Getting values from a stored procedure with no parameters

I'm trying to get values out of a stored procedure that I created on SQL server. I'm trying to get XML values out of the database, but I'm not sure how to get any data out of it written to a file if the procedure doesn't have any parameters.
So I'm just making a call:
CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call myproc}");
cs.execute();How do I get values back from this stage?
Thank you very much,

The short form answer, which assumes that the stored procedure is returning the XML as an out parameter would go something like this.
     public void build(String newUserID, String newPassword) throws SQLException {
          String sql = "{ call GET_ITEM_DETAIL(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) }" ;
               init(newUserID, newPassword) ;
               setCallableStatement(getConnection().prepareCall(sql)) ;
               getCallableStatement().setInt(1, getItemNumber()) ;
               getCallableStatement().registerOutParameter(2, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.CURSOR) ;
               getCallableStatement().registerOutParameter(3, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.INTEGER) ;
               getCallableStatement().registerOutParameter(4, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
               getCallableStatement().registerOutParameter(5, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.VARCHAR) ;
               getCallableStatement().registerOutParameter(6, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.VARCHAR) ;
               getCallableStatement().execute() ;
               setSqlResult(getCallableStatement().getInt(3)) ;
               setSqlMessage(getCallableStatement().getString(4)) ;
               if( getSqlResult() != 0 ){
                    throw new SQLException(getSqlMessage(), null, getSqlResult()) ;
               setResultSet((java.sql.ResultSet) getCallableStatement().getObject(2)) ;
               if( getResultSet() != null ){
                    while( getResultSet().next() ){
                         setItemType(getResultSet().getString("ITEM_TYPE")) ;
                         setItemValue(getResultSet().getString("ITEM_VAL")) ;
                         setDisplayType(getCallableStatement().getString(5)) ;
                         setDisplaySize(Integer.parseInt(getCallableStatement().getString(6))) ;
          catch(SQLException e){
               java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date() ;
               java.text.DateFormat format = java.text.DateFormat.getInstance() ;
               setSqlMessage( e.getClass().getName() + " : " + format.format(now) + " : " + e.getMessage() + " : IN " + getClass().getName() ) ;
               System.err.println(getSqlMessage()) ;
               throw e ;
               closeResources() ;
     }The GET_ITEM_DETAIL stored procedure returns several out parameters of various types. The code registers them as out parameters along with an anticipated type and then calls the getXXX(n) method that corresponds with that data type in the appropriate position.
As I mentioned in my other post, the onus of returning the XML is on the stored procedure, when you get it into Java it's going to be a java.lang.String that you can then parse by whatever means is appropriate to your situation.

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  • Get a return value from a stored procedure.

    hi all ,
    i need to know where i am going wrong with the below code. I am trying to get a value from a stored procedure. the return type is int. The stored procedure works fine as i've debugged it. The variable have been declared correctly.
    int n = 0;
    proc = conn.prepareCall("{ ? = call SP_GETITEMCURRENTSOH(?,?) }");
                proc.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
                proc.setString(1, locationCode);
                proc.setString(2, itemCode);
                n = proc.getInt(1);thanks

    Hi ayub_a,
    According the [ *setString*|,%20java.lang.String)] method of the [*CallableStatement*|] interface, the first parameter must be a parameter name and not an ordinal position index !!!
    Edit : I've just found out the solution, it must be :
    int n = 0;
    proc = conn.prepareCall("{ ? = call SP_GETITEMCURRENTSOH(?,?) }");
                 proc.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
                 proc.setString(2, locationCode);
                 proc.setString(3, itemCode);
                 n = proc.getInt(1);Edited by: Chicon on Jul 5, 2009 7:48 PM

