GetCurrentDirectory() cuts off last directory

yeah here is my code:
               File curDir = FileChooser.getCurrentDirectory();
               outFile = new PrintWriter
                                   (new FileWriter(curDir+"\\File.txt"));The problem is that if the user chooses C:\Windows\ as a directory, curDir will only be C:\ and that is where you you find File.txt. So does anyone know how i would fix this so if they selected C:\Windows\ the total path for outFile will be "C:\Windows\File.txt?"

Same answer as your other similar post.

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  • After effects composition - right side cut off - last frame in premiere

    I have a ppro project - creative suite monthly cs6 - osx 10.9.5 mavericks (latest before yosemite upgrade)
    at the end of the project - I have an after effects composition. It is fine until the last frame - where the far right 1/8 or so is being cut off of the slide. (see image below). The frame before the end? perfect. The final frame - cut off.
    If I extend the ae composition one frame longer - the same issue happens (the second to the last frame is perfect, the last frame is cut off). same with making it 1 frame shorter.
    I have never seen anything like it.
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    Any ideas?

    Hi Teloscientist,
    That's the End of Sequence Indicator. Expected behavior. It doesn't show on your exports, so don't worry. In Premiere Pro 2014.1, you can disable it.

  • IPod Touch 4G cuts off last few seconds of song.

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    Resetting "almost" worked - the first time I played the song after resetting it showed 9:40 in the now playing screen, but ultimately it still cut off, and then when I restarted the song it again showed only 9:35.  But thanks for the suggestion.
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    Dell Inspiron 6000 Laptop   Windows XP Pro   1.6 GHz, 1GB RAM, iPod Video (30GB), v1.1.1

    Hi all, I think I've figured out one solution to this problem. I have a 3rd Gen iPod and was having songs cut off. Random songs at random points near the end of the song. I've read a post here about deleting the artwork from the songs on the iPod, and it worked! Long story short: Use this script from "removeallipodartwork" to delete all artwork from the iPod, not iTunes. iTunes is fine, only the iPod is having trouble with the little bits of artwork information. If you have any doubts, manually delete artwork from just a couple of songs, update your iPod and listen for the cut off (you can fast forward to near the end of the song). Believe me, I've tried everything else for the past 18 months or so. MP3, AAC, different quality, different iTunes versions, different iPod OS, restoring the iPod, I could go on. Hope this helps.

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    Thanks for the follow up information.
    Before we advance on the cropping details and considerations, let us rule in or out the set up of the project as well as the export choices and settings as causes of the problems.
    If you have video 1440 x 1080 HD anamorphic 16:9, then the project preset should be (assuming NTSC setup)
    Now, when you go to export your edited Timeline content, if we go for a export
    Share/Computer/QuickTime with Presets = NTSC DV 16:9
    Click on the Advanced Button there.
    Under the Advanced Button/Video Tab, set according to the screenshot for Video Tab....
    Some of the export settings in the screenshot got cut off in the screen capture. The essential ones are the ones you see (for now).
    The BItrate which is further down (not seen here) is left with no check mark before "Limit Data Rate To...". We will work on that later if file size becoms an issue. The main purpose of the above is to see if we can get a good video just with attention to project setup and export settings.
    We will be watching for your results.
    If any questions or need clarification on any of this, please do not hesitate to ask.

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    change the reports height& width for landscape /portait.
    and go to edit margin in layout.
    see the layout and move to left if it has lot of gap in left side.
    we can get correct output if the right side border is upto 8.2.
    try with this.

  • Encore Cutting Off Last Few Seconds of Burn

    I created an avi file in Video Explosion Deluxe, which clocks in at 1:24:33.  I've verified by playing the file on Windows Media Player that it plays fine all the way through to the end.
    I imported it to Encore (I have the 3.0 version) as the only component in this particular project, and burned to DVD, at 7 Mbps, at a speed of 4x, which was the lowest speed option available.
    Everything is fine until almost the end.  It freezes at 1:24:28.
    When I play the file in Encore to preview it before burning, it plays through to the end fine.  So it recognizes the whole file.
    I tried multiple more burns, and they always freeze 4-6 seconds from the end.
    I then took that video file and imported it to Premiere Pro and created a new AVI file of the same thing.  That behaves exactly the same when I burn to DVD with Encore.
    I then started over and created the AVI file anew in Video Explosion Deluxe.  Same result when I burn it to DVD with Encore.
    I then created it as an mpeg file with Video Explosion Deluxe.  Same result.
    I then added a menu in Encore before burning.  (I usually don't bother with a menu if there's just the one item instead of separate chapters.)  Instead of freezing 4-6 seconds before the end, it plays to that point 4-6 seconds from the end and then reverts back to displaying the menu.
    I then checked the last two DVDs I'd burned with Encore and realized that they too end 4-6 seconds before the end of the video file.  (I don't mean of that same project; I mean two different projects with different video files.  I just hadn't examined them closely enough when I burned them.)
    I've experimented with just adding a few blank seconds to the end of the project in Video Explosion Deluxe or Premiere before creating the AVI file, but I haven't been able to make it come out right yet.  For instance, I added ten blank seconds (making it 1:24:43 long, of which I really only want the first 1:24:33), and the subsequent DVD I burned froze at the 1:24:30 mark.
    It's possible through trial and error I'll eventually figure out some way of adding the right amount of blank material to get it to stop at the 1:24:33 mark or just after, but this is silly, especially since it's apparently doing this with every project now and I don't want to be stuck trying to time this workaround just right every time.
    Why won't it simply burn the entire file?

