Getting Column names (header) of a table dynamically

Dear Experts,
I have a requirement in which I need to get the column name (header) of a table when the user clicks on a column.
Kindly suggest me the possible ways.
Thanks in advance.

use one of the following based on your requirement
Bind the header text to a context attribute and access this attribute from code when clicked on the column.
Or use parameter mapping.

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    Can any one suggests me a way to get column names from a particular table of a database from the java.sql.Connection object. ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Connection connection;
    DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData();
      String[] names = {"TABLE"};
      ResultSet tables = metadata.getTables(null,"%", "%", names);
      while ( {
      String tableName = tables.getString("TABLE_NAME");
       ResultSet columns = metadata.getColumns(null, "%", tableName, "%");
    while ( {
      String columnName = columns.getString("COLUMN_NAME");

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    Due to the vi "get column" paremeters,no table name has connected to the vi. So, I want to ask how to use this vi for gain one column name of a table. Maybe there are some other ways to solve column name getting.

    Error 4101 Description:
    Execute SQL - The connection, statement, or query handle you provided is not valid.
    I don't just used the toolkit in a while,now, I am developing a irrigation system. For the table field names defined by users,column names must be known before any select operations. Do you have any other good idea about drawing out the columnname parameters?
    As you know, a valid DSN and table have been also available. The database I used is Access. The bad thing to me is that there is no any text information gotten. And I think, it may be some problems in connection way which I don't find out.
    Really appreciated by your reply.
    Could you give me some example in the aspect?
    Thank you again.

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    Hi All,
    There is a requirement to set the Header of a column group in a Advanced table dynamically by fetching the values from a view attribute.
    Code :
    OAAdvancedTableBean spiderTbl1 ;
    It is not able to set the value for the header inspite of getting the handle of the bean.
    the same piece of code works for
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    2) Setting the header of a column in a column group
    Please let me know if there is anything more that needs to be done for setting the prompt of a column group header.
    Thanks in advance!

    I have posted it without giving the complete code by mistake. Below is the code:
    OAAdvancedTableBean spiderTbl1 ;
    OASortableHeaderBean spiderHdr1;
    spiderTbl1 = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("SpiderCatTbl1RN");
    if (spiderTbl1!=null){
    spiderHdr1= (OASortableHeaderBean)spiderTbl1.findChildRecursive("AnalogHdr");
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    new OADataBoundValueViewObject(spiderHdr1,

  • How to display Column Names of a Database Table in JSP

    Dear All,
    I want to display all the attribute names(column names) of a database table on JSP.
    [ ex:  mytable contains : ( EmpId,EmpName,Dept ). This should be display as  EmpId--text box                    
    EmpName--text box
    please note , i don't want to display values,but only column names

    Yeah make use of methods like
    ResultSet DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableName, String columnNamePattern)
    else use
    String ResultMetaData.getColumnName(int column_index)
    search google i'm sure u wud get thousands of example on it... :)

  • Getting column names using EJB3.0

    Could someone help me how to get column names in EJB3.0.
    I am having reference to folloiwng ejb.
    @Table(name = "users")
    @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(dynamicInsert = true, dynamicUpdate = true)
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "users", sequenceName = "users")
    public class User {
    private Long userId;
    private String username;
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "users_seq")
    @Column(name = "user_id")
    public Long getUserId() {
    return userId;
    public void setUserId(Long userId) {
    this.userId = userId;
    @Column(name = "username")
    public String getUsername() {
    return username;
    public void setUsername(String username) {
    this.username = username;
    Thanks in advance

    You shouldn't be getting column names from EJBs.
    You need to know the object, the schema, and how to map one to the other.
    So you should look at the SQL table "users" and map this object to it.

  • Getting column names empty from MS Access database

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    I am trying to retrieve all the table name and column names of respective tables .
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    here is the sample code i use.
    I am getting the column count of a particular table and type of the column.
    It would be nice if some could help me .
    ResultSet ColumnData = meta.getColumns(null, null, "TBLACCOUNT", null);
                   System.out.println( "ColumnData:" +ColumnData);
                   if (ColumnData!= null) {
                        System.out.println("ColumnData not null");
                        ResultSetMetaData rsmd = ColumnData.getMetaData();
                        int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                        String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(1);
                        String columnType = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(1);
                        System.out.println("columnCount is " +columnCount);
                        System.out.println("The name of the first column is: " +columnName);
                        System.out.println("The data type of the first column is: " +columnType);

    You're here in a JDBC forum, not a SQL forum. I suggest you to start learning SQL and come back once you have JDBC issues.
    Here is a list of links to all SQL tutorials available on the Internet.

