Getting realistic performance expectations.

I am running tests to see if I can use the Oracle Berkeley XML database as a backend to a web application but am running into query response performance limitations. As per the suggestions for performance related questions, I have pulled together answers to the series of questions that need to be addressed, and they are given below. The basic issue at stake, however, is am I being realistic about what I can expect to achieve with the database?
Geoff Shuetrim
Oracle Berkeley DB XML database performance.
Berkeley DB XML Performance Questionnaire
1. Describe the Performance area that you are measuring? What is the
current performance? What are your performance goals you hope to
I am using the database as a back end to a web application that is expected
to field a large number of concurrent queries.
The database scale is described below.
Current performance involves responses to simple queries that involve 1-2
minute turn around (this improves after a few similar queries have been run,
presumably because of caching, but not to a point that is acceptable for
web applications).
Desired performance is for queries to execute in milliseconds rather than
2. What Berkeley DB XML Version? Any optional configuration flags
specified? Are you running with any special patches? Please specify?
Berkeley DB XML Version:
Configuration flags: enable-java -b 64 prefix=/usr/local/BerkeleyDBXML-2.4.16
No special patches have been applied.
3. What Berkeley DB Version? Any optional configuration flags
specified? Are you running with any special patches? Please Specify.
Berkeley DB Version? 4.6.21
Configuration flags: None. The Berkeley DB was built and installed as part of the
Oracle Berkeley XML database build and installation process.
No special patches have been applied.
4. Processor name, speed and chipset?
Intel Core 2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13 GHz (1066 FSB) (4MB Cache)
5. Operating System and Version?
Ubuntu Linux 8.04 (Hardy) with the 2.6.24-23 generic kernel.
6. Disk Drive Type and speed?
300 GB 7200RPM hard drive.
7. File System Type? (such as EXT2, NTFS, Reiser)
8. Physical Memory Available?
Memory: 3.8GB DDR2 SDRAM
9. Are you using Replication (HA) with Berkeley DB XML? If so, please
describe the network you are using, and the number of Replica’s.
10. Are you using a Remote Filesystem (NFS) ? If so, for which
Berkeley DB XML/DB files?
11. What type of mutexes do you have configured? Did you specify
–with-mutex=? Specify what you find inn your config.log, search
for db_cv_mutex?
I did not specify -with-mutex when building the database.
config.log indicates:
12. Which API are you using (C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, other) ?
Which compiler and version?
I am using the Java API.
I am using the gcc 4.2.4 compiler.
I am using the g++ 4.2.4 compiler.
13. If you are using an Application Server or Web Server, please
provide the name and version?
I am using the Tomcat 5.5 application server.
It is not using the Apache Portable Runtime library.
It is being run using a 64 bit version of the Sun Java 1.5 JRE.
14. Please provide your exact Environment Configuration Flags (include
anything specified in you DB_CONFIG file)
I do not have a DB_CONFIG file in the database home directory.
My environment configuration is as follows:
Threaded = true
AllowCreate = true
InitializeLocking = true
ErrorStream = System.err
InitializeCache = true
Cache Size = 1024 * 1024 * 500
InitializeLogging = true
Transactional = false
TrickleCacheWrite = 20
15. Please provide your Container Configuration Flags?
My container configuration is done using the Java API.
The container creation code is:
XmlContainerConfig containerConfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
XmlContainer container = xmlManager.createContainer("container",containerConfig);I am guessing that this means that the only flag I have set is the one
that enables recording of statistics to use in query optimization.
I have no other container configuration information to provide.
16. How many XML Containers do you have?
I have one XML container.
The container has 2,729,465 documents.
The container is a node container rather than a wholedoc container.
Minimum document size is around 1Kb.
Maximum document size is around 50Kb.
Average document size is around 2Kb.
I am using document data as part of the XQueries being run. For
example, I condition query results upon the values of attributes
and elements in the stored documents.
The database has the following indexes:
xmlIndexSpecification = dataContainer.getIndexSpecification();
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","index", "unique-node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","parentIndex", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","uri", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","type", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","targetDocumentURI", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","targetPointerValue", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","absoluteHref", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","value", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","arcroleURI", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","roleURI", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","name", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","targetNamespace", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","contextRef", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","unitRef", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","scheme", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex("","value", "node-attribute-equality-string");
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(Constants.XBRL21Namespace,"identifier", "node-element-equality-string");           
xmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(Constants.XBRLAPILanguagesNamespace,"encoding","node-element-equality-string");17. Please describe the shape of one of your typical documents? Please
do this by sending us a skeleton XML document.
The following provides the basic information about the shape of all documents
in the data store.
<ns:fragment xmlns:ns="..." attrs...(about 20 of them)>
    Single element that varies from document to document but that
    is rarely more than a few small elements in size and (in some cases)
    a lengthy section of string content for the single element.
</ns:fragment>18. What is the rate of document insertion/update required or
expected? Are you doing partial node updates (via XmlModify) or
replacing the document?
Document insertion rates are not a first order performance criteria.
I do no document modifications using XmlModify.
When doing updates I replace the original document.
19. What is the query rate required/expected?
Not sure how to provide metrics for this but a single web page is
being generated, this can involve hundreds of queries. each of which
should be trivial to execute given the indexing strategy in use.
20. XQuery -- supply some sample queries
1. Please provide the Query Plan
2. Are you using DBXML_INDEX_NODES?
          I am using DBXML_INDEX_NODES by default because I
          am using a node container rather than a whole document
3. Display the indices you have defined for the specific query.
4. If this is a large query, please consider sending a smaller
query (and query plan) that demonstrates the problem.
Example queries.
1. collection('browser')/*[@parentIndex='none']
      <StepQP axis="parent-of-attribute" uri="*" name="*" nodeType="element">
        <ValueQP container="browser" index="node-attribute-equality-string" operation="eq" child="parentIndex" value="none"/>
</XQuery>2. collection('browser')/*[@stub]
      <StepQP axis="parent-of-attribute" uri="*" name="*" nodeType="element">
        <PresenceQP container="browser" index="node-attribute-presence-none" operation="eq" child="stub"/>
