Getting rid of photo files

When I import my photos from my digital camera it goes straight into iPhoto. Then when I scroll through all the photos there are certain photos that I want to delete, but when I delete them in iPhoto they are still on my hard drive in the picture folder. Is there a way that I can just delete them in iPhoto and that same photo will be gone from my hard drive also?

empty the iPhoto trash - iPhoto menu ==> empty trash

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    Hello rmunsey,
    Thank you for the question.  It sounds like you have two separate iTunes Libraries but would like to add the music from one to the other to have one consolidated library.
    If you know where the files are for each library, I recommend opening one iTunes Library in iTunes and importing the files from the other library using the following steps:
    Open iTunes
    From the File menu, choose one of the following choices:
    MacAdd to Library
    Add File to Library
    Add Folder to Library
    Navigate to and select the file or folder that you want to add
    Adding music and other content to iTunes
    Next, you can search for duplicates:
    Choose View > Show Duplicate Items to show duplicate items (matches are based on the song name and artist). If you have multiple versions of the same song (for example, live and studio versions, or versions from different albums) you can hold the Alt or Option key (for Mac OS X) or the Shift key (for Windows) and choose View > Show Exact Duplicate Items. This will show only duplicate songs having the same name, artist, and album.
    How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library
    This should help you identify the duplicates all at one time so that you can delete the extra versions of songs.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    nerowolfe wrote:
    Can you drag the file out of the trash?
    If so, create a new folder on your desktop and name it junk, and put the strange file in the new folder.
    Now, in a terminal, enter
    cd Desktop
    and you should see the folder you just created named junk
    now enter the command
    cd junk
    if you now do
    you will see the strange file.
    enter the following command
    sudo rm *
    and enter password when prompted.
    This should remove the file.
    If not, post back.
    please don't do anything suggested in this post. none of this has any chance of helping and will potentially hurt as the offending file will be copied from the external drive to your desktop and might become undeletable there too.
    nerowolfe, please read the thread. the file in question in Trash on an external drive. it can't be deleted because of strange symbols in its name. the unix rm has been tried already and didn't work because of those characters.
    Message was edited by: V.K.
    Message was edited by: V.K.

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    Hope this helps.
    1. Empty Trash.
    2. Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Hold the option key down and click "Go" menu in the Finder menu bar.
        Select "Library" from the dropdown.
        Library > Mail > V2 > Mailboxes
        Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Empty Trash. Restart.
    3. Repair Disk
        Steps 1 through 7
    4. For more on this and very helpful tips:
    5. Disk space / Time Machine ?/ Local Snapshots
    6 Re-index Macintosh HD
       System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy

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    This isn't an endorsement since I haven't used it.
    Also get EasyFind and search manually (excellent, I have used it.)

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    Try using one of these applications to see what is taking up your hard drive space.
    File Scanner - OmniDiskSweeper  Requires 10.8 or better
    File Scanner – Whatsize

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    Unfortunately your post is off topic here, in the TechNet Site Feedback forum, because it is not Feedback about the TechNet Website or Subscription.  This is a standard response I’ve written up in advance to help many people (thousands, really.)
    who post their question in this forum in error, but please don’t ignore it.  The links I share below I’ve collected to help you get right where you need to go with your issue.
    For technical issues with Microsoft products that you would run into as an
    end user of those products, one great source of info and help is, which has sections for Windows, Hotmail, Office, IE, and other products. Office related forums are also here:
    For Technical issues with Microsoft products that you might have as an
    IT professional (like technical installation issues, or other IT issues), you should head to the TechNet Discussion forums at, and search for your product name.
    For issues with products you might have as a Developer (like how to talk to APIs, what version of software do what, or other developer issues), you should head to the MSDN discussion forums at, and search for your product or issue.
    If you’re asking a question particularly about one of the Microsoft Dynamics products, a great place to start is here:
    If you really think your issue is related to the subscription or the TechNet Website, and I screwed up, I apologize!  Please repost your question to the discussion forum and include much more detail about your problem, that could include screenshots
    of the issue (do not include subscription information or product keys in your screenshots!), and/or links to the problem you’re seeing. 
    If you really had no idea where to post this question but you still posted it here, you still shouldn’t have because we have a forum just for you!  It’s called the Where is the forum for…? forum and it’s here:
    Moving to off topic. 
    Thanks, Mike
    MSDN and TechNet Subscriptions Support

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    When you put your computer to sleep the contents of your RAM are written to the sleepimage file. This way, if there is a power failure or your machine shuts down unexpectedly in some other way, the data you had in RAM when you put the machine to sleep won't be lost.
    You can disable this process through Terminal (see this topic), but simply deleting the file won't save the hard drive space because the file will be recreated the next time you log in or restart.

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    I have my settings as "in library" for Media and Cache.
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    Select  library and go to "File->Delete Library Generated Files" (or similarly select just an event or project, the wording of the menu will change accordingly).
    You can then elect to delete render files (all or just the unused ones), proxy media and optimized media.
    None of this will prevent you from working on your projects. Probably you don't need them anyway, and if you do you can always regenerate them later.
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    The only real and safe way to do this is to do it manually  looking through each folder individually.
    Many third party utilities claim to clean out a hard drive of various detritus, but some times will deleted data that it shouldn't  and delete important data and that it shouldn't have.
    The only "safe" way to accomplish what you need to accomplish is to do this manually.
    Stay away from the OS X system folder!!!!!
    If you had a duplicate system install and had duplicate system files, your iMac would not be running right now.
    Hard drive getting full?
    You can download an app called OmniDiskSweeper.
    This app will allow you to see where files maybe able to be delete are located.
    If your Mac is running a fairly recent version of OS X, here are some general guidelines.
    Follow some of my tips for cleaning out, deleting and archiving data from your Mac's internal hard drive.
    Have you emptied your iMac's Trash icon in the Dock?
    If you use iPhoto, iPhoto has its own trash that needs to be emptied, also.
    If you have images stored in iPhoto,,the only way to weed out duplicates is to do this manually.
    When you delete them, they go to iPhoto's Trash. Remember to empty this when you are done.
    If you store images in other locations other than iPhoto, then you will have to weed through these to determine what are duplicates and what isn't
    If you use Apple Mail app, Apple Mail also has its own trash area that needs to be emptied, too!
    Other things you can do to gain space.
    Delete any old or no longer needed emails and/or archive to disc, flash drives or external hard drive, older emails you want to save.
    Look through your Documents folder and delete any type of old useless type files like "Read Me" type files.
    Again, archive to disc, flash drives, ext. hard drives or delete any old documents you no longer use or immediately need.
    Look in your Applications folder, if you have applications you haven't used in a long time, if the app doesn't have a dedicated uninstaller, then you can simply drag it into the OS X Trash icon. IF the application has an uninstaller app, then use it to completely delete the app from your Mac.
    Download an app called OnyX for your version of OS X.
    When you install and launch it, let it do its initial automatic tests, then go to the cleaning and maintenance tabs and run the maintenance tabs that let OnyX clean out all web browser cache files, web browser histories, system cache files, delete old error log files.
    Typically, iTunes and iPhoto libraries are the biggest users of HD space.
    move these files/data off of your internal drive to the external hard drive and deleted off of the internal hard drive.
    If you have any other large folders of personal data or projects, these should be archived or moved, also, to the optical discs, flash drives or external hard drive and then either archived to disc and/or deleted off your internal hard drive.
    Good Luck!

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    Good to see your name around again...

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