Getting notification back to java application with Goldengate

I am new to using Golden Gate. I have a java application running in an application server environment using Oracle database. We plan to use Goldengate to receive data directly in the database from external database. I have few questions in using goldengate:
1. Is there a way for my application to know that database change to a table has happened?
2. I came across goldengate and jms notification. Is there a non-jms way using java API for my application to know real-time that change has happened to database table?
3. Are there any samples for this type of feature?
Thank you.

There is a Java API that can be used directly, rather than just using the built-in JMS delivery.
The way it works: "extract" reads a trail, as the data is read, events are generated, and your custom event handler can receive these events. Types of basic events are "transaction begin", "new operation (insert, update, delete)", "transaction commit". These events are basically replaying what has happened on the source database; so, for example, if on the source DB you have "begin tx" + "insert" + "update" + "commit", then your custom Java event handler will receive an event for "begin tx", "insert", "update" and "commit".
One thing to consider early on: the event handlers can work in one of two "modes". Either an entire source database transaction can be cached in memory and processed at once, OR you can process one operation at a time. The latter is typically preferable, since any DBA or batch job can be executed on the source DB that updates a few million rows at once, which could cause your JVM to run out of memory in "transaction mode" as it tries to cache this in memory. On the other hand, in "operation mode" you only need enough memory to hold one operation at a time, but you don't know what operations have already happened or what will happen. In "operation mode" you are free to cache your own data in your custom event handler, though -- as much or as little as you need.
Note: GoldenGate only captures committed transactions, so you won't ever receive rolled back database transactions; however , there may be "interruptions" in the GG trail if/when a GG process abends & restarts. This puts a virtual "rollback" into the trail (technically, it's a restart/abend marker) which a GG replicat fully understands. The GG user-exit API prior to v11.2 does not pass RestartAbend events to any user-exits -- including the Java adapter. Long story short, your source "extract" (the one capturing changes from the source DB) must create trails with the "Format Release 9.5" qualifier, or (equivalently) specify "RecoveryOptions OverwriteMode". If you do this, then there will be no "restart/abend" markers in the trail. However, under certain (odd) circumstances, it may not be entirely possible to create trails in this format. The format 10+ trails (aka "RecoveryOptions AppendMode") are slightly more resilient to system failures, and do have additional file header info that is not available in "format 9.5" trails. Although GG 11.2 is available, the user-exits (the Java adapter & flat-file writer) that use this new API are presently not yet generally available.
Ok, with the caveats out of the way, here's a code sample:
package tst;
import com.goldengate.atg.datasource.*;
import com.goldengate.atg.datasource.GGDataSource.Status;
public class HelloWorldHandler extends AbstractHandler {
  private long numTxs = 0;
  private long numOps = 0;
  private long numCols = 0;
  public Status operationAdded(DsEvent e, DsTransaction tx, DsOperation operation) {
    super.operationAdded(e, tx, operation);
    numCols += operation.getNumColumns();
    return Status.OK;
  public Status transactionCommit(DsEvent e, DsTransaction tx) {
    super.transactionCommit(e, tx);
    return Status.OK;
  public String reportStatus() {
    String s = "Processed (mode='" + getMode() + "')" + " transactions=" + numTxs
              + ", operations=" + numOps + ", columns=" + numCols;
    return s;
}That's about as basic as it gets. It will print out number of operations processed to the report file (dirrpt/*.rpt). The Java user-exits typically are an "end point" for the data stream (that's what the "CuserExit... PassThru" option means), so this example isn't terribly useful by itself. Typically you would send the data somewhere else (like the JMS handler, or a file-writer) or update some other system with these events.
Btw, there are also a few helper classes to merge metadata (column/table names) and data (column "before" and "after" data). The "DsTransaction" and "DsOperation" and "DsColumn" classes are just "data". The following wrapper classes also provide metadata (Tx, Op, Col):
  import com.goldengate.atg.datasource.adapt.*;
  Tx tx = new Tx(dsTransaction, getMetaData(), getConfig());
  //or:  Op op = new Op(dsOperation, tableMeta, getConfig());
     for(Op op: tx) {
          for(Col c: op) { ... }
  }See the javadoc that comes with the software download for details (
To compile and use (preferably creating a jar; I'm assuming you put it in "dirprm" (see below)):
$ javac -d classes -cp {gg_home}/ggjava/ggjava.jar
$ jar -cvf myCustom.jar ...etc...Your extract ("pump") parameter file that loads and runs your custom Java user-exit event handler:
Extract javaue
SourceDefs dirdef/tc.def
SetEnv ( GGS_USEREXIT_CONF = "dirprm/" )
-- CUserExit ggjava_ue.dll CUSEREXIT PassThru IncludeUpdateBefores
CUserExit CUSEREXIT PassThru IncludeUpdateBefores
-- must pass all data to user-exit, or
-- else tx indicators might be missed
TABLE EXAMPLE.*;And the referenced properties file could look like the following. There are really two parts to this file; the first part is used to configure the Java application, the second is used to configure the JNI bridge between the JVM and "extract".
# Java application properties
# your custom event handler.
# note: setting property foo=bar automatically calls your handler's method setFoo("bar")
# gg.handler.mytest.mode=tx
# Properties for native library ("C" User Exit)
# set to TRUE to *disable* the duplicates-checkpoint-file
# duplicates-checkpoint-file prefix
# tx timestamp datatbase local (default) or UTC timestamp
# C-user-exit logging config for native library *only*.
# Java app uses log4j config in javawriter.bootoptions.
# prefix for native library logfile name
# native lib statistics, defaults: time=3600, numrecs=10000
#   display=false (doesn't write to file)
#   full=false (would not include java report)
# Set classpath to required jars.
#    Use ':' path separator for Unix, ';' for windows.
# Set the log4j configuration -- note this found in the classpath.
#    See the example preconfigured log4j files in ggjava/resources/classes,
#    copy to dirprm and rename, then customize as desired. (Don't put or
#    modify files in the ggjava/* directory.)
javawriter.bootoptions=-Xmx64m -Xms32m -Djava.class.path=dirprm:ggjava/ggjava.jar:dirprm/myCustom.jar -Dlog4j.configuration=log4j.propertiesNote that the property "bootoptions" includes "myCustom.jar" to find your class. You can use your custom log4j config as well (e.g.,; put it in "dirprm" as well and it will be found in the classpath.
See also the GoldenGate Java docs for a little more on this topic:
* =>
Hope it helps,
Edited by: MikeN on Jun 20, 2012 10:34 PM - notes on trail format compatibility

