Generating reports in HTMLCSS format changes output in HP-UX

Hi All,
I'm using Oracle Report 6i in HP-UX, apparently my reports was generated fine in PDF format, but the reports output was awful when generated in HTMLCSS format. It seen that oracle reports was trying to squeeze the report horizontally and vertically. Therefore I do a simple test again, I create a simple report defination file in HP-UX, which only consist of a 15cm x 3cm box. When I generate this report in PDF format, it works fine, but when I generate it in HTMLCSS format, the box become smaller, for instance 12cm x 2.5cm. So I get the same rdf file and run again in Oracle Report 6i for NT, it works fine for both PDF and HTMLCSS.
The command I used to generate the reports are.
and I do set REPORTS60_NO_DUMMY_PRINTER=true in the environment variables.
Does anyone encounter this problem before?

Try setting the environment variable REPORTS60_DEFAULT_PIXEL_SIZE=true. This will use the default pixel resolution instead of screen surface resolution to generate HTML/HTMLCSS output.
Siva B

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    Not feasible.
    Why? Because "the Excel format" is a binary and proprietary Microsoft file format. And writing a generator to generate Excel files will be complex, and resource expensive. In the vast majority of cases this will not be justified.
    As an alternative the very basic Microsoft XML office format can be used. But note that this is not a a ISO standard (it has been shot down in flames) - and effort and resources for that would be better spend on the Open Document XML standard (which very likely will be ratified as the ISO standard instead).
    Of course, you could have meant a CSV file - in which case, you need to play close attention to details. CSV is not an Excel format. A software designers and developers, our success is determined by attention to technical detail. In which case you are not paying any attention to technical detail by confusing CSV with Excel.