</XQuery>3. qplan "collection('browser')/*[@type='org.xbrlapi.impl.ConceptImpl' or @parentIndex='asdfv_3']"
      <StepQP axis="parent-of-attribute" uri="*" name="*" nodeType="element">
          <ValueQP container="browser" index="node-attribute-equality-string" operation="eq" child="type" value="org.xbrlapi.impl.ConceptImpl"/>
          <ValueQP container="browser" index="node-attribute-equality-string" operation="eq" child="parentIndex" value="asdfv_3"/>
setnamespace xlink
qplan "collection('browser')/*[@uri='' and */*[@xlink:type='resource' and @xlink:label='description']]"
      <NodePredicateFilterQP uri="" name="#tmp8">
        <StepQP axis="parent-of-child" uri="*" name="*" nodeType="element">
          <StepQP axis="parent-of-child" uri="*" name="*" nodeType="element">
            <NodePredicateFilterQP uri="" name="#tmp1">
              <StepQP axis="parent-of-attribute" uri="*" name="*" nodeType="element">
                <ValueQP container="browser" index="node-attribute-equality-string" operation="eq" child="label:"
                <VariableQP name="#tmp1"/>
                <ValueQP container="browser" index="node-attribute-equality-string" operation="eq" child="type:"
          <VariableQP name="#tmp8"/>
          <ValueQP container="browser" index="node-attribute-equality-string" operation="eq" child="uri" value=""/>
</XQuery>21. Are you running with Transactions? If so please provide any
transactions flags you specify with any API calls.
I am not running with transactions.
22. If your application is transactional, are your log files stored on
the same disk as your containers/databases?
The log files are stored on the same disk as the container.
23. Do you use AUTO_COMMIT?
Yes. I think that it is a default feature of the DocumentConfig that
I am using.
24. Please list any non-transactional operations performed?
I do document insertions and I do XQueries.
25. How many threads of control are running? How many threads in read
only mode? How many threads are updating?
One thread is updating. Right now one thread is running queries. I am
not yet testing the web application with concurrent users given the
performance issues faced with a single user.
26. Please include a paragraph describing the performance measurements
you have made. Please specifically list any Berkeley DB operations
where the performance is currently insufficient.
I have loaded approximately 7 GB data into the container and then tried
to run the web application using that data. This involves running a broad
range of very simple queries, all of which are expected to be supported
by indexes to ensure that they do not require XML document traversal activity.
Querying performance is insufficient, with even the most basic queries
taking several minutes to complete.
27. What performance level do you hope to achieve?
I hope to be able to run a web application that simultaneously handles
page requests from hundreds of users, each of which involves a large
number of database queries.
28. Please send us the output of the following db_stat utility commands
after your application has been running under "normal" load for some
period of time:
% db_stat -h database environment -c
1038     Last allocated locker ID
0x7fffffff     Current maximum unused locker ID
9     Number of lock modes
1000     Maximum number of locks possible
1000     Maximum number of lockers possible
1000     Maximum number of lock objects possible
155     Number of current locks
157     Maximum number of locks at any one time
200     Number of current lockers
200     Maximum number of lockers at any one time
13     Number of current lock objects
17     Maximum number of lock objects at any one time
1566M     Total number of locks requested (1566626558)
1566M     Total number of locks released (1566626403)
0     Total number of locks upgraded
852     Total number of locks downgraded
3     Lock requests not available due to conflicts, for which we waited
0     Lock requests not available due to conflicts, for which we did not wait
0     Number of deadlocks
0     Lock timeout value
0     Number of locks that have timed out
0     Transaction timeout value
0     Number of transactions that have timed out
712KB     The size of the lock region
21807     The number of region locks that required waiting (0%)
% db_stat -h database environment -l
0x40988     Log magic number
13     Log version number
31KB 256B     Log record cache size
0     Log file mode
10Mb     Current log file size
0     Records entered into the log
28B     Log bytes written
28B     Log bytes written since last checkpoint
1     Total log file I/O writes
0     Total log file I/O writes due to overflow
1     Total log file flushes
0     Total log file I/O reads
1     Current log file number
28     Current log file offset
1     On-disk log file number
28     On-disk log file offset
1     Maximum commits in a log flush
0     Minimum commits in a log flush
96KB     Log region size
0     The number of region locks that required waiting (0%)
% db_stat -h database environment -m
500MB     Total cache size
1     Number of caches
1     Maximum number of caches
500MB     Pool individual cache size
0     Maximum memory-mapped file size
0     Maximum open file descriptors
0     Maximum sequential buffer writes
0     Sleep after writing maximum sequential buffers
0     Requested pages mapped into the process' address space
1749M     Requested pages found in the cache (99%)
722001     Requested pages not found in the cache
911092     Pages created in the cache
722000     Pages read into the cache
4175142     Pages written from the cache to the backing file
1550811     Clean pages forced from the cache
19568     Dirty pages forced from the cache
3     Dirty pages written by trickle-sync thread
62571     Current total page count
62571     Current clean page count
0     Current dirty page count
65537     Number of hash buckets used for page location
1751M     Total number of times hash chains searched for a page (1751388600)
8     The longest hash chain searched for a page
3126M     Total number of hash chain entries checked for page (3126038333)
4535     The number of hash bucket locks that required waiting (0%)
278     The maximum number of times any hash bucket lock was waited for (0%)
1     The number of region locks that required waiting (0%)
0     The number of buffers frozen
0     The number of buffers thawed
0     The number of frozen buffers freed
1633189     The number of page allocations
4301013     The number of hash buckets examined during allocations
259     The maximum number of hash buckets examined for an allocation
1570522     The number of pages examined during allocations
1     The max number of pages examined for an allocation
184     Threads waited on page I/O
Pool File: browser
8192     Page size
0     Requested pages mapped into the process' address space
1749M     Requested pages found in the cache (99%)
722001     Requested pages not found in the cache
911092     Pages created in the cache
722000     Pages read into the cache
4175142     Pages written from the cache to the backing file
% db_stat -h database environment -r
Not applicable.
% db_stat -h database environment -t
Not applicable.
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
1 4 40332 773112 27196 1448196 0 0 173 239 64 1365 19 4 72 5
Linux 2.6.24-23-generic (dell)      06/02/09
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
18.37 0.01 3.75 5.67 0.00 72.20
Device: tps Blk_read/s Blk_wrtn/s Blk_read Blk_wrtn
sda 72.77 794.79 1048.35 5376284 7091504
29. Are there any other significant applications running on this
system? Are you using Berkeley DB outside of Berkeley DB XML?
Please describe the application?
No other significant applications are running on the system.
I am not using Berkeley DB outside of Berkeley DB XML.
The application is a web application that organises the data in
the stored documents into hypercubes that users can slice/dice and analyse.
Edited by: Geoff Shuetrim on Feb 7, 2009 2:23 PM to correct the appearance of the query plans.

