Generate INSERT Statements question

Is there a built-in PL/SQL procedure that SQL Developer utilizes to generate the INSERT statements when one exports data from a worksheet in 'insert' format? Is it part of the DBMS_METADATA package?

No this is all done in Java, we use the DBMB-METADATA only for generating DDL...

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  • Generate Insert Statement Script to Extract Data from Table in Oracle 7i

    Hi all, I have an old Oracle legacy system that is running for over 15 years.Every now and then we need to extract data from this table@ ORacle 7i to be imported back to Oracle 10G.
    My thoughts are to create a script of Insert statements in oracle 7 and that to be deployed back to Oracle 10G.
    I found this scripts in Google and not sure how exactly this works.Any explanation on thsi scripts , would be greatly appreciated.I find this scripst may help to generate a set of insert statements from that table to the latest table at 10G.
    -- Step 1: Create this procedure:
    create or replace Function ExtractData(v_table_name varchar2) return varchar2 As
    b_found boolean:=false;
    v_tempa varchar2(8000);
    v_tempb varchar2(8000);
    v_tempc varchar2(255);
    for tab_rec in (select table_name from user_tables where table_name=upper(v_table_name))
    v_tempa:='select ''insert into '||tab_rec.table_name||' (';
    for col_rec in (select * from user_tab_columns
    order by
    if col_rec.column_id=1 then
    end if;
    if instr(col_rec.data_type,'CHAR') > 0 then
    elsif instr(col_rec.data_type,'DATE') > 0 then
    v_tempc:='''to_date(''''''||to_char('||col_rec.column_name||',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')||'''''',''''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'''')''';
    end if;
    end loop;
    v_tempa:=v_tempa||') values ('||v_tempb||');'' from '||tab_rec.table_name||';';
    end loop;
    if Not b_found then
    v_tempa:='-- Table '||v_table_name||' not found';
    v_tempa:=v_tempa||chr(10)||'select ''-- commit;'' from dual;';
    end if;
    return v_tempa;
    show errors
    -- STEP 2: Run the following code to extract the data.
    set head off
    set pages 0
    set trims on
    set lines 2000
    set feed off
    set echo off
    var retline varchar2(4000)
    spool c:\t1.sql
    select 'set echo off' from dual;
    select 'spool c:\recreatedata.sql' from dual;
    select 'select ''-- This data was extracted on ''||to_char(sysdate,''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'') from dual;' from dual;
    -- Repeat the following two lines as many times as tables you want to extract
    exec :retline:=ExtractData('dept');
    print :retline;
    exec :retline:=ExtractData('emp');
    print :retline;
    select 'spool off' from dual;
    spool off
    -- STEP3: Run the spooled output c:\recreatedata.sql to recreate data.

    Thanks Justin.
    I get what you are saying,i really wanted to see the output of the codes, because the furtherst i could get from that code is
    and it generated this:
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    "select 'insert into MYTABLE ('||chr(10)||'DATE1,'||chr(10)||'TIME1,'||chr(10)||'COUNTS) values ('||decode(DATE1,Null,'Null','to_date('''||to_char(DATE1,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi')||''',''mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi'')')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TIME1,Null,'Null',TIME1)||','||chr(10)||''||decode(COUNTS,Null,'Null',COUNTS)||');' from MYTABLE;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;"
    I was expecting a string of
    insert into mytable values (19/1/2009,1,1);
    insert into mytable values (19/10/2008,5,10);
    Thanks for the explanation .

  • Script for generating insert statements

    I have different tables with data and I would like to have the insert statements generated of the data in the tables. Does someone have a generic script to do the job?

    Hi trafoc,
      You can also check out SQL Developer which has function to output table ddl and/or
    data under Tools selection.  Link is ""
    Below is a sample output :
    --   FILTER = none used
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('SMITH','CLERK',800,20);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('ALLEN','SALESMAN',1600,30);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('WARD','SALESMAN',1250,30);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('JONES','MANAGER',2975,20);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('MARTIN','SALESMAN',1250,30);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('BLAKE','MANAGER',2850,30);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('CLARK','MANAGER',2450,10);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('KING','PRESIDENT',5000,10);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('TURNER','SALESMAN',1500,30);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('GRIZZLY','CLERK',1100,20);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('JAMES','CLERK',950,30);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('FORD','ANALYST',3000,20);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('MILLER','CLERK',1300,10);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('SCOTT','Clerk',9999,20);
    Insert into PEOPLE (USERNAME,JOB,SALARY,DEPTNO) values ('TEST_VPD','Clerk',1500,20);

  • Generate insert statement using columns from all_tab_cols view

    i am trying to generate a dynamic insert statement using the columns for a table from the all_tab_cols view. if i do a select, i get the output as rows. How do i convert the row out to columns so that i get something like this : INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (COL1, COL2, COL3,COL4.....) .
    Any help will be appreciated!