  • Calling a Stored Procedure with output parameters from Query Templates

    This is same problem which Shalaka Khandekar logged earlier. This new thread gives the complete description about our problem. Please go through this problem and suggest us a feasible solution.
    We encountered a problem while calling a stored procedure from MII Query Template as follows-
    1. Stored Procedure is defined in a package. Procedure takes the below inputs and outputs.
    a) Input1 - CLOB
    b) Input2 - CLOB
    c) Input3 - CLOB
    d) Output1 - CLOB
    e) Output2 - CLOB
    f) Output3 - Varchar2
    2. There are two ways to get the output back.
    a) Using a Stored Procedure by declaring necessary OUT parameters.
    b) Using a Function which returns a single value.
    3. Consider we are using method 2-a. To call a Stored Procedure with OUT parameters from the Query Template we need to declare variables of
    corresponding types and pass them to the Stored Procedure along with the necessary input parameters.
    4. This method is not a solution to get output because we cannot declare variables of some type(CLOB, Varchar2) in Query Template.
    5. Even though we are successful (step 4) in declaring the OUT variables in Query Template and passed it successfully to the procedure, but our procedure contains outputs which are of type CLOB. It means we are going to get data which is more than VARCHAR2 length which query template cannot return(Limit is 32767
    6. So the method 2-a is ruled out.
    7. Now consider method 2-b. Function returns only one value, but we have 3 different OUT values. Assume that we have appended them using a separator. This value is going to be more than 32767 characters which is again a problem with the query template(refer to point 5). So option 2-b is also ruled out.
    Apart from above mentioned methods there is a work around. It is to create a temporary table in the database with above 3 OUT parameters along with a session specific column. We insert the output which we got from the procedure to the temporary table and use it further. As soon the usage of the data is completed we delete the current session specific data. So indirectly we call the table as a Session Table. This solution increases unnecessary load on the database.
    Thanks in Advance.

    please check if this following proposal could serve you.
    Define the Query with mode FixedQueryWithOutput. In the package define a ref cursor as IN OUT parameter. To get your 3 values back, open the cursor in your procedure like "Select val1, val2, val3 from dual". Then the values should get into your query.
    Here is an example how this could be defined.
    type return_cur IS ref CURSOR;
    PROCEDURE myProc(myReturnCur IN OUT return_cur) ...
    OPEN myReturnCur FOR SELECT val1, val2, val3  FROM dual;
      MYRETURNCUR myPackage.return_cur;
        MYRETURNCUR => ?
    Good luck.

  • How do I return two values from a stored procedure into an "Execute SQL Task" within SQL Server 2008 R2

    How do I return two values from a
    stored procedure into an "Execute SQL Task" please? Each of these two values need to be populated into an SSIS variable for later processing, e.g. StartDate and EndDate.
    Thinking about stored procedure output parameters for example. Is there anything special I need to bear in mind to ensure that the SSIS variables are populated with the updated stored procedure output parameter values?
    Something like ?
    CREATE PROCEDURE [etl].[ConvertPeriodToStartAndEndDate]
    @intPeriod INT,
    @strPeriod_Length NVARCHAR(1),
    @dtStart NVARCHAR(8) OUTPUT,
    then within the SSIS component; -
    Kind Regards,
    Kieran Patrick Wood

    Below execute statement should work along the parameter mapping which you have provided. Also try specifying the parameter size property as default.
    Exec [etl].[ConvertPeriodToStartAndEndDate] ?,?,? output, ? output
    Add a script task to check ssis variables values using,
    Do not forget to add the property "readOnlyVariables" as strExtractStartDate variable to check for only one variable.
    Regards, RSingh

  • Calling stored procedure with output parameters in a different schema

    I have a simple stored procedure with two parameters:
    PROCEDURE Test1(
    pOutRecords OUT tCursorRef,
    pIdNumber IN NUMBER);
    where tCursorRef is REF CURSOR.
    (This procedure is part of a package with REF CURSOR declared in there)
    And I have two database schemas: AppOwner and AppUser.
    The above stored procedure is owned by AppOwner, but I have to execute this stored procedure from AppUser schema. I have created a private synonym and granted the neccessary privileges for AppUser schema to execute the package in the AppUser schema.
    When I ran the above procedure from VB using ADO and OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 driver, I got the following error when connecting to the AppUser schema:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'TEST1'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    but when I was connecting to the AppOwner schema, everything is running correctly without errors.
    Also, when I switch to the microsoft MSDAORA.1 driver, I can execute the above procedure without any problems even when connecting to the AppUser schema.
    I got this error only when I am trying to execute a stored procedure with an output parameter. All other procedures with only input parameters have no problems at all.
    Do you know the reason for that? Thanks!

