Get Product Number using NI-XNET

I'm trying to get the product number and name of the National
Instruments card installed on my computer. According to the manual when
I get the property for nxPropDev_Name I should get NI PCI-8512 (2 ports)
for an NI PCI-8512 device. Instead I get an empty Cstring. For
nxPropDev_ProductNum I should get 8512 for an NI PCI-8512 device, but
instead I get this number: 3435973836.
Below is a snippet of the code I'm using. Is there something I am doing
int propSize;
int cpropSize;
u32 propName;
CString cpropName;
char *l_pSelectedInterface = "CAN2";
char *l_pFrameArray = NULL;
char *l_pSelectedDatabase = ":memory:";
char *l_pSelectedCluster = "";
g_nxStatus = (*m_pNxCreateSession)(l_pSelectedDatabase,
nxMode_FrameInStream, &SessionRef);
g_nxStatus = (*m_pNxGetPropertySize)(SessionRef, nxPropDev_ProductNum,
g_nxStatus = (*m_pNxGetProperty)(SessionRef, nxPropDev_ProductNum,
g_nxStatus = (*m_pNxGetPropertySize)(SessionRef, nxPropDev_Name,
(u32)(&cpropSize));  g_nxStatus = (*m_pNxGetProperty)(SessionRef, nxPropDev_Name, (u32)(&cpropSize)); 

This is probably making the impossible difficult, but you cannot get from the session back to the device directly. It is actually a separate API (right now - ideally we can improve this to make it easier in the future) called the system API to get system->device->interface type of properties.Using the system API, I am doing the following:
1) Open System
2) Get all interfaces in the system
3) Loop on the interfaces until I find one that has a name that matches the desired one
4) Once I get the interface, I can get the device that the interface is a part of
5) Once I get the device, I can then query the device for the required information (Name, Number)
6) Close System
Note: This doesn't do any error checking for simplicity, but it does get the status so you could easily apply error checking to prevent any type of ugly unexpected failures.
int l_NumInterfaces;
int l_PropSize;
u32 l_PropProductNum;
char l_PropProductName[1024];
char l_PropInterfaceName[1024];
nxSessionRef_t l_PropInterfaceRefs[32];
nxSessionRef_t l_SystemRef;
nxSessionRef_t l_SelectedDeviceRef;
char *l_pSelectedInterface = "CAN2";
char *l_pFrameArray = NULL;
char *l_pSelectedDatabase = ":memory:";
char *l_pSelectedCluster = "";
int i;
g_Status = nxSystemOpen(&l_SystemRef);
g_Status = nxGetPropertySize(
g_Status = nxGetProperty(
l_NumInterfaces = l_PropSize/sizeof(nxSessionRef_t);
for (i = 0; i < l_NumInterfaces; i++)
g_Status = nxGetPropertySize(
g_Status = nxGetProperty(
if (!strcmp(l_PropInterfaceName, l_pSelectedInterface))
g_Status = nxGetProperty(
g_Status = nxGetProperty(
g_Status = nxGetPropertySize(
g_Status = nxGetProperty(
g_Status = nxSystemClose (l_SystemRef);

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    Hi Salam
      As your requirement is
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    Dieter has provided ADRV to replace "?????" in the above.
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      Thanks for the tip Dieter.
    Kind Regards

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    Hi ,
          You have AFKO-AUFNR ,
    You can get the pack number from table AFRU or AFVC .
    After getting Pack Number
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    Best regards,

    When a personal template is generated from a product in the catalog, it's saved with the vpn included.
    When the vpn changes in ECC, this number is replicated to the SRM-MDM catalog.
    So if you choose the product from the catalog after the canged vpn, the new, right vpn is used in hte shopping cart. But when *you use the template that was created before the time the vpn was changed, the old vpn is used in the shopping cart and subsequently the pr and po.
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    You have to create a new template with VPN :12345ABC and create a  shopping cart
    How will the VPN change in the Old Template? It  is not possbile.
    It is not A product bug.
    Please try this method what I  have suggested
    G.Ganesh Kumar

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    Adobe contact information -
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    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

