Getting NI MAX (Measurement Automation Explorer) to work through NAT

I've been having no end of grief trying to connect NI MAX to my remote cDAQ 9134 (Linux RT) through a cellular gateway (firewall/NAT). I currently have all the ports I think are even slightly MAX related forwarded to the IP of the cDAQ. The IP address assigned to the cellular gateway is part of my corporate network, i.e. this is not a remote private IP but instead an IP on my WAN. 
Currently the following ports are forwarded:
The web UI function works across this arrangement, as does SSH - but not MAX.
NI MAX will find the device at first, but then it transitions from connecting to a red-X icon... but not before discovering the serial number and a few other parameters (not all).
I need this to work so I can remotely deploy new software modules to the cDAQ 9134.
Has anyone accomplished something similar in the past? Am I possibly missing a port?
Thanks and Regards,
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Hello Jeff,
As long as you have unblocked all of the ports pertaining to NI MAX in this White Paper:
you shouldn't have missed anything. Is there any way to connect it locally, or does it have to be over the network?
Siana A.
Application Engineering
National Instruments

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    Try to uninstall the Lookout 6.0.2 and MAX. Then, reinstall them.
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    HI ffolch, MAX comes with other drivers, you can download DAQmx, drivers for example to get it, also if you have the IMAQ drivers, MAX should be in the cd.
    Best Regards
    Mensaje editado por BeCeGa
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    MAX.jpg ‏86 KB

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    Using the DAQ Assistant or Creating a DAQmx Task in LabVIEW 7.0 Evaluation Version
    Frequently Asked Questions about the LabVIEW 7.0 Evaluation Version
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    I don't have the proper things in front of me at the moment, but here is a guess as to what your problem might be.
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    In this case its the usb-serial adapter that is likely the cause of the issue.  As mentioned in this KB it is likely that MAX doesn't know how to recognize the third-party adapter.  You may want to refer to this KB that talks about making VISA calls to third-party devices as it may be useful.
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    please see picture
    MAE.JPG ‏142 KB

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    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Go to Solution.

    Found this white paper:

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    Currentlty labview can not interact with MAX in a way to pass some values to it. LabVIEW can get values from virtual channels though. However if MAX would have been ActiveX Automation server, then setting up values to vitual channels would be something that could have been done. LabVIEW 6 interaction right now is only to an extent that it can launch the virtual channel wizard using the DAQ Channel datatype.
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    Are you using NI-DAQ Virtual Channels or NI-DAQmx Tasks? I don't think that your scale settings are wrong but the Input range you've selected. Go to the "Analog Input Voltage Task" Window (for DAQmx Tasks). There you've to select your custom scale and define your Input Range. Try to increase your Input Range to expected scaled value and not to the real voltage your measuring.
    Hope this helps.

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