Hi Geoff,
Thanks for filling out the performance questionnaire. Unfortunately the forum software seems to have destroyed some of your queries - you might want to use \[code\] and \[code\] to markup your queries and query plans next time.
Geoff Shuetrim wrote:
Current performance involves responses to simple queries that involve 1-2
minute turn around (this improves after a few similar queries have been run,
presumably because of caching, but not to a point that is acceptable for
web applications).
Desired performance is for queries to execute in milliseconds rather than
minutes.I think that this is a reasonable expectation in most cases.
14. Please provide your exact Environment Configuration Flags (include
anything specified in you DB_CONFIG file)
I do not have a DB_CONFIG file in the database home directory.
My environment configuration is as follows:
Threaded = true
AllowCreate = true
InitializeLocking = true
ErrorStream = System.err
InitializeCache = true
Cache Size = 1024 * 1024 * 500
InitializeLogging = true
Transactional = false
TrickleCacheWrite = 20If you are performing concurrent reads and writes, you need to enable transactions in the both the environment and the container.
Example queries.
1. collection('browser')/*[@parentIndex='none']
<StepQP axis="parent-of-attribute" uri="*" name="*" nodeType="element">
<ValueQP container="browser" index="node-attribute-equality-string" operation="eq" child="parentIndex" value="none"/>
I have two initial observations about this query:
1) It looks like it could return a lot of results - a query that returns a lot of results will always be slow. If you only want a subset of the results, use lazy evalulation, or put an explicit call to the subsequence() function in the query.
2) An explicit element name with an index on it often performs faster than a "*" step. I think you'll get faster query execution if you specify the document element name rather than "*", and then add a "node-element-presence" index on it.
3) Generally descendant axis is faster than child axis. If you just need the document rather than the document (root) element, you might find that this query is a little faster (any document with a "parentIndex" attribute whose value is "none"):
collection()[descendant::*/@parentIndex='none']Similar observations apply to the other queries you posted.
Get back to me if you're still having problems with specific queries.