    SQL> select * from my_test;
    no rows selected
    SQL> desc my_Test;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    COL1                                               NUMBER
    COL2                                               NUMBER
    COL3                                               NUMBER
    SQL> declare
      2  cursor c1 is select column_name from all_tab_cols where table_name = 'MY_TEST';
      3  v_sql VARCHAR2(10000) := NULL;
      4  v_cnt NUMBER := 0;
      5  BEGIN
      6  FOR I in C1 LOOP
      7  v_cnt := v_cnt + 1;
      8  v_sql := 'INSERT INTO my_test('||I.column_name||') values('||v_cnt||')';
      9  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
    10  END LOOP;
    11  COMMIT;
    12  end;
    13  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from my_Test;
          COL1       COL2       COL3

  • Quote problem in Generating Insert Statement Script to Extract Data

    Hi every body;
    I would like to write an sql/plsql script which can extract data from an oracle existing table in insert statements.
    the table employees:
    empno name
    1 john
    2 M'hir
    3 M'silou
    My problem is that i have the following result:
    insert into employees values('1','john');
    insert into employees values('2','m'hir');------- Problem with M'hir qote
    insert into employees values('3','M'silou');----- Problem with M'silou quote
    How can i have :
    insert into employees values('2','m''hir');------- two quotes with M'hir =M''hir
    insert into employees values('3','M''silou');----- Problem with M'silou=M''silou
    plz your help
    thank you at advance

    What is your DB version?? If it is >10g, you can use the Q delimiter (as mentioned by Solomon).
    Check this out.

  • How to set commit interval after n rows when generating insert statements?

    I'm trying to generate a sql insert script with a few million rows using SQL Developer 1.5.4.
    I can generate insert scripts ok, but can't see anywhere to set the commit interval.
    In the preferences screen under migration I see you can set the commit interval under data move options, but I assume this is something different.
    I know we could use sql loader, but this insert is part of deployment package which has a series of sql scripts that we need to run together. So I don't want to run a series of sql scripts, then run sql loader, and then go back to sql scripts.
    Am i missing something, or is this just not possible with SQL Developer?
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Unfortunately, SQL Developer doesn't cover all of the SQL*Plus commands. There is a preference in SQL Developer to switch on autocommit in the SQL worksheet (Tools > Preferences > Database > Worksheet Parameters), but that is presumably every record, rather than every 100 as you are trying to do.
    There is a document on SQL Developer's SQL*Plus support (here), but that doesn't list autocommit in either the supported or unsupported sections.

  • Generate SQL Insert Statements

    I am testing generating insert statements for which I have a function which will return a sql statement.
    This sql statement when I execute would results as sql insert statements.
    What I am trying to acheive through a procedure is when I execute function, the result I would like to execute automatically and then the second sql I would like to store to a control file or sql file.
    How can I acheive this?
    Any help is very helpful
    Edited by: user20090209 on Aug 20, 2009 11:34 AM

    Here is the function to generate sql
    CREATE OR REPLACE function insert_sql(v_table_name varchar2)
    return varchar2 as
    b_found boolean := false;
    v varchar2(32000);
    v1 varchar2(32000);
    v2 varchar2(32000);
    for s in (
    select *
    from all_tables
    where table_name=upper(v_table_name)
    --and owner=upper(v_owner)
    ) loop
    b_found := true;
    for ss in (
    select *
    from all_tab_columns
    where table_name = s.table_name
    order by column_id
    ) loop
    if ss.data_type='NUMBER' then
    end if;
    if ss.data_type in ('VARCHAR2','CHAR') then
    end if;
    if ss.data_type='DATE' then
    v2:=v2||',to_date(''''''||to_char('||ss.column_name||','' hh:mi:ss'')||'''''','''' hh:mi:ss'''')';
    end if;
    end loop;
    v:='select ''insert into '||s.table_name||' (';
    v:=v||substr(v1,2,9999)||') '||chr(10)||' values ('||substr(v2,2,9999)||'); '' txt from '||s.table_name;
    end loop;
    if not b_found then
    v:='- Table ' || v_table_name || ' not found';
    end if;
    return v;
    /And I am calling like
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_gen_script_exec IS
    type v_ref_cur is REF CURSOR;
    v_ref_cur_var v_ref_cur;
    v_temp_sql VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_sql varchar2(4000);
    v_sql := insert_sql('table_name');--change here
    open v_ref_cur_var for v_sql;
    fetch v_ref_cur_var into v_temp_sql;
    exit when v_ref_cur_var%notfound;
    execute immediate v_temp_sql;
    end loop;
    close v_ref_cur_var;
    /Edited by: user20090209 on Aug 20, 2009 1:24 PM

  • Simple SELECT query to generate  INSERT for a table

    I am looking for a SELECT query which generates INSERT statements for a table.Please guide.