  • Getting column names from cursor

    Hi all
    I have procedure which produces list of applied for jobs web page(using htp. package)
    I got result in cursor, but have to provide dinamic sort, based on colimn pressed
    procedure my_application_list
    (pi_resume_num     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_sort_col     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_page_no     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_action     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_msg          in varchar2 default null
    CURSOR cur_job IS
         SELECT      jtl.JOB_TITLE
         FROM job_tl jtl, applied_for_job a, gateway gt
         WHERE a.job_seeker_id=app.job_Seeker
         AND a.job_id=jtl.job_id
         AND a.lang=jtl.lang
         AND a.gateway=gt.gateway
         AND jtl.lang=(SELECT substr(MIN(lt.order_list||jtl0.lang),2) lang
                   FROM      job_tl jtl0
                        ,language_tl lt
                   WHERE jtl0.job_id = a.job_id
                   AND jtl0.lang=lt.lang
                   AND lt.gui_lang=app.language)
         ORDER BY pi_sort_col
    rest of code
    The columns displayed in web page are Job_title, Company_name and Applied_date
    This page is displyed well, bu without column nmes at the top. I am trying to get column names from cursor in order to have ORDER BY <pi_sort_col>
    can someone help how i can get those column names:Job_title, Company_name and Applied_date
    User will be able to click on column and sort
    Thank in advance .I appreciate any help

