Generic database connection code

I want to write a code from which I can get the connection for any database. For that i have a properties file in which connection details are declared.
----------------Proerpties file for oracle ---------------
----------------Proerpties file for sql server ---------------
----------------Java code ---------------
Properties info = // code to read the above properties file as properties
String driverClass = (String)info.remove("driverClass");   
String url = (String)info.remove("url");
Connection connection;
   //Get Driver
   //Get Connection
   connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, info);
   return connection;
{}Now code does not work for both oracle and sqlserver. Whether the url needs to be modified? I know that if I delcare everything in url it would work, but I would not like to do that. Is it not possible to write a generic code which would work on any database? If yes how?
Can anyone help me?

The thing is, that you have to handle oracle a little bit different in the
String url;
String databasePort; // where your RDBMS is listening
String database; // the name of your database / instance
// ORACLE speciality
url = url + user + "/" + password + "@" + host + ":" + databasePort + ":" + database;
// EMPRESS speciality
url = url + "/SERVER=" + host + ";PORT=" + databasePort + ";DATABASE=" + database;
// Standard JDBC things (whatever standard means)
url = url + host + ":" + databasePort + "/" + database;
Next thing is, that you have to handle the getConnection different:
ORACLE: con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
EMPRESS: con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password);
Properties p = new Properties();
con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,p);
Please be aware, that there are some products, not listening onto a port,
so you have to take this also into consideration.

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  • Problem with configuring generic database connectivity

    Hi All.
    I’m very new to Oracle. I’m trying to configure ODBC for excel to read data from excel into oracle table; however I cannot go thru. I followed some instructions from this forum and managed to configure the ODBC, updated listner.ora, tnsnames.ora and inithsodbc.ora files and successfully created a database link. However, when I tried the command SELECT * FROM TABLE$@EXCEL, I got the following message: ‘ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve service name’. Is there any one to assist me to resolve the problem?
    Jasson Yotham
    [email protected]

    Is this the example you're looking for:

  • Failed to open the connection - database vendor code 17

    I'm upgrading a Windows Forms application from 1.1 to 4.0.  In the reporting form, the list of reports you can choose are pulled from a folder where the .rpt files reside.  Once the user chooses a report and executes it, vb code populates the current database connection information and displays the report in the report viewer control.
    The following things are true:
    - Version 1.1 works on my systems and my customers systems
    - The code has not been changed, except that it now targets .Net 4.0 instead of 1.1
    - The exact same .rpt files are being used
    - Version 4.0 connects to the same database my customer is using, and I can run the reports just fine from here.
    - Version 4.0 is able to connect to the database just fine from my customers systems (using the same connection information provided to the report)
    - My customer installed this:
    The only problem is that my customer encounters this error when trying to run any report from his systems:
    Failed to open the connection.
    Details:  Database Vendor Code: 17
    Failed to open the connection.
    Orders.BOL.TaskDetail {393C9017-0ED1-4E1E-8824-E222F4B9D14C}.rpt
    Details:  Database Vendor Code: 17
    I read all of the articles I could find, and they either don't describe this exact situation, or there is insufficient information for troubleshooting this issue.  Are there steps that I've missed to make Crystal Reports for VS2010 work on my customer's systems?
    Your help is appreciated,

    Hi Mark,
    More information required -
    - Does this happen with all reports or few?
    - What is the connection type used for the report to connect to the database (OLEDB,ODBC etc)
    - Are you changing the database at runtime?
    few things you could check
    - Check if the database is accaessible from the client machine with proper permissions / rights.
    - If its an ODBC connection check if the DSN with same name is created on the client machine.
    - Check the driver / provided used by the report to connect to the DB, verify that the same is installed on the client machine. (SQL NAtive client, SQL Server etc)
    Also take a look at below articles discussing the simillar issue.
    [CR for VS2010: Failed to Open Connection [Database Vendor Code: 17 ]|CR for VS2010: Failed to Open Connection [Database Vendor Code: 17 ]]
    [1474461 - Unknown Database Connector Error when connecting to a Dataset in a VS .NET application |]
    Hope this helps,
    - Bhushan.