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    <table  id="AutoNumber1">
         <td background="images/top5movie.png">
         <p align="center"> </p>
       <td >
          <div align="center">
            <table id="AutoNumber2" >
                  <form method="GET" action="../report_gen" name="report_gen" target="_blank" onSubmit="javascript:return checkr1(this)">
                      <td ><b>Report Description:</b></td>
                      <td >This report is to show the top five popular movies in cinemix for a period </td>
                      <td><b>Data scope:</b></td>
                      <td >Start from
                      <input type="text" name="start" value="2003-1-1" >to
                      <input type="text" name="end" value="2006-1-1" ></td>
                      <td><b>Data processing:</b></td>
                      <td >Show
                        <select name="order_by">
                          <option value="desc" selected>top</option>
                          <option value="asc">bottom</option>
                      5 films</td>
                      <td> <p align="center">
                          <input type="submit" value="View_Report" name="subm">
                    <input type="hidden" name="report" value="r1">
                  <form method="GET" action="../report_gen" name="report_gen" target="_blank" onSubmit="javascript:return checkr2(this)">
                    <input type="hidden" name="report" value="r2">
      </table>Then my java code is here
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    // chart and pdf out
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
    import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
    import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
    import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
    import com.lowagie.text.Document;
    import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
    import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.DefaultFontMapper;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfTemplate;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
    import com.lowagie.text.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
    public class report_gen extends HttpServlet
       private final String titles[] = {"Top Five popular movies ",
                        "Financial cirumstance of cinemas",
                        "Distribution of time segment",
                        "Distribution of favourite movie type"
       private final String descs[] = {"This report is to show the top five  popular movies in cinemix for a period ",
                   "This report is to show the financial circumstance of each cinema site ",
                   "This report is to analysis the customer when is the most visit time ",
                   "This report is to analysis the customer which type of movie do they watch the most"
        private final String bigTitle = "Cinemix";
        private final String driver = "";
        private final String url= "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cinemix";
        private final String userID = "abc";
        private final String passwd = "abc";     
        public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
       protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
       throws ServletException, IOException
          final int width = 550;
         final int height = 200;
    / title font (centre and report title)
         final Font fTitle0 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 42, Font.BOLD);
         final Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 30, Font.BOLD);
              // centre name:
        final String title0 = bigTitle;
       // Default category for DefaultCategoryDataset
       final String cat = "data";
       Connection conn;
      JFreeChart chart;
       String title1     = "xyz Report";
       String chartDesc = "description";
       String notes[] = new String[4];
       String chartTitle = "so bad this is title";
       String chartXTitle = "this is x";
       String chartYTitle = "this is y.";
       String report = request.getParameter("report");     
       int max=-10000;
       int min=10000;
       int j=0;          
      // do some basic checking
       if (report == null || report.equals(""))
         report = "-1";  // this course unknow report error message
         String start   = request.getParameter("start");
         String end  = request.getParameter("end");
         String order_by  = request.getParameter("order_by");  // ToDo: check invalid string
           int topN  = 5;
        String order = (order_by.equals("desc")) ? "Top" : "Last";
       String inv[] = {"08:30", "09:30", "10:30", "11:30", "12:30", "11:30", "12:30", "13:30", "14:30", "15:30", "16:30", "17:30","18:30","19:30","20:30","21:30","22:30","23:30"};
         int inv_val[] = new int[inv.length - 1];
             catch(Exception e)
            printE("Cannot load mysql database driver!", response);
                 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userID, passwd);
                  if (report.equals("r1")) {  // report 1
               DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
              Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
              String sql = "select *,count(f.Name),f.Name from film f, filmDetail fd, ticket t where f.startDate > '" + start + "' and f.endDate <  '" + end + "'and fd.filmID = f.filmID and fd.filmDetailID = t.filmDetailID group by order by fd.filmDetailID asc limit '" +topN+"'";
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while (
           if (rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID") > max) max = rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID");
         if (rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID") < min) min = rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID");
           ataset.setValue(rs.getInt("fd.filmDetailID"), cat,rs.getString("f.Name"));
           title1     = titles[0];
         chartDesc  = descs[0];
         chartTitle = order + " " + topN + " popular movie";
          chartYTitle = "Box Office record";
          chartXTitle = "Film Name";
          gender = " ";
          chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(chartTitle, chartXTitle,   chartYTitle, dataset,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false);
              print("Error: I don't inderstand your request!", response);
           catch (SQLException e)
         printE("Cannot open database connection? <br>", response);
         // printE(e.toString);
         Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 5, 5, 5, 5);
             PdfWriter writer;
         writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, response.getOutputStream());
        HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter(new Phrase("Page: "), true);
                   // step 3
                   document.add(getHeader(title0, title1, start, end, gender, order, topN, chartDesc));
                   document.add(printChart(chart, writer));
              catch(DocumentException de)
              // step 5
         }// end doGet()
         /** Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
          * @param request servlet request
          * @param response servlet response
         protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
              throws ServletException, IOException
              // processRequest(request, response);
         /** Returns a short description of the servlet.
         public String getServletInfo()
              return "Generate reports for " + bigTitle;
         /* To print en error and exit(?) */
         private void printE(Object obj, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
              PrintWriter out;
              out = response.getWriter();
              // To-Do: how to force exiting?
         // create data chart
         private PdfPTable getHeader(String title0, String title1, String start, String end, String sex, String order, int topN, String desc)
              Font fTitle0 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 42, Font.BOLD);
              Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 24, Font.BOLD);
              Font fTitle3 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.BOLD);
              Font fValue = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.UNDERLINE);
              Paragraph parStartEnd = new Paragraph();
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase("Data start from:                  ", fTitle3));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase(start, fValue));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase("     to     ", fTitle3));
              parStartEnd.add(new Phrase(end, fValue));
              Paragraph parGenerateDate = new Paragraph();
              parGenerateDate.add(new Phrase("Report generated at:         ", fTitle3));
              parGenerateDate.add(new Phrase(new java.util.Date().toString(), fValue));
              Paragraph parGender = new Paragraph();
              parGender.add(new Phrase("Current show gender:       ", fTitle3));
              parGender.add(new Phrase(sex, fValue));
              Paragraph parTopN = new Paragraph();
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("Now is showing                 ", fTitle3));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase(order, fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("  ", fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase(new Integer(topN).toString(), fValue));
              parTopN.add(new Phrase("   record(s)", fTitle3));
              // Start main table
              PdfPTable tblMain = new PdfPTable(1);
              // Print title
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph(title0, fTitle0));
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph(title1, fTitle1));
              // Print headers data
              if (sex != " ")
              else if(order != null && topN > 0)
                   tblMain.addCell(" \n");
              tblMain.addCell(new Paragraph("Description of this report:", fTitle3));
              // Finish main table
              return tblMain;
         // print a chart _directly_ to pdf and return a empty Pdftable...
         public PdfPTable printChart(JFreeChart chart, PdfWriter writer)
              PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
              int width = 550;
              int height = 450;
              PdfTemplate tp = cb.createTemplate(width, height);
              Graphics2D g2d = tp.createGraphics(width, height, new DefaultFontMapper());
              Rectangle2D r2d = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height); //->,
              chart.draw(g2d, r2d);
              cb.addTemplate(tp, 20, 170);
              // quick method to push down the footer text
              // the only things this method return
              PdfPTable tblDownDown = new PdfPTable(1);
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              tblDownDown.addCell(" \n \n \n \n \n \n");
              return tblDownDown;
         public PdfPTable getFooter(String notes[])
              Font fNote = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 14, Font.UNDERLINE);
              Font fComment = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 12, Font.ITALIC);
              Font fTitle1 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 30, Font.ITALIC);
              // Start footer table
              PdfPTable tblFooter = new PdfPTable(1);
              if (notes != null)
                   tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("Notes:", fNote));
                   for (int i=0;i<notes.length;i++)
                        if (notes[i] != null)
                             tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("" + (i+1) + ". " + notes[i] + "", fComment));
                        tblFooter.addCell(new Paragraph("- End of report -", fComment));
                        return tblFooter;