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    There are two ways to control this problem; 1) User Exit    2) BADI
    1) User-Exit
    Enhancement: MBCF0002
    Function module: EXIT_SAPMM07M_001
    Code for your copy pasting in the source code of ZXMBCU02.
    Remember to activate the program. In SMOD enter the enhancement, press F8 and then click on activate button.
    *& Include ZXMBCU02
    data it_afvv like afvv occurs 0 with header line.
    tables: afvv, afko, afpo.
    data tot_gr like mseg-menge.
    If i_mseg-bwart = '101' and i_mseg-aufnr is not initial.
    select single * from afko where aufnr = i_mseg-aufnr.
    select * from afvv into table it_afvv where aufpl = afko-aufnr.
    sort it_afvv by aplzl descending.
    read table it_afvv index 1.
    select single lmnga from afvv into afvv-lmnga where aufpl = afko-aufnr and aplzl = it_afvv-aplzl.
    select single * from afpo where aufnr = i_mseg-aufnr.
    tot_gr = afpo-wemng + i_mseg-menge.
    if tot_gr > afvv-lmnga.
           MESSAGE 'GR Qty greater than Confirmation Qty of the last operation' TYPE 'E'.
    2) BADI
    Implement the BADI for WORKORDER_GOODSMVT in this there is method
    write you code here
    Technical Logic
    Check the confirmation qty in AFVV table with production order get the last operation confirmation qty and subtract the Delivered qty. If this is Greater than or equal to the GR Qty entered in the screen allow the posting or through Error.
    Tables: S022, AFPO, AFKO, AFRU, AFVV

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    byte result=0;
    short IMEI_LEN;
    byte[] imei_buf;
    ProactiveHandler ProHdlr;
    ProactiveResponseHandler ProRespHdlr;
    ProHdlr = ProactiveHandler.getTheHandler();
    ProHdlr.init(PRO_CMD_PROVIDE_LOCAL_INFORMATION, (byte) 0x01, DEV_ID_ME);
    result = ProHdlr.send();
    if (result < RES_CMD_PERF_SESSION_TERM_USER) {
    ProRespHdlr = ProactiveResponseHandler.getTheHandler();
    IMEI_LEN = ProRespHdlr.findAndCopyValue((byte) TAG_IMEI, imei_buf, (short) 0);

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    Thanks guys,

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  • Use SQL function to get the original order number using the invoice number

    Hi All,
    wondering is someone can help me with this challenge I am having?  Often I need to return the original order numbers that created the resulting invoce.  This is a relatively simple seriese of joins in a query but I am wanting to simplify it using a SQL function that can be referenced each time easily from with in the SELECT statement.  the code i currently have is:
    Use SQL function to get the original order number using the invoice number
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnOrdersThatMakeInvoice(@InvNum int)
    RETURNS nvarchar(200)
    DECLARE @OrderList nvarchar(200)
    SET @OrderList = ''
    SELECT @OrderList = @OrderList + (cast(T6.DocNum AS nvarchar(10)) + ' ')
          INV1 AS T2 ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry INNER JOIN
          DLN1 AS T4 ON T2.BaseEntry = T4.DocEntry AND T2.BaseLine = T4.LineNum INNER JOIN
          RDR1 AS T5 ON T4.BaseEntry = T5.DocEntry AND T4.BaseLine = T5.LineNum INNER JOIN
          ORDR AS T6 ON T5.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry
    WHERE T1.DocNum = @InvNum
    RETURN @OrderList 
    it is run by the following query:
    Select T1.DocNum, dbo.fnOrdersThatMakeInvoice(T1.DocNum)
    From OINV T1
    Where T1.DocNum = 'your invoice number here'
    The issue is that this returns the order number for all of the lines in the invoice.  Only want to see the summary of the order numbers.  ie if 3 orders were used to make a 20 line inovice I only want to see the 3 order numbers retuned in the field.
    If this was a simple reporting SELECT query I would use SELECT DISTINCT.  But I can't do that.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks Gordon,
    I am trying to get away from the massive table access list everytime I write a query where I need to access the original order number of the invoice.  However, I have managed to solve my own problem with a GROUP BY statement!
    Others may be interested so, the code is this:
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnOrdersThatMakeInvoice(@InvNum int)
    RETURNS nvarchar(200)
    DECLARE @OrderList nvarchar(200)
    SET @OrderList = ''
    SELECT @OrderList = @OrderList + (cast(T6.DocNum AS nvarchar(10)) + ' ')
          INV1 AS T2 ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry INNER JOIN
          DLN1 AS T4 ON T2.BaseEntry = T4.DocEntry AND T2.BaseLine = T4.LineNum INNER JOIN
          RDR1 AS T5 ON T4.BaseEntry = T5.DocEntry AND T4.BaseLine = T5.LineNum INNER JOIN
          ORDR AS T6 ON T5.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry
    WHERE T1.DocNum = @InvNum
    GROUP BY T6.DocNum
    RETURN @OrderList 
    and to call it use this:
    Select T1.DocNum, dbo.fnOrdersThatMakeInvoice(T1.DocNum)
    From OINV T1
    Where T1.DocNum = 'your invoice number'

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