    Like this?
    SQL> SELECT * from kons;
         COL1      COL2
            1         1
            2         2
    SQL> SELECT 'INSERT INTO kons VALUES('||col1||','||col2||');' statement FROM kons;
    INSERT INTO kons VALUES(1,1);
    INSERT INTO kons VALUES(2,2);
    SQL> If you have character and / or date columns you will have to change my example,
    but you might get the idea from it.
    You can spool the result to a file.
    Edit: ';' added to end of statement...

  • Unable to generate insert stmt scripts using sql developer

    We are not able to generate INSERT statement script using SQL Developer. In the INSERT script system is inserting some spaces due to carriage return which we cannot reviewed individually.

    :PGIT_POL_RISK_ADDL_INFO_01.PRAI_NUM_35_OUT) ',3,null,'N','01','VALIADTION',null,null,'PREMIA',to_date('19-SEP-07','DD-MON-RR'),'WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM','1','1');
    script which is taken from Sql Developer and got error while running in SQL* PLUS
    Following error was raised on running the script in SQL * PLUS
    5 rows deleted.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    1 row created.
    SP2-0734: unknown command beginning ":P_FLAG_OU..." - rest of line ignored.
    SP2-0734: unknown command beginning ":PGIT_POL_..." - rest of line ignored.
    SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "to_date('1..." - rest of line ignored.

  • VLD-1119: Unable to generate Multi-table Insert statement for some or all t

    Hi All -
    I have a map in OWB which is ending with following error: -
    VLD-1119: Unable to generate Multi-table Insert statement for some or all targets.*
    Multi-table insert statement cannot be generated for some or all of the targets due to upstream graphs of those targets are not identical on "active operators" such as "join".*
    The map is created with following logic in mind. Let me know if you need more info. Any directions are highly appreciated and many thanks for your inputs in advance: -
    I have two source tables say T1 and T2. There are full outer joined in a joiner and output of this joined is passed to an expression to evaluate values of columns based on
    business logic i.e. If T1 is available than take T1.C1 else take T2.C1 so on.
    A flag is also evaluated in the expression because these intermediate results needs to be joined to third source table say T3 with different condition.
    Based on value taken a flag is being set in the expression which is used in a splitter to get results in three intermediate tables based on flag value evaluated earlier.
    These three intermediate tables are all truncate insert and these are unioned to fill a final target table.
    Visually it is something like this: -
    T1 -- T3 -- JOINER1
    | -->Join1 (FULL OUTER) --> Expression -->SPLITTER -- JOINER2 UNION --> Target Table
    | JOINER3
    T2 --
    Please suggest.

    I verified that their is a limitation with the splitter operator which will not let you generate a multi split having more than 999 columns in all.
    I had to use two separate splitters to achieve what I was trying to do.
    So the situation is now: -
    Siource -> Split -> Split 1 -> Insert into table -> Union1---------Final tableA
    Siource -> Split -> Split 2 -> Insert into table -> Union1

  • Question related to INSERT statement

    Consider this scenario:
    - table_a has 5,000,000 records at time t1
    - table_b is empty at time t1
    - At time t1, I execute the following statement:
              insert into table_b
                select * from table_a;
        - The insert statement finishes at time t2
    - Between t1 and t2, say 3,000 new records were added to table_a (by OLTP processes).
    So at time t2, table_a has 5,003,000 records.
    My question is, at time t2, how many records will be in table_b? Will it be 5,000,000 or
    5,003,000 or somewhere between these two counts?
    I am guessing it will be 5,000,000 since that was the number when the insert statement
    started to execute.
    Any feedback is much appreciated.

    Syed Ullah wrote:
    Consider this scenario:
    - table_a has 5,000,000 records at time t1
    - table_b is empty at time t1
    - At time t1, I execute the following statement:
    insert into table_b
    select * from table_a; - The insert statement finishes at time t2
    - Between t1 and t2, say 3,000 new records were added to table_a (by OLTP processes).
    So at time t2, table_a has 5,003,000 records.
    My question is, at time t2, how many records will be in table_b? Will it be 5,000,000 or
    5,003,000 or somewhere between these two counts?
    I am guessing it will be 5,000,000 since that was the number when the insert statement
    started to execute.
    Any feedback is much appreciated.At time t2 it's possible the answer is 0. Once the insert operation finishes (could be any time after t1 in your example, possibly before t2, possibly after) and assuming you checked within the same session where you ran the insert, you'd see 5,000,000. In other sessions you would continue to see 0 until the session that performed the insert did a COMMIT.
    Is something you should be reading. It outlines these fundamental concepts much better than you're likely going to find in a few forum posts.

