Getting msg: HRTIM_ABS_REQ 113 on applying Leave Request

Dear all,
When I try raising a Leave Request, I get the error msg "Document created with information: HRTIM_ABS_REQ 113 Approver not available --> Forward to Substitute" ... The workflow is made to 'General Task'. All the other Tasks used inside the workflow are also defined as General Task. The Request gets generated in case of other employees. But for a particular Employee, its giving this error. The approver is defined in the system. Relation is also established. Could anyone throw some light on the reason behind this error?

I think this issue is regarding Organisational structure defined for the employee.  So kindly go to PPOME and check your organisation, go to your employee and check whether chief is defined for that unit.   If it is there, then as per standard workflow template it should not give this error.
Secondly setting that is defined for time management ESS portal setting, check in table V_PTARQ_TPROCESS - to process your request, you need to define Determine next agent field.
Just check this setting, i hope this will resolve your problem,
All the best,

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    Hi All,
    Can u suggest any FM or a particaular way which will return a number of leave request pending for approval on a particular name.
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    i cant go in abap code of that program and get the count form the internal table cause delay in loading the application on the portal.
    Any Help ??
    Thanks n Regards

    hi it seems you are trying to implement mass leave approval??? anyways...
    check ptarq_reqlist_tab_flat (i dnt have r/3 connection check it is table or structure)
    a class defention where you can get help cl_pt_cor_reqs_list (open with tranx SE24)
    method -> sel_reqs_tevents_for_next_proc
    digging more into this you may get the more hints.

  • Getting error whils trying to apply leave " hrtim00rec077 "

    Hi All,
    Getting error message no:hrtim00rec077 while trying to apply leave. There is no quota mapped to this absence type but getting the message "Absence quota 01 not found for grouping 1/41 on 20100401"
    Kindly let me know what might be the reason for this error.

    Do you want quotas for this leave?
    First, check T554S if you have screen = 2001 and HR Deduction flag activated. This will enable the quota deduction.
    Then, you will have to configure T556A for the quotas
    Finally integrate all this with T556C - deduction rules and put more details on the selection rules on T559L.
    V_T554S_WEB just maps it to the frontend. I believe the big question here is if you have enabled the quotas and quota deduction for this absence type. That is why it's giving the issue.

  • Need to get a report from SAP on leave request data

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    I am trying to run a report, for specific workflow instance #'s in order to obtain the detail of the leave request itself i.e. Leave type, start date of leave, end date of leave etc.
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    Can anyone help me ?
    Thanks a lot

    Please try the CHECK DOCUMENTS report.
    I do understand your requirement, but unfortunately SAP dont have such report.

  • Error while applying leave request though poratl

    Hi All,
    In portal Employee is unable to apply any leave. The system is giving the error message as
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    Please utilise Privilege leave for this purpose. In case you do not have Sufficient PL balance, Please apply for LOA."
    But when trying to raise a "Privilege/ Sick" leave , he is still getting  the same message.
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    So can anyone please suggest a solution.

    Hi Binu,
    It is a Std error which you r getting in the system while maintaining EL on that day. Is 07.03.2012 is a paid holiday ?? Then it will give the same error while applying the leave on that day...
    You need to check the Holiday class for that abs type in the system.
    Prasad Lad

  • Error while applying leave request in Portal

    Hi All,
    In portal Employee is unable to apply any leave. The system is giving the error message as
    "As per policy, Casual Leave cannot be taken for more than 1 working day consecutively,
    Please utilise Privilege leave for this purpose. In case you do not have Sufficient PL balance, Please apply for LOA."
    But when trying to raise a "Privilege/ Sick" leave , he is still getting  the same message.
    So he is not able to raise any kind of leave.
    So can anyone please suggest a solution.

