Getting Forms' version at runtinme

I need to check the version of Forms for which the currently running form was compiled. How may I get that information in Oracle Forms 4.5?

At least there is one in 10g
get_application_property(version);I have no 4.5 online documentation right now, so you might want to look at the documentation which comes with your installation to see if this works in 4.5 too.

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    What is the built-in to use to the Forms Runtime version at runtime?
    Thanks in advance.

    Returns the version number of the Forms Runtime that is running the application. This value is returned as a string e.g.

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    I am not able to get Form 16 A, after giving necessary information in Form 16 A Selection criteria screen (after posting  Outgoing payment for vendor and Govt authority), then system opens another window  u201CForm 16 A reportu201D  and clicked u201Cgenerate certificate nou201D , but not able to view form 16A.
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    Edited by: kumar on Jun 29, 2010 1:11 PM
    Edited by: kumar on Jun 29, 2010 1:12 PM

    Hello Dear,
    After posting outgoing payment and payment of TDS on TDS account,Update the challan entries.
    You can get the update challan entries form under Financial --CXS-TDS.
    After that open the Form 16 A form you will get the report.

  • How to get the Version History of a stored document?

    I am trying to store and retrieve the content using Content Services features of ADEP 10.0.
    I am able to store and retrieve content where as I am not able to get the version of the document. I am trying to store same or different document, but I donot get the version history or version label. Please guide me how I can get  the version of a stored document.
    Also, please advise me if there are simple alternative to do the same in ADEP10.
    Please see below my sample code below:
    package test.sample;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.adobe.idp.Document;
    import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
    import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
    import com.adobe.livecycle.contentservices.client.CRCResult;
    import com.adobe.livecycle.contentservices.client.impl.DocumentManagementServiceClientImpl;
    import com.adobe.livecycle.contentservices.client.impl.UpdateVersionType;
    public class AddContent {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                //Set connection properties required to invoke Document Services in EJB mode                                
                Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
                connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_EJB_ENDPOINT, "jnp://localhost:1099");
                connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL,Service ClientFactoryProperties.DSC_EJB_PROTOCOL);          
                connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
                connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
                connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");
                //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
                ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);
                //Create a DocumentManagementServiceClientImpl object
                DocumentManagementServiceClientImpl    docManager = new DocumentManagementServiceClientImpl(myFactory);
                //Specify the store and node name
                String storeName ="SpacesStore"; 
                String nodeName = "/Company Home/Test Directory";
                //Retrieve the document to store in /Company Home/Test Directory
                Document contentA =  new Document(new File("C://Adobe/New files/Data-A.pdf"), false);
                Document contentB =  new Document(new File("C://Adobe/New files/Data-B.txt"), false);
                Document contentC =  new Document(new File("C://Adobe/New files/Data-C.xlsx"), false);
                //Create a MAP instance to store attributes
                Map<String,Object> inputs = new HashMap<String,Object>();
                //Specify attributes that belong to the new content
                String creator = "{}creator";
                String description = "{}description"; 
                inputs.put(creator,"Veeraganteppa Sajjan");
                inputs.put(description,"A sample application form");
                //Store MortgageForm.pdf in /Company Home/Test Directory
                CRCResult resultA = docManager.storeContent(storeName, 
                CRCResult resultB = docManager.storeContent(storeName, 
                CRCResult resultC = docManager.storeContent(storeName, 
                //Get the identifier value of the new resource
                String idA = resultA.getNodeUuid();
                String idB = resultB.getNodeUuid();
                String idC = resultC.getNodeUuid();
                System.out.println("A -The identifier value of the new content is "+idA);
                System.out.println("B - The identifier value of the new content is "+idB);
                System.out.println("C - The identifier value of the new content is "+idC);
               System.out.println("A - The Browse Link is "+resultA.getBrowseLink());
                System.out.println("B - The Browse Link is "+resultB.getBrowseLink());
                System.out.println("C - The Browse Link is "+resultC.getBrowseLink());
              System.out.println("A-The Version Label is "+resultA.getVersionLabel());
              System.out.println("B-The Version Label is "+resultB.getVersionLabel());
              System.out.println("C-The Version Label is "+resultC.getVersionLabel());
              System.out.println("The Version History is "+docManager.getVersionHistory(storeName,nodeName, true));
        }catch(Exception e)
    Message was edited by: V B Sajjan