    If anyone has figured this one out let me know. I'm getting the same problem. Only in my case I've tried both the "OraOLEDB.Oracle" provider and the "MSDAORA" provider and I get an error either way. Also my procedure has 2 in parameters and 1 out parameter. At least now I know I'm not the only one with this issue. :)
    '*** the Oracle procedure ***
    Create sp_getconfiguration(mygroup in varchar2, myparameter in varchar2, myvalue out varchar2)
    rec_config tblconfiguration.configvalue%type;
    cursor cur_config is select configvalue from tblconfiguration where configgroup = mygroup and configparameter = myparameter;
    open cur_config;
    fetch cur_config into rec_config;
    close cur_config;
    myvalue := rec_config;
    '** the ado code ****
    dim dbconn as new adodb.connection
    dim oCmd as new adodb.connection
    dim ors as new adodb.recordset
    dbconn.provider = "MSDAORA" 'or dbconn.provider = "OraOLEDB.Oracle" "Data Source=dahdah;User ID=didi;Password=humdy;PLSQLRSet=1;"
    set ocmd.activeconnection = dbconn
    cmd.commandtext = "{call fogle.sp_getconfiguration(?,?)}"
    'i've also tried creating a public synonym called getconfiguration and just refering to procedure by that.
    ' "{call getconfiguration(?, ?)}"
    ' "{call getconfiguration(?,?, {resultset 1, myvalue})}"
    'and numerous numerous other combinations
    set oPrm = cmd.createparameter("MYGROUP", advarchar, adparaminput, 50, strGrouptoPassIn$)
    cmd.parameters.append oPrm
    set oPrm = cmd.createParameter("MYPARAMETER", advarchar, adParamInput, 50, strParameterToPassIn$)
    cmdParameters.append oPrm
    set rs = cmd.execute

  • How to call stored procedure with multiple parameters in an HTML expression

    Hi, Guys:
    Can you show me an example to call stored procedure with multiple parameters in an HTML expression? I need to rewrite a procedure to display multiple pictures of one person stored in database by clicking button.
    The orginal HTML expression is :
    <img src="#OWNER#.dl_sor_image?p_offender_id=#OFFENDER_ID#" width="75" height="75">which calls a procedure as:
    procedure dl_sor_image (p_offender_id IN NUMBER)now I rewrite it as:
    PROCEDURE Sor_Display_Current_Image(p_n_Offender_id IN NUMBER, p_n_image_Count in number)could anyone tell me the format for the html expression to pass multiple parameters?
    Thanks a lot.

    Thanks for your help! Your question is what I am trying hard now. Current procedure can only display one picture per person, however, I am supposed to write a new procedure which displays multiple pictures for one person. When user click a button on report, APEX should call this procedure and returns next picture of the same person. The table is SOR_image. However, I rewrite the HTML expression as follows to test to display the second image.
    <img src="#OWNER#.Sor_Display_Current_Image?p_n_Offender_id=#OFFENDER_ID#&p_n_image_Count=2" width="75" height="75"> The procedure code is complied OK as follows:
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE Sor_Display_Current_Image(p_n_Offender_id IN NUMBER, p_n_image_Count in number) AS
        v_mime_type VARCHAR2(48);
        v_length NUMBER;
        v_name VARCHAR2(2000);
        v_image BLOB;
        v_counter number:=0;
        cursor cur_All_Images_of_Offender is
          SELECT 'IMAGE/JPEG' mime_type, dbms_lob.getlength(image) as image_length, image
          FROM sor_image
          WHERE offender_id = p_n_Offender_id;
        rec_Image_of_Offender cur_All_Images_of_Offender%ROWTYPE;
        open cur_All_Images_of_Offender;
          fetch cur_All_Images_of_Offender into rec_Image_of_Offender;
          if (v_counter=p_n_image_Count) then
            owa_util.mime_header(nvl(rec_Image_of_Offender.mime_type, 'application/octet'), FALSE);
            htp.p('Content-length: '||rec_Image_of_Offender.image_length);
            wpg_docload.download_file (rec_Image_of_Offender.image);
          end if;
          exit when ((cur_All_Images_of_Offender%NOTFOUND) or (v_counter>=p_n_image_Count));
        end loop;
        close cur_All_Images_of_Offender;
    END Sor_Display_Current_Image; The procedure just open a cursor to fetch the images belong to the same person, and use wpg_docload.download_file function to display the image specified. But it never works. It is strange because even I use exactly same code as before but change procedure name, Oracle APEX cannot display an image. Is this due to anything such as make file configuration in APEX?