    Go to the cache directory and see if you can open the report directly from here (not in IE).
    I have seen posts on problems with Acrobat Reader Plugin for IE (I believe it was version 6 of Reader).

  • Getting page no. when generating report in  XML format

    hi all,
    could any one tell me. How to get page no's in XML reporting.
    Is there any facility to assign physical page no. to an other variable?

    Hi Kishore,
    I have a report (D2K) of 10 pages. Normally for getting page no.s on report, we will have a field and we will assign source as physical page no. But if give like this, i am not getting page no.s when i am generating report format as XML.

  • Generating reports in .doc format (Word Document) using Java POI - HWPF

    Can anybody help me how to generate the report in .doc format using POI API?
    Please share the sample code, if you have.
    Thanks in Advance

    I dont think that your requirement has to do with ADF capabilities.
    You want to edit a word document with JAVA. For that reason, you will need an API, as the suggestions above.
    You can do it without ADF and by using standard JAVA and the API of your choice. a static void main will do for that matter.
    ADF comes into the game when you want to handle the document with your ADF application.
    This means that you either want to get your new data to be placed on your doc from BC or any other DataControl or you want to do something else with ADF..
    My guess is that you want to get data from ADF into your Doc.
    You could create an API on handling your Doc and then use it into your ADF application.

  • Generating Report in PDF Format.

    Hi All,
    How can I configure Report Server to generate all my Reports in PDF Destination Format? I am using Oracle 10g.
    In 6i, it used to be FORMS60_REPFORMAT parameter. Is there any equivalant in 10g? Where can I set it? or Is there any other way to configure Report Server?
    I may set desformat in rp2rro.pll but I would like to have it at Report Server level.
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    If you want to run all your reports using a generic file, then use web.show_document within Forms and set your desformat for each report in the cgicmd.dat file (in Oracle_home/reports/conf directory) on the App Server.
    Please be warned that any change to this file will require bouncing the report server (or the app server as I sometimes find it doesn't always pick up the changes).
    L :-)

  • Generate report in excel format

    Hello all,
    I´m trying to produce an excel report with oracle reports. I have three different queries:
    - one that returns columns name of the report.
    - one that returns rows of the report.
    - and one that returns the results.
    But when i generate the report, using desformat=delimited or spreadsheet, this three queries appears in three different places, one below other in spreadsheet.
    When i generate a pdf report, this queries looks fine, and appear in the place that i want.
    I´m using oracle 10g version. Can anyone tell me how can i put this three queries like a grid, so results are aligned with columns and rows?
    I need urgently an answer please.
    Best regards,
    João Oliveira
    Edited by: user10900512 on Jan 10, 2012 11:25 AM

    Not feasible.
    Why? Because "the Excel format" is a binary and proprietary Microsoft file format. And writing a generator to generate Excel files will be complex, and resource expensive. In the vast majority of cases this will not be justified.
    As an alternative the very basic Microsoft XML office format can be used. But note that this is not a a ISO standard (it has been shot down in flames) - and effort and resources for that would be better spend on the Open Document XML standard (which very likely will be ratified as the ISO standard instead).
    Of course, you could have meant a CSV file - in which case, you need to play close attention to details. CSV is not an Excel format. A software designers and developers, our success is determined by attention to technical detail. In which case you are not paying any attention to technical detail by confusing CSV with Excel.