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    D:\JiBisHoldem\src\holdem\gui\ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : class HoldEmClientGUI
    location: class HoldEmApp
            getContentPane().add( new HoldEmClientGUI().getContentPane() );
    1 errorAm I close or really far from a working result?

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    package holdem.gui;
    import holdem.core.Card;
    import holdem.core.Choice;
    import holdem.core.Player;
    import holdem.gui.interfaces.ClientGUIInterface;
    import holdem.gui.panel.PokerChoiceListPane;
    import holdem.gui.panel.PokerMainPane;
    import holdem.gui.panel.PokerPlayerPane;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import tools.AppProperties;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class HoldEmClientGUI extends JApplet {     
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              HoldEmClientGUI app = new HoldEmClientGUI();
         public void init()
              AppletContext ac = null;
                   ac = getAppletContext();
              catch(NullPointerException npe)
              //new HoldEmClientGUIFrame(ac);
              new HoldEmClientGUIFrame();
    class HoldEmClientGUIFrame extends JFrame implements ClientGUIInterface {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private String m_mainTitle = "";
         private String m_title1 = "";
         private String m_title2 = "";
         private HashMap<Integer, PokerPlayerPane> m_playerPaneList = null;
         private PokerMainPane m_pokerMainPane = null;
         private MainMenuBar m_pokerMainMenuBar = null;
         private PokerChoiceListPane m_pokerChoiceListPane = null;
         //AppletContext ac;
         //HoldEmClientGUI(AppletContext ac) {
         HoldEmClientGUIFrame() {
              // = ac;
              //Set Icon
              //setIconImage(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty("holdem.images.icon.logo"))).getImage());
              m_mainTitle = AppProperties.getInstance()
                        + " - v"
                        + AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              // adding PokerTable
              getContentPane().add(getPokerMainPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              getContentPane().add(getPokerChoiceListPane(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              getContentPane().add(getPokerMainMenuBar(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              // init playerPaneList
              m_playerPaneList = new HashMap<Integer, PokerPlayerPane>();
              // setSize(200, 100);
              /* Add the window listener */
              addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
                        if ( == null)
         private void refreshTitle(){
         private PokerMainPane getPokerMainPane() {
              if (m_pokerMainPane == null) {
                   m_pokerMainPane = new PokerMainPane();
              return m_pokerMainPane;
         private PokerChoiceListPane getPokerChoiceListPane() {
              if (m_pokerChoiceListPane == null) {
                   m_pokerChoiceListPane = new PokerChoiceListPane();
              return m_pokerChoiceListPane;
         private MainMenuBar getPokerMainMenuBar() {
              if (m_pokerMainMenuBar == null) {
                   m_pokerMainMenuBar = new MainMenuBar();
              return m_pokerMainMenuBar;
         public void addPlayer(Player player) {
              PokerPlayerPane playerPane = new PokerPlayerPane();
              playerPane.initPlayer(player.getId(), player.getSeatNumber(), player
                        .getNickname(), player.getStack(), player.getPlayerType());
              getPokerMainPane().addOnSeat(playerPane, player.getSeatNumber());
              m_playerPaneList.put(player.getId(), playerPane);
         public void setPlayerCardHighlighted(boolean highlighted, int playerId,
                   int cardNumber) {
              PokerPlayerPane playerPane = getPlayerPaneByPlayerID(playerId);
              if (playerPane != null) {
                   playerPane.setCardHighlighted(highlighted, cardNumber);
         public void setTableCardHighlighted(boolean highlighted, int cardNumber) {
              m_pokerMainPane.setCardHighlighted(highlighted, cardNumber);
         public void setAllCardsHighlighted(boolean highlighted) {
              ArrayList<PokerPlayerPane> playerPaneList = new ArrayList<PokerPlayerPane>(
              for (int playerCounter = 0; playerCounter < playerPaneList.size(); playerCounter++) {
                             .setCardHighlighted(highlighted, 0);
              m_pokerMainPane.setCardHighlighted(highlighted, 0);
         public Choice displayChoices(ArrayList<Choice> choiceList) {
              return getPokerChoiceListPane().displayChoices(choiceList);