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    Thanks for your reply. I have actually found a way to fix the problem and it had nothing to do with the subvi's in my application (well almost nothing . The first thing I tried doing was taking out the display local variables which displayed lockin data on 3 screens of my application into 1 separate while loop and replacing the Lockin driver code with global variables which had only the data I wanted to display. This helped a little bit but here's what fixed my problem completely.
    When I created 2 lockin SubVIs I forgot to go into File->VI Properties->Execution and there select Time critical priority and in the other option drop down list: data acquisition.
    As soon as I did that in the 2 subvi's the lockins actually began performing in real time and now it takes milliseconds to detect the signal and to update the displays.
    I hope this helps. I'm surprised the NI Tech rep I spoke with, hasn't recommended this even though I asked if there are perhaps some sort of compiling or priority options in LabView.
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    Yes, though it is less ideal than what I suggested earlier. You would need to place your AirPort Express in a location approximately midway between your AirPort Extreme Base Station and the TV. Then, using AirPort Utility, configure it to "extend a wireless network".
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    Use the iterator, or a foreach loop, which is just syntactic sugar over an iterator. The cases where there is a noticeable difference will be extremely rare. You would only use get() if you actually measured a bottleneck, changed it, re-tested, and found significant improvement. An iterator will give O(n) time for iterating over any collection. Using get() only works on Lists, and for a LinkedList, gives O(n^2).