  • Get variable values from a stored procedure

    I am using SQL 2008R2 and I want to replace a view inside a stored procedure with a new stored procedure to return multiple variable values. Currently I am using the code below to get values for 4 different variables.  I would rather get the 4 variables
    from a stored procedure (which returns all of these 4 values and more) but not sure how to do so.  Below is the code for getting the 4 variable values in my current sp.
    DECLARE @TotalCarb real;
    DECLARE @TotalPro real;
    DECLARE @TotalFat real;
    DECLARE @TotalLiquid real;
    SELECT @TotalCarb = ISNULL(TotCarb,0),
    @TotalPro = ISNULL(TotPro,0),
    @TotalFat = ISNULL(TotFat,0),
    @TotalLiquid = ISNULL(TotLiq,0)
    FROM dbo.vw_ActualFoodTotals
    WHERE (MealID = @MealID);

    You can replace the view with inline table valued user-defined function:
    See example: SQL create  INLINE table-valued function like a parametrized view
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Design & Programming
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Trying to get a return value from a Stored Procedure

    Hi folks,
    I have been tasked with something I thought was simple, but apparently its not that simple.  I am trying to call a Stored Procedure in UCCX that will do some calculations and returns back an integer value.  The stored procedure call I have is:
    DECLARE @return_status int
    EXEC @return_status = dbo.CTTLoginPhone @CTTId = $EmployeeID , @PIN = $EmployeePIN , @PhoneNumber = $CallingPhoneNumber ;SELECT 'Return_Status' = @return_status
    When I run this in this the editor, I get back one row.  If I run this in the debugger, I do not get any errors back and the stored procedure runs fine, however the Return_Status is not set either.  What am I doing wrong?
    I have defined Return_Status with intial value of 0 and the stored proc should be returning back 1 or 2, but the Return_Status remains as 0
    Can someone please let me know if I need a DB GET after a DB READ or can I just use the DB READ standalone when calling stored procedure.
    All help will be really appreciated.
    Thank you.

    I am having the same issue here... any help would be greatly appreciated. I am on UCCX 8
    I am getting 1 row returned when I click "TEST" in the READ step but the DB GET step is going into the SQL Error branch.
    Here are some details and I have attached screen shots of my script DB steps.....
    I have a Stored Procedure that is very simple...
    Select 'N';
    Ive created a dummy table with 1 field..
    TABLE: testTable
    FIELD: code
    Let me know if there are any more details I can provide....

  • Can you get values back from a stored procedure via OUTPUT parameters?

    Can you get values back from calling a stored procedure via OUTPUT parameters/variables? I call the SP via a SQL statement from a script either in a WF or DF.
    I thought I read some reference that DI could not get the values from OUTPUT parameters but I could not find it again (don't know if it is in any of the documentation or referred to in a forum.
    I did try a couple of tests but it did not reutrn any values via OUTPUT. But before I give up I thought I'd see if you could and maybe I needed to change something.

    This isn't exactly an answer to your question, but I'll point out that, given that you're resorting to a SQL script in the first place, there's no reason you can't also turn the output parameters into a regular result or record set. (The following uses T-SQL, although I think it's pretty generic.)
    declare @param1 int, param2 varchar(100), @return int;
    exec @return = proc @param1 = @param1 output, @param2 = @param2 output;
    select @param1 as param1, @param2 as param2;
    That is, to get from output parameters to a "regular" output from the SQL script isn't much of a leap...
    Jeff Prenevost
    BI Consultant
    Ann Arbor, MI

  • How to get values from a stored package variable of type record ?

