Genius recommendation cannot mark like/dislike

I have been having an issue where when i am in the itunes store and browsing through genius recomendations I cannot select whether I like or dislike the suggested albums. I was having the problem for at least a few weeks, then decided to try the update No dice after installation and restarts.
Also tried turning off the genius for the store and unticked it in preferences, restarted and turned genius back on. Still same behavior.
Any other ideas as to the possible cause and a fix?

I have had the same issue, starting when I updated to (which according to my computer was 14/05/10).
Nice to know I'm not the only one affected.

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    As much as I'd love to also start fresh with my recommendations, nothing I've tried has worked. The only way I could imagine it would be possible would be if iTunes updated the Genius Recommendations feature, or if somehow it could ignore your purchase history, something that Genius bases most emphasis on in its recommendations.
    If you would like to get some really great recommendations that you can control 1000% more easily, I would suggest using outside services like (for free). allows you to keep track of music you play on iTunes and on your iPod/ MP3 device, and recommends based on that. You can also delete artists you no longer like from your online account so that they don't interfee with your recommendations. (Sorry for advertising, but it's true!) Hopefully in the future, iTunes' Genius feature will be a little more flexible and user-friendly, so we won't have to rely on outside sources to recommend new music to us. Until then, I see no other solutions.

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    Just like the other users who resplyed to your post, I would like to add myself to the list of iTune users who experience a non-working "Genius Recommendations" feature. Exactly as described previously by others, I used the feature frequently with no problem what-so-ever, until I have upgraded iTunes to the latest version along with the latest OS upgrade. Since the upgrades occured at the same time, I am no sure which one is causing the problem, so I called the Apple Support for help. They walked me through a couple of steps to clear up some leftover "software bits" following the system and software upgrade as well as asked me to re-install the iTunes, but told me that I didn't have to un-install the existing one prior to the installation of the newly downloaded iTunes. Well, unfortunatelly none of it helped! They simply didn't have a solution for me and told me to browse through the forum for answers... That's how I found your posting. It would surely be nice for Apple to acknowledge the problem and let users know if they are or aren't working on finding a solution.
    I hope that if anyone is lucky enough to find a solution or reach a knowledgeable support tech who is willing to go the extra mile to find a solution, that they would come back here and share the info with the rest of us who are looking for answers!
    Good luck to all.

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    From iTunes' help:

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    Best regards.

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    I send you the two ucf files:
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    Can anyone help?

    Hello nebimotu,
    This error indicates an interruption in communication between the iPad and the computer, specifically the USB connection.
    Error 9
    This error occurs when the device unexpectedly loses its USB connection with iTunes. This can occur if the device is manually disconnected during the restore process. This issue can be resolved by performing USB troubleshooting, using a different USB dock-connector cable, trying another USB port, restoring on another computer, or by eliminating conflicts from third-party security software.
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    iOS: Troubleshooting USB connection
    iTunes: Troubleshooting security software issues

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    Don't worry about it I've decided to move on and get and android phone instead. Your stuff may be very easy to use and this would be ok if it just worked but when it doesn't I want to be able to take control of my hardware and software to make the changes that I need to to get it to work the way I want.
    Good-bye Apple

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    When listening to your music in shuffle mode, your genius recommendations don't update. It will always just show the recommendations for the song that is selected in the list, being the song you clicked to start the music playing.
    Choosing spacebar or "play" button on my mac keyboard does nothing at all, then a message saying "Select a song in your library to see related music" is showing.
    Not only is this a bit annoying, as i wanna see related artists, and become aware of some other cool music. And also, wouldn't it have been better for apple to make it so the genius recommendations was updating for the playing song, and not the song that was selected? There would be more recommendations, and potentially more sales in iTunes.
    Anyhow, does anyone know of a setting to change this?

    You can make suggestions directly to Apple at this page:

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    The wish list link is at the top right corner of the main store page under the quick links below the Welcome. The down-pointing arrow at the right of every buy button in music and video is the button to gift the item, add the item to your wish list, copy a link to the item, etc. You can buy your whole wish list at once, or buy individual items, or click the X at the right of the item when you mouse over it to delete it from your wish list. The shopping cart didn't work that well anyways.

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    Has anybody ever seen this before?  I'm at a loss after some quick searching on the web.

    Try this,
    Close your iTunes,
    Go to command Prompt -
    (Win 7/Vista) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    (Win XP SP2 & above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
    In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
    netsh winsock reset
    Hit "ENTER" key
    Restart your computer.
    Now launch your iTunes and see if it is working now.

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