Getting a lot of this error:The reason code is '4(802.1X Authentication failed 3 times.)'. - Controller Name:

Since we upgraded our WCS system to V6.0.196.0 we are receiving a lot of the following error messages and I haven't figured out why.
Client 'c0:cb:38:3f:a1:0d (anonymous,' which was associated with interface '802.11a/n' of AP 'ACAA01-00.P04-G2C2.1' is excluded. The reason code is '4(802.1X Authentication failed 3 times.)'. - Controller Name: 205-dg20-bb3-4/2

Check you ACS (Radius) logs under failures. You will see why its failing. Sounds like a AD account went bad
or someone is entering the wrong logon ... But check your radius log it will point you in the right direction.

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