  • Failed to open the connection. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 53 ]

    I'm upgrading one of our applications from Visual Studio 2005 to 2010. In the process I'm also switching our reports to run using Stored Procedures instead of Tables/Views.  Everything runs fine on development machines after all the migration work.  On the server however, it does not work. And I am getting the error message ""
    Server is Windows 2003 Server 32 bit.  And yes, I have installed the latest runtimes version 13.0.2000.0 on the server.  There have been no other changes on the server other than to switch the target framework on the website in question from .net 2 to .net 4, and then to modify the web.config file to remove references to the older Crystal Reports and replace with references to the newer version.
    I've seen many other threads on this "failed to open the connection" errors but none of them are my problem except there is one post that remains unanswered where someone had the same Database Vendor Code 53.  I don't know what that error means, spent a considerable amount of time researching that before asking this question.
    Lastly, it appears that this error only happens when the report is pulling data from a Stored Procedure rather than Tables/Views.  If I re-copy the previous reports, they still work.
    The ODBC drivers haven't changed, nor should they. They are fully up to date on that server machine.
    I can't think of anything else that would be indicative of anything other than this is a bug.  Here is the error text as it shows up in the event log:
    Event code: 3005
    Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.
    Event time: 12/7/2011 3:49:50 PM
    Event time (UTC): 12/7/2011 11:49:50 PM
    Event ID: 38ce5b5487984e8aa8d2b84493d859a8
    Event sequence: 17
    Event occurrence: 1
    Event detail code: 0
    Application information:
        Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/739252194/Root-1-129677751941252500
        Trust level: Full
        Application Virtual Path: /
        Application Path: D:\Websites\ACE5\Clients\TST\
        Machine name: ACE1
    Process information:
        Process ID: 5436
        Process name: w3wp.exe
    Exception information:
        Exception type: InternalException
        Exception message: Failed to open the connection.
    Failed to open the connection.
    Details:  [Database Vendor Code: 53 ]
    Failed to open the connection.
    Details:  [Database Vendor Code: 53 ]
    Failed to open the connection.
    PackSlipTST0 {638463B4-2196-492A-BD6E-9D82CB1862D5}.rpt
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ConvertDotNetToErom.ThrowDotNetException(Exception e)
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.EromReportSourceBase.ExportToStream(ExportRequestContext reqContext)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.ExportToStream(ExportRequestContext reqContext)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.ExportToStream(ExportOptions options)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportOptions options, HttpResponse response, Boolean asAttachment, String attachmentName)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType formatType, HttpResponse response, Boolean asAttachment, String attachmentName)
       at Distribution_PackingSlips_default.ExportPackingSlips(String CrystalReportPath, Boolean UseStoredProcedure)
       at Distribution_PackingSlips_default.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    Failed to open the connection.
    Failed to open the connection.
    Details:  [Database Vendor Code: 53 ]
    Failed to open the connection.
    Details:  [Database Vendor Code: 53 ]
    Failed to open the connection.
    PackSlipTST0 {638463B4-2196-492A-BD6E-9D82CB1862D5}.rpt
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportSourceClass.Export(ExportOptions pExportOptions, RequestContext pRequestContext)
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.EromReportSourceBase.ExportToStream(ExportRequestContext reqContext)

    Lots of great info here, except for the database; MS SQL? Oracle? Etc?
    Database Vendor Code 53 is an error code that the CR engine simply passes straight from the database it's self. E.g.; look at your database error code and you should be able to find a verbose description of the error.
    As a test, what happens if you add the report to your project and run it in the CR design part of the .NET IDE?
    - A quick google search of Error 53 (for MS SQL - an assumption) comes up with a number of good hits. E.g.;
    Follow us on Twitter
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    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Dec 8, 2011 6:31 AM

  • Failed to open the connection. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 12154].

    I have installed Crystal reports server 2008 VI on a Windows 2008 64bit OS. I have added SQL server and Oracle reports through CMC. I then installed Oracle 10g client 32bit on the server and created and tested the required DSNs using ODBC 32bit. All the testings are successfull.
    Now when I try to run my Oracle report through CMC it prompts for the parameters and when I enter them and click ok, gives me the following error:
    Failed to open the connection. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 12154].
    I have the same exact setup on a different server which has a 32 bit windows 2008 server OS and could run the same reports through CMC.
    Is there away to fix this in the 64 bit OS?
    I did a yahoo search and someone had a similar problem with Crystal RAS and Oracle.
    And there is mentions that this is an issue with 32 bit ODBC drivers on 64bit wondows OS.The parentheses in the default file location, C:\Program Files (x86), causes problems with the ODBC driver and the workarouns in re-installing Crystal RAS on a different folder.
    Full description is at (
    Is this the case with Crystal report server 2008 VI? I already got users using the InfoView to run SQL reports and doing this will have to put the application offline atlease for a say.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Resolution: Failed to Open the Connection.
    If the Crystal Report is using 32-bit version of Microsoft ODBC then the Window 2008 server must also have 32-bit version of Microsoft ODBC. The 32- bit version of Odbcad32.exe is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64 folder.
    On the Windows 2008 server, execute Odbcad32.exe by clicking start and run and entering the following: C:\Window\SysWow64\ODBC32.exe.
    The Windows 2008 server ODBC Data Source Administrator must have the same System Data Source Server and Database Names that is used to run the Crystal Report.
    e.g. Crystal Report points to server ABC and database EFG (ABC_efg); then the ODBC connections on the Windows 2008 Server must also point to the same server ABC and database EFG (abc_efg) listed.