    Sorry I did not attach the output and errors. Please find the same below.
    A -The identifier value of the new content is f5427f5b-c7c1-4c3c-b959-cb84e4e49a13
    B - The identifier value of the new content is b237d22c-5ff5-4628-a83a-23f5e49ae48e
    C - The identifier value of the new content is 34a9992c-3705-4488-bb55-6dd7ddfa0517
    A - The Browse Link is http://localhost:8080/contentspace/wcs/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/f5427f5b-c7c 1-4c3c-b959-cb84e4e49a13/dataA.pdf
    B - The Browse Link is http://localhost:8080/contentspace/wcs/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/b237d22c-5ff 5-4628-a83a-23f5e49ae48e/dataB.pdf
    C - The Browse Link is http://localhost:8080/contentspace/wcs/api/node/content/workspace/SpacesStore/34a9992c-370 5-4488-bb55-6dd7ddfa0517/dataC
    A-The Version Label is null
    B-The Version Label is null
    C-The Version Label is null
    ALC-CSV-30015-000: com.adobe.livecycle.contentservices.client.exceptions.CSInvocationException: ALC-CSV-030-015-The node [/Company Home/Test Directory] is not versioned.
    at com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.impl.AbstractContentManager.doGetVersionHistory(Abst
    at com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.impl.ContentManagerImpl.executeParams(ContentManager
    at com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.impl.CSRetryingTransactionCallback.execute(CSRetryin
    at org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper.doInTransaction(RetryingTransacti
    at com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.impl.ContentManagerImpl.execute(ContentManagerImpl.j ava:114)
    at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer$2.execute(
    at org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper.doInTransaction(RetryingTransacti
    at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer.transactionedExecute(RepositoryContaine
    at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer.transactionedExecuteAs(RepositoryContai
    at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer.executeScript( 246)
    at org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntime.executeScript(
    at org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntime.executeScript(
    at org.alfresco.web.scripts.servlet.WebScriptServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.j ava:290)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.j ava:235)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.j ava:235)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    at va:183)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
    at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.jca.CachedConnectionValve.invoke( 158)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(Http11Protocol.ja va:598)

  • To Get Different Version of program through programatically.

    Hi Experts,
    My requirement is to find no. of line changes betwwen two version of program.
    I did the following steps
    i) Got  the Transport request number from table e070 for corresponding users.
    ii) Got the pgmid object obj_name from table E071.
    iii) Got the remaining details from TADIR and trdir table.
    And for Each name file from TADIR table,
    By using Read Report statement I got the program in Internal table and able to count the no of lines,
    But how i can retrieve the different/old version of program.
    Your early reply would be highly appreciated.

    Hi Vikranth,
    I know VRSD is the table we can get the version number, but for both version the
    Program/object number will be the same. So we cannot achive my requirement.
    Hi Markus,
    I am looking into the compare_versions form, but its clueless for me!,
    How it works any idea?

  • OIM 11g: Form Version of Linked Recon Event

    If an old reconciliation event is linked (Ad-hoc link) to a user, what form version is given to the form?
    The current active version?
    The active version at the time the recon event was created?
    Based on our testing, it appears as though #2 is the answer. Somehow the form version at time of recon is retained, and given to the form when the recon event is linked.
    Is this expected behavior? In our environment we'd like for #1 to be the case, and we can't seem to find a way to prevent this from happening. (The FVC util doesn't seem to help here).
    How can we ensure any linked recon events always get the current active form version?

    If anyone else is running into this, the "current" and "active" form versions are stored in the recon profile XML files. So, if you update a form version, you need to also regenerate the recon profiles to bring them up to the current active version.

  • Is there a way to get the version of the C++ coherence library

    I've noticed that the API for the PofExtractor class has changed from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2. It does break binary compatibility so I need a way to know if I'm loading the right dll.
    Is there a way to get the version of the C++ coherence library? I've been unable to find a "getVersion" like function in the C++ headers...

    Hi Serge,
    It sounds like you are looking for a way to do this at runtime, which unfortunately we do not have. We do have an existing enhancement request (COH-2399) to add this support, but it is currently not available.
    You can check the library version externally in a few ways however:
    - run "sanka -version", using the sanka.exe tool shipped with coherence, it will print out the version string of the coherence DLL it loads
    - use the standard UNIX "what" command supplying it the shared library, and it will do the same, even on Windows
    You could in fact write your own version of 'what' in a function and then do things programatically. Here is the description from the 'what' man page.
    what reads each file name and searches for sequences of the form
    ``@(#)'', as inserted by the source code control system. It prints the
    remainder of the string following this marker, up to a null character,
    newline, double quote, or ``> character.''
    So basically scan the library binary for the pattern and you'll find the version string.
    Regarding PofExtractor, it was unfortunate we had to break backwards compatibility, it is not something we do often, or take lightly. Please note that we did it in such a way to still retain on the wire compatibility, so if that is the reason for your question you should be able to simply not worry about it.
    Oracle Coherence