    Hi Francisco
    Here is my code
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY cc_web_application_list
    col_name_t col_name_list;
    col_order_t col_order_list;
    procedure my_application_list
         (pi_resume_num     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_sort_col     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_page_no     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_action     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_msg          in varchar2 default null
    l_my_page_no      PLS_INTEGER :=     TO_NUMBER(nvl(pi_page_no,1));
    l_js_name          gam_user.username%TYPE;
    l_js_first_name          gam_user.first_name%TYPE;
    l_cnt                PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_scr_lines      PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_curline           PLS_INTEGER;
    l_jobs_applied           PLS_INTEGER;
    l_total_rec      PLS_INTEGER;
    l_total_pages      PLS_INTEGER;
    l_pos               PLS_INTEGER;
    l_first               PLS_INTEGER :=0;
    last                PLS_INTEGER :=0;
    l_lines           PLS_INTEGER := 10;
    col_name      VARCHAR2(100) := col_name_t(3) ;
    col_order           VARCHAR2(30) := 'DESC';
    str                VARCHAR2(2000);
    display           display_rec;
    page_number          page_table_type;
    CURSOR cur_job IS
         SELECT      jtl.JOB_TITLE job_title
              ,jtl.COMPANY_NAME company_name
              ,a.APPLY_DATE apply_date
         FROM job_tl jtl, applied_for_job a, gateway gt
         WHERE a.job_seeker_id=app.job_Seeker
         AND a.job_id=jtl.job_id
         AND a.lang=jtl.lang
         AND a.gateway=gt.gateway
         ORDER BY a.apply_date;
    This decode is a problem
                   ,col_name_t(1), jtl.job_title
                   ,col_name_t(2), jtl.company_name
                   ,col_name_t(3), TO_CHAR(a.apply_date, 'YYYYMMDDhh24miss')
                   ) ASC
                   ,col_name_t(1), jtl.job_title
                   ,col_name_t(2), jtl.company_name
                   ,col_name_t(3), TO_CHAR(a.apply_date, 'YYYYMMDDhh24miss')
                   ) DESC
    r               rec_one;
    SELECT username,first_name
    INTO l_js_name,l_js_first_name
    FROM gam_user
    WHERE user_id = App.job_seeker;
    'Personal Job List'
         ,'##first_name##',l_js_first_name),'N' ,TRUE ,'Pxx');
    ----- get numer of records returned by query
    INTO l_total_rec
    FROM     job_tl jtl,applied_for_job a
         ,gateway gt
    WHERE a.job_id = jtl.job_id
    AND     a.job_seeker_id     = App.job_seeker
    AND     a.gateway     = gt.gateway ;
    ------get number of pages
    l_total_pages:=CEIL (l_total_rec/l_lines);
    l_jobs_applied := 0;
    col_name := pi_sort_col;
    col_order := pi_sort_col;
    --get first positions
    l_first := (nvl(l_my_page_no,1) - 1) * l_lines + 1;
    FOR rec IN cur_job LOOP
         l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
         EXIT WHEN l_cnt > l_first + l_lines - 1;
         IF l_cnt >= l_first THEN
              l_scr_lines := l_scr_lines + 1;      
              r(l_scr_lines) := rec;          --assign counter from loop to r index
              IF rec.apply_date IS NOT NULL THEN
              l_jobs_applied := l_jobs_applied + 1;
              END IF;
         END IF;
    htp.p('<FORM ACTION="'||App.gateway||'8.my_application_list" METHOD="post">');
    htp.p('<table align="center">');
    IF r.COUNT = 0 THEN
    END IF;
    --table_heading(col_name ,col_order );
    htp.p('<table align=center>');
    htp.p('<tr align="center"><td>');
    FOR i IN 1..l_total_pages LOOP
         page_number(i) := i;
         IF page_number(i) = l_total_pages THEN
         Web_Pkg_Elements.doc_val_small(page_number(i)||' |'||'</A>');     
         END IF;
    htp.p('<table align=center>');
    FOR l_curline IN 1..l_scr_lines LOOP
         display(1) := NVL(r(l_curline).job_title, '<br>');
         display(2) := NVL(r(l_curline).company_name, '<br>');
         display(3) := NVL(Cc_Pkg_Nls.date2char(r(l_curline).apply_date, App.date_format), '<br>');
         IF MOD(l_curline, 2) = 0 THEN     
         END IF;
         htp.p('     <td>');
         htp.p('     </td>');
    htp.p('<TABLE width="88%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"
    htp.p('<tr valign=bottom>');
    htp.p('<TD colspan=2 align=right>');
    IF l_my_page_no > 1 THEN
         htp.p('<P>'||'<IMG SRC="'||App.image||'prev.gif" ALT="'
         ||'"'     ||' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom '
    END IF;
    IF l_my_page_no < CEIL (l_total_rec/l_lines) THEN
         htp.p(' <a href="'||$$(App.gateway||'8.my_application_list?'
         ||'&pi_msg=&pi_page_no='||TO_CHAR(l_my_page_no + 1)
         ||">'||'<IMG SRC="'||App.image||'next.gif" ALT="'
         ||'"' ||' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom '
    END IF;
    htp.p('     </TABLE>');
    htp.formHidden('pi_sort_col', pi_sort_col);
    htp.formHidden('pi_page_no', pi_page_no);
    END my_application_list;
    END ; --cc_pkg_application_list

  • Why do I get a class conflict between the Prepare and the Get Column with the SQL Toolkit compatibility vis from the Database Connectivity Toolkit?

    I have done extensive programming with the SQL Toolkit with LabVIEW versions through 6.1. My customer now wants to upgrade to Windows 7, so I am trying to upgrade to LabVIEW 2009 (my latest purchased version) using the Database Connectivity Toolkit, and the SQL Toolkit Compatibility vis. Everything seemed to be going okay with the higher level SQL operations, but I ran into trouble with the Get Column 
    The pictures below show the problem. The original SQL Toolkit connected the Prepare with the Get Column with a cluster of two references, one for connection, and one for sql. The new compatibility vis have a class conflict in the wire because the Prepare contains a cluster with connection, and command references, but the Get Column expects a cluster with connection and recordset references. 
    How do I resolve this conflict?
    Thank You.