    In my JClient form, I need to get values from a database stored package variable of type record. And the values are retained in the JClient form for the whole session. The values are copied only once when the form is started.
    What is the best way to do that ?

    not sure what your model is, but if it is Business Components, I think I would expose the properties as a client method on the application module. This way all JClient panels and frames will have access to it. You could use a HashMap to store the data in teh app module.
    If JDBC supports the record type, then you should be able to call it via a prepared SQL statement. If not, you may consider writing a PLSQL accessor to your stored procedure that returns something that can be handled.
    Steve Muench provides the following examples on his blog page

  • How to get both, the ResultSet and Output (return value) from Oracle Stored Procedure

    Hi! I am doing a conversion from MSSQL to Oracle with C++ and MFC ODBC. Any comment is appreciated!! I have Oracle 8i and Oracle ODBC 8.1.6 installed.
    My question is how to retrieve the return value AND ALSO the resultSet at the same time by using Oracle function without modifying my souce codes (except puttting mypackage. string infron of my procedure name, see below).
    -- My source code in C++ with MSSQL ....
    sqlStr.Format("{? = call ListOfCustomers(%i)}", nNameID);
    RcOpen = CustomerList.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, sqlStr, CRecordset::readOnly );
    Where CustoemrList is a Crecordset object...
    IN DoFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX) I have ...
    RFX_Long(pFX, T("Name"), mCustoemrName);
    // output parameter
    pFX->SetFieldType( CFieldExchange::outputParam );
    RFX_Int( pFX, T("IndexCount"), mCustomerNumber);
    -- m_CustomerNumber is where i store the return value!!!
    -- In Oracle Version, i have similar codes with ...
    sqlStr.Format("{? = call mypackage.ListOfCustomers(%i)}", nNameID);
    RcOpen = CustomerList.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, sqlStr, CRecordset::readOnly );
    -- I have oracle package/Body codes as following...
    create or replace package mypackage
    type group_rct is ref cursor;
    Function listgroups(
    nameID NUMBER ,
    RC1 IN OUT Mypackage.group_rct ) return int;
    Create or replace package body mypackage
    Function listgroups(
    NameID NUMBER ,
    RC1 IN OUT Mypackage.group_rct )return int
    from Customer
    WHERE ID = NameIDEND ListGroups;
    return 7;
    END listgroups;
    END MyPackage;
    Ive simplified my codes a bit....

    yes, it is exactly what i want to do and I am using Oracle ODBC driver.
    I tried using procedure with 1 OUT var fo numeric value and the other IN OUT ref cursor var instead of function, but error occurs when I called it from the application. It give me a memory ecxception error!!
    sqlStr.Format("{? = call ListOfCustomers(%i)}", nNameID);
    RcOpen = CustomerList.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, sqlStr, CRecordset::readOnly );
    it seems to me that the ? marker var is making all the trouble... can you please give me any more comment on this?? thanks!