         public void displayAsyncMsg(String msg) {
         public int getBetValue() {
              return getPokerChoiceListPane().getBetValue();
         public void addCardToPlayer(int playerId, Card card) {
              PokerPlayerPane playerPane = getPlayerPaneByPlayerID(playerId);
              if (playerPane != null) {
         public void addCardToTable(Card card) {
         public void removeCardsFromPlayer(int playerId) {
              PokerPlayerPane playerPane = getPlayerPaneByPlayerID(playerId);
              if (playerPane != null) {
         public void removeCardsFromPlayers() {
              ArrayList<PokerPlayerPane> playerPaneList = new ArrayList<PokerPlayerPane>(
              for (int playerCounter = 0; playerCounter < playerPaneList.size(); playerCounter++) {
         public void removeCardsFromTable() {
         private PokerPlayerPane getPlayerPaneByPlayerID(int playerID) {
              PokerPlayerPane foundPlayerPane = (PokerPlayerPane) m_playerPaneList
              return foundPlayerPane;
         public void setButton(int seatNumber, int buttonType) {
              m_pokerMainPane.setButton(seatNumber, buttonType);
         public void setConnectionStatus(boolean isConnected, String nickname) {
              m_title1 = " - " + nickname;
              if (isConnected) {
                   m_title1+=" is Connected";
              } else {
                   m_title1+=" is not Connected";
         public void setPot(int potValue) {
         public void setPlayerStack(int playerID, int newStack) {
              PokerPlayerPane playerPane = getPlayerPaneByPlayerID(playerID);
              if (playerPane != null) {
         public void setCurrentBetValue(int playerID, int betValue) {
              PokerPlayerPane playerPane = getPlayerPaneByPlayerID(playerID);
              if (playerPane != null) {
         public void setPlayerAction(int playerID, int PLAYER_ACTION) {
              PokerPlayerPane playerPane = getPlayerPaneByPlayerID(playerID);
              if (playerPane != null) {
         public void playSound(int ACTION) {
              String soundPath = "";
              switch (ACTION) {
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_ALLIN: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_BET: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_CALL: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_RAISE: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_PAY_SMALL_BLIND: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_PAY_BIG_BLIND: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_CHECK: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_FOLD: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_DEAL_CARDS: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              case ClientGUIInterface.ACTION_REMOVE_CARDS: {
                   soundPath = AppProperties.getInstance().getProperty(
              default: {
              if (soundPath != null && !soundPath.trim().equals("")) {
                   try {
                        AudioPlayer.player.start(new AudioStream(getClass()
                   } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        System.err.println("Unable to play sound:\n" + soundPath
                                  + "\n\n" + ioe);
         private void displayBlindValues(int curSB, int curBB, int nextSB, int nextBB){
              //m_title2=" - "+curSB+"/"+curBB+" (next values "+nextSB+"/"+nextBB+")";
         public void raiseBlinds(int curSB, int curBB, int nextSB, int nextBB){
    }The error when calling HoldEmClientGUI.class (I have 2 files HoldEmClientGUI.class and HoldEmClientGUIFrame.class, is it normal?):
    java.lang.VerifyError: (class: holdem/gui/menu/MainMenuBar, method: handleSettingsItem signature: ()V) Incompatible argument to function
         at holdem.gui.HoldEmClientGUIFrame.getPokerMainMenuBar(
         at holdem.gui.HoldEmClientGUIFrame.<init>(
         at holdem.gui.HoldEmClientGUI.init(
         at Source)
         at Source)
    import holdem.gui.dialog.ClientInputDialog;
    import holdem.gui.dialog.ServerInputDialog;
    import holdem.gui.dialog.SettingsDialog;
         private void handleSettingsItem() {
              new SettingsDialog(getHoldEmClientGUI());
         private HoldEmClientGUI getHoldEmClientGUI() {
              HoldEmClientGUI gui = null;
              Container curContainer = this;
              do {
                   curContainer = curContainer.getParent();
              } while (curContainer instanceof Container
                        && !(curContainer instanceof HoldEmClientGUI));
              if (curContainer instanceof HoldEmClientGUI) {
                   gui = (HoldEmClientGUI) curContainer;
              return gui;
         }I think the problem comes from private HoldEmClientGUI getHoldEmClientGUI() but I don't know what is wrong in it.
    Edited by: Quezako on Oct 14, 2008 7:51 AM