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    Source table: 5.3M rows, ~150 columns wide. Parallel degree 4. everything else default.
    Target table 1: 0 rows, 27 columns wide. Parallel 4. everything else default.
    Target table 2: 0 rows, 63 columns wide. Parallel 4. default.
    Target table 3: 0 rows, 33 columns wide. Parallel 4. default.
    Target table 4: 0 rows, 9 columns wide. Parallel 4. default.
    Target table 5: 0 rows, 13 columns wide. Parallel 4. default.
    The parallelism is just about the only customization I myself have done. Why 4? I dont know it's pretty arbitrary to be honest.
    Table 1 has 3 index + PK.
    Table 2 has 0 index + FK + PK.
    Table 3 has 4 index + FK + PK
    Table 4 has 3 index + FK + PK
    Table 5 has 4 index + FK + PK
    None of the indexes are anything crazy, maybe 3 or 4 of all of them are on multiple columns, 2-3 max. The rest are on single columns.
    The query itself looks something like this:
    insert /*+ append */ all
    when 1=1 then
    into table1 (...) values (...)
    into table2 (...) values (...)
    when a=b then
    into table3 (...) values (...)
    when a=c then
    into table3 (...) values (...)
    when p=q then
    into table4(...) values (...)
    when x=y then
    into table5(...) values (...)
    select .... from source_table
    Hints I tried are with append, without append, and parallel (though adding parallel seemed to make the query behave in serial, according to my session browser).
    Now for the performance:
    It does about 8,000 rows per minute on table1. So that means it should also have that much in table2, table3 and table4, and then a subset of that in table5.
    Does that seem normal or am I expecting too much?
    I find articles talking about millions of rows per minute... Obviously i dont think I can achieve that much... but maybe 30k or so on each table is a reasonable goal?
    If it seems my performance is slow, what else do you think I should try? Is there any information I may try to get to see if maybe its a poorly configured database for this?
    P.S. Is it possible I can run this so that it commits every x rows or something? I had the heartbreaking event of a network issue giving me this sudden "ora-25402: transaction must roll back" after it was running for 3.5 hours. So I lost all the progress it made... have to start over. plus i wonder if the sheer amount of data being queued for commit/rollback is causing some of the problem?
    Edited by: trant on Jun 27, 2011 9:29 PM