    Appreciate the responses.  On the rare occasions I've posted computer-related questions in online forums, they are nearly always greeted with silence, or the equivalent of "Read the manual and stop bothering us, newbie!"  So it's a pleasant surprise when people actually try to help.
    I've come up with another convoluted workaround that seems like it's actually working.
    I'm making an additional AVI file of the last few seconds of each of the movies on VED.
    So let's say it's a 1:20:00 AVI file that plays fine all the way to the end, but mysteriously when then burned to DVD stops at about the 1:19:55 mark.
    I now have that AVI file, plus a six second file that is a duplicate of the 1:19:54-1:20:00 stretch of the first file.
    I import both to Encore and place the full file on the timeline.  I then chop off precisely the last six seconds of that, meaning it is now 1:19:54 long.  Then I take my other six second AVI file and place it immediately after that back-to-back on the timeline.  I watch that part in Encore before burning to make sure they fit together exactly--i.e., there's not a skip where a frame is missing or a frame is duplicated.
    I've tried it on two, and both DVDs played through to the end as they're supposed to.
    Evidently whatever screws up the last few seconds of the movies made with VED (which, by the way, never happened until the last couple days in all the years I've used VED) isn't affecting these little six or so second long AVI files I'm making to stick on the end.  Maybe it's only files above a certain size or something that it's embedding some kind of mystery flaw near the end.
    I'll be using primarily Premiere for my projects moving forward, so if this is solely a VED issue, I should be fine after this work I happen to be doing now.
    Now, specifically on Hunt's suggestions, I've checked the projects on VED, and the video and audio tracks end at precisely the same frame.
    Especially if my convoluted workaround stops working, I can next try adding that second or so of only video to the project before creating the video and audio files.
    Just in perusing the options in VED, I'm not sure though if it's possible to make a video-only or audio-only file as you describe doing with Premiere.  Is that (not "muxing") something that the more rudimentary video editing programs don't do?  I know with VED I can simply delete all the content on the video tracks, say, or turn them off, but I don't think that gives me an audio-only WAV file.  I believe it just means I'd end up with a conventional AVI file that happens to have a black screen as its video from start to finish.
    So perhaps I could take the AVI file made with VED, place it on the Premiere timeline and there do the trick with the extra second of video.  However, whatever the flaw is seems to be in the VED created AVI files, so I think anything done in Premiere with such a file after the fact would be too late.

  • TS1424 song partially downloaded and cuts off last 1/3 of song

    I downloaded a song and it seems to have only partially downloaded, how do i get the rest of it?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Try deleting the problematic file (electing to remove original file if/when prompted) and then re-downloading the file from the iTunes store.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option from the Quick Links section in the top right corner of the iTunes homepage in your iTunes application on your computer.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option at the bottom of the screen of the iTunes app (or video app) on your iOS device.
    If the problem re-occurs, select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History using your computer.

  • IE cuts the last few seconds off my FLV videos

    I have FLV (audio & video) clips on my website that
    automatically play, then automatically take you to the next
    work fine in Firefox, but not in IE...IE seems to cut off the
    last few seconds before going to the next scene....anyone know
    why?...there's also random audio "pops" only in's like IE
    can't keep up with the frame rate or something?!?
    (My FLV clips are not embedded in the SWF, but set up as
    progressive in the same root directory on the same web server.)
    check it out:
    (2 clips: - "intro" & then click on any section and
    there's another "4-second" clip)
    any feedback would be greatly appreciated...this is my first
    website and I can't believe how many issues I've been having,
    trying to please both IE and's a conspiracy, I tell
    thanks for your time
    -Mike P.

    encourage the use of firefox

  • Last Character In Crystal Report cut off when ran via BO web interface

    I created a report in Crystal and uploaded it to the Business Objects Web Interface.
    On my detail row, the last character is getting cut off regardless of the length of the text.  Even short words like "Yes" are losing the last character, and appearing as "Ye", and there is plenty of room available between the right margin.
    The column header extends out further with no issues.
    Does anyone have a solution for this?