    I've never worked with the old version of the toolkit, so I don't know how it did things, but looking inside the SQL prep VI, it only generates a command, and the the column name VI wants a recordset. I'm not super familiar with all the internals of ADO, but my understanding is that is standard - you only have the columns after you execute the command and get the recordset back. What you can apparently do here is insert the Execute Prepared SQL VI in the middle and that will return what you need.
    I'm not sure why it worked before. Maybe the execute was hidden inside the prep VI or maybe you can get the column names out of the command object before execution. In general, I would recommend considering switching to the newer VIs.
    Try to take over the world!

  • How to get column names for a specific view in the scheme?

    how to get column names for a specific view in the scheme?
    Don't have DD on the wall anymore....

    or this?
    SQL> select text from ALL_VIEWS
      2  where VIEW_NAME
      3  ='EMP_VIEW';
    SELECT empno,ename FROM EMP
    WHERE empno=10

  • Jakata POI excel: get column name

    Hi All
    Is there a way I can get column name where a particular cell is: (In excel spreadsheet)
    Ex: If I have column number 2: I should get "C" ( given col numbers are 0 based).
    Please let me know.

    It's not as easy as it might seem, since the letter sequence system is not compatible with common numeric sequence system.
    See here:
    [Java, POI - Converting number to Excel columns letter names|]

  • Get column names into a VB program, for an SQL query that joins tables

    use [mydatabase]
    select * from InvNum inum
    left join _btblInvoiceLines ilin
    on inum.autoindex = ilin.iinvoiceid
    left join stkitem s
    on ilin.istockcodeid = s.stocklink where InvNumber = 'IVQ0834' or InvNumber = 'IVQ0835'
    I need to get out the column names in a VB program in the same order they would appear in the SQL query above...
    I want to use something like:
    select column_name from information_schema.columns where TABLE_NAME = ....
    except there are several tables involved above so I dont know the format!

    If you execute the query in your program using the SqlDataReader.ExecuteReader method, the column names will be available via the GetName method of the returned reader.  But note that your query may return multiple columns with the same name.
    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
    For x = 0 To reader.FieldCount - 1
    Next x
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,

  • How to get column names in table maintenance dialog?

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    Hello Mithun
    The column texts are taken from the field descriptions of the data elements used in your z-table. A "+" sign usually indicates that none of the field descriptions of the data element has been maintained.

  • How to get column names as value in the target table ?

    Hello All,
    I want your help to solve my problem. Any suggestions are welcomed.
    Problem - I have source data in Microsoft Excel in following format,
    Ids q12 q13 q14
    10001 1 1 2
    10002 2 4 1
    In my target table , which is in Oracle i want data in following format,
    IDs Question Answer
    10001 q12 1
    10001 q13 1
    10001 q14 2
    10002 q12 2
    10002 q13 4
    10002 q14 1
    In table i have q12, q13, q14 as column names, Now i want to fill q12, q13,
    q14 as values of one of the column ( Question ) in my target table.
    Note - I don't want to hard code the values ... is there any way i achieve this?
    Thanks in Advance.

    1. Create a staging table with 4 columns. Ids,q12,q13 and q14
    2. Create a main table in the format you want ie., Ids, question and answer
    3. Load the Excel after converting into CSV using SQLLDR into the staging table.
    4. Then move the data from staging to main as below
    insert into main(ids,question,answer)
    (select ids,'q12',q12 from table1
    union all
    select ids,'q13',q13 from table1
    union all
    select ids,'q14',q14 from table1)There might be someother easier way to achieve this. But i dont think you can use SQLLDR to load the data denormalized like you have mentioned. But you can write a procedure which reads the file using UTL_FILE and insert into the table.
    Message was edited by:
    Mohana Kumari

  • Using Column Name in a Second Table

    I have two tables in a sheet, Data and Report. Data contains a column named Hours. How can I write a sum function in the Report table that sums the values in the Hours column in Data? I'd like to use a named reference instead of a row/column letter/number range for when the Hours column gets longer.

    David Benman1 wrote:
    Thanks. I tried what you said, but initially it didn't work. I realized I needed to make the top row a header row, but that leads to a new question. All my columns now can be reference by name except the first column. Is there anything special I need to do to the first column? If the first column is "Hours", then when I type in "Hours" in my formula, the spreadsheet doesn't recognize it as a column name.
    Yes, you must read the User Guide which explains :
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) 2 septembre 2010 12:06:03

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