    Looks like there are about 54 sessions on my database, 7 of the sessions belong to me (2 taken by TOAD and 4 by my parallel slave sessions and 1 by the master of those 4)
    In v$session_event there are 546 rows, if i filter it to the SIDs of my current session and order my micro_wait_time desc:
    510     events in waitclass Other     30670     9161     329759     10.75     196     3297590639     1736664284     1893977003     0     Other
    512     events in waitclass Other     32428     10920     329728     10.17     196     3297276553     1736664284     1893977003     0     Other
    243     events in waitclass Other     21513     5     329594     15.32     196     3295935977     1736664284     1893977003     0     Other
    223     events in waitclass Other     21570     52     329590     15.28     196     3295898897     1736664284     1893977003     0     Other
    241     row cache lock     1273669     0     42137     0.03     267     421374408     1714089451     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    241     events in waitclass Other     614793     0     34266     0.06     12     342660764     1736664284     1893977003     0     Other
    241     db file sequential read     13323     0     3948     0.3     13     39475015     2652584166     1740759767     8     User I/O
    241     SQL*Net message from client     7     0     1608     229.65     1566     16075283     1421975091     2723168908     6     Idle
    241     log file switch completion     83     0     459     5.54     73     4594763     3834950329     3290255840     2     Configuration
    241     gc current grant 2-way     5023     0     159     0.03     0     1591377     2685450749     3871361733     11     Cluster
    241     os thread startup     4     0     55     13.82     26     552895     86156091     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    241     enq: HW - contention     574     0     38     0.07     0     378395     1645217925     3290255840     2     Configuration
    512     PX Deq: Execution Msg     3     0     28     9.45     28     283374     98582416     2723168908     6     Idle
    243     PX Deq: Execution Msg     3     0     27     9.1     27     272983     98582416     2723168908     6     Idle
    223     PX Deq: Execution Msg     3     0     25     8.26     24     247673     98582416     2723168908     6     Idle
    510     PX Deq: Execution Msg     3     0     24     7.86     23     235777     98582416     2723168908     6     Idle
    243     PX Deq Credit: need buffer     1     0     17     17.2     17     171964     2267953574     2723168908     6     Idle
    223     PX Deq Credit: need buffer     1     0     16     15.92     16     159230     2267953574     2723168908     6     Idle
    512     PX Deq Credit: need buffer     1     0     16     15.84     16     158420     2267953574     2723168908     6     Idle
    510     direct path read     360     0     15     0.04     4     153411     3926164927     1740759767     8     User I/O
    243     direct path read     352     0     13     0.04     6     134188     3926164927     1740759767     8     User I/O
    223     direct path read     359     0     13     0.04     5     129859     3926164927     1740759767     8     User I/O
    241     PX Deq: Execute Reply     6     0     13     2.12     10     127246     2599037852     2723168908     6     Idle
    510     PX Deq Credit: need buffer     1     0     12     12.28     12     122777     2267953574     2723168908     6     Idle
    512     direct path read     351     0     12     0.03     5     121579     3926164927     1740759767     8     User I/O
    241     PX Deq: Parse Reply     7     0     9     1.28     6     89348     4255662421     2723168908     6     Idle
    241     SQL*Net break/reset to client     2     0     6     2.91     6     58253     1963888671     4217450380     1     Application
    241     log file sync     1     0     5     5.14     5     51417     1328744198     3386400367     5     Commit
    510     cursor: pin S wait on X     3     2     2     0.83     1     24922     1729366244     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    512     cursor: pin S wait on X     2     2     2     1.07     1     21407     1729366244     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    243     cursor: pin S wait on X     2     2     2     1.06     1     21251     1729366244     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    241     library cache lock     29     0     1     0.05     0     13228     916468430     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    241     PX Deq: Join ACK     4     0     0     0.07     0     2789     4205438796     2723168908     6     Idle
    241     SQL*Net more data from client     6     0     0     0.04     0     2474     3530226808     2000153315     7     Network
    241     gc current block 2-way     5     0     0     0.04     0     2090     111015833     3871361733     11     Cluster
    241     enq: KO - fast object checkpoint     4     0     0     0.04     0     1735     4205197519     4217450380     1     Application
    241     gc current grant busy     4     0     0     0.03     0     1337     2277737081     3871361733     11     Cluster
    241     gc cr block 2-way     1     0     0     0.06     0     586     737661873     3871361733     11     Cluster
    223     db file sequential read     1     0     0     0.05     0     461     2652584166     1740759767     8     User I/O
    223     gc current block 2-way     1     0     0     0.05     0     452     111015833     3871361733     11     Cluster
    241     latch: row cache objects     2     0     0     0.02     0     434     1117386924     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    241     enq: TM - contention     1     0     0     0.04     0     379     668627480     4217450380     1     Application
    512     PX Deq: Msg Fragment     4     0     0     0.01     0     269     77145095     2723168908     6     Idle
    241     latch: library cache     3     0     0     0.01     0     243     589947255     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    510     PX Deq: Msg Fragment     3     0     0     0.01     0     215     77145095     2723168908     6     Idle
    223     PX Deq: Msg Fragment     4     0     0     0     0     145     77145095     2723168908     6     Idle
    241     buffer busy waits     1     0     0     0.01     0     142     2161531084     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    243     PX Deq: Msg Fragment     2     0     0     0     0     84     77145095     2723168908     6     Idle
    241     latch: cache buffers chains     4     0     0     0     0     73     2779959231     3875070507     4     Concurrency
    241     SQL*Net message to client     7     0     0     0     0     51     2067390145     2000153315     7     Network
    (yikes, is there a way to wrap that in equivalent of other forums' tag?)
    223     835     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid     268697599     000000001003FFFF     passes     1     0000000000000001     qref     0     00     1893977003     0     Other     0     10     WAITING
    241     22819     row cache lock     cache id     13     000000000000000D     mode     0     00     request     5     0000000000000005     3875070507     4     Concurrency     -1     0     WAITED SHORT TIME
    243     747     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid     268697599     000000001003FFFF     passes     1     0000000000000001     qref     0     00     1893977003     0     Other     0     7     WAITING
    510     10729     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid     268697599     000000001003FFFF     passes     1     0000000000000001     qref     0     00     1893977003     0     Other     0     2     WAITING
    512     12718     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid     268697599     000000001003FFFF     passes     1     0000000000000001     qref     0     00     1893977003     0     Other     0     4     WAITING
    223     0     5779     5741     0     0
    241     38773810     2544298     15107     27274891     0
    243     0     5702     5688     0     0
    510     0     5729     5724     0     0
    512     0     5682     5678     0     0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Not getting enough performance out of Msi GT60 0NC