  • Problem getting data from a stored procedure

    On the Oracle DB there's a stored proc defined like:
    PROCEDURE pGetHashes ( iFrom IN NUMBER, iTo IN NUMBER, sHash1 OUT CHAR, sHash2 OUT CHAR );
    When I call this procedure from within my app, I only get a value for the sHash2 parameter. The value of the sHash1 parameter is always null. (Running the same stored proc from sqldeveloper gives a result for both hash values.)
    Underneath I have added the code which I use to call the stored proc. Does anybody see anything I might have done wrong?
    int iFrom = 0;
    int iTo = 1000;
    using (IDbCommand command = dbConnection.CreateCommand())
    OracleCommand orclCommand = command as OracleCommand;
    orclCommand.CommandText = "pGetHashes";
    orclCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    orclCommand.Parameters.Add("iFrom", OracleDbType.Int32, iFrom, ParameterDirection.Input);
    orclCommand.Parameters.Add("iTo", OracleDbType.Int32, iTo, ParameterDirection.Input);
    OracleParameter orclParam = new OracleParameter("sHash1", OracleDbType.Char, 100);
    orclParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    orclParam = new OracleParameter("sHash2", OracleDbType.Char, 100);
    orclParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    orclCommand.BindByName = true;
    // after this the orclCommand.Parameters["sHash1"].Value is always null.
    // the orclCommand.Parameters["sHash2"].Value has the correct value.
    For extra documentation. Running the following PLSQL from within sqldeveloper results in both a value for Hash1 and Hash2:
    sHash1 CHAR(67);
    sHash2 CHAR(67);
    nFrom NUMBER := 0;
    nTo NUMBER := 1000;
    pGetHashes( nFrom, nTo, sHash1, sHash2 );
    dbms_output.put_line('Hash1: '|| sHash1);
    dbms_output.put_line('Hash2: '|| sHash2);
    Thanks for any light you can shed on this problem.

    I can only assume that something is "going wrong" inside your procedure that is resulting in NULL actually being returned, although I don't see any reason the code should be causing it.
    Try the folllowing "pGetHashes2" procedure, and let me know if you see the same results with your code. It works fine for me anyway..
    create or replace procedure pGetHashes2 (iFrom number, iTo number, sHash1 out char, sHash2 out char)
    shash1 := 'foo';
    shash2 :='bar';
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    namespace otnpost
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                OracleConnection dbConnection = new OracleConnection("data source=orcl;user id=scott;password=tiger");
                int iFrom = 0;
                int iTo = 1000;
                using (IDbCommand command = dbConnection.CreateCommand())
                    OracleCommand orclCommand = command as OracleCommand;
                    orclCommand.CommandText = "pGetHashes2";
                    orclCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    orclCommand.Parameters.Add("iFrom", OracleDbType.Int32, iFrom, ParameterDirection.Input);
                    orclCommand.Parameters.Add("iTo", OracleDbType.Int32, iTo, ParameterDirection.Input);
                    OracleParameter orclParam = new OracleParameter("sHash1", OracleDbType.Char, 100);
                    orclParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                    orclParam = new OracleParameter("sHash2", OracleDbType.Char, 100);
                    orclParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                    orclCommand.BindByName = true;
                    // after this the orclCommand.Parameters["sHash1"].Value is always null.
                    // the orclCommand.Parameters["sHash2"].Value has the correct value.
    Press any key to continue . . .

  • Getting value from Function stored in a schema and Watching the value of objects

    i'd like to display a labelA which is from a query -> (SELECT NAME FROM TABLE1 WHERE NAME = GetA). GetA is a function which I created in SchemaA. GetA returns a varchar2. In this case.. how can i do that ?
    should i write the PL/SQL in the format trigger of this labelA ? if yes, then what should i write in the PL/SQL format trigger ? or should i create another query in Data Model ?
    And how do get hold of this labelA's value(or the result returned by the query) in the parameter form?
    And lastly is there a way to trace the value of some report objects ?
    should i use SRW.MESSAGE ? to print out the 'watched' value ? or any other alternatives ?
    what is the url that takes me to learn all these ?
    I got this error "REP-1401: 'beforepform': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred." when i initialize the bind variable to a function (GetA)stored in Schema A ---> :P_A := GetA in the before_parameter_form of report trigger;
    anything wrong with the above assignment ?
    are there any difference between stored procedure like function, package in the database and those in in PL/SQL Library of report builder ???

    i'd like to display a labelA which is from a query -> (SELECT NAME FROM TABLE1 WHERE NAME = GetA). GetA is a function which I created in SchemaA. GetA returns a varchar2. In this case.. how can i do that ?
    should i write the PL/SQL in the format trigger of this labelA ? if yes, then what should i write in the PL/SQL format trigger ? or should i create another query in Data Model ?
    And how do get hold of this labelA's value(or the result returned by the query) in the parameter form?
    And lastly is there a way to trace the value of some report objects ?
    should i use SRW.MESSAGE ? to print out the 'watched' value ? or any other alternatives ?
    what is the url that takes me to learn all these ?
    I got this error "REP-1401: 'beforepform': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred." when i initialize the bind variable to a function (GetA)stored in Schema A ---> :P_A := GetA in the before_parameter_form of report trigger;
    anything wrong with the above assignment ?
    are there any difference between stored procedure like function, package in the database and those in in PL/SQL Library of report builder ???