  • Failed to open the connection.Details: [Database Vendor Code: 17 ]

    We have too many reports designed by Crystal Reports XI Release 2 a time ago reports are old but we are calling them in 4.0 and connection through ODBC Data Sources (Driver SQL SERVER)
    but when we refresh the report we are facing this issue....
    Failed to open the connection.
    Details: [Database Vendor Code: 17 ] Failed to open the connection.
    AP Outstanding Check Run Detailed Ver 2 {CF3B13A2-F259-4B1D-ACC9-BF78F44D4AA5}.rpt
    Details: [Database Vendor Code: 17 ]
    here is the code to set ReportLoginInfo
    CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo logonInfo = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo();
                string myTableLocation;
                foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table myTable in rptDoc.Database.Tables)
                    myTableLocation = myTable.Name;
                    logonInfo = myTable.LogOnInfo;
                    logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.AllowCustomConnection = true;
                    logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = ServerName; // dnsname
                    logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = DatabaseName;
                    if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)))
                        logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = UserID;
                        logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = Password;
                        logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = false;
                    logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.Type = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfoType.SQL;
                    myTable.Location = DatabaseName + ".dbo." + myTableLocation;
                    bool success = myTable.TestConnectivity();
    Edited by: zeshansadiq on Nov 4, 2011 3:49 PM

    resolved by me itself.
    Do the following steps:
    1. Open the report in the CR XI designer.
    2. Select Database -> Set Datasource Location.
    3. Set Datasource Location window will appear and in the replace with section connect to the database and replace these tables with the tables in the current datasource by clicking the update button.
    4. After updating close the Set Datasource Location window.
    5. Go to 'Database menu' and Click 'Verify Database' and click on u2019OKu2019.
    6. Preview the report and the save the report.

  • How to get total number of Database connections from Java code

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    I am conncting to mysql through Java.
    I want to know how many active database connections were running at a specific time. Is it possible?
    Can you please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Seems like this would be a question for MySql, not for Java. And if it's possible you'd run some MySql utility to do that, not code it in a Java app.

  • Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. Database Vendor Code: 18456

    I have imported a report into Info View (that has no parameters), I am able to run the report on Demand in InfoView, and I am also able to run the report within the CMC Preview.   I have tried scheduling using the admin account in CMC, through the publishing wizard and also with a authorized users in InfoView.  But anytime I try to schedule the report I get this error.
    Status: Failed 
    Printer: The instance is not printed. 
    External Destination: Mail the instance to " XXX@XXX .com " with a subject of " test ". 
    Data Refresh Settings:  Use the server defaults. 
    Start Time: 11/18/08 3:02:19 PM 
    End Time: 11/18/08 3:02:23 PM 
    Server Used: clr-combr.reportjobserver 
    Error Message: Error in File C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\Data\procSched\clr-combr.reportjobserver\~tmp1304574d76168ca.rpt: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 18456 ] 
    I have made sure that the Reportjobobject is enabled and the server for SMTP email is enabled, and I am pretty sure I have the properties set up correctly within there, we created a email account specifically for crystal.  And that email account is also set up as a user.  I don't know where else to look.
    Please help.

    Hi Ashley
    I would like to suggest you following things with the Report:
    1) Please log in into CMC, go to Report which you want to schedule.
    2) Click on the report and go to Process
    3) Click on the tab Database.
    4) There will be two option to make the entries for database logon required for the Report.
    Please select the appropriate option. Are you able to Preview the report?
    What is the database in use? Please also check the odbc driver settings for that database.

  • Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters [Database Vendor Code: 1005]

    We have a report that has been in production for some time and ran successfully with no trouble.  However, it now keeps failing with this error and the log on parameters are correct.  The whole error is:
    Error in
    File / usr/local/bobje/data/procSched/mrspas051.reportjobserver/~ tmp2f0ea56e4c88a08d6.rpt: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters, Details: [Database Vendor Code: 1005]. 
    Can you tell us why a report suddenly fails with this error?  Thank you.

