user-defined fields as search criteria. To do this, you have to set fields XINPUT and XDISPLAY to 'X' in table ET_FIELDS for the fields you want to use in BADI BBP_CUF_BADI_2 in method MODIFY_SCREEN. The fields defined this way are displayed if you choose the 'Extended search' link.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to find information from a field in R3 to get it in Business Content

    Hi all, my case is this:
    i want to learn how to get or struct a model in BW, for example, my task is make a query where the client wanna get information , and he told me the fields, ok, in R3 i got the name of the field (NODISCONCT), the struct (EANLD), and others fields more,  ok, now i have to activate the data model to load this fields in InfoObjects, thats the problem, i dont know how make my model and find it in Business content, i was looking for in but i couldnt find it, but i want to learn more how to do it, and the best way to do this task, help me guys, i know this is a very important step that i must learn very well to make my carrer in BW, i ll really apreciate it !
    Thanks !

    see suppose i can give you one  example.
    from this link you get idea about fi-ar and fi-ap
    client will give you that these are the field i want . for this report. From report you can get idea
    What is on it . Here you need to think you want to go top down or bottom up.
    bottom up - you need to check with data source. then this datasource is related cube or dso and then report
    just play with  in bi content you will get idea

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