  • Error Creating New Form Version

    OIM Build 1600.10
    Whenever I try to create a new Form Version for an Object Form or Process Form I am getting an error.
    The Form Version has Lookup Queries as properties and this seems to be causing the issue. We did not see this in the past but are now seeing it.
    Anybody else see this issue? Know of a workaround? Know what the validateLookupQuery is actually doing?
    DEBUG,23 Jun 2010 13:22:00,646,[XELLERATE.ADAPTERS],Class/Method: tcSDCProperties/validateLookupQuery entered.
    // Then 1207 seconds later...
    ERROR,23 Jun 2010 13:42:06,139,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],Class/Method: tcDataBase/loadResultSet encounter some problems: Unexpected exception while enlisting XACon
    nection java.sql.SQLException: Transaction rolled back: Transaction timed out after 1207 seconds
    at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.enlist(
    at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.refreshXAConnAndEnlist(
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTAConnection.getXAConn(
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTAConnection.checkConnection(
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSet.preInvocationHandler(
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSet_oracle_jdbc_driver_OracleResultSetImpl.wasNull(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBase.getVariant(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBase.loadRow(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBase.loadRows(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBase.loadResultSet(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBase.readPartialStatement(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataBase.readPartialStatement(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataSet.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataSet.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataSet.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataSet.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.util.tcSDCProperties.validateLookupQuery(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcSDP.isPropertyValid(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcSDP.eventPreInsert(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.insert(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcSDL.eventPostInsert(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.insert(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcSDK.createNewVersion(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.databeansimpl.tcSDKBean.createNewVersion(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beans.tcSDK_jmpkyy_EOImpl.createNewVersion(
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beans.tcSDK_jmpkyy_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.activation.ActivatableServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicExecuteRequest.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

    Try to increase the size of the table column.

  • How to Find Form Version

    I would appreciate, if some one could give me the commands on unix to find Header information for forms and reports.
    Thanks a bunch.

    There are many ways to get the version number. As "inolau" already mentioned, you can look in the installer or its logs. You can also do any of the following:
    If you are using Developer Suite, you can open the Builder and select HELP > ABOUT from the menu
    In a Forms application use the following:
    Run the sample form "test.fmx", which is provided with all installations. The version number is disaplayed near the lower corner of the form when it is run.

  • Forms Version

    I have installed Forms Version on Windows Vista and Oracle 10g. When I am running the from getting message "Internet explorer has stopped working
    " and asking to close the program.
    I am able to connect database from Forms and OC4J instance is running properly. I am not sure what settings are required to run form Version
    Any one can help.

    It states that Vista, IE7 and JRE 1.5 require "Upcoming [Forms] patch set"
    Also, "Sun's plug-in 1.6 is slated for certification with [Forms] version 11. There are no current plans to certify it with 10.1.2"

  • How to find the Invoice workbench form version

    Hi Everyone,
    where i can get the Invoice workbench form version of the APXINWKB.fmb form.
    Kindly reply as soon as possible.

    From the application, click on Help > About
    From the OS, use "adident" or "strings -a" command to get the Header details.
    Please search old threads before posting similar questions as this question was asked many times before --

  • How do I get database version info?

    When I go to the Forms6i about box, it lists this as my Oracle version:
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    How can I get this version information when I'm running my own form?

    select from v$version and parse.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred Blindheim:
    When I go to the Forms6i about box, it lists this as my Oracle version:
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    How can I get this version information when I'm running my own form?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Getting Portal Version Dynamically

    Hi All,
    Is there a way by which i can get the version (6.2 ,6.4 ,7.0 etc.)of the portal my application is running on dynamically..i.e at run time...
    I ll be highly obliged if u can provide any suggestions ..
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Sudhir,
    I did not get the class IClusterInformation.
    But if you want to get the Portal version you could do the folloiwng
    Try to get the following System property form the J2EE server.
    Here you will get the path
    Form here write Java code to do the followign
    String sysGlobalDir = System.getProperty("");
            if (sysGlobalDir == null)
                // aRequest.getLogger().warning(this, "getVersionRootDir(): system property not set.");
                System.out.println( "getVersionRootDir(): system property not set.");
            } else
                versionRootDir = new File(sysGlobalDir, "portal_versions");
            if (versionRootDir != null && versionRootDir.exists())
                File versionTxtFile = new File(versionRootDir, "version_id.txt");
                if (versionTxtFile.exists())
                    portalVersion = getVersionNumber(versionTxtFile);
                } else
                     System.err.println("FILE DOES NOT EXIST");
    implement the getVersionNumber() funmction to read the line form the file version_id.txt.
    Hope this helps

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