    I Solved my Problem.Actually in WF WS12300111 in Header agent assignment is not set to General task.Now i made it to general task and it solved my problem

  • Application "Leave request" getting error after rejection from manager

    Hi folks,
    we getting an error in the ESS leave request application with using the workflow (WS12300111).
    We have EP7 SP11 wit ESS/MSS  600 SP7 (for ERP2005) . All ESS/MSS services/webdynpros are deployed without errors.
    If an employee takes holiday with the leave request and the manager rejects this leave request, a work item is created in the UWL box of the employee. Processing this work item leads to the following error:
    Application error occurred during request processing. Details: The requested deployable object '' and application 'LeaveRequest' are not deployed on the server. Please check the used URL for typos.
    Exception id: [C0000A7D0192002A0000000400000B7E000431AA883F1DCE]
    But the application is ready deployed (the employee take this appl- to create the leave request
    In the ERp2005 / HCM customizing, transaction SWFVISU the approval task TS12300097 uses application "LeaveRequestApprover" is working fine.
    TS12300116 uses application "LeaveRequest" leads to this error... :-(((
    Does any body have an Idea ??
    Please help!
    Thx mario

    which version do you have?
    I have ECC 5.0 and problem I solved in SWFVISU transaction, for TS12300097 parameters, changing to package
    By default is '' and this is the problem, in UWL xml configuration, package pointing is
    Check this, and comment the results,

  • Error in ess leave request

    Hi Experts,
    Please find the below error and guide me in this, as the employee has applied leave request and it is approved and posted in 2001 but  the employees has an Option in ess to change his approved leave also but when he is trying to change the leave getting the error
    The leave must not start before 22.04.2009
    please help me in this.
    waiting for your response..

    GO to SPRO .
    IMG Path:
    Personnel Management  Personnel Administration  Personnel Data  Employee self service  Service Specific settings  Working Times  Leave Request  Processing Process  specify processing process of leaves types
    Select one leave
    in that "Start Date in the Past"
    select 1st RADIO button "Processing Permitted to the recalculation Limit"
    Save ...and check

  • Leave request Workflow ids Ids WS12300111 ,WS12400005

    I am on ECC 50 and Portal 7.0. I am using the copy of standard workflows
    1) WS12300111 copied to WS90100002 ( Create Leave request)
    2) WS12400005 copied to WS 90100003( Cancel leave request)
    in ESS.
    My questions are as below
    1) In Processing  process for types of leave in IMG, which worklfows do i enter in each section
    a) WF ID of New Request  ( i have entered ZWS12300111 )
    b) WF ID of Cancellation Request ( i have entered ZWS12400005 )
    c) WF ID of Change Request( i dont know what to enter here, should it be same as ZWS12300111 )
    2) Secondly the workflow ZWS12400005 does not get triggered when i delete the leave request ( approved, rejected) though i have set up the leave for approvals for cancellation.
    3) When i reject the leaves, the work item "Process requeest by employee" comes and sits in UWL. If i click, it open the leave request screen, where in the old values are not present ( like dates for which i had applied leave). If i change the dates and send for approval, the workitem goes to managers inbox, but the work item "process request by employee" still sits in employee inbox. This is happening only in case of rejected leaves when employee uses the same workitem to re apply for leave.
    Apprecaite your help

    I have the same problem how did you sort it out?

  • ESS Leave Request error - Processing of the service was terminated.

    Dear All,
    I am getting the below error on the leave request page in ESS
    A critical error has occured. Processing of the service was terminated. Unsaved data has been lost.
    Contact your system administrator.
    Index: 0, Size: 0
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
    let me know what could be the reason for this error?

    Please search in scn this has been discussed many times
    Bala Duvvuri

  • ESS Leave request screen giving a critical Error in production server

    We are in a critical face of ESS implemetation.
    We are doing an ESS MSS implementation for country grouping 99.
    When we moved our changes to production server after succesful testing in quality, getting the following Critical error for Leave Request Screen.
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
         at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
         at java.util.ArrayList.get(
    Other areas like personal Info & who is who are working fine.
    Leave request was working fine in Development and Quality servers and it never worked in Production server.
    It worked fine with same config, with same master data and same employee & org structure in quality server.
    We tried the following things:
    1. Checked and confirmed the sequence of transports for configs and Developments to Quality and Production.
    Even compared the table level entries and ABAP codings B/n dev and Production. All are same.
    2. Moved the workflow changes to production and activated the same. No change found after that.
    3. Gave SAP all authorization in R/3 and full authorization from portal side as well.
    4. Assigned the userid to different employees and checked the masterdata of employees.
    5. Checked the note 1388426.Every thing mentioned in the note is there in the system.
    6. Verified Rule groups and WEBMO feature are correct and same as in quality.
    As our go live date is very near, request your help .Thanks in advance for your help.

    Customisation of Leave request is mising in your system, please check the rule group using PTARQ.