  • Problem in calling of stored procedure with variable parameters

    When we try to call our stored procudure with variable parameter (year and month) we receive various errors.
    Here's the dynamic package script code:
    PROMPT(SELECTINPUT,,,"Please select time for restatement",%TIME_DIM%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,USER,%USER%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,APPSET,%APPSET%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,APP,%APP%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,LOGICFILE,%APPPATH%\..\AdminApp\%APP%\zbpc_to_fm.lgx)
    TASK(Execute formulas,RUNMODE,1)
    TASK(Execute formulas,LOGICMODE,1)
    TASK(Execute formulas,SIMULATION,1)
    TASK(Execute formulas,CHECKLCK,0)
    Our logic script file (zbpc_to_fm.lgx) code is:
    The problem occures while transferring the variable parameter %TIME_SET% value.
    How can we correctly transfer the selected value of TIME_SET into the procedure?

    Everything in the debug log looks correct -- the most important lines are the ones indicating the values passed from the user's response to the PROMPT(SELECTINPUT...)
    INFO(%ENTITY_SET%, 1733)
    INFO(%FUND_SET%, )
    INFO(%TIME_SET%, 2008.NOV)
    Are you certain that the stored proc is processing the input parameter for time correctly, when you run it directly in MS Mgmt Studio?
    What error messages do you see running it from BPC?
    By "customized user authorities" do you mean that the time dimension is secured, and this user has access only to and its descendants? If that's the case, the user should be able to see only those members in the action pane / current view, but the SELECTINPUT prompt should only show the base members (and not the year total and quarters). I'm still confused as to why all 12 + 4 + 1 members are passed through to the stored proc.

  • Calling stored procedures with output parameters using RDO and VB

    I have a simple test procedure defined as follows:
    inval2 IN NUMBER, inval3 OUT VARCHAR2, inval4 OUT NUMBER) IS
    inval3 := 'RETURN TEST';
    inval4 := 10;
    I am attempting to call this procedure from VB 5.0 using RDO and the Oracle ODBC Driver 8.01.06:
    dim rdoQd as rdoQuery
    dim grdoCn as rdoConnection
    strSQL = "{ call test_sp('SOMETHING',?,?,?) }"
    Set rdoQd = grdoCn.CreateQuery("", strSQL)
    rdoQd(0).Direction = rdParamInput
    ' get error# 40041 at above line
    ' "Object Collection: Couldn't ' find item indicated by text."
    rdoQd(0).Type = rdTypeINTEGER
    rdoQd(0).Value = 5
    rdoQd(1).Direction = rdParamOutput
    rdoQd(1).Type = rdTypeVARCHAR
    rdoQd(2).Direction = rdParamOutput
    rdoQd(2).Type = rdTypeINTEGER
    Set rdoApp = rdoQd.OpenResultset()
    MsgBox (CStr(rdoQd(1)))
    MsgBox (CStr(rdoQd(2)))
    When I run this VB code, I get the above mentioned error. If I use placeholders for all parameters (like "{ call test_sp (?,?,?,?) }" ), no error occurs.
    I really need to use the first type of syntax from above and not have to use placeholders for all parameters. Is there a way to accomplish this?

    Are you getting any warning while importing the stored procedure?
    Please check the below datatypes:
    While creating the stored procedure, if you have used varchar(MAX), please ALTER it to varchar(255) and reimport to DS.
    Also, the datatype of $message (global variable or local variable) used inside DS should also be varchar(255)
    Try a print statement in between.
    print('Message is '||$message);
    smtp_to('', 'Results of ' || job_name(), $rtCode || '//' || $rtVal || '~~' || $message || '//', 0,0);
    and see in the job log if DS is able to retrieve the output from DB.

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