    We've been having the same issue with scheduled Crystal reports (in BO 3.1).  After much testing, we found that even though reports are set to use the custom database logon credentials, if the name of the original data source changes, it causes the error (Error in File ~tmp1d06ed702daa30.rpt: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 1005 ] ).  For example, I publish a report to a production environment.  It has an original data source called "test".  I set it to use the custom database logon.  A user then creates a recurring schedule and it runs successfully.  A developer opens the report in Crystal 2008 and changes the connection to something else, for ex "dev" (in Crystal, this is on the Database menu, select "Set Datasource Location" and pick a different option under My Connections or create a new one), then saves the report to BO.  We promote the report to prod and it overwrites the existing file.  We make sure it's still set to use the custom database connection to prod but the recurring schedules that were set up when the original data source was called "test" immediately begin to fail.  I tried working with support but they didn't really help much.  They had me install the Oracle 11G client on our servers since we were connecting to our 11G repository with the 10G client but that did nothing.  They finally claimed that since our repository database was Oracle 11G R2 (not just 11G), it wasn't supported and they wouldn't go any further.  If anyone's found a solution, I would really appreciate hearing how it was fixed.

  • [Crystal Report 13.0.2000.0 & VB 2010] - Database connection from VB Code

    i want establish a connection between report and MsAccess database using source code in VB .NET 2010 listed below:
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Public Class Form1
        Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            Dim crtableLogoninfos As New TableLogOnInfos()
            Dim crtableLogoninfo As New TableLogOnInfo()
            Dim crConnectionInfo As New ConnectionInfo()
            Dim CrTables As Tables
            Dim CrTable As Table
            Dim crReportDocument As New CrystalReport()
            With crConnectionInfo
                .ServerName = "c:\db.mdb"
                .DatabaseName = "db.mdb"
                .UserID = ""
                .Password = ""
            End With
            CrTables = crReportDocument.Database.Tables
            For Each CrTable In CrTables
                crtableLogoninfo = CrTable.LogOnInfo
                crtableLogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
                CrTable.Location = crConnectionInfo.DatabaseName
            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crReportDocument
        End Sub
    End Class
    This code work fine but the database connection parameters prompt every time on runtime!
    HELP ME!

    I used our sample Xtreme.mdb to test this and it works for me. I am using RAS to make the connection though.
    Here's the code on how:
    Public Function ChangeConnectionInfo() as ReportDocument
    Dim boReportDocument as New ReportDocument
    '**EDIT** Change the path and report name to the report you want to change.
    boReportDocument.Load("c:\reports\yourreport.rpt", OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByTempCopy)
    'Create a new Database Table to replace the reports current table.
    Dim boTable As New CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table
    'boMainPropertyBag: These hold the attributes of the tables ConnectionInfo object
    Dim boMainPropertyBag As New PropertyBag
    'boInnerPropertyBag: These hold the attributes for the QE_LogonProperties
    'In the main property bag (boMainPropertyBag)
    Dim boInnerPropertyBag As New PropertyBag
    'Set the attributes for the boInnerPropertyBag
    boInnerPropertyBag.Add("Data Source", "C:\xtreme.mdb")
    boInnerPropertyBag.Add("Database Type", "Access")
    boInnerPropertyBag.Add("Locale Identifier", "1033")
    boInnerPropertyBag.Add("OLE DB Services", "-6")
    boInnerPropertyBag.Add("Provider", "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0")
    boInnerPropertyBag.Add("Use DSN Default Properties", "False")
    'Set the attributes for the boMainPropertyBag
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("Database DLL", "crdb_ado.dll")
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_DatabaseName", "")
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_DatabaseType", "OLE DB (ADO)")
    'Add the QE_LogonProperties we set in the boInnerPropertyBag Object
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_LogonProperties", boInnerPropertyBag)
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_ServerDescription", "C:\xtreme.mdb")
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("QE_SQLDB", "True")
    boMainPropertyBag.Add("SSO Enabled", "False")
    'Create a new ConnectionInfo object
    Dim boConnectionInfo As New CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ConnectionInfo
    'Pass the database properties to a connection info object
    boConnectionInfo.Attributes = boMainPropertyBag
    'Set the connection kind
    boConnectionInfo.Kind = CrConnectionInfoKindEnum.crConnectionInfoKindCRQE
    '**EDIT** Set the User Name and Password if required.
    boConnectionInfo.UserName = "UserName"
    boConnectionInfo.Password = "Password"
    'Pass the connection information to the table
    boTable.ConnectionInfo = boConnectionInfo
    'Get the Database Tables Collection for your report
    Dim boTables As CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Tables = _
    'For each table in the report:
    ' - Set the Table Name properties.
    ' - Set the table location in the report to use the new modified table
    boTable.Name = "Credit"
    boTable.QualifiedName = "Credit"
    boTable.Alias = "Credit"
    boReportDocument.ReportClientDocument.DatabaseController.SetTableLocation(boTables(0), boTable)
    'Verify the database after adding substituting the new table.
    'To ensure that the table updates properly when adding Command tables or Stored Procedures.
    Return boReportDocument
    End Function
    Thank you

  • Sample code - cytoscape plugin - specifying database connection parameters?