    Hello there guys! Since I've got my laptop I have been getting the feeling that I am not getting enough power out of my toy. I dont know if its me who have too big expectations about this laptop or it really should be performing better?:( I have done hours of research regarding drivers, graphic setup and not at least overclocking which seems to raise the performance quite a bit but it easily gets unstable. I am using Msi's preinstalled drivers as it seems like they give the best performance so far. I have also installed the modded Firmware from which works better than the original one from Msi. But still, i hear a lot of people playing demanding games on ultra with fps around 50-60. In bf3 I get around 40-60 on High with shadow on medium and post processing off, anti-aliasing off. Turbo is on + overclock. The performance in Gw2 is even worse.
    So here is my question: am I expecting too much from the laptop or can I do something to improve it and make it run like a charm? Another question would be if it is possible to change powervoltage to get a higher overclock?
    I would very much like to hear from u guys how your msi gt60 is performing:)
    Best regards, Mathias Kanstrup

    Quote from: zipper.sippola on 18-September-13, 17:57:49
    Same here, Gt70 0NE + 680M; overclocking GPU core causes clockdowns so gains are minimal. Overclocking memory is successful upto about 2500MHz but gains are small as the memory isn't the restricting factor in preformance - or the effect is just minuscule. So mostly 2 to 8 % in benchmarks, max.
    With extreme air cooling and a modified VBios, it's possible to get up to around 15%......I know this first hand.
    I just don't care to do it since there's little point in pushing the hardware that hard regularly. Yes, it's great for bragging rights, but it's not useful for long term use unfortunately.
    Overclocking the memory in the GTX675M might help a bit more than in the 680M. I'm not sure, I haven't really followed up on the other cards.

  • Upgraded CPU with AE CC and I get less performance!