  • TopLink does not generate SQL statements for inserting new objects

    TopLink does not generate SQL statements for inserting new objects. Why?
    Thanks in advance...

    Please see the response in
    Why does not unitofwork.commit write data to the database?

  • Can I insert pretest questions as knowledge checks between content slides and before a graded quiz without affecting the scoring of the graded quiz? Help documentation states that they should be used before a course begins.

    Can I insert pretest questions as knowledge checks between content slides and before a graded quiz without affecting the scoring of the graded quiz? Help documentation states that they should be used before a course begins.
    If I use both pretest questions and graded questions, can I also include remedial with return to quiz for both?

    Sorry, but I gave two workarounds: my preference is custom question slides, but you can also have questions slides where you do not add the score to the Total score. They will not be reported to the LMS and can act as Knowledge slides. Only some quizzing system variables can count all question slides, including the Knowledge slides, but the core variables (score, maximum score, percentage) will be correct. Here some links to my blog, that could help you:
    System variables in Captivate 8 - Captivate blog
    Intermediate Score Slides - Captivate blog
    That each SCORM module can have only one quiz is a SCORM requirement, not a a Captivate specific feature. Camtasia is bit difficult to compare, it is not a fully blown authoring tool although the best video screen capture tool around (video is non interactive by definition). I don't use Storyline, but cannot imagine that they shouldn't create SCORM-compliant files.

  • Bulk Load question for an insert statement.

    I'm looking to put the following statement into a FORALL statement using BULK COLLLECT and I need some guidance.
    Am I going to be putting the SELECT statement into a cursor and then load the cursor values into a defined Nested Table type defined variable?
    SELECT aor.associate_office_record_id ,
    sched.get_assoc_sched_rotation_week(aor.associate_office_record_id, v_weekType.start_date) week_id
    WHERE aor.OFFICE_ID = v_office_id
    AND (
    (aor.lt_assoc_stage_result_id in (4,8)
    AND v_officeWeekType.start_date >= trunc(aor.schedule_start_date)
    OR aor.lt_assoc_stage_result_id in (1, 2)

    I see people are reading this so for the insanely curious here's how I did it.
    Type AOR_REC is RECORD(
    associate_office_record_id dbms_sql.number_table,
    week_id dbms_sql.number_table); --RJS.***Setting up Type for use with Bulk Collect FORALL statements.
    v_a_rec AOR_REC; -- RJS. *** defining variable of defined Type to use with Bulk Collect FORALL statements.
    CURSOR cur_aor_ids -- RJS *** Cursor for BULK COLLECT.
    SELECT aor.associate_office_record_id associate_office_record_id,
    sched.get_assoc_sched_rotation_week(aor.associate_office_record_id, v_weekType.start_date) week_id
    WHERE aor.OFFICE_ID = v_office_id
    AND (
    (aor.lt_assoc_stage_result_id in (4,8)
    AND v_officeWeekType.start_date >= trunc(aor.schedule_start_date)
    OR aor.lt_assoc_stage_result_id in (1, 2)
    OPEN cur_aor_ids;
    FETCH cur_aor_ids BULK COLLECT into
    v_a_rec.associate_office_record_id, v_a_rec.week_id; --RJS. *** Bulk Load your cursor data into a buffer to do the Delete all at once.
    FORALL i IN 1..v_a_rec.associate_office_record_id.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS
    (v_a_rec.associate_office_record_id(i), v_a_rec.week_id(i)); --RJS. *** Single FORALL BULK DELETE statement.
    EXIT WHEN cur_aor_ids%NOTFOUND;
    CLOSE cur_aor_ids;
    dbms_output.put_line('ERROR ENCOUNTERED IS SQLCODE = '|| SQLCODE ||' AND SQLERRM = ' || SQLERRM);
    dbms_output.put_line('Number of INSERT statements that
    failed: ' || SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT);
    Easy right?

  • Question on Creating Table From Insert statement

    I want to create a table using a DBlink from another database using the create/insert statement. Will it also transfer the constraints or do I have to do it manually afterwards? Thanks.
    Create table T1
    SELECT a,b,c from T2 from DB@dblink;

    As discussed above, the constraints, indexes, triggers are not copied. Only NOT NULL constraints are copied.
    Look at this thread Re: Copying table structure.
    for copying triggers/indexes from source table to destination table.

Maybe you are looking for

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