  • How to generate report in pdf format through a JSP page

    I require to generate my report from my JSP page into a PDF format . How can i do it?

    Use a Java API which can create PDF files based on some collection of plain vanilla Java objects (List, String, Number, etc).
    Google can find them all. Just feed it with something like "Java PDF API" or so. A commonly used one is iText.
    That said, when talking about this in JSP context, ensure that you do NOT write raw Java code in JSP files using scriptlets. Raw Java code belongs in Java classes. In such case you need a Servlet. In JSP just use taglibs and EL to interact with backend Java code and data. Scriptlets are discouraged since over a decade.

  • Output of Report in HTML/HTMLCSS Format

    My application is developed in developer 6i & running on the web. When I take output of the report in HTML/HTMLCSS format the output is not perfect. There are many alignment problems.
    Some words mix with others.
    Can anybody advice me the solution of this problem.
    Thanks in advance

    I have read that it is better to use PDF format of report, but I don't know if it is true ...

  • Output of Report in PDF Format on the Web

    I am running my application developed in developer 6i on the web. When is take the output of the reports in HTML format the output comes fine.
    But when I set the report output format to PDF from registry the browser does not open the file & gives the message error opeing file. But the file is accurately created in server's temporary directory which can be opened separately without reports server.
    I am using IE 5 & also tried 6.
    I have installed Forms & reports server from developer 6i CD without 9iAS.
    Somebody gave me the answer that there is some bug in reports server. Is it really a bug ??? Another thing is if it is a bug, it also exists in 9iAS.
    Please help me out

    PrintOutputController.export, get the byte stream, save on server.
    Ted Ueda

  • Formatting report in excel format

    I have to generate report in excel format but I don't know how to format it for example to add a dynamic title, and to add a logo in the top of the excel sheet...
    any help..
    thanks in advance.

    Oracle Portal Reports generated do not pick up the foramting conditions which you would see in HTML/ASCII format .Hence ,TITLE ,FOOTER or number ,date formats wouldn't work in Excel format .Incase you needed formatted output ,you can use HTML/ASCII foramt.
    Incase you want to use the EXCEL format.Save the Excel file and right macros to do so.

  • How to avoid borderline coming between page and page in Htmlcss format

    Hi there
    I run a report output in HTMLcss format. Output is coming correctly.But what my problem is in the output i am getting some borderline (thick black line) between page and page. While i print the html i am getting this line at end of each page. What is this line and how to remove it htmlcss. i want printout without this line.I am using reports 10g version.
    thanx in advance
    prasanth a.s.

    The line is caused by the default HTML code placed in the After Page Value property found in the Report Escapes section of the report property palette. Clear the value to delete the line

  • Horizontal scrollbar isn't showed when using HTMLCSS format

    I'm using iAS Rel 1
    when creating "Right to Left" reports in HTMLCSS format with the report server , the horizontal scrollbar
    isn't showed !
    is there anyone can help me ?
    I'mm be really thankfull

    Hi Kamran,
    So you are using Reports 6i. Even in Reports 6i, you should not be hitting this problem. Pl install the latest 6i patchset 15 from Metalink (patch number 3171855). However, it is also possible that this is not actually a Reports issue. Pl try to view the report output in a different browser and see if the issue reproduces.
    If it reproduces, you can also try to see a report in the "left to right" direction also results in this problem.

  • How to test a generated report in my application by using web test written with Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate

    My application generates report in different formats, such as: Adobe, Excel, XML, CSV and HTML
    I have a webtest that makes all preparations, then generates a report. 
    In my application I have an option either to save the new generated report or open it.
    When I try to open the new report, the web test doesn't see it and therefore not allows me to test it.
    Please refer me to knowledge base or let me know how to resolve this type of issues.

    Hi qatm,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    Since this web performance test is used to verify the Http request/respond work correctly in VS, and the browser session is then displayed as a list of URLs in the Web Performance Test Editor.
    However, as you said that you want to test a generated report in my application by using web performance test in VS2012 Ultimate. If the report is not as the Http format, so I think that it is not possible to test a generated report by using web performance
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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