    Hello everyone!
    I recently started working with the CC suite.
    My configuration is based on a 1366 motherboard and I have 24 GBs of RAM.
    Now when I first started using AE, my I7 920 worked really well but I wanted to see how much faster rendering times I could get by upgrading to a i7 990x.
    Well, it seems that my rendering times have nearly doubled since I installed my 990x!
    If I don't use multiprocessing ON when rendering, one of my projects takes 16 minutes to render (used to take 7 and a half), and trying different settings under multiprocessing gives me variable results.
    At best I can get close to my previous (i7 920) fastest rendering time. Which really makes no sense! The 990x has 6 cores and a higher frequency!
    The template I am using as a test uses no weird plug ins, just prerendered flares and motion blur.
    I also noticed that on my windows experience index, my CPU now has a score of 6.9. Now that can't be right?
    My mobo is a EVGA SLI Classified and my GPU is a 660 GTX.
    Any help is apreciated, whether it's 990x experience or multiprocessing settings for 6 cores and 24GBs of RAM.
    Thank you.

    More cores = increased parallelization = less effective cycles per core, meaning any operation that is only mildly multi-threaded or not at all will run on just one core and potentially feel/ be slower since the actual per core clock is determined by a multitude of factors that the processor and its features like TurboBoost are trying to figure out at runtime. As a result, it could decide to split tasks so unfavorably, it cycles through all cores every x number of clock cycles, but each core only then blips for a nanosecond. Or on the other hand it locks everything to just one core. Add to that whatever the operating system manages and you could effectively end up with only a fraction of your theoretical processing power on whatever is sued as the primary processing core. And if you didn't already guess it: Surprise, surprise, temporal operations in AE like calculating motion blur are mostly single-threaded because they require linear progression and evaluation of multiple states in a given slice of time. Likewise, you could be using specific CoDecs, your I/O performance could suck and a million otehr things could go wrong. This of course is a crude simplification, but you get the picture. Overall, just getting a new machine and expecting AE to do miracles is just slightly naive (no offense). There is simply too many things to consider and without actualyl knowing any hard facts like what comp settings, render settings and so on you actualyl use, nobody can realyl know. We could even go so far and just assume that you render to a slow external USB drive and then what you see would probably even be toatlly expected/ expectable.

  • Not getting optimal performance out of premiere Pro CC with New Mac Pro

    I have just purchased a new mac pro- 8core 64gb of RAM, and D700 graphics cards. I say I'm not getting full optimized performance because my machine will not playback 4k footage at full resolution. Should it? I looked into the package contents of Premiere Pro and notive that the D700 graphics cards were not listed under supported cards. If I type those in will that fix the issue?

    No it wont. No editing software out right now will play back 4K media such as Red at full resolution. The latency for processing the codecs is just to high right now. Redcine X Pro can with Red if you have the GPU accelerated Debayering version. Until that decoding is done on the GPU's in the editing applications, you wont see the full res playback most likely. I wouldn't expect the Red Debayering done at the GPU's in Adobe for a while since Red is still refining it.

  • How to get low performances alert for Hyper-v Host ON scom

    Hello Expert,
    We have to implement a scenario VM Live migration which involved (SCOM,SCVMM,SCORCH Parts).
    where SCOM parts  will monitor the performances of SCVMM 's Hyper-V hosts and VMs running the within the Hyper-v hosts.
    when the VMs utilization exceed the threshold and then scom monitor checks the performances of Running Hyper-v Hosts ,then using SCORCH automation ,VMs are moved to one of the best performances the Hyper-v hosts.
    To implement this ,I have integrated SCOM 2012 R2 AND SCVMM 2012 R2 AND enabled the PRO Tips.
    but don't know how to get alerts and configured related to performances of VMs and Hyper-v host.
    What will be next  needed to achieved this from SCOM PARTS.
    Thanks and Regards

    In addition, hope the management pack for Hyper-v 2012 can be helpful for you, please download and import it to your management group:
    Yan Li
    Regards, Yan Li

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