GeForce4 Titanium 128MB works without drivers?!

I have a MDD dual 1Ghz and have been using the ATI 9000 64MB card since new, no problems. My Itunes visualizer frame rates have really slowed down (can't remember when this happened, maybe years ago), and I saw an NVIDIA GeForce4 Titanium 128MB Graphics Card FS cheap so I bit. Plugged it in and it works, no drivers. In fact the installation CD that came with says its incompatible with my system when I try to install it. This is in the Apple box, with the Apple CD, and this card is clearly compatible with my hardware according to specs. It was an option when new, just too expensive then.
Regardless, frame rates are unchanged, though moving windows around from one monitor to another in extended desktop mode is clearly faster, and cleaner.
Was my expectation of faster visualizer frame rates unrealistic? If I could find compatible drivers would this help? I'm kind of afraid to change anything as its driving my second monitor at 1920x1080 which isn't even in the specs.
I used to get 64+ frames per second, the past year or two its more like 25. Any theories as to what may be gumming this thing up?
Thanks for your opinion, Mark
MDD Dual 1Ghz Mac OS X (10.3.9) M-Audio Revolution 7.1

I believe that iTunes 7 makes even more use of display routines than the earlier versions did - it wreaked havoc with my stock 32MB GeForce card with display artifacts just displaying the album art, forget about even using the visualizer.. The frame rates you're seeing in the visualizer are comparable to my Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB card. I don't know if you're going to see anything better on a card that's compatible with the G4's other than the latest 256MB cards with full Core Image support that still have to live within the 4X AGP standard..

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    hey, thanks for responding....
    that didn't work, because i'm on a trackpad that doesn't have the bootcamp drivers installed, but in order to install the drivers in windows 7, it requires a right click to access the drop down menu to "troubleshoot compatibility" of the bootcamp x64 driver...
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    hopefully someone who encounters this same b.s. will find this post.
    take care!

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    PrintPlaying Audio Publisher details
    Issues found
    IDT High Definition Audio CODEC has a driver problemIDT High Definition Audio CODEC has a driver problem
    There is a problem with the driver for IDT High Definition Audio CODEC. The driver needs to be reinstalled. Not fixed Not Fixed
    Reinstall device driver Completed
    Check audio deviceCheck audio device
    There might be a problem with your audio device. Detected Detected
    Potential issues that were checked
    Windows Update configured to never install driversWindows Update configured to never install drivers
    Driver updates aren't automatically installed when detected by Windows Update. Issue not present
    Issues found Detection details
    5 IDT High Definition Audio CODEC has a driver problem Not fixed Not Fixed
    There is a problem with the driver for IDT High Definition Audio CODEC. The driver needs to be reinstalled.
    InformationalDevice information
    Name: IDT High Definition Audio CODEC
    ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_111D&DEV_76E0&SUBSYS_103C198B&REV_1003\4&9F7D0F6&0&0001
    Error code: 39

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    What do you mean by 'not working' ? Unless the instructions on this page are followed when creating an account :
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    nadiamilan wrote:
    I think that is an great idea . But I wanna know if there is anything else i can do besides going all way back to the place i got if fixed at ....
    Probably not.

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    ----------------- NVIDIA: ---------------------
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    Isn't it time for Creative to do something with their driver support Shouldn't they do the same like Nvidia or ATI and get some more people working on drivers
    The fact that it takes around a half year for a little driver upgrade shows me that there can not be more then -2 guys working on drivers in some of their free time.
    I am a programer myself, already coded drivers and I know its not easy so I dont want to blame them. But in my opionion its simply not enough. I think more people should work on drivers and they should have a higher priority.
    I have my own community forums ... a year ago everyone said "Get a XFI Card - best one!". Today everyone says "Don't get XFI - nice hardware but bad drivers".
    This should not be ... its bad for CL so please CL ... do something about it and change something! Other big companies already did it! If you dont do it this will have many bad bad results for you! Nobody wants to buy your product anymore if you can't create nice drivers for it!

    As a gamer, having capable hardware is a must at all times. When i built my new system recently the only thing that traveled from my old system to the new build was my sound card, the X-Fi. Amazingly to my surprise all my other hardware had vista x64 software/drivers available. Sadly enough i must say that i really liked this card and how it ran on my older system, it was because creative had so called vista drivers i went ahead and installed it (vista). Unfortunately i am too far in vista with my other apps, work to go back and too be honest i like it. I am getting the point where i am very close to getting rid of this card, reason being i can only run my games in software sound mode which is majorly sucking now. There are a few cards which i cant mention bc the mods will just remove the name and while they already have mature vista drivers the lack of EAX 3.0+ is whats holding me back a few more weeks. Interestingly its also creative's fault that no one else can use EAX 3.0+.
    To answer your question a bit more directly, creative probably has no more than 2-3 ppl working on drivers at any one time. And until recently that probably did the job fine, unfortunately times have changed OSs are more complex, driver writing isn't what it used to be and creative needs to get their but in gear..Maybe even let us know whats going one every once in a while. Because like i said it before and will say i again, once valuable customers are lost they usually don't come back even if they develop a superior product.

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