    Hi Dean,
    Try with this:
    Go to the following registry sub key:
    HKEY_USERS\[your security profile]\Software\Crystal Decisions\10.2\Crystal Reports\Export\Pdf
    Right-click the sub key and click New > DWORD Value. Name the DWORD value "ForceLargerFonts" and set it to the value of 1.

  • Please help i started my project video format 720HD resolution 12x720 rate 25p at last when i finish and burn to dvd the edges are cut off any one help please i am really in trouble

    please help i started my project with  video format 720HD, resolution 12x720, rate 25p.  at last when i finish and burn to dvd the edges are cut off and my logo cut off the screeen aswell any one help please i am really in trouble. thanks

    Sorry, but I don't know anything about that app.
    I did go to their Web site and I see they have a support link. Perhaps you can get help there or in their forum.
    If you are OK with a DVD with a basic menu, you could try the Share>DVD option in FCP.
    Good luck.

  • Why does Preview automatically resize the text box to cut off the last character of added text? How do I fix it?

    Why does Preview automatically resize the text box to cut off the last character of added text? How do I fix it?
    I use the Tools > Annotate > Add Text feature, and when I click away after adding text, it automatically changes the text box size such that the last letter -- or last word -- gets bumped off into an invisible line below it, forcing me to manually adjust every single text box. It is highly annoying when trying to complete PDF forms (e.g. job applications).
    It appears to be a glitch, quite honestly, an error resulting from Apple's product design. Has it been fixed in the new operating system (for which they want $30)?
    I would very much appreciate any help you can provide! Thank you for your time.

    * "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    * "Remove the Cookies" from sites that cause problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

  • Simulation Capture Problem CP4 - last character in text box cut off.

    This is somewhat difficult for me to explain, but here is what we are experience. The issue we are having is when capturing a demonstration or simulation of our Windows based form in Captivate 4, occasionally the last character of text in a text box field appears to be cut off unless an extra space is added after the character. However, after advancing to the next field in the capture, the complete text does appear in the previous field. So it is actually capturing the text but for some reason it is not showing on the previous slide capture when that text box is active. We are capturing at a resolution of 1024x768.
    Has anyone experienced this behavior? If so what was the solution?
    Thank you.

    Hi Kyle,
    Yes, I have seen this one numerous times. Sometimes I find that pressing the Print Screen key after I have finished typing can help ensure that all the  characters are captured correcty. Pressing the PrntScn enables you to capture manually and is something that many Captivate users prefer to do rather than rely on Captivate's automatic capture engine.
    To be fair, if you own Adobe Captivate 4, then you might find that the new Capture interim screenshot feature (located in the Preferences dialog) might capture all the text for you automatically. Though I have to say that I still prefer to press PrtScn just to be on the safe side.
    Best - Mark

  • My Deskjet 1056 cuts the last line off of the page

    My Deskjet 1056 cuts half the last line of every page off. No matter what I'm printing from where. I've tried changing margins and printing areas and borders. I've heard to try changing the drivers to 990c or 450 . neither make a difference. Changing the port from bidirectional makes it worse. Even tried to change the print processor modes. No luck. Does anyone have any suggestions. When I print and alignment page the squares at the bottom print just fine and align the page just fine so that doesn't help either. I run on Windows7 I don't know if that has anything to do with it. PLEASE HELP. Thanks in advance

    Hi ! Welcome to the HP Forums. I understand you are having an issue with printouts being cut off at the bottom when printing to your HP Deskjet 1056 All-in-One printer from your Windows 7 computer. I'd love to help you with this. The first thing I would suggest would be to make a copy on the printer itself. If the bottom of the page is cut off, then it could be an issue with the hardware. If the copy comes out fine, then we know the hardware is functioning properly. If the copy comes out fine, I would suggest installing the full feature software for you printer if you haven't already. You can download the software here: HP Deskjet Full Feature Software and Drivers If that doesn't resolve the issue please download and run the HP Print and Scan Doctor and let me know of any errors or messages you receive. Have you tried printing multiple documents? Or printing from alternate programs to see if it might be an issue with a specific document or program? I look forward to hearing back from you and working towards a resolution. Thanks for posting!

  • End of last song on every album being cut off (about six seconds)

    I've just realized that the last song on every one of my albums is about six seconds shorter than it should be. This really stinks because I now have about 145 songs that have the ends cut off. I think this is only a problem with the earlier version of iTunes. I think it is fixed with today's update. Anyone else see this problem? If you do update your iTunes immediately.
    Message was edited by: sgt_pepper

    Yeah, I heard about this April 1st - some joke! The bug was in and meant that the last 6 seconds of the last track of each CD ripped was left out. Details in this thread. Anything you ripped in the last 6 weeks is suspect.

Maybe you are looking for