    Hey all-
    I'm trying to get the Spatial plugin for cytoscape working ( Anyone know where you specify the database connection info?

    Hey all-
    I'm trying to get the Spatial plugin for cytoscape working ( Anyone know where you specify the database connection info?

  • Failed to open the connection.....[Database Vendor Code: -30081 ]

    We are using Crystal Reports to pull information from DB2. I received the following error during a DRP (disaster recovery planning) exercise. I am trying to determine what caused the error.
    Failed to open the connection. E:\temp\procSched\\~tmp17346b7ba1ea3b0.rpt Details: [Database Vendor Code: -30081 ]
    version of BOE we are using: BO Product: 11.5
            Crystal reports XI R2
    Any help would be appreciated.

    And if you look up that error code for DB2 what does it indicate? CR is simply passing the message from the DB2 client to a message box. It's the Client that is not configured and causing the error to log on.
    Thank you

  • Clean-up code - Close Database Connection

    I have a Stateless Session Bean that implements a Web Service. This bean opens a database connection. I need to close it before the application is undeployed or the Application Server (Glassfish) is restarted, etc. I have tried shutdown hooks, predestroy and preremove annotations but none of it works.
    In a few words, I want to release resources when they are not needed, but not before that.
    I have used Google in every way I can imagine but I haven't turned up with anything.
    Any ideas?

    Duffy, I appreciate your reponse on this issue. But what is the difference, seeing that a stateless bean is response-oriented afterwhich it is returned to the pool. Not sure I know what you mean here.
    A pool of connections is not the same as a pool of stateless session beans. And I don't think that returning an instance of one to its pool necessarily means that the other is automagically cleaned up as well.
    I will admit now that I'm not an EJB expert.
    It almost seemed to me that you were saying you'd recommend making the size of the connection and SLSB pools identical. You'd dedicate one connection to each SLSB, marrying the two together for as long as ye both shall live.
    I think the design will make acquiring a connection littered all over code body. If the connection will be reused in at least 2 method it is better to create the connection in the postConstruct annotated method and remember after the bean services the client request, it is in itself placed in a pool. So nothing is lost.Maybe you're right. I'm not much with EJBs. I use Spring exclusively.

  • Crystal Report Dynamic connection issue ORA-04043 Database Vendor Code 4043

    HI All,
    Ii am getting dynamic connection issue with Crystal Report 2008 and Business View Manager, i have Oracle database,
    i have done following steps
    1 Creating Dynamic Connection (including two connection XDC & YDC)
    2. Creating Data Foundation (Common object available in both connection ie. stored procedure)
    3. Creating Business View (with selected number of elements in business element, like firsta name, lastname)
    I have verified database connectivity from Business view manager, both the connection are working fine bringing different number of rows from two different schemas (different schema but same objects in two schemas)
    4. Database connectivity to different database schemas
    5. Connectivity from Crystal Report (done the connectivity from the repository to business view )
    6. Report Connectivity with first schema shows records
    7 Report Connectivity with second schemas shows error
    as follows Failed to retrive data from the database & on clicking of detail i get following error
    Crystal Reports
    Database Connector Error: 'ORA-04043: object HR.EXCEPTION_REPORT_SUB1_PROC [Database Vendor Code: 4043 ]'
    Q first of all i need to know if dynamic connection using business view manager and crystal report technically possible or not, if yes then please let me know the solution, since we did verified with SQL database and ite work with two different database.
    Q if not possible then are there any options to resolve dynamic deployment of crystal report over multiple schemas with crystal report 2008
    Any help or suggestion will be appriciated, hope some one might have got similar issue
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: smunir on Jul 12, 2011 9:18 AM
    Edited by: smunir on Jul 12, 2011 9:41 AM
    Edited by: smunir on Jul 12, 2011 9:43 AM

    When i use same credentials in Tod or sqlplus it works perfect and gives appropriate results. But when i use same credentials using business view manager, the very first connection works but the second connection does not work
    Please suggest!

  • Database connection pooling code required!!Help

    Does any one having Database Connection Pooling Code. Pl. send me to [email protected]

    something I posted before,
    1. Wrox Java Server Pages has one,
    2. Bulka's Performance and Scalability,
    the last is the only one I remember that periodically removes the connection. this is important because,

Maybe you are looking for