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    Settings > iTunes and App Store > Apple ID = Sign Out...
    Then Sign In using the preferred Apple ID.
    Anything Downloaded with a Particular Apple ID is tied to that Apple ID and Cannot be Merged or Transferred to a Different Apple ID
    Apple ID FAQs  >

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    inside Java Studio Enterprise/Netbeans stack of tools this functionality is implemented as NetBeans Profiler
    The Profiler hasn't been a part of default Netbeans distribution. The JSE8 is based on NB4.1. Profiler compatible with NB4.1 is an early-access Milestone release, and thus i'd recommend to consider more recent version of the Profiler, the one for NB5.x (though you'd need to install NB5 also).

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    Thanks a lot ,

    You can connect to SAP Systems by consuming the RFCs.
    you can use the JCO API to connect to R/3. the [documentation |]
    alternatively  you can use SAP Enterprise Connector to generate JCO Proxies : [The Documentation|]
    and somr more helps:

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    Is this the website that you are looking for? According to the very little bit of research that I did on this before responding to you, there have been changes made to the website and to the way that works ...if I read everything correctly.
    Did you have a shortcut to the website on your iPad home screen? If that is what you want to create again, navigate to that website in Safari and then tap the arrow icon next to the address/URL field at the top of the Safari toolbar. Form the window that will pop up, select - Add to Home Screen. That will put an icon on your home screen that will allow you to open directly to that page in Safari when you tap on it.