  • Error in ESS Szenario leave request after rejecting leave

    Hi folks,
    we getting an error in the ESS leave request application with using the workflow (WS12300111).
    We have EP7 SP11 wit ESS/MSS 600 SP7 (for ERP2005) . All ESS/MSS services/webdynpros are deployed without errors.
    If an employee takes holiday with the leave request and the manager rejects this leave request, a work item is created in the UWL box of the employee. Processing this work item leads to the following error:
    Application error occurred during request processing. Details: The requested deployable object '' and application 'LeaveRequest' are not deployed on the server. Please check the used URL for typos.
    Exception id: [C0000A7D0192002A0000000400000B7E000431AA883F1DCE]
    But the application is ready deployed (the employee take this appl- to create the leave request
    In the ERp2005 / HCM customizing, transaction SWFVISU the approval task TS12300097 uses application "LeaveRequestApprover" is working fine.
    TS12300116 uses application "LeaveRequest" leads to this error... :-(((
    Does any body have an Idea ??
    Please help!
    Thx mario

    Hi Mark,
    yes something like that - we solved this with a tipp from OSS/ SAP..
    Using transaction SWFVISU, check the following entries and correct
    where required:
    TS12300097 Java WebDynpro
    APPLICATION LeaveRequestApprover
    TS12300116 Java WebDynpro
    APPLICATION LeaveRequest
    The WF item who was running o.k. (check leave request) had the wrong entries :
    TS12300097 Java WebDynpro
    APPLICATION LeaveRequestApprover
    ---> CHECK THESE PACKAGE -> was ...
    After changing this to -> the other service who had the error
    runs now O.K. !! This problem was only on the EP7 system SP12 and
    ESS/MSS SP8..other Portal system with NW7SP11 ESS/MSS SP6 had this
    error not...

  • Reg: EP based Leave request workflow

    Hi Experts
    We are implementing ECC 6.0 and EP .
    My requirement is I have copied standard leave request no 12300111 and i have modifield according to client requirment .
    When i create the leave request wokflow from EP frent end its working fine and leave details are appearing in superviser in box ( IN EP inbox) .
    Supervisor is approving fine .
    1 . After approving leave reqeuest data is not updating in 2001 infotype.
    2. In this workflow there is no BOR ( Business Object )  but still the data is appearing in supervisor inbox after create a leave from employee .
    How can i see the request data in workflow becouse i need configure mail format aslo .
    Once leave is created i need send  main notification to  employee as well as manager with leave request details.
    Please help me how do i get leave data in workflow container .

    There is no BO for the standard SAP leave req workflow. It is handled by a class CL_PT_REQ_WF_ATTRIBS. So you can forget everything about creating a sub-business object and delegating it to the standard one.
    You can create your own custom (ABAP class) method which you can use to get the needed details of the leave request into your workflow container (which you can then use in your notifications). Check Jocelyn Dart's blogs about WF and ABAP OO. In your case everything should be quite clear if you just create one static method (you don't need to implemenet the LPOR-methods). This is of course the simpliest way to achieve your requirement - there are also some other more fancy ways.

  • ESS Leave Request Data

    Hi All,
    While applying Leave Request in ESS used(Quota) value is coming 0.25 Days, But in ECC value is 0.50 Days. Please check below screen shots.
    Please suggest how to solve this.

    HI Venkat,
    In the ESS the start time and end time is been entered so the value is 0.25 , enter the timings(7.30 t0 11.49) in ECC too and check the quota used.
    I hope the ESS leave request is just replica of the 2001 infotype so it must behave the same keeping in mind you are checking for the same absence type .
    Mithun K

  • BSP error while applying a Leave request in ESS

    Dear Friends,
    Reposting an issue which I posted earlier in ESS Forum as I didn't get solution there and the issue is more technical and moved towards Netweaver applications.
    While applying a leave request in ESS portal, I am getting an error page saying Business Server Page error.
    Checked related SPRO Nodes: Both ESS UI5 and ESS (Java) nodes. They are maintained. Being HCM Functional Consultant, this error I am not able to analyze anyway. So asking Portal /Netweaver experts here.
    Error screen attached-
    My earlier thread posted in ESS forum
    Expecting a quick solution for this as I am stuck in this issue for last 4-5 days .

    Sorted out . Detail can be seen in the Referal link. Closing this thread

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