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    How would integrate it with Essbase?
    How should I build a Java application without losing any of Essbase?
    Anyone ever done this?
    What documentation should I read about this?
    Many questions and design challenges.
    Thanks for all

    Dear J.M. and Evgeniy.Rasyuk
    Its many useful responstas way.
    I do not believe that Oracle would take steps for me create a Hyperion Planning. -ok.
    Then all the resources used by Planning and other apps should be available for APIs and MaxL or otherwise connect, execute and monitor Essbase Database.
    I believe there is a significant demand for this scenario using technology Essbase.
    It's a big four who has requested an opinion on this.
    Thank you,

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    If you install the JRE, it associates itself with jar files, thus allowing you to double click on them to run. Other than that, if you want to be able to double click on an app for it to run, you will have to write a native wrapper around the JVM.
    Now, to run your app. making the command window dissapear, all you need to do is invoke the command with javaw.exe, instead of java.exe (notice the W in the first .exe). This runs java without a command window. If you still have your command window appear, prepend "start" to the call to javaw.exe. E.g.:
      start javaw.exe -jar myjar.jar
    Manuel Amago.

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    This does not sound like a Java problem. Go into your W7 control panel and make sure the ODBC driver is correct. Make a new DSN for your system and see if you can connect. You may have to reinstall the ODBC, it souds like something there is having a problem.

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    I don't know anything about using Java directly with digital cameras. However I have a few observations. When you say you want to interface Java with a digital camera, do you mean you just want to display the image in a Java application? If so, you can use the software that came with the digital camera to download the images as *.jpeg (or whatever) to the hard disk. Then you can use Java to easily read the files from the hard disk and display them or move them to some other location. For instance, when you display them in Java, then you can then ask the user to fill out various textfields to go along with the image such as giving a title to the image or a description.
    If instead you want to write Java to grab the images from the camera directly, I think that's a bad idea. I imagine different digital cameras have uniquely written custom software to communicate between the digital camera and say, Windows 7 (I'm guessing). I doubt all the manufacturers have agreed upon a common way to communicate. Therefore if you take this route, you will end up creating a large set of Java programs to communicate with each model of camera. A maintenance nightmare.
    However, I have seen applications such as taking passport photos that appear to communicate directly with a digital camera wired to the computer which I imagine the vendor supplied with the application.

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    594 KB/s (875316 bytes in 1.437s)
            pkg: /data/local/tmp/Twitter.apk
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    Dear all, now I am create a dababase application. My database use JData Store. But I don't know how to connect application with it. Can you tell me this proplem?

    Do a google search for JDBC, or go buy a book.
    You will need a JDBC driver which supports your database. Or you might be able to use the JDBC-ODBC bridge if there's an ODBC driver for your database.

  • How can I run a Java-Application with a Desktop-Icon ?

    I have got a problem: I want my Java-application directly by clicking on a desktop icon. Is there anybody who can tell me how to do so ? (I don't want to change my application into an exe File !!!).
    It would be nice if you could give me a detailed explanation (or a link to thus) because I'm not used to the Windows-Classpath System ( far as I need this...I don't know).
    Thank you very much,
    Findus the syntax just postet I forgot to set the absolute path of the file...but eveb if I do so it does not the variations I tried...
    D:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin>java D:\Viever\Gui
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: D:\Viever\Gui
    D:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin>java D:/Viewer/Gui
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: D:/Viewer/Gui
    D:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin>java D:\Viewer\Gui.class
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: D:\Viewer\Gui/class
    D:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin>java D:Viewer/Gui
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: D:Viewer/Gui

  • Images not getting Loaded while running Java Application through jar file

    Hello Friends,
    I have a problem while starting my application.I have written my application using pure java.There is no JSP or anything just pure swings.Mine is a standalone appplication.So i used to run it using a batch file.And when i used to start my application it used to not show me the what i did was i mentioned the starting directory in the properties of the batch file (ie in the start in column field).But that was when i was using weblogic server.And i have lot of people working on the same i used ZAC publisher in weblogic and along with that i used to publish the batch file the users dint have any problem.But now what is my problem is i m trying to use JAVA Webstart instead of weblogic ZAC.Now in webstart what happens is that i have to run the appliaction thru jar where do i mention the class path so that the images get loaded.As of now the imaes are not getting loaded.i feel this is a class path problem.but where do i mention it that is my problem.It would be really helpfule if someone could help me out.
    thanx and regards,
    [email protected]

    try out this
    ImageIcon img1=new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource(imagename));
    for exmaple
    Imageicon img1=new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("name1.jpg"));
    dont 4get to include the image files in the jar file

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    import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; class VideoStoreMainFrame extends JFrame      private JButton managerButton, cashierButton, customerButton;      private JLabel note;      public VideoStoreMainFrame()           super(

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